Journey to a New Life – March – June, 2018

The Free School of the New Message

Journey to a New Life

March - June, 2018

Through your discovery of the New Message from God, you are now standing at the threshold of a new experience of the Divine Power and Presence in your life, free of associations from the past.

Whether you consider yourself to be religious, spiritual, atheist or simply undecided about the nature and reality of God, there is nonetheless a Divine Presence in your life.

This Divine Presence is the living, breathing reality behind the ideas and beliefs about God. A New Revelation about God is now being unveiled to humanity in its true and greater dimension—as the God of a billion, billion, billion worlds in a universe that extends beyond the reaches of human understanding.

In this Session of The Free School, you will have an opportunity to explore the gift of a New Life that the New Message offers to people of all faith traditions or no faith tradition. The New Message teaches that you were born with a higher purpose in life and a greater destiny in being here. If you feel that you are not living the life you were meant to live, then The Journey to a New Life Session of the Free School can hold great value and meaning to you.

Study Journal: If you do not already have one, the Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers, recommends all students create a Study Journal to capture your experiences, practices and insights as a student of Knowledge.

The New Message from God is here to provide a new life to those who can truly respond to it and to give them a greater foundation upon which to build a meaningful life—an inspired life, a life that is guided by Knowledge, a life of true relationships and meaningful engagement with the world."


Part 1: March - April 2018 | The Journey to a New Life

MARCH | The Gift of a New Life Experience

       Basic Study:

Core Revelation: The Journey to a New Life – Ch.6 | The Gift of a New Life

Further Study:

The Jungle | MVS Teaching | The Messenger Speaks (audio)

APRIL | The Freedom Journey

       Basic Study:

Core Revelation: The Freedom Journey | Other Revelations

       Further Study:

Beginning the Freedom Journey | YouTube Video of MVS Teaching

PART 2: May - June 2018 | Knowledge and Spiritual Practice

MAY | The Power of Knowledge

Basic Study:

Core Revelation: The Power of Knowledge | Other Revelations

Further Study:

The Return | Other Revelations

JUNE | Following the Presence

Basic Study:

Core Revelation: Following the Presence |  Other Revelations

Further Study:

The Remembrance |  Other Revelations


Knowledge is here. It is within each person, waiting to be discovered. Your great task in life—beyond mere survival, beyond the fulfillment of your basic needs—is to find and to follow Knowledge, to take the Steps to Knowledge."

Purpose and Intention

Each Free School Session is now 4-months long to deepen our engagement.

Part 1: March and April 2018 
Part 2: May and June 2018

The Messenger is attempting to build an environment of insight, wisdom and determination. All who participate together with him in the processes and practices found here in this four-month Study Plan are helping to build an environment of concentration with the Messenger, The Society and the Worldwide Community of the New Message.

It is up to you to determine how deeply you want to engage with the Study Plan. The deeper you go, the greater the benefit you derive along with all those who practice with you in the Worldwide Community. In order to stay connected to this session, we recommend that you study and review the Study Plan once a week if possible.

As you more deeply engage with the Revelation of the New Message, you begin to realize that your study is not only about you and your life. It is directing your awareness to the greater needs of others and of the whole world. Allow your study to go beyond the confines of your own life and interests, and turn your attention to the needs of the larger world, and to the overarching intention of the New Message from God.

Interact real time with the Worldwide Community of students each Saturday in The Free School Campfire Chat. Please come prepared by reading the Campfire Chat questions for each month.

It is important that people come to the Revelation sincerely and that they have an understanding at the outset that they are dealing with something of a greater magnitude. It is not a mere teaching among other teachings. It is not simply a promising thing that will give them what they want in life. It is a whole other level altogether. That is why it is a New Message from God, the only Message from God in the world today."


Basic Study

Study the Core Revelation:

Read and/or listen to the Core Revelation The Gift of a New Life. This revelation will be part of the future One Book of the New Message from God, Volume 1, Book 5: The New Life.

Write down or highlight any important passages in The Gift of a New Life that you find speak to you specifically or for which you have questions, issues or concerns. Several times a week, re-read these passages and be with these statements.

