The Tuesday World Meditation

Live Tuesdays at 7pm MT, USA

Live Broadcast from around the world

Other Live Broadcasts

Looking for a Fireside Broadcast, Encampment Broadcast or Vigil Broadcast? Please click the button below to visit the Archive pages.

Quotes About Stillness

“Stillness is a wonderful, glorious experience in and of itself. It is being at peace. It is being quiet. There are no problems to solve, no answers to acquire, no situations to work out, no future to plan for, no past to fret over. Here you are, right here, right now, an incomparable experience—so vast, so pervasive, so reassuring. Only experience can show you that this is true.”


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Live Broadcast Chatroom

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Follow this tutorial to learn how to join.

If you already are in our Discord server:
Here’s the direct link to the Live Broadcast Chat where we gather for the Weekly Meditation.

About the Tuesday World Meditation

The Tuesday World Meditation
When? Held every Tuesday Night at 7pm Mountain Time.
Where? LIVE from the New Message Sanctuary in Boulder,  Colorado and various locations from around the World, broadcast to the world on the Community Site.
Please join the Worldwide Community every Tuesday as the community comes together for Stillness and Giving.

About Fireside Webcasts

Fireside Broadcast of the Worldwide Community (Held periodically. Check for announcements on the Society News Group)
Alongside The Encampment, The Steps Vigil and the Messenger Vigil, the Fireside Broadcasts are an opportunity for students to gather in person and via live broadcast around the world. The Fireside Broadcast offers the Messenger and The Society an opportunity to update the Worldwide Community on the state of the mission of the Message and the Messenger and to provide the teaching and clarification needed to support the Worldwide Community’s shared studenthood, advocacy and participation with The Society. Events take place at the Greater Community Sanctuary and students are welcome to attend in person. In addition, the event is broadcast live to students around the world, with an open chat for students to share their questions, thoughts and experiences.

Featured Revelation