What the Messenger Needs You to Know

The Messenger’s teaching during the Live Broadcast of Night 2 of the 2019 Messenger’s Vigil, January 25, 2019.
Marshall: I reflected that we have no record of what Muhammad said to his people, when they gathered every day, so we have no notion of the teachings of Muhammad, only the Revelation he received, which was not compiled by him.
So this evening I have an opportunity to talk to you, and to record this, so for all time people will know what I said to those who responded to my calling and to the proclamation. For I’m not merely the recipient of Revelation; much of it is within me also.
So if you’re going to deal with the Message, you kind of have to deal with the Messenger, which for all of you is probably okay, but for many people out there who might welcome a New Message from God, seeing the state of religion in the world today, might have difficulty with a Messenger in their midst. How would they regard this person? What might this person say to them, or say that would be relevant to them or affect their lives? So Messengers by their very nature: kind of troublemakers, not intentionally, but as a consequence of their presence. They bring not peace but change through the Revelation, which will lead to a greater peace than people would know of otherwise. So tonight I’m going to tell you a little about who I am, a little bit about my journey, just capturing a few points in it that I think are important for you to know, the work that I’m involved in, and the work ahead of me. It seems from the beginning the Revelation was just too much. But that just means you have to keep going because you cannot comprehend it all at once. You cannot fathom it all at once. You cannot practice it all at once. So you keep going. So the New Message tells us this is like climbing a mountain. You don’t conquer the mountain, you know, in the first fifteen or twenty minutes, or even getting to the first cliff or the first hillock of the mountain. For those of you have experienced mountaineering, you so easily can be deceived thinking you’re looking at the summit when actually you’re just looking at the next shoulder of the mountain, and there’s a whole other mountain on top of that. So we have these illustrations throughout the New Message to give us a sense that we’re on an important journey, and it’s a big journey, and it has stages of development and it has turning points and it has places where you have to overcome things within yourself to proceed. And that lazy, indulgent part of you has to be transcended at certain junctures when you would just rather take it easy and fall back. But Heaven gives us a little assistance by a subtle but pervasive push, a pressure to go on. So I want you to know that I’m not a person who was merely given this to learn about and to adopt and to share with the world. I was sent into the world from the Angelic Assembly to be the recipient. That means that I was prepared for this before I came. Had that not been the case, I don’t think anyone could have taken this on, without either quitting or corrupting it along the way. You have to be meant for something like this. And though I am a man and fallible and I’ve made many mistakes, I am still part of this greater association. So I want you to know that. I do not ask—or want—to be worshiped or adulated, only recognized. For this is my claim, nothing more, nothing less. The New Message has been revealed through me alone, and when I am gone, the Seal of the Prophets will close behind me and there will be no further Revelation. And that is why it has been so important that I receive everything that must be received, why there was such a long preparation for me before I even knew what I was receiving, which I’ll speak about in a moment. Yet such a thing cannot be given to one person to share to the world. It will require the assistance and the mission of many people who also were prepared before coming to be a part of this. In that way, it is so wonderful because I don’t have to win you over. I don’t have to charm you or promise you, you know, bliss and fulfillment and love and everything you want. I only need to speak to you in the truest sense, and that is enough. That’s such a relief. And the results are lasting because if you have to persuade someone to be with you, you have to constantly persuade them to be with you because the association’s not inherent, it’s not natural, it’s not pre-existing. The New Message calls this destiny, something we don’t invent for ourselves that is built into Knowledge within us, the deeper intelligence within us, the eternal part of us that is still connected to its Source. So no matter how far away from God we go, we’re still tethered to Heaven. It’s like we go down into the depths of hell and there’s a little string tied behind us to keep us connected and also to help us get back—not really a string, but something like that. My initiation took place in the fall of 1981. I had been…seven years before, I left my work as a teacher for the blind. I’m still a teacher for the blind. And I began teaching inner guidance and self-knowledge because I was having such a profound inner guidance experience that, even at that time—seven years. And I used all my teaching opportunities for my own training, and I received all of my curriculum from an unknown source, who would not reveal themselves to me until later. And in this initiation experience, I was taken into a circle with a little teacher who looked up at me, said something to me, and I felt like my body was going to be torn apart. It was completely