Who I am, Why I am Here and Our Opportunity to Share This Together

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Opening Night Broadcast, Jan 22, 2017.

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I remember when I, in 1989 when I first began Steps to Knowledge as its first student, I really marveled at it, but I wondered, “Can people really learn this? It looks simple, but it’s really advanced.” And in the ensuing years as books were given, this process continued, I would hear myself saying, “Are people really going to be able to study this, and understand this? It seems too advanced.” And here you are, and all of you out there, and all of those who are waiting to receive this Revelation.

I have some important things to share with you in the coming days, but first of all I need you to know who I really am, why I am here and what I must face in being here—and the rare opportunity we have to gather in a relatively free country to be able to share this together. It is an amazing opportunity, actually.

So in this Vigil, my Vigil, I want to say some things to you that you may have heard before, you may have read before, but I’m going to say them to you now as coming from me directly to you. And I understand the difficulty in coming to terms with some of these things, for it took me quite a bit of time to come to terms with these things. Yes.

I’m here to declare God’s New Message to the world…to the world. I’m the Messenger for this; there is none other, and there will not be another Messenger for a very long time. There are many who say, “There can be no new messenger,” or “My great prophet was the messenger.” But I say, no, God has spoken again and has sent a Messenger into the world and that Messenger is me. So you will have to think about, as we proceed forward, what that means about your life and your association with me because many people’s destinies are tied to mine—an understanding that has given me a lot of courage to go through difficult times, knowing that I cannot fail. I cannot stop. I cannot give it up. Because many people’s lives and destinies are tied to mine.

The New Message says if you do this for yourself you will not have the commitment necessary to carry on. When you exceed your comfort zone or go beyond what you understand you will not be able to proceed.

I am here because of humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community, and I bring Wisdom and Knowledge from the Greater Community to help humanity prepare. Part of that is in the Books of Revelation and part of that is in me. I am here because of the great change that is coming to the world, a great change that will change the face of the world and alter the destiny of everyone here. I carry God’s Message of warning and gift of preparation for this, something that has never occurred in this world at this scale before.

I’m here to bring Knowledge and Wisdom from the universe, but also to speak to the ancient intelligence and brilliance that lives within you under layers of culture and conditioning, fear and preference. It is in you—if you dare to find it. And I say that seriously.

I have been sent into the world for this purpose alone. I claim nothing else for myself except that I am the Messenger—nothing more, nothing less. I am here to bring this Revelation to the world, an unwelcoming world. If you know what has happened to the former Messengers, you will see what a grave commitment this is. The Messengers are venerated once they’re gone and no longer a social or political problem.

I come at a great turning point when the future of humanity will be determined in the coming decades, a time unlike any that has happened before, implicating the entire world, all nations, all people—rich, poor, north, south, east, west—everyone. That is why this is a world Message.

I’m here that certain things may come to pass, that the preparation for the Greater Community and the understanding of the Greater Community may be delivered to enough people that it will have residence here in this world, and enough people will be able to speak for it, represent it and defend it, if necessary, as a great new understanding for humanity.

I am here to bring the preparation for the new world reality we’re entering, a world that will be unlike anything that our ancestors had to face, a world of tremendous change, upheaval and opportunity for human unity and strength. I pray that we can face this. A world we have created, that we must now face.

I pray that the gift of Knowledge and the Ancient Teachings of Knowledge from the Greater Community may arouse and stimulate enough people in this world to keep Knowledge alive in the turbulent times to come. I’m not here to create paradise on Earth or Heaven on Earth, but to keep Knowledge alive in the world. When you understand the destiny of planets such as ours in the greater arena of life in the Universe that we call the Greater Community, these words will have much greater meaning to you.

I’m bringing wisdom to you gained from a long experience in the cave of Revelation, where I was unknown, where the purpose of this and the destiny of this had not yet been revealed to me—testing me, waiting, but working, always working, never idle.

Perhaps you are aware of your impatience in life. It’s good to be aware of that. Somehow over time, it just kind of gets exhausted or spent, burned off within you. And you learn how to wait but not be idle at the same time.

Time has me to come forth now; it is the time of the Messenger. I have been in the background now for years. But the New Message must have me at the forefront because without me the New Message will be misconstrued. It will be used for personal power and gain. It will be mixed with things that have nothing to do with God’s purpose and Will for this world. It will be destroyed over time, as has happened before, leaving us only the remnants of the real truth that existed from long ago.

The Message needs a Messenger. I seem to be perfect for the job. To be associated with me is in some way, to some degree, to take the risks that I will be taking, and to travel a pathway that has not been traveled for a very long time. We do not have a template for it. Here you find your courage, your purpose and your determination which can only be found undertaking something much greater in your life, much more important than your life.

The Great Coordination has called us here, has called me here, has called the New Message from God here, has called the Allies of Humanity here. It is all part of a Great Coordination, you see, so great that none of us can understand it. It involves forces beyond our visible range, beyond our world, within our world. No religion can account for this, only the pure Spirituality of Knowledge itself can engage with it fully.

This will be a theme of my Vigil. I say my Vigil. (smiling broadly) It is my Vigil. (mic issue; looks up, chuckles) That wasn’t it, OK? (re: mic issue) The Great Coordination will be a theme this week, as will be the invisible light that guides you.

You know, it is a very rare thing that a new Message from God can be given to a whole world. It has happened very few times in the entire universe. Usually it’s imparted to a teacher or to a group that embodies it, embeds it and protects it, only revealing it to certain select individuals. It’s far too revolutionary to exist in most worlds above ground. But we, at this moment, have this opportunity. So this is called the Great Coordination here, you see, because it is a remarkable opportunity for a planet that, despite its many errors and tragedies, has tremendous promise in the universe where the Light of Knowledge has died out in so many places.

I feel this, the uniqueness of this time. Every person who can respond is important here. Their success in responding is very important here. When you feel that, deeply, it will make all the difference for you. This is like a golden thread within you. It underlies everything you have done and are gathering here tonight.

Reed reminded me before we started that this is like the meeting in (mic issue) Rivendell before I have to go off to Mordor, for those of you (mic issue) who are aware of The Lord of the Rings. Am I creating this (mic issue)? [issue resolved]

So, I’m holding Vigil tonight and this coming week so that my relationship with you may become deeper and stronger and more real in your experience, and that, perhaps, you will think about the things I have said tonight coming from me directly. Think about what that means for you in your life and for the world itself.

The Assembly is taking great care now to provide this Revelation in such a way that it has the greatest potential to survive in a turbulent world. The manner in which it’s been given, the long preparation for me, the importance of the first responders, its utter relevance to everything that we do, everything we have and everything we value—so important that even the Voice of Revelation is now in the world, which was not allowed for me to provide until later in my preparation. And now the world has it.

I pray that you will hear me and know me. I pray that you will understand what I have told you tonight. I pray that you will honor yourself enough to allow yourself to experience this Great Coordination. I pray that you will see that it is given to free you from your own dilemmas; it is given to serve the world and to protect it now as it faces the greatest trials of its existence. I pray that you will honor this Revelation, that you will not alter it or demean it. I pray that you will follow and learn and give from it. For the Presence is with us now. May we be with this presence always.

Nasi Novare Coram

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  1. Reading this evokes intense joy for me, a flood, tears of joy for all of Us. Joy and intense gratitude for all that is occurring to bring this all to the world in time. Such Love! Thank you for doing this for all. The light is with you in the darkest depths of Mordor.