What is the difference between the Soul and Knowledge?

Hear Marshall speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Opening Night, Jan 22, 2017.
The Soul represents the part of us wandering in the physical universe living in Separation. Knowledge within us is the part of us that is still connected to Heaven. The Soul has developed a personal mind, a worldly mind to be able to function in the physical reality, whereas the mind of Knowledge is still connected to Creation.
So even though the personal mind will fade and die after we leave our bodies, the Soul continues.
Ultimately the purpose of redemption is to unite the Soul with Knowledge, and that makes you complete because those parts of you both represent your eternal reality. Fundamentally, it is the part of us that is wandering in the physical universe living in Separation. And as it becomes reunited with Knowledge, it becomes…the Separation begins to be undone within us because the two parts of our essential self are being brought back together—one part of us living in Separation, one part of us that is beyond Separation.
That’s why redemption is so powerful because it’s built in. We just have to know how to approach it and understand it and take the Steps to Knowledge.
When we entered Separation, we separated from Creation, which is permanent and unchanging, into a changing world, a changing environment, into an individual form.
In doing so, we also separated internally between the part of us that was going to be in this physical reality from the part of us that has never left Creation. And the part of us that is living in the physical reality is the Soul, our Soul, which is different than our personal mind; it’s more permanent than our personal mind or our physical body.
So there’s a separation between us and our Source and Creation. There’s also a separation within ourselves between our social, individual identity and our true nature, which represents our soul. So you could say our soul is our true nature as you are currently existing in a temporary from in a physical reality, the part of our permanent self that is now living in Separation.
bonjour à Marshall et aux siens…..je viens de lire le petit texte sur l’Âme, car effectivement, malgré maintenant 6 ans d’études et de pratiques, ce point central et assez final du Chemin n’est pratiquement pas enseigné….cela contient une raison que nos Enseignants supérieures dont leur Sagesse savent pourquoi….car pour moi étudiant débutant pour toujours, l’Âme est la finalité du Plan divin, le PEUPLE DE DIEU….pardon si cela choc, mais j’ai toujours osé pour ouvrir les Portes…
If I remember right, to paraphrase the Message, “If it isn’t from the Steps or the Message , it is from the ambivalence and fear of the chaotic ideas of the darkness in the world, the forces of dissonance. I didn’t put it very well, but you get the idea.
That lie about selling the thing you are? Soul? Spirit? Well, it has a germ of truth in that when we buy into their lies we are in effect selling ourselves into slavery. The “help” someone offered you is most likely an illusion, and I myself would count on it to solve anything for me.
Did someone actually tell you they thought you may have sold your soul by unknowingly making an agreement with aliens? For example while sleeping? That’s how I’ve heard it in the past. I have not run across that particular angle for a few years though.
There is a germ of truth in this lie, like many good lies. We are influenced in the mental environment while we sleep by the ideas powered by their group minds. And they influence us without our awareness while we are awake, as well.
If we are not being pro-active about our own use of the mental environment, we are being passive, unaware consumers, lapping it up. Nice image, yes?
These are ideas people should start becoming familiar and even comfortable with. And so we will.
Correction: I would NOT count on it helping me, the kind of “help” this person offered you.
Sorry for my late answer i didn’t see your comment.
”Did someone actually tell you they thought you may have sold your soul by unknowingly making an agreement with aliens? For example while sleeping?”
Yeah exactly like this.It makes sense now.Thank you very much for your luminous comment.
Happy new year! I celebrated by starting Steps again today 🙂 Cheers!
@a-z? You can read here.
Can somebody lose his/her soul?
Why do you ask, @a-z?
I don’t know. But I can tell you what I think, based on Marshall’s New Revelations.
Look at the soul as an extension of Knowledge, Knowledge is united with God. If the soul is a prolongation of Knowledge, nobody can steal your soul. They can harm your mind, they can destroy your body, they can trick your mind into appearing to be alone and lost. That is why we must establish strong ties with Knowledge, and this is done by studying the Steps to Knowledge and by studying the New Revelations of God. Have faith, continue with your study and if you have not yet begun, have courage and begin.
God bless you and thank you for your question.