terrifying. This was in a dream. And I woke up and it was still happening. And I was just barely able to hang in with it; it was so intense—the rays of initiation. It slowly diminished over days. As a result of that, I looked at my life, and I said, “I’m going to have to leave this life that I’m living, and the people in it.” It took me a while to do that. But I did that. Then I wandered for nine months. I gave up all my students; I had lots of students. I gave my work to my partner I worked with and just wandered, stayed here, stayed there. Ended up in the desert of the Southwest on a personal retreat. And they came to me again and said, “Return to the city and begin to record.” And I did that. So in January of 1983, I gathered some of the people that I knew from my inner guidance teachings and invited them to come and listen to this transmission—not in my voice, not my ideas. So since then, it has taken me a long time, 36 years, to receive the Revelation up until this point, which is largely complete—36 years to receive the largest Revelation ever given to this world as a Message from God, given with its own commentary, given with tremendous repetition, addressing nearly every aspect of our lives, with a preparation: Steps to Knowledge. And so for the next 18 years, I was receiving this and it was growing and growing in dimension and scope. In 1997, I was asked to receive a group of observers from the universe who wanted to give me information about life in the universe. Since I had just received Greater Community Spirituality, my Greater Community training had already begun. In fact, my Greater Community training had begun soon after I was married and took a retreat with my infant son and my wife into various places of importance. I won’t mention them. And I really wasn’t very…I didn’t really want to receive The Allies of Humanity. I didn’t want to enter that sordid world of UFOs, even though I was already in it by the very nature of the Revelation, speaking about life in the universe and wisdom from the universe. Well, that began my association with the Allies of Humanity, and I received the first set of Briefings over a period of one year. I think that I received four of them, and then a long period elapsed—I’m not sure why—when I received the last of the Briefings, of the first set of Briefings, of the Allies of Humanity. It was quite something. By then I already had, of course, Steps to Knowledge, Wisdom One and Two. I had Greater Community Spirituality. I had Relationships and Higher Purpose. All this had been received, and yet I still didn’t know what it was, or for, or what it would require of me. I knew it was important. I knew it was a teaching. I knew it was big. I knew it was immense in its scope and what would be required to study it. Oh, yes, but it was not until 1999 that I was informed, on the verge of having a serious health problem, that this was a New Message from God and I was to be its Messenger. Eighteen years of receiving Revelation and at that point, it was made known to me what it was, what it was for, and what I would have to do. It says in the New Message only the reluctant are chosen, and I was reluctant. But by that time you’ve already burned your bridges. You’ve already gone so far down that road, the Presence is with you. And Knowledge, the pressure of Knowledge and the Presence of Knowledge is strong enough that…so be it. Then I became ill from the stress of all this and could not receive Revelation for almost five years from the stress of these previous…well, it’s 20, 25 years—following the invisible light, taking my family on a crazy journey to places of significance, having to build my ability to receive Revelation. It took me seven years just to prepare to receive Steps to Knowledge. The first time I received the Presence in that way, well, it just flattened me for days. It just was so disorienting. Of course, our brains aren’t designed to receive things of this intensity, so it has created health problems for me over the years. During this time when I could not receive, called the “quiet period,” I did a tremendous amount of promotion work for The Allies of Humanity. I did a lot of interviews when I was able, to the degree that I was able to, receiving and counsel and writing, but not directly. And then at the end of 2007, my health had improved very slowly, began a huge tour of the teachings, books, as if to make up for all the lost time. For example, in 2008, I received 116 special teachings, Great Waves of Change, Life in the Universe, and Allies Three, all in about six months, sometimes several teachings a day. It was about seven or eight months, probably. It was intense. It was really something. So beyond then, I, of course, recovered and began to travel. And I think we have a slide showing some of the countries that I visited, that I was sent to receive Revelation because there were certain places of consequence where Revelation had to be received. And I also needed exposure to the world. And I’d like to thank my son, Reed, who is a veteran traveler, for taking me to all these places, which…He took me to some pretty interesting places, let me tell you. And when we would get there, particularly in the Middle East, we would walk the back streets, which was great. I love the people; it’s great. Everywhere I went, I met fantastic people. But I would have to go to a certain place to receive a certain teaching. Like The New Message for the Islamic World, in Alexandria. Oh was it Cairo? Sorry, Cairo—had to be there. We were living in a somewhat bombed-out part of the city where all of the