Enlightenment | Revelation Broadcast Event

Revelation Broadcast Events
Well hello, and welcome everyone. Thank you for joining me. My name is Reed Summers and I’m here to share with you the newest revelation to be released from the New Message from God. Tonight we’ll be listening and reading this revelation for the first time. It is entitled Enlightenment, one simple word but quite a big topic, and a topic that’s on the minds of many in the world, especially those in spiritual or religious circles. It’s not a word that we use very much in the New Message text or that we talk about very much between us as students of the New Message, and yet it is a word that needs redefinition and readjustment in our understanding.
And like so many words, especially big words in the realm of spirituality and religion, the New Message redefines them all—so many of them—and enlightenment is definitely one. So we’ll listen and read this revelation together, and then I’ll be available to take any questions you might have about this revelation or about the New Message as a whole. I’d like to share with you a passage from what we’re about to listen to and read together. The goal of your spiritual practice—in whatever form it takes, in whatever tradition it might exist—is to engage your surface mind, your worldly mind, with the Mind of Knowledge that God has placed within you and to follow that Knowledge, which will bring you to experience and then to express your greater purpose for being in the world, which is a specific form of service to life. This is a passage from this revelation Enlightenment. And I think it really strikes home the key message of this whole text that you’re about to read, which is that in the end, whatever our orientation spiritually, religiously or even if we have none, it’s all about coming back to the spiritual heart and center of each of us individually, what the New Message calls Knowledge, to experience that Knowledge in your life and to move with it, to express it, to allow it to move through you. This is what it’s all about. So whatever concepts or specific ways of seeing or framing the spiritual journey we might have, the essential journey is really back to the heart of each of us. And so I’d like to offer this to you, the question: So what is enlightenment? And again from this revelation today: …to discover Knowledge that God has placed within you, and to follow that Knowledge, and to be a vehicle for its expression in the world. Very simple, very clear, but very deep. And it takes time to really comprehend what all of those pieces in that statement really mean for you and are in your experience already. And so the New Message is a home for those who are going into the depth of that experience, their original experience of the spiritual Presence in their life, and learning to move with it in the real world that we are all facing every day. The New Message is a home for people like that. So if that’s you, I welcome you. Thank you for being here. And hopefully, today’s revelation can offer you something, some clarity, some resolution, some correction, or maybe a practice or a step you can take in your life to inch closer to this spiritual center within you and to make real changes in your life that allow that to occur. So I hope that can be the case for you. I also want to thank Marshall Vian Summers, my father, who has received this revelation you’ll be hearing today, as well as all the revelations in the New Message from God—over 800 Angelic encounters that have brought into the world a very large body of communication for people of all religions and no religion. It’s not for one group or one tribe or one special elect people in the world; it’s for everybody. And the goal of this revelation is to activate the spiritual Mind within us so that we can respond to the enormous world changes occurring at an environmental and political and social level, and also prepare for contact with intelligent life in the universe, which really represents humanity’s next evolutionary step forward and that is occurring already in the world today. So thank you, Marshall, for bringing this revelation into the world and for bringing it forward tonight. He is the one who has selected this. And this is the first time it’s ever been heard or read beyond his closest circle. So you have that privilege to be the first to receive it, so…So let’s listen to this revelation now. Take out your journal or your notebook and write down things that strike you, or that you want to stay with, or that you’d like to share during this broadcast. I’d be happy to take your comments, questions, experiences. You can post those in the chat on YouTube or on Facebook, and I will be reading those as the revelation plays. So with that, let’s read and listen to this revelation, a new communication from the New Message from God entitled Enlightenment. [The revelation plays.] So this was the revelation Enlightenment. And the Voice you were just hearing was the Voice of an Angelic Presence speaking through Marshall Vian Summers, which it has been doing for over 40 years now. And this is one of the over 800 revelations that this Voice has communicated into the world. So, a lot here, and I’m sure this might have struck you in many different ways. For me, it’s so interesting because the New Message is really not a pathway focused on goals or attainment as the primary objective or, you know, what we’re orienting to, but rather a process or a journey as it calls it where movement is really the goal, not so much the destination. And I feel this word enlightenment maybe recently in recent decades has taken on this air of a great goal and attainment and a destination, a state that you then possess. It is your state of mind and existence, and then you have all whatever, whatever comes from that, the riches and the rewards and the relationships that we humans are always running after. And so the New Message casts this word in a very different light. It kind of flattens it and stretches it out over this plane of movement, like a plane up to a mountaintop. And so it’s really more of a journey from where you are now up a mountain. And