2019 State of the Mission

Listen to Patricia Summers and Reed Summers give a 2019 State of the Mission update, Dec 14, 2019


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Patricia: My name is Patricia Summers. 

Reed: And this is Reed Summers. 

PS: And we’re very happy to have this time with you. During our time together, we’re going to consider the accomplishments for the New Message and for everyone involved in supporting all the work going on to bring this Revelation to the world. And we’d like to take this time also to look ahead at our potential challenges and opportunities so that we can do this together. 

As I sit here, I think of all of you, many of you, as many of you that come to mind—and you do—in a steady stream. And it’s very exciting to me to not be the few that were alone with this for so many years. We’re not alone; we’re together. And this vast Revelation is here with its own power and compassion and sense of relationship. And we hope that together we can help this Revelation find the people who are looking for it. 

RS: Yeah, I mean, the New Message is in the world because the world is in the process of taking its next step out into a larger universe of intelligent life, taking its next step into a new world condition of environmental and social and political upheaval. And around the world there are people who are feeling stirred and activated at the level of Knowledge, but they’re not yet connected to this greater movement of life. And so that is why the New Message is here. And that is why it’s so important that year by year it continues to move into the world to reach more people and to bring its great gift forward, which is the activation of Knowledge in the individual, to serve the world in all its many needs. 

PS: You know Reed, as you say this, that many people are stirred but not yet connected, weren’t we they? Do you remember that time, those times when you were uncomfortable, where you could sense something about your life or the world but you couldn’t quite, you know, define it for yourself? There are people all over the world that are actually experiencing this, this sense that bigger things are afoot in the world and that this is a time of consequence and what must they do? What must they do? So…

RS: So we were those who were out there in the world and then we were reached. 

PS: Yes. 

RS: And we became students of Knowledge. We received Steps To Knowledge. And now we have the opportunity to bring it to others who haven’t received that yet. 

PS: This Revelation reveals that we are preparing for our emergence into a Greater Community of intelligent life and undergoing this emergence now, that we are headed into a time of uncertainty and consequence. And there is a calling through this Revelation for us to prepare as it…to become a new world, so to speak. The Revelation provides The Way of Knowledge, a Greater Community Way of Knowledge, the first time ever. 

RS: And you know, this all began with Marshall—Marshall Vian Summers back in 1981, his original Initiation with the Angelic Assembly—being willing to go through his process of preparation and relinquishment to make himself a vehicle for the delivery of this Revelation into the world. So it all began with him and with this remarkable relationship he had with these Angels of God and the communication that flowed through from 1981 all the way on, almost to the present. 

So we’re now in a position to support him more fully and to take it beyond him, to take it into the world where it’s meant to go. So each of us, we are links in the chain of transmission of this Revelation to the world and we each have an important part to play. You have an important part to play. 

PS: You know, as Reed said, I mean, Marshall was a young man when this all began for him, roughly 32 and 33 years of age. Both of those years he experienced a profound Initiation that he would say shattered his life, in a sense. And what began then was the process of his relinquishing all personal plans for his life, facing…growing an immense mystery and uncertainty, and then waves and waves of Revelation over the ensuing years and decades. 

What inspires him is the Revelation, but it’s also who is with him. And so we want you to know that your participation, your studenthood, your support really, really strengthens Marshall. He is strong unto himself, but you know, he is a man and it’s [been] a long, long journey. He spent years in isolation and obscurity. And to now have people finding the New Message, gathering around the New Message, it’s very gratifying to him, very, and very important that this is happening in his lifetime. So we want to thank you.

RS: Yes, thank you all for all that you’re giving, financially, as advocates of the New Message, as volunteers to The Society and as well as your studenthood, and your work to live this and bring this into your life, into your relationships, into your work. I mean, these are the front lines where a greater good can flow into the world, and it flows through us. So thank you.  