Thank you both @Matangi and @Jose Miquel for your replies.I asked this question because i was in touch for a year with a spiritual hypnotherapist who is claiming that people souls may make deals with aliens or demons,and low vibrational entities in general.The consequence of a deal is that the person lose his/her soul after life and becomes enslaved to the entity of the deal.Also deals may be unconsious and the people may make them without even their knowing.I’m being trapped between the information of this spiritual hypnotherapist and Marshall’s teachings.
I started two months ago taking the steps to knowledge and i’m feeling more whole and united but my mind is still confused and there is a lot of fear inside me regarding the issue of soul loss.I would like if it’s possible to speak to somebody with more details privately.May God bless us too,and thank you again for your comments.
Nasi Novare Coram.
As some lyricists have put it, “we are spirits in the material world,” and “there must be a higher love.” How can one have sold their soul when they are that spirit? As C. S. Lewis put it, “Do I have a soul? I am a spirit. I have a body.”
We live here in the material, manifest in a physical body, complete with brain, (we hope) for this learning mind of ours, living in this space-time we call reality. We see ourselves as separate selves. As we learn about our world our mind tries to make sense of everything. This can lead to all sorts of beliefs. And of course we are led. And as we generally feel a need to belong, somehow, somewhere, so we tend to go where led.
You will one day return to your higher self, your spiritual family, when you leave here. You are on that journey, perhaps conscious at some level, you are arriving. And before coming here, that self may have incorporated some formerly separate identities that reclaimed knowledge and reconnected, some that lived elsewhere, on other worlds. You may indeed be part alien in that sense. Very likely we all are. This is after all a process of reclaiming relationships. And when we leave here to where “there is no time and no distance” we are with our family once again. 🙂 And all of our former selves.
Consciousness of our spiritual family, our higher selves, leads to a growing awareness of other intelligent life. Imagine not knowing why? Oh my! Imagine one day looking out at the world thinking of the people around you as “the humans.” Eek! It is an eye-opener. And a mind-opener. And imagine how much disinformation the intervention can generate knowing we will be so easy to confuse on all of these issues. Well, no, you don’t need to imagine confusion and ambivalence, you experienced it, we all did. We all do. And as you may have noticed it never goes away.
The agents of the intervention will never give up trying to distract us with their endless persuasive suggestions, distracting us back into beliefs that don’t really apply, except tangentially. I think it is that thread of connection to the truth most disinformation or distortion contains that leads us to being uncertain, we can relate to some degree. Maybe it’s true? Lol.
But that thread leads both ways. Coming back to the truth is easy, just bring your attention back to the present. Be here now–let distractions fall away. Your thoughts milling around that continually grab your attention? Should be subconscious, those processes endlessly sort data; let them do their thing–you really don’t need to watch. If there is something you need to know, something you need to notice, you will Know–attention to the present ensures that. Who needs anxiety? Let it go. Come back.
Truly we are all one, all “us.” Living here in separation? “We are one but not the same.” One can say it many ways. This is truly simple, once you see it. We are here now for a reason–we made a choice, to be sent into the world from the comfort of our Ancient Home to be here for this, to help. And a matter of course we are sent into this world with amnesia, with a dissipating memory of our true selves, our true existence, our real home. This is so we may experience this all afresh and learn from it anew.
But now? Now it is time we wake, there is work to do. This is why we are here now.
Peace, NNC – Bill
P. S. Your psychic friend is currently invested in their perspective. Earning money at a trade can overtake one’s life, yes? We all learn eventually, hopefully we learn in time. We need more people to reconnect in this world, here and now. We have so very little time here, now, to save this world. Thank you for being here, now, for this.
Thank you very much for your comment.I feel relief now.
@a-z , Panagiotis, I can only repeat, what @sospi said above, and add this Revelation, that I recommend to you warmly. It should lift a great deal of your burden 🙂
Edit: And @Bill said above.
Thank you very much Matangi.I feel better now.This article enlightened me.
I don’ t “have” a soul, I am a soul, a spirit. I have a body, and a brain. They live in the physical and mental environment. I live in them. I would have to lose my self to lose my spirit. People believe all sorts of crazy crap. One of the crazier is that lie about making deals with aliens to give up your soul… it’s a bunch of bull.
