Becoming an ‘Ally of Humanity’

Read Patricia Summers thoughts on becoming an ‘ally of humanity,’ Dec 27, 2019.

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Some time ago I had a realization. I was in the process of reviewing my Four Pillars and the Relationships Pillar, in particular, and as I was doing this, an insight seemed to float in from the edges of my mind to the center of my attention. At that moment, I saw that I have a real relationship with the Allies of Humanity—a real, live, actual relationship with the Allies. I don’t know that I had ever regarded my engagement with The Allies of Humanity Briefings to represent a personal relationship before.

As the days went on, I stayed with this insight. Questions and thoughts began to stream to mind regarding the reality of this relationship, my dawning awareness of this relationship, how long this relationship has really existed, and the question of how to engage with this relationship with the Allies now.

Then another realization began to take shape. It had to do with becoming an “ally of humanity” myself and what was required to do this?

The following are further questions and considerations that may be useful to those of you who also may be in the process of realizing the nature of your relationship with the Allies. For example, what would this mean? What would this require in terms of life changes? And what kind of personal and spiritual development would you need to take on to become such an ally? On a larger level, what will it take to make a contribution to humanity’s freedom?

These are questions we probably have never really considered before and therefore this is a unique contemplation to enter into. I invite you to join me.


The Allies of Humanity Briefings – An Invitation to Relationship. A Call to Personal Accountability:

The Allies of Humanity Briefings are both an expression of relationship as well as a communication to us. This is some of what we know:

  • The Allies recognized humanity as an emerging race.
  • They knew they had to reach us, and that it was up to them to bridge the gap.
  • They say they are part of a Great Coordination that seeks to reach humanity with a revelation and a warning. They brought this revelation and warning to us.
  • They state that because they were aided in gaining the freedom of their respective worlds from Intervention, it was incumbent upon them to assist us.
  • They knew all too well the risks, the hazards and the likelihood of an unfortunate outcome for humanity, as we unknowingly face a universe of intelligent life.
  • They each were selected and prepared by Higher Powers.
  • They made the likely never-to-return, one-way journey to come to the Earth. And it took them a long time to get here.
  • They had to be close enough to observe us, but careful enough not to be detected by the Intervention itself.
  • They had to be discerning and informed enough to recognize the correct recipient for their Briefings, Marshall Vian Summers.
  • They had to be clear enough in their communication to him so that their Briefings were communicated successfully, received and understood.
  • They had to take enormous risks.
  • They had to stay safe and be strategic enough to survive the process.
  • Some of them did. Some of them did not.


The Consequence for Humanity. The Consequence for Other Free Races:

The Allies say that what happens here on Earth, in terms of the Intervention, has consequences not only for us, but for them and for those races who seek to remain free in our local universe. As such, the Allies are calling us to a higher level of awareness, responsibility and accountability. The issue is about freedom for other races as well, not just human freedom.


The Allies’ Calling:

The Allies of Humanity are calling to us individually and collectively. They are asking us to be our own allies, to be Allies of Humanity ourselves.

So for many of us, there’s been finding the Briefings, being with the Briefings, discussing the Briefings, sharing the Briefings and advocating for them. But there is an important next step to take. It is becoming an ally of humanity ourselves.


First Questions: Alignment:

Stop and ask Yourself.

“Are the Allies of Humanity a real relationship in life for me?”

“Am I in a position to undertake what the Allies of Humanity are calling for from me?”

“What may be in the way for me to undertake this process?”

“Relationships take focus. On a day-to-day, year-to-year basis, am I available to engage in a relationship with the Allies of Humanity?”

“Do I have space in my life for this?”


A Life Review: Becoming an Ally of Humanity Yourself:

If the answer to the questions above is “yes,” what does real-life engagement with the Allies require of you? Many of us might say that we are “big-picture people.” The New Message and the Allies Briefings provide this larger context and view. With this, then, we can finally begin to “plot our position” in order to know where we stand in life, where our lives need to go and what decisions we need to make to be free to take on the responsibility of a higher calling.

Key question: How can you align and unite with the Allies of Humanity and strive to become an “ally of humanity” yourself?