I’d like to take a moment now to look at our accomplishments in 2019. And before we review those with you, I’d like to just stop and talk about who we are. We are a Worldwide Community of people around the globe who are studying the New Message, sharing it with others, assisting in bringing it forward in many languages and many forms. And at the center of this Community is The Society, the 501c3 nonprofit founded by Marshall in 1992 to bring forward the New Message—publish it, present it and preserve it in the world.  

There are ten members of The Society. And there are currently 13 Core Assistants of the Society, 107 active volunteers, 70 translators currently translating in 30 languages. So this is the community of people working together every week, really every day, to bring the New Message into the world, to publish it, to present it, to translate it and to share it with others.  In addition, there are many, many advocates of the New Message who are sharing the New Message in their own ways and they’re very much a part of this as well.  

PS: You know, Reed, as you lay out what this looks like, the quote—oh my God, what do we call this?—an amazing environment of work, volunteer work. It’s so wonderful. I’m so happy to be where we are. I know there is so much further we need to go. This is so true and we live with this pressure and we have for many years. But it is so wonderful to be where we are and not where we were in those earlier years. So I will just say that.

So I’m amazed as you lay that out. And a volunteer organization, which is what we are, is a challenge as well.  And I’ve actually heard people who are…one who would consider to be business people, actually make references to the challenge of managing, directing and coordinating a volunteer organization where people are working all hours of the day when they can, all over the world in our situation, in our circumstances, which is really amazing—teams of people from different parts of the world working together to advance this. 

RS: 2019 was a big year for the New Message, and we’d like to share with you some of these accomplishments. The Society released 82 individual Revelations, free online at newmessage.org. Some of these were formally available on the NKL store or were available in School Sessions in the past, and some are completely new to the world—so 82 individual revelations out there in the world being found by people. 

The Society published four books in 2019: Book Five, The Power Of Knowledge, in Volume One; Book Six, The Journey To A New Life, in Volume One; and Book Seven, The New World, also in Volume One. And these were published in print, as e-books, free online and as audio podcasts all over the internet, so many ways for people to engage with the text and the voice. 

The Society also published Book Four of The Allies of Humanity Briefings, which were received in 2016 and are the latest communication from the Allies. And the Allies Briefings are already being translated into other languages and will be published in those languages as well. 

PS: And you know, as we speak of this Volume One, this is just the beginning: Marshall actually, sitting down with Reed and I, to bring together the entire Revelation in volumes within which are books. And so far in Volume One, in prior years, Book One is God Has Spoken Again. Book Two is The One God. Book Three: The New Messenger. Book Four: The Greater Community. And now these books, these three books of Volume One in addition, which is Book Five, Six and Seven, it’s amazing. This is an enormous project and it’s beautiful to see it rolling out. 

Also this year, amazingly, 341 translations as of the beginning of December were made available by our team of translators around the world, if you can imagine. This is something that each of these people felt inspired to take on. Some of these people have been translating for years. This is an enormous amount of work. It’s very exciting, very exciting. And they themselves are opening a way for people who speak these languages because languages today are spoken worldwide; they’re not just associated necessarily with one country. And we are beginning to see people around the world gaining access to the New Message as a result of these translations—341 this translations year—amazing, in greater than 30 languages, I believe.

RS: Also this year Allies of Humanity Book One was published in Brazil, Spain and France by publishers in these countries. So we had the opportunity to work with these three different publishers to bring forward the first set of Briefings from the Allies in these three countries. 

PS: This year Marshall gave three teachings to students of the New Message who gathered at the Sanctuary, and many whom tuned in from around the world. These teachings were: Knowledge and Building the Bridge to a New Life; Knowledge, The Deeper Spiritual Mind Within All of Us; and Relationships and Higher Purpose. So these were original teachings given by Marshall, and there are many more that he hopes to bring forward. 