Gee I wonder who thought that one up? The aliens wanting us to live in fear of just such a thing, most likely. Talk about a sneaky way to make someone feel fearful and powerless. I would give that person a piece of my mind. Or just count your blessings that you got yourself free of their influence.
So are we sure that deal making is a lie?Why people support it?Unfortunately I’m not totally free of this influence.However i should trust a student of the new message like you and not a person that is not directed by knowledge!Thank you very much for your support.
Typo mistake in retranscription : inot(into)
When we entered Separation, we separated from Creation, which is permanent and unchanging, into a changing world, a changing environment, inot an individual form.
Having this clarity of what the soul & knowledge is and the relationship and hence the essence of redemption, brings a massive clarification to life. A clearer understanding and hence experience in this realm allows for a deeper contribution to life itself. Thank you Messenger.
I really appreciated this concise clarification of this difference. Thank you Marshall. Immense gratitude for this and being such a clear and enduring conduit to our Source.
Healing Relationships, in this case between the soul and Knowledge. Relationship & Knowledge intrinsically linked. Wonderful, thank you
Thank you for this clarification, the soul is influenced by its environment (while living in separation, in the physical world), and Knowledge is not influenced because it’s not in this environment. Knowledge is somewhere else, but the soul and Knowledge can so to speak touch each other and the soul can be influenced if the soul wants to. It seems simple but it’s quite complex.
Is this teaching to be found on YouTube to be recorded and uploaded on Facebook?
Hi Asta, no at the moment this video is only available there at community.newmessage.org. However some of the videos found here on the Community site will be made public if Marshall feels that’s right to do.
Thanks Reed, got you!
Hi Reed!
I am Taqi from Pakistan. I have bipolar disorder and I’m not recovering physically. I ate pills to commit suicide, I survived. Some of the pills are still in the stomach and cause malaise. Medication for bipolar does nothing apart from elevating mood. All day I remain lost in thoughts. I want mental peace. I won’t be able to bear the pain or suffering related to death. Please pray that my death be easy. That I have courage like you have, to face death, that it be painless. I want to meet the Messenger and you but I live too far. Please ask the Messenger on my behalf, to pray for me. It would take a miracle from God and His Messenger that I endure the suffering and pain of death. Please I want lasting,permanent and true mental peace.
Hi Taki. I’m very sorry to see this message of yours asking for help, from two years ago, I see that nobody has read it because there is no answer, I hope you are well.
I can tell you from my own experience that what is happening to you now is temporary, you will get out of that state, the best way I found is to go back to the Steps to Knowledge, just by doing the steps you will see that what you are looking for there you will find it.
I hope you are well Taki, I send you strength, mental clarity and courage.
Knowledge is the part of us that never left creation. The soul is the part that left and is living in physical reality where it developed the worldly mind. It can be said that the Soul is our True Nature and continues after death. Redemption brings the Soul and Knowledge back together…
This is also very enlightening for me. I was confused about this before. But now it makes so much sense that the soul is the part of our permanent self that is now living in Separation and helps us to navigate this physical reality, while Knowledge has never been separated from Creation and helps to bring us back out of Separation to connect once more with Creation and the Creator.
Thank you Alisa for underlining what Marshall has said in a way that melts the confusion I had about “what is Soul” in the New Message. There is something so deep about this I feel I could sit in meditation with it for a long time. It is already a stretch to embrace Soul – the part of me that carries my history over lives. To then see all of this as part of my separated self and extend myself in wondnering to my non-separated self. Ooof. I’m not sure why it is so important to anchor this understanding but I’m grateful the teaching has been chosen for highlighting here and I will be listening to Marshall’s wonderful explanation many time.
So the soul is the one who separated and is now wandering in the physical and creating the mind and the body … very interesting! Ty
Thanks Asta, for bringing me to Marshall’s teaching about the Soul and Knowledge. This teaching for me is so clear yet so deep, beyond the grasp of the intellect, similar to “The Soul”, and “The Separation”. Yet, it does arouse the pain of separation and the yearning of reunion.
Always welcome, Lin Zhu! Yes these Teachings and Revelations are the ones our soul has been wandering around looking for to eventually find, perhaps?
Yes, Asta, we are so blessed to be given the new Ladder to reclaim Knowledge, and to climb out of the separation and confusion.
Thank you for clarifying the difference between soul and Knowledge.