No One Can Reveal to You the Intention for Your Existence

Listen to Patricia Summers speak, Oct 7, 2017.

Photo CC by Jacob Surland

This is Patricia, and I’d like to offer to you a profound piece of wisdom that presented itself to me unexpectedly one day. And this, this profound idea came into my mind; and it is:

No one can reveal to you the intention for your existence.

And there was a silence following this. And I was left with only this one thought in my mind; and it seemed to tower above and beyond everything else I had been doing in that moment. And I stopped and realized that this had been some form of communication to me.

But beyond a form of communication, there’s the actual…directive contained within this statement, that no one can reveal to you the intention for your existence. So I had to be with this for quite some time. And I had to see if I inherently understood the wisdom and the vision of this statement.

Did I, based upon the life I’ve lived so far, do I have a sense for what this communication was conveying? And I as I sat there I realized that I would have to take some time at some point soon to be with this wisdom; and I wrote this down in my documents—my student documents. And eventually went back and started seeing if I could plumb the depths of this statement; this very both transcendent and yet immentantly instructive statement; instructive in terms of my day to day existence, my year to year existence. 

And I realized that I think what this statement was doing was conferring, in case I have any doubt, or you have any doubt, that the full responsibility for our existence resides with ourselves and with Knowledge within us.

And though I have the great good fortune of being in the company of tremendous students of the New Message, I still must look to Knowledge always to help me come to some accounting of my existence, even as it exists today.

Am I living out the full intention for my existence? What will that require? And the truth, this truth actually prevailed earlier on in life and required a life journey over many, so to speak, hills and valleys, and deserts, so to speak. And the only thing that seemed to point or create a sense of direction was this inner experience and pressure.

And so, from what I can understand of this great wisdom and this, this—it’s almost a commandment for me to assume this responsibility; that no one can reveal to me the intention for my existence—no one here in this world; that I must go to Knowledge; that I must seek to submit myself to those to whom I feel joined beyond this world; that the purposes for my existence are not my own, solely. And that ultimately, I suspect, were we to assume this level of responsibility for our passage in this life where this will take us is to some form of high, but simple service, OK? High, but simple service. And that service will take us into the future.

So, as I look out over the Community of people engaging with the New Message, periodically I apply this lense to my view and I see you all in this light, that no one can reveal to you the intention for your existence: not me, not anyone; but Knowledge.

And this trajectory, this targeting of our existence, perhaps began before this time here in life. And it’s, it’s reuniting with that and beginning to move with that. And it’s humble; it’s a humble journey. It’s a humble journey.

And, so I think of you all. And perhaps this communication and message may serve you.

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  1. Thank you Patricia for this wisdom. Your demonstration begins in that you are taking a journey through just one sentence.
    Yes, this statement serves me. This is a needed insight to counter the “create your own reality” discussion in the world, which would assume that every day is a self-serving endeavor. It is a humble journey of simple service.

  2. We cannot define the intention of our life and it is only by following Knowledge that the intention of your life becomes partly revealed after arriving at a higher vantage point. So at the outset you will not know the full intention of your life as it will be revealed incrementally step by step, you follow what you know. The preparation, alignment is necessary to follow the guiding path of Knowledge in this you prepare by learning how to follow what is guiding you and also by following the signs that it is giving you to follow, by doing them it leads you somewhere, you do not know where but you get closer as you do follow.

    The coordination moving, dynamic changes of the world, your life (and the lives of others). The coordination happens beyond this place, beyond the physical arena. We are in the pond, we can’t see the bigger picture only snippets, what is beyond can see the bigger picture. The coordination can involve different worlds in the physical realm and if coordination happens in this world this can involve other worlds. We will not know where it leads until we go back to our ancient home. We will be able to see some snippet in our life time or along the way, but knowing at the level of who is coordinating us (where our life will lead and what it will accomplish) is impossible seen where we are, unless it is revealed. Like when Marshall was revealed by his source that he is a Messenger.

    What are we being coordinated for? Can we stay long enough with this question, it can take a great part of your life before it’s revealed.

    On a practical level, what are we doing within our preparation to enable us to follow what we must recognize and interpret to take the (next) steps that needs to be taken, so that the journey is walked and not stagnant?

