Reed Summers’ Interview on The Moore Show

Reed Summers is interviewed by Kevin Moore on The Moore Show on Marshall Vian Summers Channeled Message from The Source On the Evolution Of Human Consciousness,
on November 2, 2017.

Kevin Moore: Now on today’s show I’m about to be joined with my guest, Reed Vian Summers. Now Reed Summers is the son of Marshall Vian Summers who, for over 35 years, has been immersed in the process of Revelation that has brought into the world a New Message from the Creator of all life. This New Message contains a Revelation regarding the great environmental, social and planetary change underway in our world. This also includes the reality of contact with extraterrestrial life and the keys to understanding our spirituality and inner awakening in light of the enormous evolutionary changes facing us today. Now Reed Summers is now a teacher of the New Message as well as the director for the Society for the New Message, the non-profit organization founded by Marshall Vian Summers in 1992 to bring Greater Community awareness and education worldwide. Reed Vian Summers, welcome to the show.

Reed: Thank you for having me, Kevin.

KM: Thank you for coming on, all the way from Boulder, Colorado in the States. And I was just saying off-air there that I’ll be in your area well soonish doing the documentaries that I’m about to film as well. And you know watching some, having just done some research on, on what this is, the New Message and the work that you guys are doing, uh, interesting stuff, really is. So going straight into your work, then, or into what you do, um, what is it, if you would just explain to us what this is, and how this came about through your father.

RS: Absolutely. Well, for over 35 years my father, Marshall Vian Summers, has been engaged in a remarkable process of Revelation that has brought into the world a vast Revelation for our world that is really here to bring an entirely new reality to human awareness. And it all began in 1982 when my father was called by a mysterious presence and voice to take retreat in the deserts of the American Southwest. And at the culmination of that retreat over a multi-month period of wandering, a Voice came upon him with such power and weight that it almost, he almost felt that it would tear him apart, that it would destroy him.

This Voice then commanded him in a single word, to record, to record a series of Messages for humanity. And in the years since that is what has happened through my father. And a, an amazing flood of Revelation has ensued over 900 Angelic encounters, bringing into the world a vast new Teaching from the Creator of all life on our future in a Greater Community of worlds in the Universe in which we live; the future environmental, social and political change and challenge coming for our world; and also the deeper spiritual awakening that’s meant to happen for each of us in light of these great evolutionary changes.

KM: Absolutely, OK. Now, for the audience as well, your Dad is still fully with us right now. And uh his time is obviously very precious, so you’ve now stepped in to take on the work as well, to keep the work going, and um, to build on the work as well. So, um, at what age did you get involved with the work as well?

RS: Well, one of the foundational books of the New Message is called Steps to Knowledge, a book of Spiritual Practice. And it’s a remarkable journey of 365 daily Steps to bring the thinking mind, the surface mind, in contact with the deeper mind that we all carry.

And at the age of 16 I first picked up Steps to Knowledge, and began, I think I got to Step 20, 22, something around there, put it down. And then at the age of 19 I left home in Boulder, Colorado and, on my own sense of inner knowing, went out into the world, went and lived and worked in the Middle East a year after 9 -11, which was an amazing and remarkable experience.

And it was there that I picked Steps to Knowledge back up again, began the journey of Steps and completed it. And that really was the beginning of my involvement with the New Message. I’ve been working with my father, Marshall Vian Summers, for about 13 years, studying the tremendously vast number of texts and Teachings that it contains, and assisting him in the burden, bearing the burden and challenge of presenting what really is a new Revelation for the world.

KM: OK, so many questions. So, OK, what is the key teachings of some of the information that’s coming through?

RS: Yeah. Well, at the very heart and center of the New Message is the reality of what it calls the Greater Community, which is the physical universe in which we live, a universe of a billion, billion, billion races and more, at all stages of evolution and development, spiritual awareness. It is into this Greater Community that our world is now emerging. And this, the New Message tells us, is the greatest change of our time, the deep conveyor belt that is literally causing the ground to move underneath our feet, causing that feeling of anxiety, unsettled discomfort that we all feel looking out on the world, feeling that something fundamental has changed. And the New Message reveals that that fundamental change is the beginning of our emergence into this Greater Community of life, contact with intelligent life who are here in our world today, the end of our isolation in the Universe. Perhaps the biggest event in human history, happening quietly, under the skin, so to speak. Millions, perhaps every person in the world at some level can feel the effect of that change. And that is indeed why the New Message has been given through my father. That is the great evolutionary chapter opening up befoer us, for which we are highly unprepared, highly unaware and highly unresponsive. And that really is why Revelation has come into the world, to prepare us for that, to awaken us to it.

KM: To awaken us to the greater reality that we’re not alone, and what does that do to us as a, even on an individual level?

RS: Oh, enormous; it changes everything, you know. For millennia we have engaged with humans as humans, thinking that that is all there is, this one little contained world of human interaction. Our art, our religions, our science, our philosophy, our entertainment—it’s all kind of boxed, so to speak. And now the walls of that box are disappearing, they’re dissolving. And we are now finding ourselves amidst the vast panorama of life, in which we’ve truthfully always existed, but have been more or less unaware of. This is, this is basically our return to the other 99.999 percent of life, out there. And this will cause us to reconsider our notions of God, our notions of our spirituality, human destiny, even the kind of world we are seeking to have and achieve. All of that really changes at a fundamental level when we realize we are a part of a Greater Community, and that that is our destiny as a race, to return and to engage with that Greater Community.


RS: And there’s also a deeply personal element to this awareness that I’d like to touch on (KM: Please…) today, what this really activates in our awareness and experience.