uprising had occurred. I remember the elevator in that building didn’t have a door. When we entered it, there were no lights. We went to the top floor, which had a really nice little place to stay and views of the city and the top of the city—really something. And all these places, as much as I could I went to mosques and temples and synagogues and every…places of worship. I spent a month in Iran going to places of worship, with a guide. So I’ve been given an amazing, amazing opportunity here. Then in 2010 after another, more serious, illness, the Assembly gave the Great Proclamation teachings, which constitute much of the first three books of Volume One of the New Message: God Has Spoken Again, The New God, The New Messenger. Tremendous revelations. And pivotal teachings continued to be received, but in diminishing numbers with each continuing year. Up to this year, or last year, I had one. So I’m nearing completion, but there will be more, depending upon the needs of the Mission going forward, when I will need counsel from above or a revelation to explain something that must be explained that’s beyond my ability to explain. Then, one year ago, right after—days after—the Messenger’s Vigil, I was diagnosed with another serious illness, a life-threatening illness now, which has taken most of 2018 to deal with it. I’m still in the midst of treatment for that—setback publishing of books and many other things, many, many things. It’s been a really hard year. I had a… well, I won’t say. So I have received, studied, and lived the New Message from God, all these years in sickness and in health, times of difficulty, much of it in obscurity, most of that 18 years was in obscurity—preparing, preparing, preparing. So the time of Revelation has come. The New Message from God has been given. Knowledge is being stirred in people around the world, many for this Revelation alone. For they will not find what they seek apart from this, for they have a destiny to receive it and to serve it in some way if they can. But even if they can’t, then they have a destiny to receive it. So how will they find it? Who will bring it to them? People scattered in every culture, every nation, at every station of life. How do you reach this many people, not in centuries, but in decades? It’s going to take the service of many people, the courage of many people, the self-trust of many people to do that, just like it was a struggle for me to accept that I was on an important journey without a destination or a final explanation and that I had to accept the role given to me, which seemed so far beyond what I could do in that moment, with many hazards. We know what happens to Messengers. You’re going to have to accept the calling, the recognition, the experience that has brought you here and will bring you again and has brought you here before over all the rational arguments of others and even yourself, over all the other places you could go, things you could do. Many of you probably were told, “You’re too serious. You’re way too serious. Just relax; have fun.” And you’ll start telling yourself this now as you stand at the threshold or a gate because in the journey of the Revelation you come to gates, where you have to choose again. 1999 was a gate for me. A year ago was a gate for me. It’s like, I knew I didn’t know how much time I had, with a lot left to do. And I was too sick to do it at that time. The world is facing the Great Waves of change. We’re facing Intervention from the universe, an attempt to colonize the planet by other forces. And we, the native peoples of the world, are so distracted, and so contentious with ourselves and each other that we don’t know what is happening. And even people who have been personally affected try to make it a good thing, a spiritual thing, a wonderful thing, just like the native peoples in the past who saw the tall ships and thought they came from the spirit world and welcomed them, as from the gods. The same thing is happening today. The same inability to face reality, to know what you’re looking at: the lack of Knowledge, the lack of courage. So who will tell them? Who will bring this part of the Revelation to them so they may know and prepare, and help protect the human family at this time of great peril and opportunity? And I say opportunity because the Great Waves of change and our encounter with the universe are the only things that will unite a fractured humanity, not out of principle, not out of a shared belief, but out of sheer necessity. Necessity works. So facing great travail contains for those who can see the great opportunity no assurance of success, but there’s never assurance of success. You start out because you start out. You serve no matter what might happen. You give because it’s in your heart to give, not because of rewards assured or an outcome assured. Service here is not giving what you want to give; it’s giving to the situation what it requires from you, asks of you. That’s service. Otherwise, you’re giving for self-validation, and it’s not…the spirit of it isn’t right. We serve because we’re designed to serve. And if we don’t serve, we’re restless, unhappy, frustrated, at odds with ourselves, at odds with other people. We try to lose ourselves in people, places, and things, but the restlessness, the crisis continues. The more wealthy you become, the more isolated you become, the more encumbered you become, the deeper is your prison. And yet, being an ascetic is not the answer either, for there’s no retreating from the world now. There’s a great calling for people to come forth to protect humanity. Not