Consider doing an overview to see where your life stands. Draft a format for looking at the areas of your life to see where things stand and what needs revision or change.


Becoming an Ally of Humanity with Others:

Another dimension to our relationship with the Allies is that we share this relationship with people all over the world who are discovering the Briefings. What are the dimensions of this level of relationship? A few questions worth asking:

“Am I in a position to engage with others who are building their relationship with the Allies of Humanity?”

“What might these relationships require of me?”

“What am I able and willing to do in standing with others for human freedom in the face of an Intervention from beyond the world?”

“On a larger level, can I commit to entering into a sense of conscious awareness and alliance with the Allies and with all free races, where the movement of Knowledge is supported and where freedom exists and is protected?”


A Movement and Response is Growing. What guides us?

The Allies tell us what is needed for us individually and collectively to face the Intervention and what we must put into practice and strengthen:

  • The power of Knowledge. Insight. And Inner Knowing;
  • Education and awareness about the Intervention and the Greater Community of life that we are now entering;
  • Discretion and discernment;
  • Unity;
  • Self-Sufficiency and Preservation of Environmental Resources;
  • Resistance and Empowerment and Restraint in the face of Intervention and its attempt at colonization;
  • Above all: Action.


A Message from Marshall Vian Summers, Recipient of the Briefings:

“Unity, this is essentially the movement. Because if we are united, there cannot be a successful Intervention. Our movement is not just ‘stop the intervention.’ It is ‘unite the world’ and promote that movement in many areas of human endeavor for the protection and advancement of humanity.


Conclusion: Making a Plan:

Consider if it is time for you to layout your “action plan,” and what it would mean for you to acknowledge your relationship with the Allies of Humanity. Doing this might help you confirm your intention to take your life and your relationships with Allies and their worldwide following of people to another level of reality.

Take periodic retreats to help you plot your progress—a couple of hours here or there, an afternoon, a weekend day, an annual reckoning.

In the end, it comes down to what you actually do and the relationships you engage in for this purpose.

The Allies of Humanity call you to a greater level of relationships, but first you must do some personal accounting, and clearly see the opportunity for a greater life being extended to you.

If this is right for you, reach for it.

Thank you all for engaging in the Allies of Humanity’s calling for human freedom through involvement and participation and relationship with them and with others.



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  1. I’m so confused with everything. I feel like I’m getting somewhere the “boom” the rug is pulled from under me again, I’m half way through the first the book and doing my best to get the time to read the rest. I usualy do audio books as i don’t seem to have a minute these days. I get confused when it’s that there humanity has no spokes person when Kimberly Ann Gogeon became the ambassador for humanity I think last year. She is no fool and has plenty experiance in dealing with the manipulation of man and other races. So i’m puzzeled why she is not in their radar. I’m 100 percent positive she would welcome the allies.

  2. Thank you Patricia, When I first met the message of the Allies of Humanity in 2014 I recognized its truthfulness at the time. It seems that I was waiting for it, as the Allies of Humanity say people are born in a time to serve that time, I do not want to define what my mission is but I feel that it is to help the human race in this transition from isolation to coexistence as the largest community of worlds in the universe and for the human race to better understand this greater reality, the message of the Allies of Humanity needs to become public as soon as possible and that is what I am helping to do.

  3. Thank you Patricia to help us see. The bigger picture always helps me to leave the thinking mind behind me. Connecting what has been given: Knowledge, relationship and with it a deep love for humanity there is an natural movement I feel to be/become a Ally of Humanity and all free races in the universe. I will do whatever I can do in my remaining time to be part of the movement of keeping Knowledge alive and for humanity to become a free race in the Greater Community.

    1. Shrimayi,
      Your use of the terms – ‘natural movement to become an Ally of Humanity’, has such inherent power in it. “Natural” to me means feeling an innate connection or alignment. Think of this term, “naturally aligned”. When I read your response I hear that you are feeling naturally aligned and connected. The Allies of Humanity call us forward to be allies too. This is relationship. Think of all the things that this exceptional relationship will stimulate in you and maybe between you and others, thereby becoming an even larger relationship? Also consider that Knowledge within you likely responded first, way before your mind did. How else could becoming an ally of humanity feel like a natural stance to take? You recognize them. You feel them. You see what they were saying. You know.