KM: Absolutely, please go ahead.

RS: Well, many of us have a Greater Community heritage. We have lived lives in other parts of this Greater Community. We are not human only in our, in the sense of what we’ve experienced, or what our soul has experienced in its time in the Universe. And yet we have come into this world and have been presented with a purely human viewpoint, purely human set of aspirations and goals that do not call upon this deeper experience that we have carried into this world, really as a gift to this world. Because we have come into this world at its time of emergence, at its time of contact with intelligent life. And we carry a gift for that. We have an awareness of life beyond the world, a memory, that needs to be activated. But without the Greater Community awareness it won’t be. And I think that, perhaps, for some of your viewers, I know it has for me, explains that inability to “get” this place, you know, to feel comfortable here, to really connect in the human environment, to succeed in this environment. There’s something off either about us or about it, you know. For many years perhaps we feel like it’s us, you know, we’re the problem; we just don’t fit in here. There’s something about us that can’t integrate. And the amazing thing about the New Message Revelation that Marshall’s received is it finally confirms this deeper aspect of our nature, and gives it a platform to be communicated in the world, to serve the world, to speak to other people who also have that aspect of themselves.

And so, there is an awakening at many levels today in the world. But this is a level of awakening that I think few people have considered which is that we are Greater Community people. We are people of all life, of life in the universe, of all life in creation, not just of this one little earth. And finally we are finding ourselves a part of that Greater Community and can experience our nature and our design to be in the world at this time, but with all of those connections and relationships to life in the Universe intact.

So there is a tremendous opening, (KM: yes) even a sense of love that comes when we realize that our world is an emerging world, that contact has begun. And I’d like to talk about contact because truthfully it’s not what we think it to be, and this the New Message makes very clear, has a lot to say.

KM: Sure, go ahead.

RS: And yet even still, yeah, well even still with that, um, there is this awakening of a deeper part of ourselves, very natural, very organic. And so, I’m excited, truthfully, to bring the Greater Community awareness and reality to people because I have seen firsthand in my life and in the lives of the thousands of people who are studying this work around the world what that has done for them, the relief it is brought, the relief from depression, the relief from isolation, the ability to finally put two and two together. And for their life to kind of come online instead of being in a holding pattern for years or decades feeling like the world is barreling ahead, “I’m not a part of it I can’t, it doesn’t make sense to me.” or “I don’t make sense to me.” Kind of stuck and so I’ve seen the power of this new message to get people unstuck and really connect to their deeper gifts to be given into the world at this time.

KM: Almost where, you know, where they were discovering their purpose again and they’re you know they’re going into this spiritual path in a sense. So there’s a lot of sort of information here in the sense of why things are the way they are, I guess.

RS: Yeah absolutely. Well without a Greater Community awareness how can we understand how things are and why they are that way? You know, as above so below. You know how can we really understand life if we don’t understand life on a broader scale? So that’s one gift regarding how things are and why they are the way they are but the other is that this deep fundamental change which is this earth eclipsing its isolation and coming into contact with other forms of intelligent life, that deep change is triggering so many smaller secondary changes, so many that I can’t even account for them all. But it’s causing numerous changes and it’s forcing numerous change, changes in our world environmentally and politically, economically, even. So by understanding the Greater Community we can understand the landscape of human experience and life on this globe in a much clearer compat-, more compassionate and more positive light.

KM: Right. And again is that because of some of the spiritual principles that have come through in your dad’s teachings, in a sense, of, you know, where we’ve come without, we’re soul having a human experience, for example, may not using that word soul, but we are, we are lifeless, we’re not lifeless, sorry, we are infinite. It’s we’re, it there’s no words to it. That we only use human words like the soul because that’s just a reference that most people (RS: right) can kind of connect to. But we are this energy having this human experience here and we’ve come here for many reasons. We’ve come here even for the taste of milk chocolate for some, for some people. But do you know what I mean? It’s, you know, (RS: uh uh) we’ve come here for the good, the bad and the ugly in a sense, to have this experience.

RS: That’s true. We we’ve all come for, for slightly different reasons. But we have come with a pure will to participate and to give and to contribute to the needs of this world at this time. And I think at the center of every person’s presence in the world there is that original intention, the memory, perhaps, of a commitment made to those who sent them that, “I will come into this world and assist this world and rediscover my deeper nature while I’m here and allow that to communicate itself through me.” And I, I would say that that, despite the confusion and the aggravation and the distortion that we all have experienced, that is that pure kernel at the center of a human life, at the center of human religion, even. The New Message does introduce some new terms. It does bring some new words to our awareness that come from the Greater Community itself. It does speak of the Soul, most definitely. But it also speaks of a word called Knowledge. Now, we have a common understanding of knowledge as either learning or intelligence or, you know, aggregated understanding over time. But the New Message says that in the Greater Community, Knowledge refers to the innate ability of a sentient being to know the truth beyond all manipulation and distortion. And that that capacity is in all beings throughout the universe; and that that kernel, that seed is actually God within the individual. That is the unified intelligence still present in every individual that is capable of being expressed through every individual. And that this is in essence really what unifies us into it with other human beings of other nations, religions, ethnicities, but even other forms of intelligent life is this Knowledge. So, it’s a very powerful part of the New Message. Again, the New Message is so big. This is thousands and thousands of pages of revealed word that speak and touch on nearly every aspect of our lives and introduce major new realities to human awareness. So, it’s only so far I can go into each (KM: of course) of but I do invite your listeners…

KM: Yes, absolutely. Yeah. And in 51 minutes it’s really difficult to, to, to get to it as well so we’ll do our best of it we really will. You know and we may end up meeting each other and doing an in-person interview who knows, who knows, right? Yeah. Okay, so why has the soul chosen to have this experience? Why choose to incarnate and have this experience of forgetting who it is or what it is to have this human experience?