Contribute to the Campfire Chat and The Free School Forum:

Contribute your thoughts, questions, issues or concerns to The Free School Campfire Chat and The Free School Forum in order to share with others and with The Society.

Participate in The Campfire Chat:

  1. What thoughts and feelings came up for you in reading and re-reading this teaching, The Gift of a New Life?
  2. What does it mean to you to build a New Life?
  3. What is compelling you to move towards building a New Life?
  4. What might a New Life for you look like?
  5. The Teaching describes this process of life change as a journey. Are you willing and able to begin and continue this journey?
  6. What would need to change within you and around you as you take the next step in the journey to a New Life?
  7. What might change in your relationships in order to move forward?
  8. What do you see, both within yourself and in your circumstances, that is standing in your way or holding you back from taking this Journey?
  9. At this point, how much time and effort are you willing and able to put into building this New Life?

Spirituality is fundamentally a quest for freedom—freedom from certain things and freedom for certain things. Seen in this way, the picture becomes more complete. For you have a greater destiny in the world, a greater purpose for being here, a purpose that you are not living now, despite your definitions and proclamations. It is to free you from the life that you are living now to prepare you for a greater life in service to the world that represents the core and essence of all spiritual development...You are trying to be free from certain things and for certain things because you have a destiny, because you have a greater purpose."


Basic Study

Study the Core Revelation:

Read and/or listen to the revelation The Freedom Journey. This revelation will be part of the future One Book of the New Message from God, Volume 1, Book 5: The New Life.

Write down or highlight any important passages in The Freedom Journey that you find speak to you specifically or for which you have questions, issues or concerns. Several times a week, re-read these passages and be with these statements.

Contribute to The Campfire Chat and The Free School Forum:

Contribute your thoughts, questions, issues or concerns to The Free School Campfire Chat and The Free School Forum in order to share with The Society and with others.

Participate in The Campfire Chat:

  1. What thoughts and feelings came up for you in reading and re-reading this teaching, The Freedom Journey?
  2. What does gaining greater freedom mean to you?
  3. What does gaining greater freedom look like to you?
  4. The New Message describes freedom in two ways: freedom from and freedom for. What would you seek freedom from at this point? What would you seek freedom for?
  5. What purpose could having greater freedom serve for you and others?
  6. Do you have the intention, the capacity and stability to prepare to serve this purpose?
  7. What do you actually have to do to build this capacity?
  8. The teaching emphasizes that many things would have to change within and around you to make this Journey. What would some of these changes be for you?
  9. Are there people in your life who will support your freedom journey?
  10. Are there people in your life who would doubt or oppose this?
  11. The teaching states that to have a New Life, you will have to do the work, take the risks and make the decisions. How do you feel about this? Are you engaged at this level?


Deeper Study


For those who would like to go deeper in their engagement with The Freedom Journey, consider the following important practice:

  • What challenges or directives do you hear or do you see that the Voice of the New Message is presenting to us in this revelation: The Freedom Journey?
  • List these challenges. Look at them. Be with them and see how they may be able to guide and assist you in the steps you feel you must take in your passage to a New Life.
  • Write down in your Study Journal anything that is notable in your experience surrounding these questions.

Create a Deep Study Method:

The revelations that comprise the New Message from God are a multi-level communication.

You can gain access to the many layers of this communication by developing a personal methodology for deeper study.

You can use the criteria below or create your own criteria to explore or “map” the contents of a specific revelation. Or find your own way of deeply engaging with the revelation—through writing, through art, through song or another means of deeply engaging with the New Message. A methodology or tool like this may help you recognize, remember and learn more from the experience of reading the revelations and listening to the Voice of the New Message.

Capture anything that comes up for you in reading or listening to the revelation as it pertains to the criteria you want to use. Preserve these entries in some way for future reference, for example, in a journal or log dedicated to the revelations to which you have applied this methodology. This practice could help bring greater clarity and order to your studenthood.