just to improve humanity, not just to settle big, important problems in the world, but to protect humanity. In 2009, in a revelation, it was said, [in a] prophetic way, in 20 years it will be unrecognizable, the world would be unrecognizable in 20 years. Do you remember that teaching? [to Reed] Where was it received? RS: All I remember is reading it in the train station in Copenhagen with Patricia. MVS: Okay. We are standing at the threshold of great change. And you can feel it in your bones. So facing the two greatest events in human history, the two greatest threats to human freedom and self-determination—failing environments and Intervention from beyond—facing the greatest opportunity for human unity, the only opportunity for human unity, the New Revelation has come into the world to prepare us for all these things, to prepare us for what we don’t even think we need, or what the world needs. We know what has happened to the native peoples who have been colonized and overtaken. We are the native peoples of this world, all of us, everywhere, facing now an Intervention that seeks to hide itself from us but to affect us in every possible way. That is why the Allies of Humanity were called by the Networks of the Wise, which they represent in the universe, to give us their Briefings to help prepare us for what is occurring in our midst, for what we can’t see and can’t know beyond the boundaries of our world, for we know nothing about life in the universe. And then the New Message teachings on life in the universe came to tell us what life is like and why things happen in our local universe, and who would come here and for what purpose. Otherwise, we only have hope and fear to guide us, and that is blind. What I am here to do is to reveal through the New Message from God a whole new world reality, because the Messenger brings a new reality. The Messenger is not just a teacher or a prophet or a healer or a sage, for every era has individuals who perform these roles. But a Messenger comes only once perhaps in a millennium to bring a whole new reality. Last evening I spoke about engaging with the entire New Message over time because in that way you will see it is bringing a whole new reality—a reality of who you are, a reality of where the world stands, in its evolution, a reality of its future, a reality of the universe around us, a reality of the origin of the physical universe—everything. It’s giving us the big, big picture in broad strokes and the big picture about you, that you’re connected; you have a destiny. You were meant to be a part of something that perhaps you’ve been searching for your whole life unsuccessfully in people, places, and things. My next task is to proclaim the New Message and to step forward as its Messenger in a very visible way, for I have been held back, not only by circumstances and by illness, but also I’ve been held back by the Assembly itself, until the Revelation was complete and until I had enough support and assistance, until I had a platform, until I had a vehicle of everything you see here in our ability to broadcast, for example, in the books of Revelation, and a very trustworthy team of people who I can depend upon to function at many, many different levels of service and skill. All these things had to be built. And since people often change very slowly, well, it means a lot of waiting for certain people to arrive. Oh, they’re out there, reading the New Message, thinking about it, or not thinking about it. So I am…my life is the platform for the Revelation, but it’s also the seed of community. Even before the Revelation, I knew I was the seed of some kind of community, but not like some spiritual group living on a farm somewhere. No, no, not that, but a seed of some other kind of community. Sometimes you have these little signs that are not relevant to the present but to the future, and you should always remember them. Write them down, even if they seem irrelevant to where you are, for they may hold clues to the future—not to a certain future because there’s no certainty that you’re going to make the rendezvous, or stay with the rendezvous. That’s why for 18 years it was not revealed to me what this was. They had to know that I was reliable, that I would do unusual and irrational things, that I would go where I needed to go, but not for personal reasons, that I would carry forth what I was given to do, that I could take new branches of learning—like the Greater Community, the Intervention, the Great Waves of change—and take time to prepare, to understand. In the process, it burns off ambition, self-importance, distractions, allurements—time. For the ambitious are never chosen because they will never make the journey, and they’re likely to corrupt it if they even try. So my life, though has greater requirements than yours, there are certain elements of the pathway that hold true for everyone. Can you follow that invisible light? Can you change the physical nature of your life or the parts of it that do not work? Can you change your relationships if that becomes necessary? Can you change your ideas if that becomes necessary? Can you change what you thought you wanted if that becomes necessary? Can you follow the invisible light through the dark woods? It will not fail you. No more wandering. No more shopping. When you come to what it is, a whole new set of doors open for you. And as you proceed along, you will look at the people around you, and they will look like they’re living in chains. And you see this not with harshness or condemnation, you just see this—bound to their circumstances, bound