RS: Marshall, Patricia and I offered four international webinars with live translation in Korean, Spanish, Portuguese and French. And these were multi-hour online engagements with readers and students, many of whom we had never met in the past and we were able to engage with them in their language, using the assistance of some of our lead translators and our broadcast team. We were able to have this actual live interaction with those who could not speak enough English to engage with us in English. So very special opportunities. 

PS: Yes, and our international webinar team, as Reed said, did a remarkable job of blending the technology across several platforms. And each of these webinars went very smoothly. And it seemed like we were actually able to be with people, which, this is the goal. Can we be with people who are finding the New Message and somehow breach this challenge of language? And so this was really wonderful. And we hope to be able to continue these webinars.

RS: We hosted the 2019 Messenger’s Vigil, which had over 194 people attending from ten different countries, over five nights, live with Marshall in the Sanctuary. Each evening, Marshall gave a teaching. It was very special and mysterious. And where we went together was very memorable. And all of this video was published to the Community site.

PS: And this year, we hosted the Steps to Knowledge Vigil, which commemorates that 20 day period in 1989 when Steps to Knowledge was received by Marshall. And this is a very special time for all of us to convene in our studenthood and to have access to one another, whether it’s online or in the room. This year, 192 people attended from eight different countries. It was really wonderful and very rich. It was a very rich time for us to be together as students, and also to be with this process of Revelation and to consider what it took for Marshall to receive Steps to Knowledge. And each of those days and nights of Revelation, when you consider that the number of Steps Marshall had to receive and did receive, it’s really something. So it’s very…it’s an intimate time to be with him as well. We’ll be holding the same Steps Vigil this coming May, and we hope you can be there with us.

RS: Over the summer, we traveled to South America where Marshall was invited to speak…to be the keynote speaker at a UFO conference in Brazil, as well as to be present with the publication of Allies Book One in Portuguese in Brazil. So we went down with him to Brazil, and Marshall spoke to about 800 people gathered. And we were able to be present for the launch of the book. 

And then after this gathering in Brazil, we traveled onwards to have small meetups with students scattered all over the continent. We made stops in Santiago, Chile; La Paz, Bolivia; as well as Bogata, Columbia. And we had meetups with students in all these three cities. And it was really special to meet those who had been studying Steps to Knowledge, in some cases for some years, who had never met us. We didn’t know their name, didn’t know they were out there. And they were out there. And for them to be able to meet Marshall in person and to have the meeting transpire in Spanish, so in their language, [was] really a precious opportunity for Marshall to meet them and for them to meet him.

PS: And also through them to experience their culture and this part of the world and its challenges. So that’s very important and very enriching for Marshall to be able to see through their eyes. And they can save him so much time because this is a world he needs to reach. There are people all over South America that need to find the New Message. And to begin to stimulate the sense of who they may be, where they may be and how in the world he and we can reach them is very inspiring for Marshall at this time in this life, I’ll say. Very. 

And amazingly, as well as this phenomenal journey to South America, with the resources we had on hand, we were able to travel to Europe because there are people there. There are people there that we needed to meet.  And when I say this, some of these people are people we otherwise would not be able to meet for a variety of reasons. And so to be able to go…these were big undertakings to arrange all of these trips, I’ll say. And The Society did an incredible job for us, as well as the students on the ground in these countries. 

We had two meetups with 47 students in Valencia, Spain; in Paris, France. And then we went on to Amsterdam where there was a gathering of 70 students who came to this what we call a “regional gathering.” And it was a very, very special opportunity for us all to be together, to be in each other’s presence, to know something of one another’s lives. 

And there’s something building. When we have these what we call “engagement opportunities” or “engagement events,” this is…something is being built here, almost the cross fibers, the strength building of the Worldwide Community as it grows and as it matures and as it stabilizes. It has the opportunity to engage person to person. It’s really meaningful—very important. And it’s happening in Marshall’s time. We’re really happy that this could be so.