      As you say, “ I will do whatever I can to be part of the movement of keeping Knowledge alive and for humanity to become a free race in the Greater Community.” Thank you.

  4. Thank you Patricia for this Teaching and for your invite to join you.
    I feel that I have been searching for the Allies since childhood – since the mid 60es my grandma would send me newspaper clippings with brief articles and photos of sightings, and I always hoped we had allies out there. Several times I thought I had found them, but it was the Intervention, until finally I truly did find Them, and they ignited my NM studenthood and a sense of relationship that I do feel with them. So I feel a big ‘yes’ for your ‘alignment’ questions.
    It is taking and will take a lot of work to become a full Ally myself – I feel it, but this is a thing that requires action, as you also confirm here. I am grateful for the coordination in place, lots of ‘homework’ to keep the Briefings moving, great people to work with <3, and the privilege of translating the Briefings in my language, but I know much more needs to be done, so your teaching will be an on-going exercise. Nasi Novare Coram

  5. Thank you Patricia for laying out a blue print for us to proceed. Ever since finding the Allies Briefings 7 years ago on Christmas Eve, I have felt such gratitude for their message. Their words and intention have been planted deeply inside of my heart. I feel honored to be in a position to share how these briefings gave me a path out of the confusion which once seemed inescapable to me. Learning how to be with the inspiration one gets from others so dedicated in service to our world is a long process. One that keeps us all moving towards becoming better students in The Way of Knowledge. I feel much gratitude for your teaching as will many others who feel so moved my these Briefings. Nasi Novare Coram

  6. Thank you Patricia for sharing your contemplation about our relationship with the Allies of Humanity. When I read your list about what we know about the Allies, it struck me how much this list can also be applied to me, the student of Knowledge. I can clearly see myself already began to become an “ally of humanity” and what I need to consider in this development.

  7. During the process of re-editing Book 1 with Jos, and translating the Books 2, 3 and 4, with Lucy as a proofreader, I noticed a growing bond with the Allies. I always thought of them when translating, and wondered where they were and how they are doing, telling them (in my mind) I am busy translating their words into Dutch. I want to establish mental connection with them, but don’t know if I should do that, if it is not too dangerous because of the Intervention. But I am still figuring out what I could do in practice, to be a part of the Allies Movement. Of course, working on the official FB page, translating PQ’s, working on my own FB page and website Over The Horizon, trying to reach people. But I get reactions like: hilarious, these extraterrestrials are demons (with a quote from the Bible), so tired of this bullshit, MVS is a quack and so on. Like I said: where and how do I find people open to these Briefings and words?

    1. Siebrich, your work is valuable and appreciated. The reactions you are getting are the same reactions every other advocate gets; we see the same things again and again in many different places. The reason is that most people on Earth are not ready to receive this yet; to expect them to receive something they are not ready for is simply asking too much of them. Marshall has said that our work is to cast a wide net, looking for the few who can respond. Consider that there are people who saw your message and did not say anything, but quietly received it in their hearts. It is that silent few you are trying to reach, the ones who are ready and who really needed to hear what you had to say. That may be the one in ten thousand, but it is they who make all of your efforts worthwhile. If the Bible speaks to you, remember this verse, Matthew 22:14: “For many are called, but few are chosen”. It is a bit like that.

  8. Marshall nailed it:

    “Unity, this is essentially the movement. Because if we are united, there cannot be a successful Intervention. Our movement is not just ‘stop the intervention.’ It is ‘unite the world’ and promote that movement in many areas of human endeavor for the protection and advancement of humanity.”

    I always say, “Work your Step and pray like crazy” because The Allies and New Message are not giving us a comfortable panacea and escape from difficulty. They are telling us about a dangerous slow moving power structure that produced a tyranny that took many lives on their worlds. They tell us that the agenda is proceeding rapidly and the window of opportunity is brief. How can I help develop resistance to this individually? As a community and as a world if I can’t discern it and unify myself and others from a higher perspective far above the divisions?

