2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | How We Will Succeed

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during Day 10 of the Summit, Nov 14, 2020.

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Marshall: Great, okay. Well, I have to be very concerned about the future because I am the Messenger: the future of the New Message in this world, the future of the Worldwide Community, the future of The Society, the future of everything that we’ve built as a platform, how it will be sustained into the future.

There are so many things that can undermine this. There’s so many things within each of us that could potentially undermine us. The desire to make this our own and wed it with other things, for example, something that the two chapters in the WWC book [The Worldwide Community of the New Message from God] talk about in supporting the Message and the Messenger and the Guardians, so. 

And when I think about what has happened to the Messengers in the past, how what they produced and created was put together as a religion after their lives. In other words, the first sutras of Buddhism were created centuries after the Buddha passed away. I mean, how good is memory? Really? Now, he created a monastic institution, a monastic tradition, which is much more inclined to maintain a purity of thought and action; but, you know, people are still people.

The Bible was, the first Bible was created one to two hundred years after Jesus, by people who didn’t even know him based upon anecdotal evidence, stories and perhaps some writings. 

The Quran, 120 years after Muhammad passed. In fact, even as Muhammad was on his deathbed, the members of the former Koresh, his former enemies plus some of his students, were planning to how to divide up his newly created empire.

So what we have today has been changed through adoption, through translation, and through manipulation most probably. So at present the first time in history, the New Message as a complete teaching is being put together and presented in the time of the Messenger—in my time. And one of my main tasks before I leave this world is to complete that process, which is actually very big. 

I have to review everything and make any decisions about its publication, and put my stamp of approval on it. So what is, what people read a hundred and a thousand years from now is exactly what was received, with my blessing and understanding. 

So this is a very important subject for me, the authenticity of the New Message going forward. Because, as it says in the Worldwide Community book, the world will tear this apart. Perhaps innocently people will only use parts of it and then wed it with other things, bring it into their Buddhism or their Christianity, or Judaism; which is fine if you keep them separate and say okay, here’s the New Message, here’s the Quran, I’m going to see where they resonate, I can gain value from both. But do not wed them. Do not create a New Message Quran, or a Quranic New Message, whichever way you want to call it. Then you will end up corrupting both.

And this is what people do. They want a simple answer for everything so they throw everything in the same pot and think that they’re creating unity, but actually they’re creating destruction. 

The New Message really has to stand on its own. I’m not discouraging you from studying other teachings, certainly not, but to keep them distinct. It’s very important.

The New Message is perfect. But it will cease to be perfect once people begin to alter its words, begin to only study parts of it, or change the meaning or the application, or the spirit of the Revelation. It’s very risky, bringing something pure into a corrupted world. And we live in a corrupted world—corrupted in the sense of intelligent life living in Separation.

So the pathway in the WWC has to be clearly defined, really, and in order to preserve them as functional, meaningful and productive, to maintain the intention of the New Message, the purity of its text and so forth.

So this is a real responsibility. You even have to check things within yourself that perhaps innocently would want to alter it, change it, use different words, or bring into it other things from the outside, saying, “Oh well, this teaching about relationships just needs this other thing to be complete”. Don’t do that. 

Not that the New Message has complete wisdom about everything, certainly not, but keep this pure and complete. And do not just study parts that you find interesting, or that you’re willing to face. I really want you to take it all in—everything, even the parts that make you uncomfortable, even the parts that make you anxious about your future. Everything. The man and woman of Knowledge take in everything that is valuable, or that is consequential, into consideration—the good, the bad and everything in between.

So in order for the New Message not to fail beyond my lifetime—beyond our lifetime—we have to engage in this process of maintaining its clarity and purity with our own practices, study, and how we express it to other people. I ask this of you. It is being asked of me, therefore I ask it of you. Do not alter it to fit your preferences and your personality or your past understanding.

Many people will not follow this, of course. But for those of you who are going to be close to me, I really require this. That gives assurance that this will survive into the future. It’s not being based upon hearsay or memory. We know how fallacious memory can be. And also its wisdom has to be shared—pointing people to the Revelation and sharing your own experience.

So I’m very concerned about, you know, what happens beyond my time. The Society will carry this forth. They have my blessing. They have proven their fidelity to the Revelation and to me over time through long periods where there was very little evidence of success and movement. They have stayed faithful and engaged. And that’s really what I need.