RS: Ok, that’s a great question. Well, I can kind of step back a little bit and give part of the cosmology of the New Message regarding what the universe is and what human form and all forms in essence are. The New Message teaches that there was a timeless state of creation long before this world existed, before the physical universe even existed, when all beings were unified in a remarkable and expressive form of relationship—timeless. And that at some point—I even hesitate to say point because there were none at that point—some part of that creation sought separation in form, sought separation from that unified state, wanted to experience change—personal creation—wanted to create differentiation. And so, in response, the Creator of all life, which is really not an entity, a godly entity, but really a state of unified awareness, created the physical universe, set in motion the forces of evolution—biological, geological forces—to create an environment where that’s, those that part of creation that wanted to be separate could experience separation. And that is where we are now in this vast expanding universe, expanding across billions of years, producing billions of worlds where a single soul can manifest and experience what separation is like. What does it feel like to be apart, to be an individual, to have a personal will and pursue that will? What are the results of it? Does it produce something wonderful? Or does it produce something painful? And across lifetimes our souls journeying through this manifest universe have been experiencing separation in so many different forms, learning that, indeed, it is the return to that state of unity, that, that return to a state of pure relationship, that we actually do seek as we work through our will to be separate. And you and I and everyone else, we have this dual will; we have this will to be unique, to be apart, to achieve something in form. And yet, we also have this extremely deep yearning to return to relationship. And both are acting themselves out. And that is perhaps the playing field of separation where we find ourselves. And yet, before this life, the New Message teaches, we existed in what it calls in our Ancient Home, okay? United with what it calls our Spiritual Family, Okay? So beyond form our soul exists in a state where it is not yet fully united. It is partially separated, but it is not in form. And that our soul at that point willed to come into this world to experience Knowledge, to experience relationship and to give something. And that fundamental act of giving is really what calls us into the world and fulfills our being in the world. Life is giving. You know, the trees lay down themselves so the next generation can grow amidst their biomass, you know. The seeds are produced by plants as the first priority of that plant. It’s all throughout life, this act of giving so that the next generation can have that experience. And the New Message teaches that we each have come into the world with that original will and intention. But that to enter this place of separation we came into a state of amnesia. We forgot. We completely forgot who we really are and what we are connected to beyond this life. And we are conditioned and trained to be a good human being, a successful human being. The mind is built up with all the constructs of fulfillment, gratification. And that at some point those constructs begin to fail us. Something about the world we have been taught to believe in, taught to pursue, starts to break up. And that is a remarkable moment in the life of a human being. That is the beginning of an awakening. And the New Message is really here to trigger that awakening in enough people to respond to the great needs of our time and to take them on the Steps of discovering what that really means.

KM: So, so what does an awakened life versus an unawakened life look like? I mean, obviously there’s, you know, people are still having nine-to-five jobs. They’re having families, they’re because the human side (RS: Absolutely ) of this is so important you know. Your work isn’t excluding that is it you know because (RS: Absolutely not.) we obviously as a soul came here to have this human experience. It was really important to us.

RS: Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. The human part of us is our vehicle. It’s our vehicle in separation. The mind and the body are precious. They’re to be preserved, respected and honored. And yet without the guiding intelligence within us the mind basically creates its own replacement. It compensates and creates a God. It creates a fulfillment a purpose, even a form of service. So a mind not guided by Knowledge will pursue these things. And yet the problem is that these things are unhitched from reality. They are not part of the Greater Coordination of life in the seen and in the unseen. And so what ends up happening is we create a life of over-commitment, over-stimulation. We feel off. We don’t feel quite right about that. And so we do more of it. We create more of what has put us in the hole in the first place. So the purpose here is for the mind, the thinking mind, to enter a state of connection to the knowing mind: the marriage of two minds. And the New Message, its purpose, is to bring our minds back into contact with Knowledge and to build the bridge between the two so that Knowledge can inform our surface life, can tell us literally the most, you know, ground level decisions we have to make: where to be, who to marry, what career to choose—everything, you know, how to engage in the key relationships of our life. It’s this knowledge that’s meant to move through us and to literally move us into our position of service. Without this we would probably seek what many of us have experienced, which is a life of addiction and confusion, compensation; a life that fundamentally feels off but we can’t quite put our finger on what feels off, you know. We have this authentic desire to be a part of the, this world and to be a contributor. And yet it’s going to take the Knowledge within us to help us make the thousand left and right turns in the form of decisions to get there.

KM: What about souls who choose to maybe come here to have those, some of those play out, you know, some of those experiences play out where, you know, life of hardship, struggle, pain with the free will obviously to get out of that but they’ve kind of chosen situations for that to occur because that’s what the soul really craved for? It didn’t want nothing else but that show me the pain.

RS: Yeah, sure. I think there’s a lot of mystery behind our presence in the world. And I would never look at someone and say this is why you’re in the world, or you need to do this. It’s Knowledge within them emerging within them that will tell them this is why you’re in the world; you need to do this. I do want to say though there, there is a common, there are some common beliefs out there that are a bit risky in light of this, which is you look out into a poor part of the world and you might think, well, these people they wanted that or their level of awareness has earned them that. And this is where the mind starts to try to understand what is beyond the mind. We’ve tried to take a greater, we mix and confuse levels. There are levels of truth. And if you take a higher truth, such as our soul manifesting in physical life, and the vast intention that stands behind that, and try to pin that on something you see, I think that, that can be a mistake.