  3. I echo the gratitude Patricia for this teaching. I find it is a humbling journey and knowledge guides us solidly, navigating every twist and turn as we move closer to the reason for our existence, our calling, our purpose.
    Many people give their power – inner power away to gurus and teachers who they think ‘know’ more than they do about their reason for existence. The NMG is a solid foundation teaching us to steer our journey into our inner power, our inner knowledge, our union with God and become our knowing. Who we are, our existence, is revealed to us in small ways as we go with the flow of our lives and allow knowledge to guide us. Thank you again for your deep wisdom and insight.

  4. As uncertain as it all seems sometimes, not seeing where we came from and where we are going, maybe not understanding a reason and method to what seems sometimes like confusion, they say that if we were all to leave the bodies, go up above and look down at them and choose a life to have, any life that you want, that the one that you would choose is the one that you have. It feels like a rightness about it all. I’m glad to be with people who think deeply. I certainly would choose that.

  5. I love it Patricia. “No One Can Reveal to You the Intention for Your Existence” It calls for coming into our own, growing up. Students WILL become teachers by what moves through them and we will be amazed to observe that and fulfilled to participate. “To each his own” (her own) is not a separation. It is the uniqueness of each, a necessity that the Greater Coordination calls for so that all can be reached and the so many millions of diverse challenges can be met appropriately.

    One night at a vigil, we talked about so many tended to look the same, talk the same, act the same and we had a little chuckle at our human tendency. It’s a bit paradoxical but beautiful that we must walk uniquely alone and together.

    I am always brought back down to my knees by those perfectly shaped “Alio” situations that are mine and mine alone in life, when there is no one who can answer me, solve my dilemma and understand my great needs when I can’t even yet understand them myself. Hitting the wall always brings be back to God, healing, and often so much impact that it brings tears. That is always processed with a little help from my friends, but at the breakthrough point, it’s between me and God and God alone.

    1. Alio. thank you for your thoughts here regarding the idea:
      “No One Can Reveal to You the Intention for Your Existence”.

      Yes, it’s true, this statement does come with a bit of pressure. “But it is pressure with a purpose”, as Marshall has said. He should know. He has learned to live with the pressure of an entire New Message from God, needing and intending to reach enough of humanity, within a certain time frame….his life, for example.

      So if, as the above statement says, we are to defer to no one, then, (pause) thinking navigationally, what are the operational coordinates that can help us plot our position, and course, over time?

      1. There’s who sent us, which we might experience as a native intention that we’ve been living with, for a long time.
      2. There’s what we can know, and have “known” at various junctures.
      3. And there’s what we need to be doing (at various points and times).

      I think, from what I know, some of us may be having little existential moments here and there, and the New Message is helping us to deal with them. These experiences might seem like an odd momentary disorientation that sets in, and with it, our groping to find some kind of ’magnetic north”, so we can know where we are…or where we should be.

      This kind of experience may be precipitated by any number of things, a simple realization, for example, can change the chemistry of our experience and perspective, and as a result, we might “find ourselves in a different place.”

      Also, the ground under our feet is moving. Our world is changing, and will change radically and our experience of life direction, purpose and calling is changing with it.

      Another simple practice comes to mind that might be helpful at times like these:

      It is: “Remember a time when you knew something. “
      There’s weight and ballast to be had from our growing inventory of Knowledge experiences. Keeping a list as we recall them and reviewing it now and then, is a way to re-experience the weight, the reality and the anchor that Knowledge has been and is to us.

      The statement, “ No one can reveal…..” confers responsibility, and is empowering and I hear you accepting its call,
      “I am always brought back down to my knees by those perfectly shaped “Alio” situations that are mine and mine alone in life…”

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience here….

      1. The pressure, a powerful slow wide deep river, each our canoe, maintained with care, a group destination, daily prepare, launch, paddle this side to and that, warn each other of the rocks, logs, tie together in the rapids, untie where the ties hinder and solitary work moves the fleet, avoid the edges but watch them carefully, , row, coast, row, coast, together but alone,, camp for the night, care for the canoes, do it again. The river knows its way. Be careful. Pray and row, rest and work, stay with the fleet, keep toward center, Help each other but stay in your boat. There’s always the campfire times to safely rest and sing. Be grateful, build strength and know that the rivers come together and truly one water. Surrender to the power, go with the flow, row this side, then that.