to their ideas, bound to their religious scriptures, bound to their political views, bound to their judgment issues with others, condemnation of people they know nothing about, other people’s. But you have to go on. The calling is not for them; it is for you. So part of my task is to call to those who are being stirred, the noetic people of the world, the people who have greater sensibilities, the people who have a greater sense of spirituality, even if they don’t think they’re religious in any way. There’s a lot of these people out there. The majority of them are living under the oppression of poverty or religious or political oppression. How do I reach them, save but through one of their own, in their own country, their own town? You could become a saint without becoming politically free, the tea seller who dispenses grace that everyone goes to off hours for guidance. Part of my task now is to call the WWC, the Worldwide Community of the New Message, together so that I can share with them the reality of the New Message, provide guidance and correction when necessary and continue to spark the spark of Wisdom that lives within them, the small flame that needs to become a fire, provide the fuel for the pilot light that lives within them so it can begin to come alive. And I do have to provide, for this time and times to come, whatever guidance, clarity, and correction I can, for those who are gathered now, for those who will gather in the future who will never know me. For you need the Messenger to tell you how to live. A book can tell you what to do, but it cannot tell you when you’re doing it wrong. You cannot learn from precepts alone. You need the nature of true relationship, to refine your understanding and to protect you from the errors you know you will make or the errors you don’t know you will make along the way. So the more wisdom all of you have, the more you can help each other, compassionately, but firmly. I have to complete my remaining writings. Of great importance, I have to assign who will be responsible for maintaining the New Message going into the future. I have to lay the foundation for the future of the New Message beyond my time. I have to do that now. My mission: I’m here to initiate a multigenerational mission to accomplish the four purposes of the New Message, which I’ll read to you. The first is the survival of humanity in the future, facing the Great Waves of change and the reality of the Greater Community of life in the universe, a universe where freedom is rare and influence is powerful. Second, to prepare for our emergence as a free race into this Greater Community, for we are going there. It is coming here. It is happening. There’s no retreating to some pastoral life in the past. There’s no embracing some former imagined existence, some golden era that probably never was. We are going into this reality. Third, to foster a greater intelligence in the world and the human family, to call forth the power of Knowledge that lives within each person and give them an opportunity to experience this, to discover it, and to develop it, for their own benefit and ultimately for the benefit of others. And lastly, to keep this Knowledge alive in the world, where it can so easily die out, as it has died out in so many other worlds, or was never known to begin with. God’s Plan is to save the separated through Knowledge, not only here but in every world in the physical reality where intelligent life exists. So God doesn’t have a Plan for our little world, which the New Message describes as a grain of sand on a beach as far as the eye can see. God has a Plan for the entire universe, but how would we ever know that without this Revelation? We would have a folklore kind of god, or a god of the tribe, or originally the god of the tree, or a god of the hill, or the god of the storm. But then we had a one God finally, which is a good thing. And then, we assigned to God all-around qualities, of course, and thought of God in terms of our immediate needs, what we were aware of. But how would we ever know God’s Plan, if God’s Plan is for the whole universe, without knowing about God’s Plan for the universe? We wouldn’t. It’s a part of our preparation for the Greater Community. I have received the New Message from God. I’ve gone through the long preparation to bring it into the world, to become its Messenger. I’ve initiated this mission and I’ve called forth the first responders. I called you, and you have responded. Thank you. I’ve established the purpose and the direction of the mission and I must establish the foundation for its future existence as well. And I’m calling you to become a part of this mission, not merely be the beneficiary of it. Though I understand that first, you must receive the blessings and the power and the Grace, I must call you to go beyond this, for it is not for you that you have come. Redemption occurs because you’re providing service to those who remain, doing your small but necessary part in bringing a greater Knowledge and preparation to the world. In this, you remember who sent you. In this, you honor your Creator by carrying forth the mission you were sent to accomplish. Praise and adulation will not suffice, though it is good for us to practice it. But it is the calling itself that has brought you here in the first place. It is now the mission of the Worldwide Community, guided by The Society, and future leaders of The Society, that will protect the Revelation going into the world, where it will surely be corrupted and taken apart, demeaned, ridiculed, and misused. Who will protect