KM: That’s if this reality is what we think it is in the first place as well, absolutely. I mean if this, this is some sort of…ah…virt—, simulation or something called something called like a holographic universe, you know, it may not be what we think it is, you know. And so I kind of do understand what you’re saying. Yeah, for us to say this is how it is. But then, you know, that’s, that’s the level of reality we create, don’t we?, when, we when we put labels on things. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But you know, I’m sure there’s levels above levels above levels of reality to, to look at maybe seismic information that’s never even come through yet that’s still out there that we’re not ready to hear.

RS: Yeah, absolutely. Well we have a long future ahead. You know, the human family is an emerging world. We are young. We are divided. We are conflicted. We are destroying the natural environment around us, which the New Message says is our hallmark signs of an emerging world, emerging out of a state of tribalism to a state of nations, ultimately to a state of a world community. So we have a long journey to take. But our emergence into the Greater Community is going to change a lot. And there are a lot of risks associated with that, even threats that could literally rob us of our future and freedom on this earth if we’re not careful. So we have to attend to the next step, the next chapter of the human experience. And the New Message says that is our emergence into the Universe, our restoration of the natural world and the encouraging of unity and cooperation between nations and religions.

KM: And that, that all sounds very beautiful. Do you think for some people, though that the UFO subject, the, the extraterrestrial subject, the subject of life out there, is, is the only way that, that a soul, or the soul that’s in question here, is going to wake up in this particular lifetime? No other way really except for a 2×4 across the head, it’s gonna really awaken them to that they’re, they’re more than their body. And this particular subject allows them that experience this time around.

RS: Absolutely. I mean you know we are coming in contact with the other 99.999 percent of life. What could be bigger? What could be more challenging? And it takes challenge to wake us up. It’ll take a major challenge like this to finally wake the human family up. And I frankly, besides contact with intelligent life and the degradation of our natural environment such that it threatens the habitability of Earth, these two things are the two things that could could wake us up collectively, that could put an end to war in time and really cause us to do things differently on this earth. It’s necessity. Necessity is the mother of invention. And I feel that carries forth here.

KM: What about those who who are never gonna come across this material or this material will never resonate with them? And you know they will live what they call a really content and happy life or you know a life that’s, that, that was that was happy for them and they go back home and a greater reality is made aware to them but it didn’t really affect them not knowing it at this time around.

RS: Yeah, well it may affect them when they leave. And the New Message presents some very powerful teachings. There’s one called, “The Initiation,” there’s one called, “The Angelic Assembly.” I encourage your viewers to go read and to hear the original voice of revelation that spoke through Marshall Vian Summers is being made available so you can hear the voice and read the text. In these two Revelations it talks about what we might experience after death when we leave this place, either with our mission fulfilled or undiscovered and unfulfilled. And the realiz-,  it’s not, it’s not a reality of condemnation or blame. There is no judgment because we were the ones who chose to come into the world. In a sense your spiritual family beyond the world looks you in the eye and says, “How do you feel about that life you just lived? Are you satisfied with that? Is that what you wanted to express in separation?” It’s an honest moment, a moment where there’s no resistance; there’s no physical form to be mindful of. And we see the truth. We realize, “I didn’t do it. I didn’t meet those who I were meant, who I was meant to meet. I didn’t get to the place I was meant to be. I didn’t engage in that purpose I was meant to engage in. I want to go back.” And so arrangements are made and back we come, or somewhere we come according to a greater plan beyond my awareness. (KM: Yes.) But it’s up to every individual you know to feel what is the intention behind their existence in the world at this time? Is there a place they need to get to, other people they need to meet? Is there an it they need to find? And are they satisfied if they don’t find it? Is that okay with them? And I think that that’s, see this is, this is again this is the inner barometer we all carry a barometer within us, a pressure gauge which basically has two directions it can go: yes or no, forward or stop. You know it’s, it’s very deep and innate to us. And people of any religion have this. People have no religion have this. We’re all capable of engaging with this inner barometer, which the New Message calls Knowledge. And that is what will get you where you need to go. That’s what’s gotten me where I’ve needed to go in life, not a lot of principles or high teachings or metaphysical truth. It’s a deep sense of what must be for my life and what must not be, what cannot be for my life. And I call upon that in peo-,  and all those I meet. How do you feel about the world in which you live? Is there somewhere you need to be? Is there a service that or a gift that you are meant to give and to perform in the world? And this is beyond organized religion, you know. This is beyond the scripture of any one faith. This is universal to the human experience. And given the multitude of panoramic planetary challenges we are facing, which are answerless, by and large, answerless at this time, we need millions and millions of men and women responding to Knowledge within themselves, being moved, perhaps inexplicably, to do things they otherwise wouldn’t do. So I have great faith in that. And I think that’s where the hope for our world truthfully lies.

KM: Hmm. I mean someone’s life could be very simple, for example, you know, they could just you know be a housewife, maybe our mother, that’s an important thing or whatever job they, they may have I suppose if we’re if we’re doing what we’ve come here to do and being purpose ammm, is that good enough?