RS: After all these years…

PS: Oh, Reedy…

RS: …of receiving the Revelation, largely in isolation, with very few to assist him or to, you know, to journey with him, now Marshall is getting to know hundreds of people around the world who are feeling called to the New Message and called to become students of Knowledge in the world, called to prepare for the Greater Community of life. So this is relationship. 

This is relationship coming into being. And like Patricia said, this is like a latticework that’s growing stronger and stronger every year as these relationships together mature, as we can do more together—purposeful work. And as that grows stronger, more and more weight can be put on top of it because there is a very large world to reach with very real problems, very real crises underway.

And we’re going to have to be strong and united and in relationship to extend ourselves out there in a unified way with the New Message, to extend the New Message. So this is happening at this time. 

There’s a great deal of outreach happening to bring the New Message to new people. I know I did, I think, five interviews this year. And advocates are very active all over the world. 

And in fact, we are having our very first Advocacy Summit in just a few days, which will be a global web meeting of students to discuss Advocacy: what it is, how to do it, what inspires us, the opportunities, challenges that arise in doing this work. So really great movement there.

And these are just some of the endeavors underway. There’s so much more and so many different teams and areas of activity all across the Society, the organization. 

But the results are pretty big: 250,000 visiters to the New Message website, 70,000 visitors to the Allies’ web site—just the English sites. 

And then, of course, there are many other sites—all the international sites: 100,000 visiters to the Spanish New Message site; 25,000 to the French New Message site. 645 people have registered for the Worldwide Community site this year.

And then going way out into the internet—tons of reach: half a million YouTube views on Marshall’s channel and the New Message channel. Somewhere around 12,500 downloads of Steps to Knowledge, the PDF, as well as audio MP3s on the New Message site. So many, many people are engaging with the New Message, reading the revelations online, taking their time to feel out what this is and if it’s real. 

And as they will come to learn, it is very real—very real, very authentic. Everything through and through from Marshall to those around him, to The Society, to the students, everyone is extremely real here, earnest, honest, and we’re doing our best to respond to this remarkable event in history which is the appearance of a New Message from God in the world.

PS: You know, it’s very endearing because when you think of it, who in the world could advise you on how to bring a New Message from God to the world, to a modern world? You know? And so this has been a learning process. This is original learning.

And we do benefit from the wisdom of the world and we access it whenever we can, you know? But in this endeavor, we stay close together and we take our steps; some of them are small and some of them are quite big for us. So knowing that you are with us and that we have your support is wonderful. I’ll just say that right now.

RS: Oh, it’s critical. To do all of this requires the support of many and a growing body of people underneath it.

PS: Another thing to consider that is very poignant is that in this year, actually more than this year, Marshall’s been undergoing a process of recovery from a serious illness. And it’s really very moving to see that he almost still never stopped. He carried on.

And part of Marshall’s inspiration, certainly, obviously, comes from his Source Community, that they asked that he be with them in every situation. It’s as if the Angelic Assembly seeks to be involved with us—even at our level—with him, them at his side. It’s very moving. And so we just need to know that this was a challenging year for Marshall. We had the opportunity to help him.

RS: And still he was able to take these trips, to do all this work, preparing the four books that came out this year. He’s able to do all that he’s able to do, despite that. So it’s amazing: his resilience and his will and his zest for life. And I know partly that’s because there are people with him now. He’s fueled by them; they’re fueled by him. So your participation is really what’s most greatly needed.

In 2020, we have much more planned and, of course the New Message, that needs to go further. And I’d like to share with you some of our plans for the new year. 

We have a number of books on the runway to be published this coming year. So in 2020, we have six books: The Pure Religion, The New Way Forward for Humanity—both books in Volume One; Preparing for The Greater Community, a book in Volume Two of the New Message; The Alien Intervention, a book in Volume Five; The Time of Revelation, a book in Volume One; and then, finally, The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message, a book in Volume Two, which we hope to make available and bring with us to the Encampment this fall, in the fall of 2020. 