it’s not so much about getting to the peak as it is about being in the moment you’re in, being with this landscape, moving with it, making the decisions you need to make. And the process itself is what enlightens you, you could say; and whether you are ever enlightened or not is kind of not the point. It’s what you are able to give along the way, who you were able to connect with, what came through your life through the process. And the process has ups and downs, right? It has difficult experiences, hard moments, all the stuff that you might try to eliminate in the process or in the fixation on enlightenment, you know, these negative experiences or fear, to try to not be fear-based, to be love-based, for example, when really those fearful thoughts and impulses and the darker side of the journey are very much the journey. And so this is about walking that journey, not avoiding every little rut in the path and certainly not running away from the precipice, but walking along the edge of the precipice because there’s no other way up the mountain than to walk the edge of the precipice. So I really appreciate this recasting of this word. It is very, in some ways, askance to what the New Message is about, and yet in a different light, yes, if enlightenment is about reaching a place in your experience where you’re more connected to Knowledge and Knowledge can move through you, not to say you’re not sheltered from the difficulties of life and not to say that you can’t still fall down because you will. But it’s more of a proximal relationship than an attainment or a goal or something that you then possess. So I think this is a very helpful recasting of this word. And you know, the New Message makes clear it’s almost like a fork in the road. Look, you’re in Separation; you’re not your Self, but your Self came along for the ride. And so you are with your Self, but you’re not being your Self. And you’re in this process of reclaiming your Self, what the New Message calls Knowledge, and also your soul, your soul’s existence as well. And we can either go left or right at this juncture in the road, which is more Separation or less Separation. And enlightenment can easily become more Separation. It can be just the same as materialism or amplifying your physical appearance or your, you know, intellectual appearance. It can be an appearance. It can be an attempt to become more separate and to elevate that part of you that really cannot find what you most deeply need and seek, which is this sense of reconnection and uniting on the inside. And so living out of the personal separate state of mind, we can pursue enlightenment along with a thousand other things and it can take any different form. So the New Message is almost saying, “Don’t worry so much about the word but rather the intention.” You know, where are you coming from within yourself? Is this an attempt to control your life, to look a certain way, to shelter yourself from what you’re afraid to experience or to feel once again? Or is this an intrinsic movement within you that you’re not controlling but that you feel you must respond to and move with over time across many steps to take in life? So kind of a juncture in the road… And that question Where are you coming from? is a deep one. And it’s—for us at the center of the New Message—it’s very close to heart because instead of stamping things with the green stamp of approval because it’s a beautiful idea or it’s a very spiritual way of talking or being or looking…Where are you really coming from? Like, what is your base motivation and words aside, right? And so I always find it very refreshing to come back to that juncture in the road. And it’s really, it’s within all of us. It’s which way? So where to now, you know? And it’s an inner motivation for more pain, more Separation, more numbing to elongate really the suffering experience, or to finally make that turn back within to reconnect with this knowing Mind. And of course, we will turn right. We’ll turn right probably a dozen or a hundred times still, right? And those hard experiences, may they be not too long and too damaging, they bring us back to the juncture again.We’re at it again and again. When will we turn left? That’s the question. Because the path just dives right down into ourselves and it goes right to this knowing Mind. And yet we don’t take that path. We always go right. We always hang right for some reason. And I think why you hang right and never go left even when you know left is the only way left to take, that’s a question only you can answer. And that’s within your experience. You know, that’s this shifting balance between the desire for Separation and the desire to be free of that finally. And it’s how that balancing scale…it’s not over. It’s never going to fully resolve itself probably in physical life. And it’s at work in all of us. So the New Message is always inviting us back into an honest place of facing that juncture in the road and thinking again, Should I go right, another side journey, another long episode of trying to be someone in the world, or should I at last go left? And again and again. So I appreciate this revelation in this way. So I’d like to take any questions you have or experiences you’d like to share with me in the chat. Please post those. I have a question from John here: So I think I’ll approach this question from the perspective again of enlightenment as this kind of final achievement and the inner peace, as you’re saying, which is truly there when you experience Knowledge, as something that arises of its own. It can’t be claimed, secured, made so. It comes of its own as a result of the engagement that we’re making. And I personally feel this is an enormously important point to make for anybody who’s reading and studying the New Message or trying to live it, is that the end result comes about on its own. It finds us more than we go find it. And it comes about on its own as a result of us not focusing on love, peace, harmony or any number of desirable states, not focusing on getting those or trying to make them so in our lives, but simply making a much simpler act, which is simply to connect