When people come here to serve, they come and they find, over time, they may have a role. But I want them to hold that role and not try to climb up a ladder to do something bigger because they want to do something bigger, but they have a role. Maybe that role will grow and change. But it’s what you can hold here that’s most important because the ambitious are never chosen by Heaven or by me. And I look for it in people. So this is part of our maturity.

The mind must follow Knowledge because Knowledge will not follow the mind. And I’ll be talking more about the experience of Knowledge tomorrow in our meeting.

So I’ll read this passage. This is from The One Book, The New World, the revelation called The Great Warning. I don’t have a slide for it so I’ll read it to you.

The Messenger is in the world. Learn of him. Assist him if you can. Receive from him. He is the only one who can bring God’s Revelation into the world. When he is done, the Seal of the Prophets will close behind him, and nothing more will be given for a very long time.

The Great Warning

So much will depend amongst the first responders, on what they can give, how much they can readjust their lives around this and what they can bring. And that’s…it’s beyond my control. So there are always risks in the world, this new world of risk. Nothing is certain in the world but Knowledge itself, really.

God is not managing the weather. God is not responsible for pandemics. The world is all running itself now. If you’re going to become a mature person and become spiritually mature, you have to understand these things. And that places the great focus upon Knowledge as the guiding light within you and within others.

Heaven will watch to see who can respond and who can’t. There’s no hell and damnation. But there’s consequences to whether you can or you can’t for your life, and how you will feel about your life. For if this is your place, if this is your calling then, you can’t change that; it’s not your invention to change that.

So these are kind of the great truths we have to come to deal with, we have to face. Just like we have to face the Great Waves world out there. It won’t be a new normal for a long time, unless you call the great change the new normal. It’s going to be a rocky road ahead, and you had better be grounded and stable for this. I want you to be. 

So you can be here, you who have taken such a journey to get here, and have begun this process of becoming a student of Knowledge, becoming part of the Revelation. I want this to be a success for you, but it has certain requirements. You have to be stable in the world, and you have to maintain that stability. You can’t be giving your life away to people, places and things that do not represent who you are. Beyond raising your children, that, or perhaps taking care of elderly parents, that is what is required, or you are not free to proceed. You will not be free. Even if you have intention, you will not be free.

To everyone beyond the WWC, well they can…they’ll do whatever they do with the New Message; I have no control over it. And my requests may go unheeded, and probably likely will. But within this WWC, we have to have greater resonance and greater commitment. We each have to be a contributing force to the strength of this, so they can move into the world with us and through us.

So I have a concern for the future of the New Message and the Worldwide Community, and I will maintain that concern. We are at a time of being tested. And what we have is the most incomparable gift to give to others and to the world itself.

So thank you for being here with me. Welcome to the fast lane.

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  1. This teaching resolved an issue for me. Protecting the Message and the Messenger says, “those who are amongst the first to receive and to recognize that God has spoken again must take it upon themselves to maintain the Revelation in its pure form, without wedding it to other teachings, ideas or beliefs.” And so it must be.

    What was difficult for me was my impression that deep down, that’s all any of us does, really. We interpret the New Message through the lens of the belief systems on which our lives have been founded.

    For as long as there has been an online Free School of the New Message where we can post our experiences and insights, I have a record of how long it has been (since the Free School went online is how long) that I’ve been aware of deep-seated beliefs that are not really compatible with the New Message–they seem to go deeper than my acculturation, even, for I’ve had to look at them very deeply to try to find why they are so hard-wired.

    So that passage in Protecting the Message and the Messenger made me uneasy, with a bit of a grudge, saying within, “good luck with that one, because history does show us how these things go.”

    Here Marshall explains it and makes it very simple. And after all these years of trying to scrub the stain of my upbringing out of my system, which by now was becoming a lost cause, Marshall offers an easy and practical solution that seems so evident that I think I will claim I came up with it even before he gave it here: All we have to do is be aware of our background and to mark it clearly, to keep it separate from what the New Message teaches.

    It might take extensive work to do this, as our deepest beliefs can be hidden below the surface. It might not be possible to mark the boundaries perfectly clearly to all who witness, but my Facebook page called “New Message Christian” can still stand (not without a moment of panic when Marshall speaks of these things)–it’s there to say it is possible to be a person who came to the New Message from that or another tradition, thoroughly immersed in both and clear about how the teachings function in my life.