Thinking Big: The 3 Levels of Steps to Knowledge

Watch Reed Summers speak during the 2020 Steps Vigil, May 26, 2020.
Reed: We’d like for you to think big in this Vigil. Think of the Earth right now. Think of the world of people. Knowledge is in them too. The greatest journey they could take in life is right there, waiting to be started in their lives. It’s The Way of Knowledge. It’s the journey back home to who you really are. So think out to that world of seven billion plus people, who are dealing with all sorts of challenges, difficulty, and the general confusion and stress of Separation itself.
Knowledge is in them too. They too need to find the way back home, in this lifetime, or the next. And so we’re a part of something very big. In a sense, it’s universal. It underlies the very existence of the universe, the universe being what God created for all of us in Separation, seeking Separation to experience freedom, choice, Creation. That’s what’s going on. And Steps to Knowledge is this gift that appears in worlds throughout the Greater Community, at different times, perhaps important points in history in those worlds, to enable individuals in Separation to make the connection and to bring something into Separation that they otherwise couldn’t bring, something from their Ancient Home. So this is big. It’s universal. And then coming down to Earth, it’s planetary. This has to do with our emergence into a universe of intelligent life, has to do with us responding to the alien Intervention in our world, which severely and deeply threatens our freedom and survival as a race in the future. It has to do with us making it through this year and next year. As a great world event takes place at a health and economic level, people around the world need to stay connected to Knowledge. They need to give to each other from this place. So that’s what Steps to Knowledge is about, too. So it’s universal, it’s planetary, and it’s deeply personal to you. It’s all three levels. And even though, yes, most of our experience of Steps is within the day, as a student, really we’re participating in something much bigger than ourselves.