RS: If we’ve come here to do what we’ve come to do and to be in purpose, is that good enough? Absolutely. Absolutely. But the mind can’t estimate that, assess that, judge it judge the successfulness or the completion of it. That’s held within Knowledge within a person. Do we need people in every station of society? Yes. Do we need any contributors in every avenue of society, mundane to extraordinary, to scientific to spiritual? Absolutely. But it is this core reality of Knowledge that’s going to actually get us there. It’s going to move, you know, this vehicle down the road so to speak. So there’s no fixed path. There’s no fixed end point of a successful life or a picture I could paint like, here, here’s a man or woman of Knowledge—let me paint a picture for you; this is what it should look like. I don’t know what it will look like. And that’s what makes this so exciting and fascinating is when the New Message from God is found by a person in the world out there, anywhere, in any faith, and they experience this activating power, this panoramic understanding of life in the universe, this greater reality and sense of trajectory that stands behind us personally and as a race, what happens? Well, Knowledge is awoken and the person may go in any which direction they go. And so there is tremendous hope for the world despite the great challenges we face at a planetary level and the great challenge of contact, which I would like to touch on. There is great hope because Knowledge is within us. That’s my sense, I feel…

KM:  For sure. And we will get into the contact as well, you know. And I’ve interviewed so many different people in the field of spirituality and metaphysics and, you know, everyone’s got their own take on what they think their truth is. I mean to me it feels like, you know, all paths lead to the same place in the end, right? We’re all creating a different slightly different reality aren’t we? And we’ve just got to go with what feels right. And if people feel drawn to what you’re saying then, you know, that’s what they’ve got, they’ve got to go. And if they don’t, well, they’ll, they’ll find their path as well, which will be right for them is there a right or wrong? It doesn’t seem to be.

RS: Well, I would I would disagree with that a little bit. I, I for myself, I focus on not the reality that I create but reality with a capital R. I do feel there is an objective reality. And we are, by and large, out of touch with that reality, you know, living in what might be our own reality of thought and emotion and experience. The mind does create a reality of experience. But there is a reality beyond the mind and that does not change for me to you, to someone else. That is Reality and I wouldn’t be the one to claim to possess that reality, but I do seek to experience that reality and have that reality express itself through me. And so a little bit different take on on that. And I do feel there is a right and there is a wrong, and that we can know right and wrong. And that that’s not at the level of ethics and morals, my religion, your religion. That’s at a deeper level. And that is this inner barometer, this inner compass that can guide our world into the future, I feel.

KM: Well yeah. I don’t feel you have to follow through with anything. I mean even if you’ve decided before we come down here, right? You know I’m gonna do this to you and you’re gonna let me and then your, our souls… We’re gonna get such great stuff out of this because it’s going to be so fulfilling into it, to our, to our understanding of what it feels like to have this experience. But do we have to commit those acts when we get to that point of, you know, even forgetting our forget-me-not of having the agreement there in the first place? Probably not. I think there’s always free will not, not to have to come from that space. I think that’s part of the choice as well.

RS: Well that’s free will as an element of separation. I mean, we have free will, yeah absolutely.

KM: What-, Okay,  just before we get into the contact ‘cause we’ve got enough time, just, just going back to your father’s work here as well. So, when he’s, when he, when he’s bringing this information through then, obviously he’s been bringing through the Allied, Allied of Humanity Briefing…

RS: The Allies of Humanity Briefing-

KM: Yes, sorry, the Allies of Humanity Briefing, my notes are wrong here yeah. But we talk about a God’s message as well. So just the confusion here is you know when is God coming into this picture of what your father’s bringing through compare, compared to the way…yeah…

RS: Yeah well there are truthfully two completely different sources speaking through my father, the Messenger, and they are distinct and they have a different communication. And they, it’s important to understand both. So my father for 35 years has been an engaged in receiving a communication from the Creator of all life through the Angelic Assembly that oversees life on Earth, a Message for the whole world, a Message coming because of the evolutionary threshold at which we stand. (KM: Yes) That is a Message from the Creator of all life translated into human language by the Angels of God. At the same time the Creator has called upon certain free worlds in our vicinity of space to come to the, to the Earth to observe the state of our world and the extraterrestrial intervention now under way in our world, and to provide a report, to provide briefings on what we otherwise could never see, because we can’t stand outside our world and view the events of the world from that perspective. Those individuals call themselves the Allies of Humanity. And they have spoken their briefings through my father, through the assistance of the Angelic Assembly, the same Angelic Assembly that has brought in the communication from God. So you have on one side the New Message from God, which is thousands of pages in length, an immense Message in teaching for the world. And you have at present three sets of Briefings from the Allies of Humanity, who have really come to bring their wisdom and perspective as sentient physical beings in our local region of space. And the two complement each themselves remarkably. In essence God is calling upon relationship for us to be in relationship with those other races who have achieved what we are setting out to achieve, (KM: Hmm, okay) So it’s more than a message,  it’s a relationship.

KM: Okay, and has anybody else been bringing through ah connected with the same connections that he is? Is it anybody in the organization? Are you able to bring through the Angelic voices and the the Allied of Humanity as well? Are you able to do that?

RS: No, absolutely not. Marshall, Marshall is the one prepared and chosen to receive the New Message and to receive the Allies of Humanity briefings. And I think that, that God would speak into the world through a Messenger chosen and prepared for that task. That is something we can recall in our memory and experience. We know what Revelation has looked like in the past and for that to happen again, it’s a remarkable statement to make. And I don’t expect anyone to simply believe that. You have to experience the quality of the Message and you have to understand the gravity of the time. If you don’t understand the gravity of the time, you won’t really be able to receive the answer commensurate with it. So both are important there.

KM: Have you ex—

RS: But for this Messenger—

KM: Go ahead, sorry.