We are also working with Marshall on preparing Book One of the Arannon Epic. And we’re moving through the chapters with him and bringing forward this text that he was gifted through the Mystery and imbued with and has been writing for decades now, writing it even before the New Message began to be delivered. That’s how old this book is in his life. So we’re working on bringing that forward, and that’s one of the next books to come.

PS: In this year going forward, also The Society will be hosting three major engagement events during which we have the opportunity to be with Marshall, be with one another, be with the New Message—take some retreat time. The Messenger’s Vigil, which is a five day opportunity to spend time with Marshall, considering his challenge of bringing this Revelation to the world. And so that’s our time to be with him and to be with another. 

The Steps to Knowledge Vigil in May and June of 2020 and the biannual Encampment for the Worldwide Community of the New Message in October of this coming year. So these are very big events for The Society to host. And the preparations are well underway for all three of these events. So we hope you’ll be able to join us.

During this year, we’ll be looking at the ongoing redesign and growth of the Free School, of which people are participating from all over the world, and the Community Site, which we hope you’ve had an opportunity to participate in and to explore.

RS: We’ll be expanding our outreach on many platforms, making new teachings and interviews available, and developing the internet platforms for the international New Message in the many languages in which it’s being translated.

So all of this rests on the support of you, the students of the New Message, those who have received it. We couldn’t be doing this without your support.

You know, stop and take a moment and feel just the world, the state of the world, what’s happening in this world, and who is out there in this world who has a gift to give and whose Knowledge is already stirred. They’re out there, and these are the people we need to reach. And we now have this opportunity to reach them. We have so much underway that you could participate in as an advocate, as a volunteer, as a financial giver.

These are all ways you can participate in extending really the greatest gift possible, which is a communication from the Angelic and the Divine to activate what is Divine within us, which is Knowledge and our connections beyond this life. What greater gift could you give someone who is in Separation than the awareness and the memory and the pathway of experiencing and then expressing this greater Self and these greater connections that they have beyond the world?

And Patricia has perspective on the story of what that’s looked like over the years, going from the very beginning when there really was no community of support. It was just Marshall, Patricia and a couple of people giving their nights and weekends, giving any excess salary they had to make possible the publications, the events—everything. So maybe you can start us off there.

PS: You know, when I say I’m so happy to be where we are, I really mean it because when we look back in time as Reed’s saying, this has been an incredible mystery journey. Having found Marshall back in 1983 after this process of Revelation [had] already begun for him, we began a series of mystery journeys. It was some time before others were able to come to join us, to recognize Marshall and to feel some compelling need to help him. And so it began. And we all learned how to give together.

Marshall was giving. He was receiving and giving. And then we could only help him because it was so evident that he could not do this alone.

And over time the few of us who had come together began to realize as we saw the Revelation pouring in, and especially after Steps to Knowledge came, that we needed to build some sort of foundation for this Revelation and form—and form.

And so one of the first things we actually did together was to form New Knowledge Library, which is the publishing platform for the New Message itself. We knew that this was an endeavor that we weren’t going to be able to accomplish alone and we needed to form an organization that would provide the means for others to help and to give. And so we did this together.

And one by one, amazingly at particularly stressful times I’ll say, donors began to come forward and express their willingness and their need to help. And I can’t tell you how this lifted some of the burden of those times. To have this sense of support and acknowledgment from others was wonderful. And some of them, their financial support held. It held along with ours. And together this reality began to take shape in terms of a community of givers. It was amazing. 

Some years later acknowledging this reality of people knowing to give and feeling moved to give, we created what we call the Pillars program, inspired very much by the great practice of the Four Pillars evaluation found in the New Message, realizing that the New Message itself has Pillars. It has a Relationship Pillar obviously with the world, with people in the world.

It has a Financial Pillar, you know? So the New Message doesn’t escape any of the realities that all of us have known our entire lives, which is how to make a way for itself.

And so this program has grown. More and more people have come to participate, thankfully. 

