“You who are claiming your studenthood in Knowledge will claim your advocacy for Knowledge. In this, you will increasingly become a force for good in the world—a force that dispels ambivalence, confusion, and conflict, a force for peace, a force for certainty and a force for true cooperation and relationship.”
– Steps to Knowledge, Step 310: I am free because I desire to give.
Best Practices for Advocating for the New Message from God
We each have an opportunity to participate in the great transmission of the Revelation into the world. For many, this includes advocacy, driven by a personal calling to do what one feels right in sharing the New Message.
The Society provides many resources for advocacy by way of organizational outreach and publishing. This includes discounted books, free online revelations, videos, and shareable social media posts.
There are many ways to share and speak for the New Message and you may advocate in the way that feels right for you. You may wish to review the revelation Sharing the Way of Knowledge with Others to learn what the New Message itself says about discernment in the process of advocating.
What we do ask is that you do not suggest or create the impression that you represent the New Message or the Allies of Humanity. It is important to communicate that you are a student of these teachings and not a representative of the Society for the New Message or the Allies of Humanity Briefings. This keeps the stream of formal communication coming from the Society itself to UAP professionals and others in professional or governmental settings.
Listed here are the avenues of advocacy that some have found effective so far, though new ways are always being found:
- Share with people about the New Message and what it teaches. For example: “In the tradition I practice…” or “If you’re looking for information on…, you can find some good details on this website…”
- On social media: make your own posts on groups, share the Society’s posts, bear witness to your experience, connect with others, and invite them to learn about the New Message.
- Place New Message and/or Allies books or flyers on shelves, or in hostels, B&Bs, cafes, libraries, etc.
- Comment on news articles and YouTube videos online by sharing a New Message perspective where relevant. One brief comment could introduce a thousand people to the New Message from God.
Some of the primary ways that people are finding the New Message are:
- Word of mouth
- YouTube
- Google search
People who have found the New Message have reported they did so while looking for topics such as:
- Spirituality, awakening, enlightenment
- UFOs, contact, abduction, and the extraterrestrial reality
- World change, climate change
There are many creative ways and places where one can try to share the New Message. As humans, we seek truth and connection. So by advocating through a channel or way that speaks to each of us, we have more of a potential to reach many.
An important reminder to ask oneself from time to time is, “Why am I advocating?”. Consider the urgency of this time and also what is motivating each of us personally. Another question to consider: “In the time of Revelation, how can the New Message from God most effectively reach people?”
To help keep a respectful and positive presence while advocating, please avoid harassment, copyright infringement, slander, and violating any laws. Also keep in mind that people attacking the New Message online may not need a direct reaction. Advocating for the New Message doesn’t necessarily mean swaying or changing anyone’s opinion.
Remember—those who are ready will respond.