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  1. Thank you for coming here for us, Marshall. You, and the New Message, are in my Heart.

    “Here you must see that your destiny is connected with the Messenger himself, for he is bringing the Revelation that will reveal your greater destiny and its possibilities for the future. For, you see, destiny is everything, for everyone was sent into the world for a higher purpose.” ~ Walking With the Messenger

  2. Strength, so important. I asked myself tonight, “had I known back when I started on this path what was required from this journey, would I do it now? And well, I can say with certainty, yes! It is what I came here to do and what else am I going to do? Try and lose myself in the distractions and pleasures of separation.. Tried that didn’t work, tried that didn’t work, tried that it didn’t work, tried that it didn’t work, tried that it didn’t work.

    Whilst the growing pains on this journey can be uncomfortable at times, I am learning that if you maintain your daily practice this journey gets a whole lot easier. You cant skip on the preparation, fool or bluff your way through this (you cant bullshit God). This is real and we need that strength, a strength that requires preparation and a solid foundation.. Again I am reminded of the difference between Knowledge and looking good. (ouch)… What a miracle it is to be in service to something that has real value, meaning and truth. The mountain doesn’t look so steep today, but I still need to take it one step at a time. I am so grateful that I can look ahead and see the path that others have made for us and look to those that are now leading the way for all.

    1. Don’t forget to look behind, reach back and help another up the trail. When we fall or slide down there are those helping us back up. Those ahead reach back, those behind push us up this trail. All together now, we endeavor to keep going. thank you for your posts on The Mountain and the journey. Your a strong inspiration to me.

      1. “You will need both those more advanced than you and those less advanced than you. Those more advanced pull you along, and you pull those along who are less advanced. In this way, everyone finds proper assistance. In this way, everyone is served. In this way, everything that the Unseen Ones give into the world can resonate through human relationships and reach many people in ways that can be understood, experienced and accepted.” – from – Who are the Unseen ones – GCS

      2. Thank you my friend. You didn’t just reach back for me, you were my lighthouse in the darkness when I fell overboard and was adrift in a cold dark and scary sea. Your light gave me hope and lit up a path of safe passage back home. You must have an infinite supply of life bouy’s, I lost count how many you threw me. I love you so so much Joyanne, you are a wonderful companion and a true friend. NNC

  3. Thank you Marshall for the instruction. The words that struck me this time are about the constraint. To me it means letting go of many distractions, concentrating on the readiness and living life in this readiness.
    There is no doubt that my life has turned out to be anything but the imagined. It is hard to convince my family to accept the new me (they have noticed the change). And it all started 25 years ago to a woman who was oblivious of spiritual life, let alone having a mission?
    Many realizations later, I consider my fork in the road to spiritual life as the best thing that ever happened to me. Before, I did not realize how life and even ordinary knowledge were limited, almost closed up in a “box”. The realization that knowledge in the universe is infinite made my life worth living for and this will always be the greatest endorsement for this way of life.
    So my excitement and happiness walking this road has no end, despite living pretty ordinary days in isolation. Thank you Marshall and All for being there and sharing the journey.

  4. I am still struck by this teaching Marshall is presenting, and the gravity and consequence of our ability to actually follow through. How conditioned we are by the world and our life. How isolated we seem from what we really are and know. Yet we are here, and we are responding to something that urges us on from the inside…something very real and powerful, but gentle and aware of our limitations and requirements. How many people when they look inside feel this sense of something important they have to do, but aren’t yet doing?

    To begin to recognize this and follow this is possible, and I have found the more I do this the more I want to do this…really want to do this! It doesn’t happen as quickly as our mind’s may want, but it does certainly happen if we are persistent and determined. How does it make one feel to consider that there is an important mission underway in the world that they are destined to be part of? When I really get with that there is such a strong “yes there is and I am needed” that it shakes me to my core. This is so real and vital and right.

    Marshall has asked for us to become what we really are. The way to do this is here now, and people are doing it. It can be done, and I say that because every one ahead of me is doing it, I am doing it, and others just starting are doing it. The New Message provides the way…The Way of Knowledge. It asks us to be honest and begin…take the first step…take the next step, and so on.

    A great athletic coach once said: “You either do it or you don’t, the rest is just talk.” I intend to do it and I keep that feeling and thought in the front of my mind…everyday, as often as I can. The feeling is real, the motivation and determination it fosters is real. The more I have done this the more real it has become until I have recognized that this is what I really want and know. We all possess this. I pray that many more people will find this and move with it to become what they really are. The New Message needs who we really are, Marshall needs who we really are, and the world and humanity needs who we really are. Let’s do it…

    1. Robert, I resonate very much with this: “The more I have done this the more real it has become until I have recognized that this is what I really want and know.” There is a real way in which I have learned to join that has been my own. Like you say, I had to really learn to want this, and despite all fears and distractions, there is nothing more important in the world to me than doing what God wills and living a life strong with Knowledge as I can be in each stage.
      Marshall gives a “must” here in this teaching: Developed, educated and strong if we are to assist him. May more people around the world enter into this Greater education, and may I learn more about who I am through their participation and development with us! NNC, let’s do it…

    2. I really appreciate what and how you said this here Robert. That great coach, his great achievement fostered by new habits like his directive, his ultimatum, left a mark on you, and through you, his wisdom, his urging leaves a mark on us.

      I also so appreciate what Marshall and Reed and everyone else here are saying in this directive and urging from the Source to the Messenger, and from the Messenger to me. It hits home, the simplicity of What Must I Do? What is the Truth? vs. the complexity of attempting to make separation from God and from life work. Such grace and encouragement and power and responsibility we are given by God in the New Message from God.

  5. The first personal revelation is simply the awakening of an awareness of how lost I have been, and still am. There does not appear to be any way out, or any direction. So it is faith I suppose that implores me to follow The Steps to Knowledge which sounds so simple and yet is so difficult. As Marshall mentions there are endless distractions and paths to lead you away from what is required, as well as every day demands for ones time, attention and energy. At this stage it is pure dilemna for this individual.

    1. Wolf thank you for sharing you for experience of this. I know how difficult this can be, and can feel. Again and again I find in the New Message statements like “Knowledge begins with disappointment” “When you truly see your predicament, then you will seek Knowledge.” Being honest to see where we really are can lead to a tremendous swell of conviction – conviction for what we now know really matters, conviction for a real way out, conviction for Knowledge.

      Here we finally come to want what we know, the mind can open and something can happen that formerly couldn’t in a state of ambivalence and lack of clarity and honesty about our real position in life.

      I ply these trying waters with you and all others. This is not easy. But, as you call it, this “awakening of an awareness of how lost i have been,” with this I can finally, whole heartedly, turn myself to the real answer that has been waiting for me all along, a decision to seek out Knowledge, now, today, tomorrow.

      The New Message teaches that this is the only answer that is truly an answer – to undertake the steps to Knowledge and choose Knowledge in the simplest of moments and in the important decisions now and up ahead. Becoming honest about how lost I have been, for me, represents a turning of the mind and my personal will in the direction of practice and engagement. With this I truly want Knowledge and this moves me forward in ways I couldn’t move if I was unable or unwilling to face my condition honestly.