2018 Encampment | The Purpose of the Encampment

Recorded on October 14, 2018 Live from the 2018 Encampment.

Patricia: Well welcome. What a phenomenal thing. My mind goes backwards and forwards at the same time sometimes. I’m sure yours might as well. I mean I go back to the time when almost no one knew anything about Marshall and about the revelations he was receiving. And then I come forward and I observed the landscape of time and experience. And it’s phenomenal that we’re here and that this Encampment even came to be.

You know, we reached a threshold where we realized, my goodness, we need to come together around Marshall. His early years were so challenging. It took decades for us to…we began to gather, but not like this and not in this way.

And so I welcome you all. And I can only imagine what it took for you to actually find the New Message and to make it here. I really want to honor that. And may there be many, many more people worldwide who are engaged in that very, very process and journey.

So this Encampment serves a number of purposes, one of which is the convening of the Worldwide Community. This term was actually for the first time spoken by the Voice of the New Message in just the last few years essentially, even though it was a reality that was oncoming. So it’s our time to convene because collectively together we have the opportunity to provide a platform of stability for the New Message, and to be the reality into which it is pouring itself, which is our lives, the reality of our lives as they change, as we engage with what we most deeply know and have known, perhaps, for some time even. So it’s wonderful.

So this is a historic event for sure, where we are in time. This is very important, very important. We’re at a threshold or a juncture, even in our understanding and comprehension of the Revelation itself and its intentions for being here. And we’re here with Marshall. He’s here with us. And he brings so much more than just himself, I’m sure you know.

So this is really important—every year that we can gather with, him very important, very important. He can engage with us. We can engage with him. We can engage with the Revelation together with him. We can consider the world—the world we know, and even the world we’re seeing.

So it’s our time to meet one another. I mean, how many solo journeys and even years of a solo journey did we walk? I know I did, never even considering that there could be anyone else out there who would have a sense for my experience—this ineffable experience of push, pull and restraint. So, it’s wonderful.

Reed: It’s a miracle. It really is a miracle when you think of this moment and the makings of this moment, all it took to get here for you each, not just to get to Colorado on a snowy day with eight inches on the mountainside and some of it on the road, but to get even to the New Message, to get even to a clearing within yourself where you can see something original and full of life and possibility and respond to it. Because that’s really what your being here represents, I feel. You’re responding to a possibility for your life and for this world, for this Revelation and for this community. So it’s a miracle you’re here because there were 10,000 turns which could have taken you elsewhere. So many decisions go into a life. And so for you to be here—physically here—is truly more special than I think I or we account for.

So it’s a miracle that Marshall’s here. It’s a miracle that we were able to host this gathering when you think of the amount of work that went into it. So it is a miracle, though it might feel like another day. It’s really something special.

So in this Encampment, we will be going into that miraculous reality, the outer nature of it in the world, the inner nature within us, how the two connect and the greater movement of life and the greater process at work in the world to save this world, to elevate this world, and to assist this world in transcending its present day circumstances to step into a new phase of human life, one in which we are in contact with a Greater Community of life and one in which we are facing the outcomes of human decision-making over thousands of years on a planet with more people than ever before, facing environmental calamities on a scale never seen before.

So this is where we’re going together. But it all rests upon the mystery of this miracle of your presence in the world, Marshall’s presence in the world, the presence of this Revelation, which is now bigger than we ever knew it ever could be. And it’s here. It’s been given almost completely, as evidenced by what I’ll show you in a minute here.

So this is a special waypoint in the larger journey that we’ve each taken, that Marshall has taken, and even a larger waypoint in the process under way in the world that the New Message is only a part of itself, a process of redemption, you could say, a transference of power into the world, the re-emergence of the Divine Presence, an education and preparation for a new phase of life on this planet Earth—so many things…so many ways you could put it. Words only though, they’re just words. Because the reality is mysterious, and Marshall brings that. The Community that he represents brings that. And here we are, now a part of it somehow, connected, you know. Now we’re getting connected.

And the Encampment itself, I feel, is an important part of this larger process under way in the world. It actually serves a purpose, a very special one. And maybe we’ll come upon that, realize that, discover that over the next six days. This isn’t just the convening or a gathering today, this year. This serves a purpose in the world in the larger context of what’s happening.

There have been 10 Encampments. Well, this is the tenth. 2008 was the first Encampment, and I think there were 32 or 35 people. I remember that Encampment. I’ll bet many of those at that Encampment are sitting here right now. And as you step back over the years, or step forward from 2008, you can see something growing in scope, gaining speed and momentum, gaining focus and direction reaching more people; they’re coming into contact with it.

It’s really quite something.

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