with Knowledge and to move with it because the result of moving with Knowledge is those states that we seek. And yet we will not get them by getting them. And I think that’s really important here. And so the inner peace is real, but I don’t wake up each day saying, How can I be feeling peace right now? Rather, I’m waking up thinking, Where am I in my life? What step am I at or what juncture or what decision or what’s the real need I need to respond to? Do I even know? And if not, well then it’s time to go back to the real oracle within and really get guidance there, and then follow through and act on that and just have faith that that experience of less pain or conflict and more peace and equanimity will find me. And that does take some faith. And I think, you know, interestingly in the New Message, Trust is a big word—Trust. Trust in God. And the need to control, you know, the need to have control in life are all big, interesting concepts in the teachings of the New Message. And so there is some process of trusting enough to turn away from the desired goal to go make another engagement, which is with Knowledge within us, and take those steps, follow through. It’s not going to be easy, but it brings you full circle. So, that’s been my experience. Question from Paul: Well, I think when the New Message says Knowledge is speaking within you…Okay, I misread your question—not to you, but yes, within you. And is this channel hidden from your intellect—your thinking mind? I don’t know if it’s hidden as much as our thinking mind operates in ways that are not compatible with the way that the thinking mind of Knowledge operates. Our minds are moving, like, at 100 miles an hour and Knowledge is moving, like, at half a mile an hour. And so, probably in almost every conscious second we’re whizzing past it. It’s not that it couldn’t be experienced or we couldn’t slow down, but we don’t. And part of that is just how our brains and minds are going to work as sentient life forms, right? So I don’t think it’s a goal, again, to try to make the human brain function similarly to Knowledge or at its speed, but this is the power of spiritual practice is it is an intention or it is intentionally slowing your mind down through, for example, meditation or stillness practice so that you can experience and perceive the thinking—I’m sorry—the knowing process within you. So I don’t think it’s, per se, specifically hidden. It’s possible that Knowledge has messages that you’re not ready to hear or that there is truth being thrown in front of you that would be extremely disruptive or even destructive for your consciousness to process and Knowledge might veil that or might somehow keep that back until you’re ready because readiness is part of this. And Knowledge is a responsive consciousness in a way. It’s not just like a pervasive force that just…It’s like a river going over a waterfall. It just goes over the waterfall and never stops in that it’s just constantly emitting truth at all moments at all times. Knowledge actually has intelligence. And it’s not just Knowledge in us, it’s Knowledge in others that is intelligent. And yet, that is all the same Knowledge. So it’s like a super intelligent, non-manifest entity, in a sense, and it’s moving and responding within our lives and in other lives, especially—actually, all the more so, right—it’s triangulating us to other points like other people and other events in the world or even in the universe that we could not possibly comprehend. And yet, it’s calibrating constantly across those reference points that are related to who we are and to our calling in life, for example. And so it’s dynamic and we’re dynamic, right? So you have two dynamic, you know, entities in a sense and how they interact—yeah! So I don’t know if it’s hidden or that they interact differently. And they touch in ways that are more spontaneous and unpredictable than perpetual. And that’s, again, where enlightenment has been cast as this state of perpetual bliss or contact with a higher power or an attainment of a state of total awareness that you can then live out of all the time, no matter what. Of course only that, if you eliminate about 90% of what life throws at you, and then maybe you can live in it, but then you’ll be living in your basement for the rest of your life, right? So again, it’s not a perpetual state. It’s something that weaves. These are like fabrics. This is like a fabric of fibers that weave and then depart and then retouch each other again. And how the knowing Mind weaves itself, touches us in our consciousness, I don’t know, but I do think it has to do with things like readiness, the way we’re thinking, if we’re thinking, you know, in a very divisive or scattered or a way that’s really incongruous with how Knowledge thinks. So. But, I also understand the last part of your question, Paul. Why is this so? Gosh darn it! Knowledge is right there, right? And it knows what we need to do and it seems so hard to make that contact and to finally get the clarity and the marching orders, right, so that we can do them. The key thing to understand there is that, you know, in the military analogy, if Knowledge were the colonel with the marching orders, we are hardly the willing soldiers, you know? We are not ready for the marching orders; we don’t want them. Part of us does, but a large majority part of us doesn’t. And I think the New Message and Steps to Knowledge are slowly working us through that majority position, which kind of stands against to unpack that, you know? What’s inside that? Why do we want to be constantly stimulated and never sit still and never be with ourselves? Why? What are we seeking to find or to run away from? And our work in the New Message, it brings up all of that, right, and invites us to begin to work through the truth, honestly—the truth behind those impulses that keep us away from Knowledge so that we can actually find out our real will and intention, and in that military analogy, become in a sense the soldier ready for the marching orders and able to carry them through. And of course, Knowledge is the colonel looking at us saying, I don’t think you’re ready