Sample criteria for Deep Study of the revelations:

  • How the revelation speaks to what I must do / not do.
  • What the revelation is asking of me.
  • Specific teachings presented in this revelation.
  • The promises or possibilities spoken of in this particular revelation.
  • Human tendencies—what people tend to do.
  • Human condition— the physical, mental or emotional challenges that characterize our state and internal/external existence.
  • What problems does this revelation reveal — needs, demands, requirements, necessities, crises, difficulties?
  • Questions asked of me in this revelation.
  • Questions this revelation answers.
  • Next steps I see I need to take.
  • Practices this revelation calls for me to engage in.
  • Terms: specific words or phrases used in this revelation that I want to understand more fully (example: ‘The Great Coordination’).
  • What really matters and what does not matter (priorities, timing, imperatives, the ‘must’).
  • Does this revelation have special personal meaning for me?
  • What may it mean for the Messenger to present this revelation to the world?
  • What is the one thing I must do in light of what this revelation is saying to me?

Practice: Steps to Knowledge

Practice from the Steps to Knowledge, The Book of Inner Knowing.

Your relationship with Knowledge represents your relationship with God. This is how God speaks to you. You may not hear this as a voice. It may be a feeling, an image, a sound, a voice. People experience the power and presence of Knowledge differently, according to their individual orientation."


Study and Learn

Read and/or listen to the revelation The Power of Knowledge. This revelation will be part of the forthcoming One Book of the New Message from God, Volume 1, Book 6: The Power of Knowledge. Explore further the revelation The Return – which presents the bigger picture of what our studenthood in The Way of Knowledge is really about and where it is taking us.

Write down or highlight any important passages that you find speak to you specifically or for which you have questions, issues or concerns. Several times a week, re-read these passages and be with these statements and bring them to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.


Practice and Apply

Deepen your practice of Steps to Knowledge:

What is Steps to Knowledge to you?

Whether you are currently doing Steps or are looking to begin, spend time considering what this pathway of preparation really is. Spend time with the Introduction, the index of Steps and the text of the book itself. What is this preparation that you are undertaking and what is really happening through your studenthood and application of it? Come back to the truth of what you are doing here as a student.

What is the condition of your practice now and how can you proceed?

Step back and take stock of the condition of your studenthood. Whether you feel your studenthood is strong or weak at this time, an honest assessment is important in establishing your starting point at this moment and finding your commitment to continue on, or get back up, or begin anew—whatever the need is for you now. Consider what your needs are as a student now in light of where you stand.

How can you renew your Steps practice into your life?

Now look at how you can bring Steps back into your daily life. Whether it is more presence of mind, compassion or holding back certain tendencies, what is it you could do that would bring Steps into your day? How can you bring the hourly practice into your day? How can you come back to the title or question or core truth presented in each Step throughout the day? Consider what kind of personal organization or structured system, journal, calendar or reminder will help you maintain awareness of your studenthood and of Knowledge throughout the day. Consider what will strengthen your conviction and determination as a student.

Integrate your meditation practice into your day:

During this session of The Free School, we have the opportunity to renew our commitment to stillness practice and the powerful effect it can have on our lives. Work to integrate one or two meditation practices into your daily life. How can this happen? What needs to change to allow stillness and meditation to be at the center of your life? Along with the Steps Vigil, we have an opportunity these two months to re-establish our Steps and meditation practice amidst the many commitments and activities of our lives.

Deeper Practice:

Self-Knowledge Process

Take an inventory of the different influences in your life that either support or stand in the way of your taking the Steps to Knowledge.

  • People, places and things: What is supporting and what is hindering you from going in the direction you must go?
  • Fears and desires in the mind: Take an inventory of these two kinds of fears and see how your desires and fears are connected:
    • Fear of not being, doing or having what you want.
    • Fear of losing what you are already doing and have.
  • Habits and tendencies: Take an inventory of the habits and tendencies within you that are either supporting you or hindering you from building your connection with Knowledge.
  • Write everything down in your Steps Journal and share the results of this process of inquiry with others, if appropriate, in The Free School Campfire Chat or on The Free School Forum.

The revelations that comprise the New Message from God are a multi-level communication.

You can gain access to the many layers of this communication by developing a personal methodology for deeper study.

