I Call Upon You

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Closing Night Broadcast, Jan 28, 2016.

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2016 Messenger’s Vigil Archive

From my position I must ask a lot of you, not just to give your resources, but to rise to a different position in life that is yours to arise to. I did not put it there. I did not invent it. It’s not an intellectual enterprise or exercise.

I need you to be who you were meant to be and to do whatever in your life you must do to pave the way for that. You will have to know what this means within yourself. It is a greater truth and honesty that not many people in the world have really faced and taken on.

And it’s for a greater cause, greater than your happiness, greater than your contentment, greater than the fulfillment of things you might have thought you wanted to do in your life, for God has another plan for you. And it is within you, waiting to be discovered.

I must call upon that in the Light of Revelation, for we live at a time of great consequence. We live at a time when the Earth is going to change, in ways that have never occurred in the time of human civilization, and it’s going to happen much more rapidly than people expect.

So there is no comfort zone left, truly. It is a time to rise. This is what the Revelation is calling for. This is what I am calling for, within you and others who will witness this broadcast, who will discover the New Message, through you or through others. It asks a lot because you have a lot to give and if you do not give this, your life will be frustrated and unhappy, without peace or contentment. For there is no satisfaction, really, if you do not do what you came here to do.

It is not to be magnificent; it is not to be pure. It is not to be enlightened; it is not to have awesome powers or have great recognition in the world. It’s much more simple, but it is a platform upon which you must rise to. And God has provided the steps to enable you to do this.

Without believing in a pantheon of gods, without worshipping a Messenger, without deifying yourself or others, without fantastic tales of creation, without an end-point, without a judgment day, without hell and damnation, all the things that have been added over the centuries, so Revelation comes again.

It has overtaken my life. And at some point, God must overtake you. God will overtake you. And when Revelation comes it asks a lot of people. It puts more in front of them than they would ever put in front of themselves.

It challenges their core beliefs. It challenges their religious institutions of the day. Think— have the Messengers of the past ever been well-received by the religious leaders and institutions of their time? Of course not, because God is not bound by our understanding, our beliefs, no matter how firm and fixed they may seem.

Build your fortress of belief; make its walls ten feet thick; it’s nothing to God. God comes again. God brings something new and revolutionary that sets in motion a beginning, a catalytic effect of change sweeping over people, in people, through people, between people, over time.

What we don’t have now is time. What took centuries to bring a Revelation around the world now must happen in ten years. And we have the technology to make that possible as long as it may last. Great truth comes with great urgency. It is not something merely to be considered. Another Revelation will not come for a very long time. That is what the Revelation says.

So there’s no “Plan B.” There’s no alternative. So I must call upon you and the world to receive God’s Revelation in honesty and humility. Allow it to illuminate your faith tradition if you have one, for all great faith traditions were initiated by God and have been changed by man.

I CALL UPON YOU in this to give up self-importance or to think that this is all about you and your happiness and fulfillment or your healing, for you were sent here for greater things than that—and in your heart, you know this to be true. And I call this from you and I focus upon this in you, and I know how difficult it is to open up to this.

I ask you to receive the Voice of Revelation. Such a Voice that spoke to the Buddha, the Jesus and the Muhammad is now being heard in the world, for the first time. This is not a matter of belief; it’s a matter of recognition. Belief is weak; it’s fallible, easily corrupted, controlled by governments and other powers in the universe.

What God has put within you to respond cannot be corrupted by the world. What else would you ever want to trust within yourself or within another than this that God has put within you to trust and to follow?

I CALL UPON YOU to study the Revelation, slowly, deeply. It’s too big for you at the outset. It is simple in words so that it can be translated easily amongst the tribes and nations of the world, but you cannot exhaust it. It takes you somewhere your intellect cannot go. It takes you somewhere so primeval and primal within you, the you that was you before you came and who you will be after you leave, is where it takes you—now,—in this world.

Encumbered as you are with everything of the world, it does this. You’re going to need a strength bigger than will-power, bigger than belief, bigger than personal conviction, to face what is coming over the horizon. The Revelation reveals what is coming over the horizon and where we stand regarding intelligent life in the universe, for we are not the only ones who have an interest in this world, and to seek to have it for themselves.

Personally, you are not big enough for this, but I’m not talking about you personally. I’m talking about what’s in you that is permanent and strong, that God created, not the part of you that is a cultural product. I’m talking about the part of you that came here on a mission and that mission lives within you and waits to be discovered, recognized and fulfilled. That is what the Revelation is speaking to in you. This is not about personal enhancement. This is not cosmetic.

I CALL UPON YOU to refrain from judging or condemning the New Message based upon religious belief, ideas, principles or institutions, for God is not bound by these things and only gives humanity what it needs at this time, this great turning point, when the world is about to change.

I CALL UPON YOU to go where I am going, to do what I am doing in your own way. Use me as a model if you wish, or not—in the end, it is all about what Knowledge directs you to do and your fidelity to that. But to follow that, you must know the difference between Knowledge and your own intentions, or the intentions of others, or what you have been taught to believe.

Such a Teaching could never be given in the ancient world because people did not have the freedom to follow something of this nature. Only the prescient, the select, the mystics could go on this journey, which now must be your journey, in physical life, in practical affairs, without retreating from the world.

I CALL UPON YOU to use the directives and the teachings to refine your life, to deepen your understanding, to find out for yourself what is true within you and what must be done in your life. It will give you more to do than you think you can do; so even if you do only a part of it, it will make a big difference.

I CALL UPON YOU to prepare for the Great Waves of change and to look into the world for the signs of the Great Waves of change with as much objectivity and courage as you can. You will be shocked at what is coming over the horizon, but you must see it; you must let it reshape your life. You must let it make you sober about yourself, without losing faith in what you are here to do and in the power that God has put within you.

For Knowledge is not afraid; Knowledge is not discouraged. This is the opportunity for which you have come. For you to see it is a wonderful thing, from Heaven’s perspective.

I CALL UPON YOU to take the Voice of Revelation into the world. You cannot teach The New Message; you do not have the power of initiation in your voice. What you can do is bear witness to it, to speak of it in terms of what it has done for your life and its benefit for the world as you see it. But let the Voice of Revelation have the power to call upon those who are ready.

Use my voice in the world for the same purpose. This will make your task much easier. You point the way; you bear witness. That’s what you can do.

I tell you these things because this is what is needed; this is why you have come, or you would not be here with me tonight. There are no casual observers amongst you, no matter what your conclusions. But you must respond strongly, for time is of the essence. A great deal must be done in the next ten years.

Ahh, so I give thanks that you can share this Vigil with me. Hear these words. Be challenged; be struck. Be encouraged; be scared; be emotional; be judgmental—anything, everything—for you will go through all those things, in responding to Revelation. Why?—because it asks so much of you.

May the Blessing be upon you and with you; my heart is with you, all of you. I’m grateful, but I’m very clear about the challenge ahead. May we all rise to this great occasion for which we have come, for only in this will our mission be fulfilled.

Look to the world; it will tell you what is coming. Look with clear eyes, without preference and condemnation and you will see the signs, which you did not see before.

The Power and Presence be with you. Heaven watches to see who can respond and to bless us as we continue and try to proceed.

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