RS: Well, for the Messenger at the same time to receive a communication from those worlds who have achieved what humanity is attempting to achieve, that is remarkable. The both coming through one man is I find very remarkable and I have lived my entire life at my father’s side and have seen this happen firsthand. And it’s been a remarkable journey of amazing moments, great challenges. But also for me, a struggle to really understand and to accept that, believe me, there was no pressure on me to believe any of this. (KM: Oh no.) I had my own journey of coming, (KM: yeah) to really understand what was happening and feel at a deeper level within myself that it’s real.

KM: Absolutely, I mean have you, I mean, we use, I use the word channeling when I first just before we came on air. And I did say, you know, watching your father back it’s just a form of channeling. Have you ever come across channeling before? Any challenging teachings or any anything like that?

RS: Sure yeah, I’ve come across them and I, I know a little bit not very much, but yeah.

KM: Can you can you see the similarity between what your father’s doing and what others do?

RS: Absolutely. I mean, there are other individuals, certainly, who could be in contact with unseen entities. It’s most definitely part, we live in a mental environment not just a physical environment. There are unseen presences and that those could speak through an individual is certainly possible. The difference here, though, is Marshall Vian Summers is not speaking to one entity, nor is an entity speaking to him about his life for a group of people or even, you know, one single place in the world or one tribe, one religion. This is the Creator of all life speaking through the Angelic Assembly through one man, to deliver a consistent and coherent Message that all people in the world can receive now and in the years ahead. So it’s, it’s different in that sense.

KM: Okay, yeah. But you’ve got authors that have you know done their work in the Conversations with God with Neale Donald Walsch. There’s many people coming on this documentary that are channeling source as well, God as you want to call it, all with their unique take. So you know that, there’s so many forms of information coming through right now as this. and (RS: Yeah) you know, you know it’s almost like they all know each other. It’s almost like the message that your father brings through is for the people that it will resonate for, and, and that’s the people it’s gonna help. Is it the only truth? Is it the only way? Because yet again, I say I’m doing three documentaries—three not just one—because there’s that many channels out there. And there’s not, I’m not even covering all (RS: Yeah) they have, you know what I mean? So there’s all these messages  (RS: sure) coming through and they’re all enlightening; they’re all loving. The, the innocence, they’re all trying to, you know, bring teaching information through to make this present moment the happiest and most loving it can be, or at least to give you the empowerment that you. And for me being the outsider here a bit, and channeling myself as well, I just, I just see that is, that to me that’s what this is. But you know. And, and, and I think it’s really good it’s good stuff what your dad’s bringing through, no doubt really, good stuff. I, I just think that have you ever, you know there may be a bigger picture to this that has not made itself aware just yet what you know I don’t know…

RS: Oh absolutely. Is this the only truth? Absolutely not. Is this the only pathway? Most definitely not. In fact, the New Message says that all the religions of the world need to be involved now.

KM: Right, yes so important.

RS: They all have a part to play in this plan. This is not let’s create a new group and say we have it and you have to join us to get it (KM: yeah, yeah) and you don’t have a (KM: yeah, yes) … See, this is Separation. That’s Separation speaking. The New Message from God is God speaking, God in a state of unified creation so this is, this is going to call upon the gifts that all the religions have, truth that’s been given in the past as well, as well as a form of channeling that I would like to, I would like to speak on ba–, frankly which is becoming a conduit for Knowledge within us. (KM: Yes, yes). Because we all carry (KM: Yes, yes) the mind of God within us (KM: Yes, yes) that can speak through us. Now this is not mine and yours, your Knowledge, my Knowledge. This is the mind of God. And what could be more uniting than channeling that voice, that intention in our actions in life?

KM: Well then that goes to your father’s channel-, your father’s receiving and let’s use that word just for now, right? Is he just receiving his higher self in a sense? I mean are we that powerful? I mean are we God having a human experience? Is God just another word for love or whatever you want to call it? Yeah they, love is the greatest of all isn’t it? Right. you know it (RS: Yeah) could it just be, is this an aspect of dad coming through this that’s so powerful that just wants to, you know, bring about some change in the world?

RS: Well, having a distinct memory of the events of my father’s life I’d have to say absolutely not, because I know exactly how this came about. It has come through him. What it looks like for him to receive Revelation, I know what that looks like. So I would say that. But I would also say you have to look at the quality of the Message. What is actually being given? Is this stream of consciousness? Is this a stream of inspiration? Or is this a new reality? I mean they’re, the New Message spreads across over 40 texts, 40 books. There are books describing just relationships and higher purpose, books describing just life in the universe and the greater community, the new world reality, the mental environment—major building blocks of understanding and awareness that relate to our present time that are definitely not a higher source of one individual. I mean this is, there is an intention to present an upgrade to human awareness and an understanding. And when you look through these texts you realize, my God, this is, this is the building blocks of a new reality. (KM: Uhm) I mean these are major elements of what we need to perceive and understand as humans at this time on religion, on nature, on love, on money, on family, on child-raising. There are revelations on all of those. So as you move through the Revelation and you read each of these individual Revelations in the books into which they’re being compiled you come to understand this is a new foundation upon which to build as human beings. I mean this is this is not an eso–, an ancient you know, an ancient foundation built upon ancient times and tribal, (RM: Absolutely) tribal experience. This is a modern foundation that acknowledges life beyond our world, acknowledges the global challenges going on now so…

KM: No, that speaks, that speaks tons, really. You know just as you say just what one book, pages and pages on just this particular whatever subject it is. And that, of course that speaks volumes. And you know some of my questions really you know have been kind of out there, recently. What’s beyond, you know, what’s beyond God? Does it matter? But what, what is beyond that what is what is that what is what’s beyond what we think we know what we think we know, or what all the teachings that are coming through now. Is, is there a seismic level of even more information to come through? I used that word earlier on, seismic. And, you know, a are we, would that  break it from even more of the patterns that we’ve got now? Maybe we’re not ready for that type of information. I think what your dad’s brought through is timeless, don’t get me wrong, for all the souls that come to that level that come to dad’s information will always resonate. But I’m saying, what’s beyond that? What’s beyond that?