You can use the criteria below or create your own criteria to explore or “map” the contents of a specific revelation. Or find your own way of deeply engaging with the revelation—through writing, through art, through song or another means of deeply engaging with the New Message. A methodology or tool like this may help you recognize, remember and learn more from the experience of reading the revelations and listening to the Voice of the New Message.

Capture anything that comes up for you in reading or listening to the revelation as it pertains to the criteria you want to use. Preserve these entries in some way for future reference, for example, in a journal or log dedicated to the revelations to which you have applied this methodology. This practice could help bring greater clarity and order to your studenthood.

Sample criteria for Deep Study of the revelations:

  • How the revelation speaks to what I must do / not do.
  • What the revelation is asking of me.
  • Specific teachings presented in this revelation.
  • The promises or possibilities spoken of in this particular revelation.
  • Human tendencies—what people tend to do.
  • Human condition— the physical, mental or emotional challenges that characterize our state and internal/external existence.
  • What problems does this revelation reveal — needs, demands, requirements, necessities, crises, difficulties?
  • Questions asked of me in this revelation.
  • Questions this revelation answers.
  • Next steps I see I need to take.
  • Practices this revelation calls for me to engage in.
  • Terms: specific words or phrases used in this revelation that I want to understand more fully (example: ‘The Great Coordination’).
  • What really matters and what does not matter (priorities, timing, imperatives, the ‘must’).
  • Does this revelation have special personal meaning for me?
  • What may it mean for the Messenger to present this revelation to the world?
  • What is the one thing I must do in light of what this revelation is saying to me?

Part 2 | JUNE 2018 | The Turning Point

Study and Learn

Read and/or listen to the revelation Following the Presence. This revelation will be part of the forthcoming One Book of the New Message from God, Volume 1, Book 6: The Power of Knowledge. Explore further the revelation The Remembrance which presents the bigger picture of what our studenthood in The Way of Knowledge is really about and where it is taking us.

Write down or highlight any important passages that you find speak to you specifically or for which you have questions, issues or concerns. Several times a week, re-read these passages and be with these statements and bring them to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.

Practice and Apply

The May / June session of The Free School affords us the opportunity to delve into our practice in Steps to Knowledge, to re-envigorate this practice and deepen our daily engagement with Knowledge.

In June, continue with the practice and application presented in May. Make Steps and your engagement with Knowledge a true focus for you this month and bring this into your participation in the annual Steps Vigil.

Gather with Others

Contribute your thoughts, questions, experiences and other inspiration onThe Free School Campfire Chat and The Free School Forum throughout the month.

Campfire Chat Discussion Questions:

  1. What thoughts and feelings came up for you in reading and re-reading the teaching Following the Presence and / or The Remembrance?
  2. Have you had important experiences of the Presence in your life? How were they important, and what did they lead to for you?
  3. If the Presence is always with us, why is it so difficult for us to recognize it, experience it and follow it?
  4. The teaching states that you have two agendas within you: your personal agenda and a deeper agenda that was given to you before you came into the world. What do you think about these two agendas? How do you see them at work in your life?
  5. The teaching states that you are here for a greater purpose, a purpose not of your own making that lives deep within you, within your Knowledge. To what extent do you welcome this? To what extent do you fear this?
  6. The teaching emphasizes the importance of building your relationship with Knowledge first. Yet most people have built an entire life before ever building a relationship with Knowledge and only later come to realize the importance of Knowledge as the source of all true relationship and wise decision-making in their lives. How are you bringing your relationship with Knowledge into the forefront of your life? How is this going for you?
  7. Many people experience Knowledge differently based on their nature and orientation in life. Up to this point, how have you experienced Knowledge? Perhaps it has been a voice experience, a deep feeling, an image, a physical sensation or something else? What has this experience been like for you in specific situations of your life?
  8. The Steps to Knowledge calls all of us to deepen our self-honesty and honesty with others. What does this honesty mean for you at this time?
  9. Consider if there are any relationships, obligations, circumstances or strong fears or desires that are holding you back from proceeding in your studenthood and preparation at this point. How can you continue moving forward in light of these potential obstacles?

Here your studenthood must be determined and not merely casual."

Table of Contents





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