What is Spiritual Awakening? How Do You Know if it is Happening to You?

Watch Reed Summers speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Opening Broadcast, January 24, 2018.

Around the world are people of every walk of life who are feeling a stirring and a calling at a very deep level. Who are these people? And maybe you’re one of them, maybe. I know I am. Maybe you’re one of these people who felt, maybe from an early age, that there was something about your life that would be important and special, that there were certain people you needed to meet, something important you needed to do. Perhaps you felt a kind of a push and a pull—a push to get to a certain place to meet someone, to do something; and a pull, a restraint away from doing certain things, even to the point where it might have been difficult to commit to career and family and everything else that everyone else is committing their lives to, often before they even know what their life is.

Perhaps you felt that you just couldn’t do that for some reason; that there was something you had to save yourself for, but you had no idea what that was; that at some level you are about something. There is something in the world with your name on it. There’s a state of mind or awareness that you have to seek out. And that all that culture or religion or family says is what you should do—must do—to be happy and fulfilled is not it. It’s not there. Perhaps we’ve tried fulfilling all of that and have found it empty. Or perhaps we have held ourselves back from committing to that, knowing that there is something else out in the mystery or the wilderness of life calling to us that we had to go find and so the search began.

And I know for many of us that search has been ongoing. And yet that search was meant to lead us to a discovery. We were meant to find something and conclude our search, and so began our contribution, our development, our inner preparation. And that’s really why we’re here with you tonight, because the planet Earth is facing the greatest evolutionary challenges in its history—in human history. And we’re here; we’re all in the world at that time of the greatest threshold of change ever.

We’re going to speak about what that change is. It’s change at every level. And it’s change at the deepest level. And at a planetary, in a planetary sense, that deepest and greatest change is our emergence into a universe of intelligent life—stepping out of our isolation and coming into contact with the vast panorama of life beyond our world: greatest event in human history, happening now. And here we are.

And so no wonder that we are feeling a stirring at a deep level. We feel upset, perhaps, looking at the world. We feel confusion, dissonance in our own lives. Things aren’t adding up. Even as we try to do all the obvious and next best things, things just aren’t adding up. There’s something missing. And there are millions of people who feel this for very good reason, even if it brings about a tremendous lack of health and imbalance and discord in our lives as we try to be normal humans in a very not-normal time, as our world goes beyond the parameters of a purely human-centered viewpoint and experience into what we call a Greater Community viewpoint and experience. No wonder it’s been so difficult to make sense of life on this earth because we haven’t had the keys to understanding the greater context in which we live, which really explains the deeper gifts that we brought into the world to give. It explains our deeper nature. It finally gives clarity to who we are and why we are the way we are.

So around the world people are feeling this stir and this call. And it’s time now to go beyond that initial feeling and sense to really engage with that calling and allow the awakening of this deeper spiritual power that we possess to take place. Because that is what the world needs: we, who have come into the world to serve the world at its greatest time of need; we who have a unique nature and design, a set of gifts, a deeper awareness, perhaps even of life beyond this world. We have this to offer

And Patricia and I are here tonight to talk about the core reality within each of us that will reveal what this deeper nature is—this greater purpose, this nature and design that we all have. And what that is, is Knowledge—the spiritual mind within each of us.

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