RS: Oh there’s more beyond that. I mean this is a Message from God for this time and it comes in a succession of messages and the New Message says that those messages are given approximately, approximately once every millennium, at great thresholds where humanity as a whole needs to take a big step. And as is often the case at such a threshold, it doesn’t see that step to take. It resists that step to take and it doesn’t have the education to safely take that step. And so at those times a New Message from God is given. Prophet Muhammad, Jesus: these are some of the Messengers who have brought a new reality into the world. Are there, are there more messages to come? Most definitely. Humanity has many hundreds and thousands of years left in its evolution; we’re just an emerging world. But what we need is what relates to the cusp we stand at now, to the big step we (KM: what…why…) have to take now…

KM: Why couldn’t your ah-, of this information have come through before? Why, you know I mean, I mean it’s, it’s you know, information from, you know, the major religions are such low level information it really… I mean it set us back to the dark ages, most of this stuff did. But maybe that’s well, maybe I mean we have to take responsibility for that. Maybe as soul, as a collective consciousness that came to this earth to have this experience maybe that’s what we wanted. maybe we did.

RS: Huh. Well, you know a lot has been given to this world, you know, through Knowledge within the individual, through the Angels of God who have spoken to individuals throughout times in history: prophets and messengers unknown of throughout time. And just the Great Spirit moving through people helping people. So that, that is at work every day, everywhere on this Earth, most definitely. Why did it take so long for a New Revelation to be given? Great question, and we may not fully understand what the threshold lines really are in our evolution. You know, we may have thought well this could have come in the year 1500 (KM: yes) or 1700 or 1900. Well the world has been struggling to merge tribes into nations, to build a world community. That has only to come into being, I don’t know, perhaps in the last 50, 60 years, you could say. The advent of nuclear weapons, the technological power to end life on Earth–that is a very recent phenomenon. Global communications, the ability for anyone to be in touch with anyone–that is a very recent phenomenon. A hundred years ago none of what I have spoken of really existed. So there is a very recent up amplitude in the rate of human growth, technological development and simply the speed of change in the world that I think we’re all feeling. It’s like, it almost churns your insides when you feel the rate of change in this world. And that, I feel is why the New Message was given in starting, starting in the 1980s and into the 90s and into the present time.

KM: OK, well thank you for that. Now I know that we wanted just to get in “contact.” And then we’ll have to fill up because we’re at fifty two minutes here but that’s OK. I’ll just go in overtime because this is very much much worth it yes yeah just your take on contact as well and of course why–

RS: Well, I’d love to talk about the reality of contact as well…

KM: The reality of contact, sorry… yes… let’s do that. So if you can just tell us what the Message

RS: Well, the New Message–sure well, the New Message has some startling statements to make about the reality of contact that are critical for people to understand. We are experiencing in our world today visitation, but it is not a friendly visitation. It is, it is a visitation by forces from the Greater Community who are responding to the evolutionary steps we have taken in terms of nuclear war, global world war, global communications—who are responding to those events in human history and are coming to the earth for a variety of reasons. The New Message terms this overall phenomenon the Intervention because it is an intervention into human affairs for the purposes of the visitors, and the goal of which is primarily to gain access to the resources of our world, its strategic position and its people. So our first steps out into the Greater Community are steps in which we encounter not altruistic space explorers, not scientists, not enlightened races, but resource explorers, the unenlightened, in essence, who are here, who have traveled great distance because of the biological wealth and diversity of our world, the great events in human history that threatened that world and the possibility of engaging with humanity as a subservient race in a larger association of powers.

KM: And are they here as a consciousness or they here as a physical?

RS: If I understood your question, they are physical beings who are here in physical craft, representing a variety of interests and worlds, but primarily they are commercial interests. They are here to explore the resources of Earth and to take advantage of a weak and a fractured humanity that is rapidly destroying the environment and is divided and distracted and unwise, largely unwise in how we treat the world. At the same time I should say people do often think well maybe they would be better rulers of the world than we will, than we are. Maybe we should let them come, you know, the loss of confidence in ourselves that the intervention exactly wants to inspire. They want to make us feel like we don’t deserve this world, that we are inferior, that we are incapable, none of which are true. We are totally capable. We are divided and we are distracted and we are destroying the world; that must change and can change. But they, the Intervention, would be much worse. They will, they will use this world as, as a resource and extract that resource from it. They have no regard for the earth and its natural bounty beyond what it can be used for. And they certainly have very little regard for human beings so…

KM: What particular races, what particular… sorry we’re just  having a few internet problems here, sorry. What particular race are you referring to ‘cause I mean are we talking about the what did well that race, that, that was the… the name’s gone, oh damn it. (RS: Yeah) David Icke talks about the race…

RS: I don’t think names of, I think names of races is a human fascination but it’s not going to get us very far. I mean, we don’t know what’s out there, which is partly why the New Message has come to reveal what life in the universe is really like. What is the nature of trade and travel and interaction between worlds? Names of places, names of star systems and races, what will that really do for us, first off? B, I don’t know and the intervention certainly doesn’t want us to know either. (KM: Right) Or they would love to introduce names, a variety of names, that would keep us fascinated and distracted. So names are not so much important as the intent of this force.

