2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | The Purpose and Direction of the WWC

Watch the Messenger speak during Day 6 of the Summit, Nov 8, 2020.

Relationships and Higher Purpose
Step 130, Steps to Knowledge
Session Transcript
The Summit Page

Session Transcript

I think we have to talk about relationships when we talk about community. And the Worldwide Community gives everybody involved an opportunity to begin to experience what relationships and higher purpose really means in reality, not in fantasy. This is not a romance. We’re not here to romance each other. We’re here to unite with each other and work together with each other to do important things in the world. And the important things we’re doing in the world may exceed your personal interests, even your personal needs, so…[clears throat] Excuse me.

It’s what we can do together that determines the real meaning and merit—or lack of merit—in a relationship. I mean, attraction and beauty and charm and all the things that induce people to participate or to make people want to be with one another really has no place here. This is not what this is about. This is a mission-based environment. And the people in WWC [Worldwide Community] are in various stages of preparing to function in that mission-based environment and support it.

So when you’re in a mission-based environment, it really changes how you look at human engagement and participation.

So I have to say a few things about relationships and higher purpose today. For those of you who are very interested in this subject or have a need to know, the New Message is given a whole book, a very important book, on Relationships and Higher Purpose. I recommend that you make that your study, and if you can consider what that really means, because here we’re talking about relationships functioning at a higher level, not a level of personal need, personal insufficiency, personal attraction, not a level of fantasy or delusion.

Now, in working together, we can begin to experience what this is like. It’s not like you all of a sudden have relationships of higher purpose that are fully established. You are just really beginning to function in alignment with others to serve something of greater magnitude and importance. 

When people think of relationships and higher purpose, they often think of it in terms of marriage or partnership for life. That’s a whole other level of relationships and higher purpose. And the important thing I want to say about that at this moment is that in order to have that happen, you and the other person both have to be functioning and living an inspired and determined life. You have to be living not outside looking in, but inside looking out of a mission-based life—going in the same direction.

And on top of that, you all have to have all the elements of compatibility and personal alignment that would be necessary for a relationship at that level to be successful. It’s a big thing.

So don’t come looking for romance in the WWC. And I’ll tell you why. I’m going to read to you why that is the case. This is from Step 130 from Steps to Knowledge, from the book itself:

Why strive for relationships in the world when genuine relationships will come to you as you are prepared? To understand this, you must have great faith in the power of Knowledge within yourself and within others. As this awareness grows, the basis for your striving and desperate pursuits will fall away, making true peace and accomplishment possible for you.

Individuals will come to you through mysterious means because you are cultivating Knowledge. As you have relationships with one another on a personal level, you also have relationships on the level of Knowledge. It is this level that you will begin to experience, in small increments at first. Eventually, if you pursue your preparations appropriately, this experience will grow and become quite profound for you.

You do not need to seek for relationships. You need only give yourself to your preparation and have confidence that people will come to you when you need them.”

Steps to Knowledge

Great article of faith here. So you can’t choose somebody to be with and then try to turn it into a relationship of higher purpose; that is never going to work. You have to be on this mountain moving upward. The other person has to be on that mountain moving upward. You have to be in the same place on the mountain moving upward. And then there’s all the personal dimensions of compatibility and functionality together that would have to be present for a relationship at that level to be established.

The whole notion of relationships of higher purpose is not my creation. It has come directly from the Source of all life. It is a high level of engagement. Most people are not even ready for it or know what it means, though it sounds very attractive.

Your preparation, as it said in Steps to Knowledge, is really the focal point here. You don’t need a relationship right now, not if it’s going to be an important relationship and something that’s going to be valuable. You have only to look at your past experience and the experience of others to see how wasteful premature relationships really are. 

In fact, I would have to say that next to war and extreme deprivation, romance is the most destructive form of human waste in the world. You will lose more life force over this, more time, more energy and resource than anything beyond things of a cataclysmic nature. Perhaps that’s not how you feel about it this moment. But I’m sharing this with you, and maybe someday you will remember that I said this and you’ll go, “Ah, yes. I can see that.” 

So be aware of your own relationship ambitions. Like many ambitions, they’ll have to be recognized and restrained. At a certain time in life, they may come into form appropriately. But you can’t have everything now. And you need to know what you truly need as to what you may want or expect. The New Message teaches what relationships and higher purpose really is. It is not what people think. Okay.

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  1. With thankfulness in my heart to Marshall and everything that has been created here as a place to bring us together I would like to write a respond to this particular teaching;
    In reflection to the Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers, here above, I would like to share how I see the difference of having psychic abilities v.s. having these kind of abilities, -gifts-, and experiencing the contact with your inner Teachers, and your Spiritual family according to the New Message:
    I am not talking here in terms of -better-, but in terms of difference.
    Several key words here are; – ego-, -surrender -and -faith-.
    I know people who are using their psychic gifts after having experiencing profound things but they are using this in a different manner than ment by the New Message.
    In order to be able to use your gifts accordingly to the New Message , the key words mentioned here are of great importance. You must have the willingness to peal of your layers, the layers of the past, the layers of the ego, the layers of your believes, and so on, so that your soul is able to come and shine through. Your soul gets a ‘saying’ in this instead of the ego. If life hasn’t shaken you yet enough to see, and let you drop the main parts of your ego, you need to shake yourself, work though these layers and drop them one by one. Your inner Teachers are full of love, but do not lie. You are bound to get confronted with your ego layers. That is no fun, and means work. This also comes through the words of the New Message in the same way. You can feel this exactly where it is meant to be. It means a lot of work but it takes place in an energy of great Love and once you see, you see that the ‘ no fun part’ came from the ego. I personally experience, love warmth and happiness in the contact with my Teachers and Spiritual family. Despite remaining parts of ego that speak up from time to time, because we need to learn to live with these parts. They will not leave and this will take too much precious time to remove. We have other things to do here. But to recognize these parts is enough to let them not ‘ speak so loudly’ .
    I doubt very much the one who says he is completely without ego or acts completely without ego or has “lost their ego”. Our conditionings go deep and you need insight to see, and to learn to discern the ego from the voice of your soul. This is an ongoing ‘thing’ throughout our lifetimes here.
    And here then comes the surrender part. Surrender to the fact that when you have gifts and you want to use them for the benefit of others, you need to give up, the ‘you’, ‘you’ are thinking ‘you’ are. Because this gets in the way of your souls purpose. -You- is blocking the road. You need to surrender your ‘you’ in order to be able to learn, also surrender to you ‘not knowing’, you’re ‘ you’ doesn’t know a thing! Surrender your vanity, because your inner Knowledge does -know- and your inner Teachers know how to get there. You can prepare your self to get there if you drop every ego beneficial reason for it you have in your body. Last but not least; -faith-; when my inner Teachers tell me something to do or read or what ever, they think is necessary for me to see and learn from, I am not always seeing directly the right ‘picture’ of it . But apparently it is important so I walk in faith. See what comes out of it. I know one day it will become clear and -it does-, I know. It does come clear.
    Letting psychic abilities -gifts- flourish does not mean dancing with the stars but to put yourself to it to become one with them. And therein lies the difference.