RS: In the beginning, I think it was the vision was a hundred people giving $100 a month to provide kind of a foundational base amount that could provide for our activities year by year.

PS: And I think as people came to realize that their consistent giving really, really mattered, I think we were able to turn our attention and look forward increasingly and not be so mired in concern month to month to month to month, and with some of the very big ticket expenses that would come through that were really, really extenuating unto themselves. And so to have this form of support, I feel, really helped preserve us, I have to say. I have to say.

And I think it lifted Marshall’s level of concern for some of the primary providers. ‘S wonderful.

RS: It was critical. I mean, we couldn’t have even have looked to the horizon to see these greater endeavors like The One Book of the New Message, the international webinars, these journeys we’ve taken. Some of the outreach and the interviews and all of these kind of front line activities, I don’t think we could have looked out that far without some sort of confidence that there is a base of support and that it won’t disappear, you know, in six months or a year.

Today the community of givers is growing. In 2018, it was 231 people who gave financially to support the New Message. In 2019, 270 people have given to support the New Message.

At the moment there are 112 Pillars of the New Message giving $100 a month, and 60 Friends of the New Message giving monthly at any other amount that is possible for them.

Our request to you is that you consider giving monthly to support the New Message and to become part of this Community of people who have received the Revelation and recognize its importance and the need for it and the need to support it with what you can support.

And if you’re able to give monthly, that’s tremendous; that’s so important. That will allow us to expand and grow as we already are and as we know we need to.

If you’re able to be a benefactor at some point in your life, that would make a huge difference as well. So really it is the benefactors of the New Message and it is the Pillars and Friends of the New Message coming together to make this possible year by year, to make this an endeavor that expands instead of contracts because the need is growing in the world. And the number of people who are out there tonight who are ready for this, who are needing to find it, but who have not found it yet, is growing as well.

So everything is growing and the support needs to grow with it.

PS: And for some—it’s very moving—some people have only been able to make very small contributions. And when you consider the circumstances of their lives and the fact that they can even do that, it’s very meaningful. And so I have to acknowledge them…that they’re going to give no matter what, no matter what it can be for them. So I’m grateful.

The truth is that the New Message needs to be given as a gift to the world. It’s a very, very big body of Revelation. And it needs to be rendered in many different formats, and obviously languages, of course. 

And so with that said, it will take us years to accomplish this most likely. Though we’re proceeding now, as Reed said, I mean, we hope that we can accomplish our publishing plan. But we have to check in with ourselves and see how are we doing as we go.

So this is a process of our collectively gaining strength and stability as we go. You know, we’re growing stronger. We’re maturing as a Community of the New Message. Our studenthood is gaining in dimension and depth. We’re integrating our studenthood into our daily lives and bringing that forward into the world. This is really what’s needed. This is what’s needed.

Our advocacy is calling forth and supporting the emergence of Knowledge in others. Our advocacy is doing this.

So this financial support will help us continue on with the assurance that we have a world to reach. This is a critical time during which Marshall is here to give his gift completely to the world. Not his gift, God’s Gift. And we have the opportunity to participate in that giving. We’re the recipients of that giving, so…

May it be so.

RS: Yes. We send you our gratitude, we who are here at the center of the New Message in Boulder, Colorado, working every day to bring this forward and to reach people.

Thank you for your support. If you would like to become a part of this community of support, there are ways to donate in many different ways. So please find the way that works best for you and join us. Join us in this endeavor.

PS: And you can contact The Society. And if you need to speak to someone there, we’ll make that possible.

RS: OK, thank you all. Many blessings for the end of this year. And may we move into 2020 and extend this gift into the world.

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  1. Thank you. Very inspiring encapsulation of the remarkable journey, and where we are at, in this moment in time. Inspired to give at whatever humble level I am able to , even if I have not had the stability to continue being a full pillar…wishing Marshall, the Society and all who are serving this great endeavor all the health, strength and support to be able to each do their part.