    The second commentary on The Pacification Program at the end of Allies II from the Teachers has some of the most direct and potent reality check for me to consider where I and everyone I know might be more affected than we like to believe. It is such a mess out there in the world and in every community in the world because of The Split, so much controlled manipulation and perpetrated division. Discerning it and responding in a unifying way, as we are told, is completely dependent on the intelligence and discernment of Knowledge. It’s not hard to see the failure of the intellect to do this.

    Work your Step and pray like crazy.

    Unity is everything, but how can I give it to the world what I don’t have? Jesus said, ” Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
    I can’t put on any act, no air of peace pretending to be a unity creator and expect to bring it to the world if I am unable to accept my own confusion, unable to talk with another or fellow student without an explosion because of The Split.

    We will need to develop very much to learn to look and see the world clearly and know what to do in unity. Creating unity is not something that we have many good examples of out there. What we do have though here in our community though is learning ground, practice ground, a place to fail, to succeed, fail again, learn and perhaps become the lesson that can be spread by demonstration. I think it could become transferable, teachable.

    “You need this higher consciousness to understand the plants and the animals, the weather and the movement of the world. You need this to understand the presence of negative forces in the mental environment and the presence of the Angelic Forces, which are here to serve you. And certainly, you must have this consciousness to be aware of the Greater Community forces in the world, to recognize their manifestations, their intentions and their methods. You need this higher awareness to tell friend from foe.”

    “It is true you must be willing to look at everything. But it is not true that you must accept everything, bond with everything, welcome everything. Of course not! Higher consciousness does not mean that you do not make critical evaluations. It simply means you view things from a higher vantage point. This does not mean that everything becomes gray. It means that everything becomes clear. You clearly see what to do and what not to do, what is good and what is not good. IF THIS IS NOT THE PRODUCT OF SPIRITUAL STUDY, THEN SOMEONE IS BEING DISABLED. (EMPHASIS MINE)

    Work your Step and pray like crazy.

    Sometimes learning and development seem so so slow. I’m starting to understand that it is by grace that it is so. They were correct when they said that if we knew ahead of time what would be required of us to complete our mission, that we would bail out. I’d love to think that bringing unity only requires parroting someone else’s revelation and wisdom at a sinful world from my lofty spiritual abode, but the truth is that changing the world actually might be easier than healing that Split in myself and my immediate relationships. THAT my dear friends and allies, means us. This isn’t “Theoretical Spirituality 101 ” anymore.

    I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and will likely be coming back to this difficult conversation until I have completed it over time and hopefully find what good it makes available to us and the world. It seems to be one of those journeys that I’m beginning, don’t know where it is going, but definitely know it has picked me up and taking me, not visa versa. I’m going to trust this one.

    Maybe healing The Split is already “old hat” to someone out there, but It’s the greatest challenge I can see for myself, and the world and all of us together here. I trust it can be done or they wouldn’t have laid it on us to do it.

  9. We in The Free School are now at the conclusion of a phenomenal opportunity we have had, during four entire months, to study and be with our Allies and their message for humanity. So I feel it is so important that we not leave our great friends along the way, as we go eagerly into the next Free School Session.

    My deep gratitude, Patricia, for providing this extraordinary teaching and practice and opportunity to discover and deepen a personal relationship with the Allies of humanity, to stay with our Allies, to become an ally of humanity ourselves.

    Through their Briefings and sacrifice, the Allies have extended relationship to us/to me. May I utilize this process that has been given here to stay with them, as I can, as long as I can, knowing that this relationship renders me accountable to them, to others in relationship and alliance with them, to the fight for human freedom and sovereignty in the world, and to the Divine Plan for humanity to become a force for good in the universe. Nasi Novare Coram

  10. Thank you Patricia for sharing these insights, questions, and contemplation. This approach of becoming an ally of humanity seems to have the potential to reach across boundaries between people, to offer a way to begin to think beyond ourselves and consider a common need…the freedom, protection, and sovereignty of our specifies. And, beyond thinking of this, to actually do something about it, in a personal way. A way to change our thought and behavior in light of a desired relationship with those who brought us so much, and sacrificed so greatly.

    I will honor this relationship with the Allies, and practice what brings it focus, strength and growing commitment. This feels right and real, and can yield a more powerful and meaningful way of being in the world and contributing to our race…through simple and reachable actions over time.