Understanding Legitimate and Illegitimate Fear

Listen to Marshall Vian Summers speak during a broadcast, March 14, 2020.
Watch the full broadcast.
You know, there’s legitimate fear and there’s illegitimate fear, in my view. Legitimate fear is your mind, or even Knowledge, alerting you to the presence of danger. It’s a natural response. If in reality, it’s occurring, it’s appropriate response.
So never think that fear is something that you have to overcome or shouldn’t have because you’ll become really dishonest and disassociated with yourself if you say that. Because fear is really—if it’s legitimate, if it’s dealing with something real and authentic—then is serving you and you need it.
Illegitimate fear, which accounts for probably 95% of our fear, is the fear of our imagining, imagined fear, the fear of: This could happen to me; that could happen. What if this happens? What if that happens?
That’s all self created, okay? You’re not dealing with the situation that is presenting that to you directly.
And then there’s the fear of not having. Will I ever have a relationship? Will I ever get out of this situation? Well, some of that is practical and authentic, and some of it is not.
So never think that you have to replace fear with love because that love will be nothing more than fear in disguise. People get into that state of mind and underneath them, they’re terribly afraid of losing whatever it is they have or think they want to have. It’s corrupt; it’s not the real thing.
So better to be honest, but also to look at fear and say, “Is there something I really need to be concerned about here for myself, either now or in the future? Or my friend? Or the person I love? Or my children, or anyone?”
I listen to my fear. And if it persists, then I think, “Ah, okay, this is not just a moment of, you know, fearful imagination. Am I really feeling something I need to pay attention to?”
And so you know, you’re getting signs on the inside of problems that will emerge within you or for you, and you’re getting them even as you approach this, okay?
So you listen to those signs, I mean, objectively. You can write them down, walk around them—maybe come back and see if they get bigger or smaller. If they get…if they’re just a momentary kind of feeling you had, or if there’s really something there you need to pay attention to. This is watching your own experience in a very objective way. And I think the times really call for this, extraordinarily.
But this is kind of how you learn to be with yourself. You know your personal mind is easily upset, easily frightened, and carries a great deal of persistent fear—mostly the fear of not having or the fear of losing what you have or the fear of never having what you want. And when you boil all fears down that are imaginative, they all come down to those elements.
So the mind does that—the personal mind. So you have to step back from that and just examine that and see “Okay, is this a flutter in my mind? Is this my mind going into it a momentary spiral? Or is there something there I need to really pay attention to?”
And one of the keys to that is if something is persistent—a persistent anxiety or persistent concern—definitely pay attention to that. Write it down. Patricia calls that a “truer list.” You write it down. And as you look at it frequently, it either becomes more true or less true. And that’s one of the ways you can objectify your experience without just keeping it in your own mind. Because I think writing things down and looking at them is very important.
You know, our mind is a swirl of all kinds of different forces and thoughts and influences. So when you write things down and look at them impassively, you can often see what you need to see from them. So that’s a good practice.
This is such an important message. Especially when working with homeless and Major abusive cases. This is when it’s important to listen to people take the time. then come back with some encouragement. Let it set with them and follow up a few days later with discernment. And then thru Knowledge and Angelic Assembly we will know what path to start that particular individual up the mountain.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you so much Marshall for this guidance. The fear that swirls inside and around me in the mental environment at this time of pandemic brings with it the opportunity and necessity to look deeply within. With gratitude. Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you for these words of inspiration when so much is confronting our personal minds. It has always been helpful for me to pause for a moment and consider what I am hearing and seeing as well as if I will react or act in some way because of this. This teaching caused me to look deeper into my practice which led to revisiting the Revelation “Inspiration”.
“Inspiration is something that you must generate within yourself. You must also seek it in your environment and in your relationships. To seek it in the environment, you must direct yourself to those individuals, to those events, even to those historical accounts, that reinforce your conviction and commitment and remind you that greater things are possible given true determination, true companionship and a worthy goal. Indeed, the lives of inspiring people can serve to help you here tremendously, for they have risen above their own circumstances. They have risen above their own concerns. They have risen above their own priorities to respond to a greater need in the world. They were not that different from you. The thing that distinguishes them from others is an abiding need within them and their ability to respond to the world.
This inner need and outer initiatory stimulation are very essential. You may feel the need, but something in the world has to call it out of you. You cannot call it out of yourself. True inspiration arises when you are engaged in the world in a purposeful way. True inspiration arises in the context of purposeful relationship—with a person, with a place, or with an endeavor. It is not something that is within you alone. It must be sparked by the presence of others and in the context of a greater involvement..”
Rahn Ekan Novay Trenansa, Misu Veda Maya Toom, …. Rahn, … Nasi Novare Coram