and I don’t think you’re going to follow through, so I’m not going to give them to you, you know. Again, it’s a conscious entity, Knowledge, so I’ll try not to give too many military analogies because that is a world away and apart from that of The Way of Knowledge. But it’s amazing how many of them leap to the fore. So yeah, please feel free to share any further questions or experiences you’d like to. I’d like to read this passage to you. This is from the revelation Enlightenment: This is more a process of letting things go than taking things on, more a process of reducing yourself to what is really essential and real in your life as opposed to taking on more ideas, more activities, more commitments, more relationships. It is like an emptying out, but it occurs gradually because you must choose along the way what to value and what not to value. You must see what is good from what only looks good. You must gain this wisdom through discernment, through decisions, through the process of assuming certain responsibilities and letting others go. So this is the process or the journey that the New Message invites us into. And letting go, emptying out, making space is a very important part, especially in the early years, but also repeatedly over time. And so it’s a process and here we are inside that process. And so I think it’s really helpful to let go of firm notions of goals, states of attainment, to let go of kind of very rigid and judgmental beliefs about what should and should not be or what is good and what is not good in our experience. Because we’re in a process, and the process is going to bring up many things. And the hardest of things have to at least come up for us to work through them. If we won’t even feel or face them or acknowledge them, then in a sense we’re barring entry for ourselves into that whole new part of our journey. And so the journey is up and down, left and right and round and round at times. And yet, we have to just understand that the pieces that have fallen into us over time are being elevated, removed and settled back in. We’re almost being kind of remade slowly over time and we can’t control that process and we can’t speed it up more than it can be sped up. The key thing is to stay in the game, right? And so in the New Message, there’s so many teachings and practices and things you can do to keep yourself in the game day by day, week by week, and to keep bringing yourself to that juncture of choice, which is: Do I go right or do I go left? You know? Do I plunge myself deeper or do I start to climb out? And it’s constantly arriving at that and making a decision, making a decision. And the New Message gives us all the empowerment to do that in our lives. So, this is the revelation, Enlightenment. I’ll share with you these two passages as well before we conclude together: …the answer is a movement. It is not just one realization. It is not just one sudden moment where your eyes are opened and your mind is completely clear…ultimately you are here to come to terms with the greater movement of your life—a movement that has a direction and a purpose in the world, a movement that will take you into the world to engage with certain people for a greater and more specific purpose. Here you gain a greater relationship with the world, a greater relationship with yourself, and a greater relationship with others. And it is these greater relationships that end the Separation within yourself, that demonstrate you are really connected to life and to a greater life beyond this world. This is how God’s Plan works. It is not the purification of the intellect. It is not just a shedding of the ego. So this is the invitation of the New Message, which is to see yourself in a state of relatedness to others, to the universe, to the movement of our world and to this knowing mind within you. And it’s not just about papering over your experience and just being happy or being enlightened; it’s about taking a journey. And all the rewards come through taking the journey and continuing to take the journey. So with you, I will receive that invitation myself and continue to take that journey as best as I see how to do, and all the renewal and the refreshment and the peace that may come with that, I think, will and that’s a trust statement, but I think it will, so… It’s a great thing to be able to receive these revelations every two weeks. And we will continue. And up ahead, we have three revelations that will be entering the world for the first time. The first, Bringing your Life into Balance on September 26th, in two weeks. And then, Experiencing God [October 10, 2022]. And after that, Relationships of Destiny [October 24, 2022]. And all of these revelations are going up online, free to all at, newmessage.org/library. And you can read and listen to this revelation tonight at newmessage.org/enlightenment. So with that, I’ll say thank you so much for being here to receive this. And hopefully, you can read and listen to it again and see if it has more to reveal to you. And so yes, thank you. So I’ll see you in two weeks’ time, and we’ll be back for the next revelation of the New Message. Take care everyone.
What is the difference between enlightenment and the inner peace in the realm of Knowledge?
In the New Message, references are made that the New Message speaks to Knowledge within you. Is this channel hidden from your intellect—your thinking mind? Why is this so?
June 1988?
Thank you.
It felt good to listen to this. Grounding and encouraging come to mind right now, but there was a lot of wisdom of course. It prepares us for the long journey that will teach us to follow our deeper current that will show us the way upon the mountain. Very helpful explanations as well, like the clarification at 56:36 : ) Thank you.
This revelation has arrived at a timely juncture in my life where I found myself battling with a precut expectation of Knowledge which was not producing the certainy and clarity I was hoping for. I feel release now as I’ve stopped and started and retraced sections of this recording. And I found your understanding of it also most helpful Reed.Thank you for these presentations.