The Messenger Receives “The Veil of the Messenger”

Read the Messenger’s Afterglow after receiving The Veil of the Messenger, Nov 07, 2012.

This is November 7, 2012; I just received The Veil of the Messenger It’s about 7:45 right now. I was awoken perhaps around 6, feeling the Presence. I tried to go back to sleep, but it’s like the lights were on internally, or I was in a beam. And as I was unable to go back to sleep, though very tired, I realized that I was being called and that my—so, knowing that Patricia had to get up and go to work, I woke her up and got myself ready as quickly as I could.

And once the recording equipment was all set up, it was like the Voice was there, the Presence was there. And so I began and then, as always happens, the Teaching continues and I’m sort of aware of it partially as it continues, just a witness to something greater happening through me and with me. And then it ends and I don’t know how long it’s been and I don’t know most of what it says and I’m not thinking, for in this case, for almost 39 minutes.

And this always seems to happen; afterward, I feel dazed, highly sensitive. Like I just want to sit and be with the experience that just happened through me and with me. I try not to get into thinking about what the Teaching means or how it’s going to be used or where it’s going to go; that’s all for later consideration. I’m just in the Afterglow of Revelation here. So it’s important that I stay in this Afterglow and then I write about my experiences and not try to jump into the world right away or get busy with things.

Receiving one of the special Teachings of The New Message is like doing a whole day’s work in an hour, though in the moment it feels almost effortless, given my preparation. Afterward, I feel like I’ve put in eight or ten hours of work, not because I’ve put in eight or ten hours of work but because of the power of the Message and its strain on my body, my physical state, to receive a Presence this powerful, this magnanimous and this wise.

Now physically I feel tired, like one who has put in a long day’s work. It’s inexplicable, but that’s the best that I can describe it. And of course, I’ll have to carry this Message. I’m certainly accountable to everything it says and I can’t even remember at this moment everything that it said.

The challenge and the burden and the privilege that all this entails will be something I will think about later. Right now I’m in the Afterglow of the Revelation. My mind is pretty quiet. There’s no agenda, just space. It’s like walking into a large concert hall with no one in it after the concert has been played—a lot of Presence, a lot of emptiness.

In the past, I have often felt very lonely and isolated in these times, particularly when no one is with me. Today my wife, my precious wife, Patricia, was with me, but I will have to be alone with this, as I always am, alone with this experience; it’s mine to have—alone with the burden. It’s mine to carry—alone with the gratitude of being able to receive something of such magnificence for the welfare and benefit of others.

But in this moment I’m feeling the Afterglow of Revelation, which is spacious and warm, mysterious. Part of each of these Teachings is remarkably clear, concrete and practical and part of it is mysterious and confounding, always calling us to the greater experience, the purpose, and power in the world. Always calling us to the Revelation which exceeds our understanding and our capacity. Always calling us to recognize our own arrogance and assumptions, in contrast to that which is pure, great and penetrating.

So I stand in awe of The Revelation and in awe, to a certain extent, of my ability to be central to it. But it is not my power. It is the power—The Voice, The Presence—The Message—The Mystery—The Potency, that is passed through me like a great and powerful storm, leaving me now tired and empty and open, in the Afterglow of Revelation.

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