Who We Are is Communication

The Messenger gives a Blessing at the end of the Monday Morning Huddle Meeting, July 8, 2019.
Marshall: We have the great gift, blessing and burden to have been given the New Message to share with others and even with the whole world, a great and long journey to take.
Let us think, then, as the New Message teaches, that who we are really is communication. We were sent into the world to communicate, and not just to communicate whatever happens to be in our minds, but to communicate something that is far more important and lasting and impactful that has the power to ignite a deeper Knowledge in others, and to inspire others to do greater things.
And whatever role we play, however great or small, let us think that who we are is communication, and what we’re here to do is communication, and what we have to communicate is something that we can be blessed to be a part of that represents our real purpose and destiny in being in the world.
In order for the mind to be able to rethink, it must have something beyond itself to which it is responding and which it is serving. The only thing that this can be is Knowledge within you. Therefore, the mind’s healthy relationship is with Knowledge, which is like the “real you” behind you, the real Being behind the temporary person. This sets things in right order.
Focus on Knowledge……and allow the mystery of Knowledge to exist within you.”
Where did this come from?
I copied it but lost the source…
Each time I read the word “communication” here my inner thought response was “communication, a kind of communion, brings us together.”
Secret 27
Shhhhh. It’s a secret.
Thank you, Marshall Vian Summers. It’s so clear to me that you come from a place of Knowledge. I don’t know how.. but there’s a deep sense of recognition and it’s coming from the way you communicate. I accept where I currently stand in the World. […]
When encountering this concept, my tendency was to emphasize the receptive aspect of communication. As in inner listening. Thank you, Marshall, for this new understanding where purpose and calling are emphasized in this truth of us being ‘communication. The privilege of communicating the NM to the world.
The great and long journey to share the gift of the Nrw Message with the whole world. What a gift this is ! What a blessing and burden ! Thank you Marshall.
Simple yet profound. This is now my question to be with throughout the day: What am I communicating…to myself and to others… in my thoughts, emotions and actions? Thank you Marshall.
This is so beautiful. Never thought this way – “who we are is communication…” Thank you dear Messenger.