it? Who will guard it? You who have lived at the time of the Messenger will have to account for your experience of the Messenger so that my life is not reinvented by people who didn’t know me, and it was cast in some other light, a glorious light. And know for the first time in the history of our world, the Messenger is actually preparing the Message. It wasn’t put together decades or centuries later by people who did not know the Messenger, were not initiated by the Messenger, were not in relationship with the Messenger. All the problems that have existed before in bringing Revelation to the world have attempted to be resolved with great effort, time, energy by those who have sent us and by those of us who gathered to receive this. I want you to know that I’ve entrusted Patricia, my wife, and Reed, my son, to lead this mission forward according to my will. Here I call you to trust and follow them when I’m gone. They will be the leaders when I’m gone. No one else can claim this. No one else will add on to the Revelation. It is big enough that it cannot be exhausted. It is complete enough that it’s not missing anything. It’s meant for a new world reality and for our future and destiny in the Greater Community of life. It is the next step for human civilization and human spiritual awareness. So should I be unable to even complete my tasks, the things I’m working on now, I have given it to them to complete it for me, or to conclude it. [His device goes out.] (More power. No power. That’s all right; I have the power. [given a new one] More power.) So I want there to be no confusion when I’m gone. You should be clear about the mission and the leadership of the mission, which I hope to impart with you in my time because I don’t know how much time I have. And when you don’t know how much time you have, time becomes really important, not to be wasted, except for a few simple fun things. But not to be really wasted. I ask you to affirm Knowledge in others, as I have affirmed Knowledge in you. I ask you to share Revelation with others, as I have shared Revelation with you. Seek for those who are searching, who are reaching, not for those who are asleep and cannot be awoken. They will come to you; you will find them. And you’ll be prompted to say something to them, as they’re standing next to you in line at the store, or wherever this might happen. This is my testimony. It is being recorded for you, for those who are watching from afar and for those yet to come who knew, who will find out what the Messenger said to his people at the time of Revelation. Nasi Novare Coram.
Thank you, sir…for calling.
As I watched and listened to your words, I couldn’t help but feel their truth within my heart. NNC
Thank you Reed for posting and to you and Patricia for taking on the next part of the journey for Marshall to be received as The Messenger and the revelations to be received in the world.
Health and spirituality become one journey when you receive with such intensity as a human being not designed to hold those levels of energy.
I am always in awe and gratitude as to what Marshall’s life has endured and for the dedication to completing the message whilst alive.
Know he is forever in my heart with Knowledge as a brother would be, and I take my mission seriously too.
A few days ago I turned to Secret 222, a time of realising I no longer have ambition or passion to achieve something and couldn’t understand why. This secret resonated 100%
” When you are complete in this world, Knowledge will be your main concern. When we speak of Knowledge, we do not speak of a body of information. We speak of a capacity for greater experience.”
I also have Ellens art ” Keeping the fire of Knowledge alive”
Wherever each of us are right now as students we are aiming for this and to contribute in this so that we honour and serve The Message and The Messenger”s life to serve humanity and God.
Thank you Marshall,
Thank you Reed and Patricia for your own journeys in this.
Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you, Marshall. This is such a precious teaching. Thank you for carrying it within you for so long, and bringing it forth to the world. We are very much blessed and burdened. We get to receive this as much as we can bear at any given time. The responsibility of advancing in our training so that we may serve and share in the ways we are meant to. Entering the Unknown. That is our burden and it does not weigh me down at all. Nasi Novare Coram. nnc
Thank you Marshall.
I will practice everyday as I know this to be truth. Thankyou Marshall and family and all the helpers .NNC
Thank you for this most personal engagement. May we All be strengthened in Knowledge and in this fulfill our individual portion in our journey together. Nasi Novare Coram
I see your Dad and Mom in you, Reed. I’m glad your Dad is getting stronger and stronger in his health. You’ve been such a strength to your Mom and your Dad. Marshall has been such a savior to me. I was activated by Marshall when I came to the Vigil of 2019 and I was awakened by the principles of the Steps to Knowledge given him. I first came upon the New Message on the Internet of all places and later thought maybe we could beat the Intervention at their own game of technology. It’s been such a grand game. Like the Angelic Presence your Dad wrote about: “God’s Perfect Plan.” Perhaps your Family can take rest from all the work you’ve done and let the WWC run by itself, as it must. I’d like to see Him, and your Mom and you relax and have more fun. You are so playful with dropping the bunny. I laugh every time I think of it!