KM: Is it affecting us now? Is it affecting the way that we’ve treated ourselves on the planet right now where we’re at as a, at the level that we’re at right now? Has it affected us to the point where right now. And does it continue to affect us? And if it’s affecting us, how is it doing that in the sense is it, are they shape, are they among us now in power?

RS: That’s a great– it’s a great question. So this is a big arena and I’ll do my best to encapsulate it, but I recommend your viewers go read the Allies of Humanity Briefings—they’re free online—and they present the full specter of the activities of the Intervention, why they’re here and what we each need to do in response to it. The effect is enormous in both the physical and mental environments. The Intervention is encouraging the very things that weaken us further, that will put us in a position of powerlessness in the universe and desperation for assistance from beyond. So they’re encouraging human conflict, encouraging powerful nations to become embroiled in local conflicts elsewhere in the world. They are influencing individuals in positions of political and religious power, promising them free technology, global dominance, things of this sort. And in addition one of the darker aspects of the Intervention is a hybridization program, a program to integrate with humanity physically, to create a being that is naturally aligned to the Intervention, not humanity, that is capable of breathing this atmosphere, living in this biological world and ultimately providing leadership for humanity. And so these are some of the ways the Intervention is affecting us, and it’s more ways than we know. And I think the preparation, that’s why the preparation is so critical: the preparation of the mind and the integration of the mind with our spiritual power. Because this spiritual power cannot be touched by the Intervention, either in the mental or physical environment. This is beyond manipulation, deception and distortion by any power. This is, this is really the kernel of us that still stands outside separate, manifest life. It still has a foot on the other side. And we need to maintain that foot on that shore if we’re going to engage in this challenging time in this world and with the Intervention.

KM: Why wouldn’t the Allies of humanities step in here, then, to stop that from happening? Is it because there’s complete freedom (RS: that’s a good) do what you want?

RS: No, that’s a good question. Well to understand that we have to understand a little bit about the affairs of the universe in which we live, and again this is from the Revelation of the New Message. We live in a well inhabited part of the universe, turns out, and a place where trade and travel are quite common but are very highly established between trading nations, Okay? You can’t just go wherever you please in this universe. You can’t, one world can’t just send a group to this world freely and without the risk of observation and limitation. So there are great limits and there are great economic powers that utilize intervention in emerging worlds. They have an interest to gain access to these resources. The vast number of these worlds are technological, hierarchical societies. They are not spiritually advanced. Technological advancement in no way equates to spiritual advancement. I hope we, as humans, can understand that from our own experience. These are technological powers who are basically out for survival and resource acquisition. Elsewhere, there are also free worlds who are smaller, more hidden, who have cultivated a deeper awareness of life and yet have had to pull out of the affairs of the Greater Community in order to cultivate that awareness because, again, this is a competitive, manipulative environment. It’s very similar to what we see on Earth between corporations and economies, you know, the powerful dominating the weak. It’s nature; the universe is an expression of nature on a vast scale. And so these free worlds don’t have great armadas of vessels, don’t have armies, don’t have great influence. And yet they do see the value of this world in terms of what it could bring about in experience: the power of Knowledge emerging in people, you know. We’re technological, but not too technological. We still have this heartfelt sense of care and goodwill toward one another and ultimately towards all life. Humanity possesses this, the spiritual wealth. And so the Allies of Humanity have come in secret. They’ve come in secret to alert us to the presence of the Intervention. They are in no position to reveal their identities, to send a rescuing force. And in addition, they know that if they did that they would in effect cause us to become reliant upon them when they, the whole point is that we become self-reliant and capable and gain access to our own abilities, instead of rely on the abilities of those beyond us.

KM: Right, absolutely.

RS: So I hope that answers a really important question but one with a lot of side information that has to be presented.

KM: Yeah, I mean we could, yeah we could, we could go a lot deeper there and maybe, you know, if we’re gonna meet in person or do something of some other sort of interview we can do that, do you know what I mean? Because we’ve had a few technical issues just here as well. But but that’s good. But we’ve got I think, what would you say, then, actually let me end it on this: what would you say it’s the most important message of the work that you’re, you’re in charge of right now in a sense?

RS: Our world is emerging into a Greater Community of worlds. We are unprepared. And the preparation for this has been given from the Creator of all life. Marshall Vian Summers has spent his entire life receiving this preparation and bringing it to people. And I invite you to go to read the New Message, to learn about the Greater Community, and to take the Steps to Knowledge, the Steps back into reunion with your own deeper spiritual awareness. Because that is what is going to get you where you need to be in life, wherever that, wherever that happens to be. (KM: Absolutely) So the key message is about the Greater Community. It’s about Knowledge. And it’s about the presence of a Messenger and the Message from the Creator of all life in our world today.

KM: Well, Reed Summers, just thank you so, so much for joining us. And just before you go actually, sorry, your website’s been coming up on the screen throughout this interview your website is…

RS: Our website is New Message dot org, where you can read the texts and hear the original Voice of Revelation. And Allies of Humanity dot org, where you can read the Allies of Humanity briefings. And we welcome you to be in touch with us. We have a community that spans across the globe of remarkable (music comes up) men and women who feel the stirring of this time, who feel the specter of change in the world and in themselves, and the need to prepare. And so there’s a remarkable community of people to become acquainted with as well.

KM: Excellent. Okay, we’ll be putting the website, the books up on the screen throughout this interview. Reed Summers, thank you so, so much for joining us.

RS: Great, thank you, Kevin, pleasure to be with you.


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