As I listen and read how your life has shaped, I become completely soft-hearted and grateful to God for sending a human being like you. I can feel the costs you have had to pay. Great that there are people like you. It gives me hope in mine and humanity’s ways. In humility, thank you I am grateful that your path has crossed my path.
Thank you Marshall for your very clear message: ” I want there to be no confusion when I’m gone…The New Message has been revealed through me alone, and when I am gone, the Seal of the Prophets will close behind me and there will be no further Revelation… I ask you to affirm Knowledge in others, as I have affirmed Knowledge in you. I ask you to share Revelation with others, as I have shared Revelation with you…I want you to know that I’ve entrusted Patricia, my wife, and Reed, my son, to lead this mission forward according to my will. Here I call you to trust and follow them when I’m gone. They will be the leaders when I’m gone. No one else can claim this.
No one else will add on to the Revelation.” May it be so. We have heard our Messenger Marshall Vian Summers speak. We have heard him speak these words while he walked amongst us.
May it be so
May it be so.
Did I need to see this FB uploaded video by another student advocate today? Yes, I did. I am thankful.️
I love you Marshall. Do not see me as a God for I am but the Messenger. Indeed this is so. I give gratitude, humility, love and honour, to a humble Man whose given me, and the world a Divine key. A key I’ve known was coming. A key, I have been waiting all my life to receive.
A key, I have seen in dreams. The Key of Knowledge.
I honour the Man who was prepared, to receive, what would be considered impossible, to a sleeping world. A Man that has fought the odds of ill health to bring forward, a Message that will carry the human family into a new beginning, a greater understanding, and deeper connection. I honour his family and the Society this I will continue to do, even after you part from this World.
I have seen the Power of God, my eye’s and ears have been opened. Yet my heart has always known. There is no other reality than the reality of certainty, which I’m now learning to comprehend. To begin, this mysterious journey of rebirth.
I honour the Time of the Messenger.
Thank you dear Marshall ! Your ongoing encouragement and your calling to respond is stronger than ever
before. This vigil goes very very deep. Thank you Patricia, Reed and WWC. Nasi Novare Coram !
Thank you dear Marshall for this vigil 2019. It has been the strongest that I have experienced so far and I am so honored to be a part of this mission, bless us all with great strength and courage and humility and compassion as we become contributors to this world and a beacon of light for others to see and to follow, Nasi Novare Coram
It is important that you recieve everything that must be recieved. May it be so, Marshall. Thank you.
Another wake-up call and kindling of the voice for wisdom and destiny.
I pray for the strength to continue to respond and to make up for lost time.
Thank you Marshal, Reed, Patricia and WWC
Sobering, that it is not by mere chance that we are here, but by appointment, by destiny. Not just Marshall, but each of us with a timer ticking down and an explosion of work to be done. A course correction, refocusing, re-prioritizing for me and I suppose everyone. Interesting that it is the reluctant who are chosen. No pushovers needed? I smile but do not jest. Reluctant but still here Marshall. What a life to share. What an honor and responsibility to share.
So integral, so important, so meaningful, so inspiring. Thank you Messenger. May great strength, great love and great endurance be your constant companions. And may the Love and Grace of God continually surround and protect you and your family. Nasi Novare Coram.
I also zoned in on Marshall’s words about not having to persuade the people who have truly responded to the Message, he does not have to win them over or make promises, he only speaks to something deep within that rings true. This has been my experience. I may question and doubt, but the bottom line is that this resonates at a deeper level and cannot be denied. I do not need to be persuaded or won over, something is stirring beyond my personal mind and all I can do is go with it, explore further and wait for more clarity to be revealed.
My experience of last night’s vigil was the serious calling from the messenger for us to prepare and keep practicing, so we can be an effective instrument for the mission.
“… that will require the assistance and the mission of many people who also was prepared before coming to be a part of this. In that way it is so wonderful, because I don’t have to win you over …. I only need to speak to you in the truest sence and that is enough …. ” ! So honored and so a humbled to be a small part of this! Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you dear Messenger for this teaching! May it carry us forward with ever more power and strength to be of service and contribution to this world and to be a beacon of light for others to see and follow. Nasi Novare Coram