  6. Thank you Patricia for sharing this wisdom with us, what came to me when I was contemplating this statement and Betty’s comment, was the “no one” also refers to yourself and your mind – and that while you cannot rely on others to unlock the mystery of your existence and your destiny on earth, it is also something that you will never be able to comprehend within yourself. And why can no one reveal this to you, well in my understanding it is because the intention for your existence cannot be contained within an idea or an expression alone and it will vacillate based on the movements of the world – for me this intention speaks of an experience that encompasses your entire journey to Knowledge.

    1. Samantha,

      Thank you for your thoughts and as you’ve said here, “…well in my understanding it is because the intention for your existence cannot be contained within an idea or an expression alone and it will vacillate based on the movements of the world.”

      I’d like to offer a few additional impressions about this powerful statement of conferral: ‘No one (in this life) can reveal to you the intention for your existence.”

      In Focus/Out of Focus – Yes, true, given the degree of our confusion within this pervasive reality of Separation, which the New Message has revealed to us, our circumstances and the opportunities available to us in life, may at times come into focus and go out of focus.

      Accessibility. Recognition. Awareness. Action – The chance to engage with certain opportunities or openings may depend upon our recognition of them. Or perhaps even more, this may be the result of our actively reorienting our lives and becoming more available.

      Target Zone – There being an “intention for our existence” implies a “target zone” of contribution for us, set before we came here.

      Celestial Navigation – How can we know where we are in life relative to our destiny?
      And what kinds of practices can help us navigate Separation? The idea of “triangulation” comes up.
      Triangulation is a means of determining our position based upon 3 coordinates:
      1 Us, which is our experience of ourselves in life and our sense of place
      2. A point of reality beyond ourselves in this life
      3. A point of contribution within this life.

      At certain times, I find it important to engage in what I call a “Location Process.”

      Periodically ask:
      “Where am I right now?”
      “Am I where I need to be?”
      “Is my life on course?
      “If my life is off course, how far off course, a bit, a lot?
      “ What must I be doing in life right now? ”

      This is a powerful practice for reconciling, refocusing and accounting for our existence every step of the way…

      The New Message describes us as being both lost at sea, yet found by God.

      “No matter what your circumstances or state of mind, the Calling will speak to you,
      for it represents your destiny. It is not someone else’s destiny. You need not worry about them. It is your destiny.
      You may say, “What about other people? What about my spouse? What about my children? What about my dear friend?”
      But God has found the speck on the ocean, and that speck is you.”
      God Has Spoken Again, Chapter 7, The Initiation

      Thanks also to Tyyne, Srimayi, James, Betty, Dariel, Harjit and Josef for your comments here as well.

      1. Thank you Patricia for showing us the way. At times it is difficult for me to see where life, Knowledge, my Teachers, the world are directing me. Yet to feel the Presence…the Lamb within me is of great value. If I don;t know where I am going, that is ok! For, anywhere I go I can take compassion, tolerance, love and stillness with me. I always keep in mind that this is a long process and I must have patience with myself and others to proceed. I must be kind to myself and to others for that is the way of Knowledge in my life. I must have humility to be teachable and to be able to follow so I may lead when the time comes. All the things you have mentioned is deep within intention and action. I pray that I/We may keep moving forward when we feel the need and hold ourselves/myself back when it is appropriate. Above all, to find the signal and tune into it more and more becoming able to be that beacon of light that may shine in the world. Nasi Novare Coram

  7. Patricia, thank you for this statement, I’ve been coming back to this audio a few times. Today I come to realize that vice versa no -one can tell you (yourself or others) but you cannot tell anyone too. And to return to Knowledge for the truth, tofeel if what others are communicating is true for oneself, ones life. Knowledge has your gift, and no-one can determine what that gift is or what the plans are for your life. Thank you so much.

    1. Betty, Shrimayi, Tyyne, James, Josef, Harjit, Dariel,
      I realized there were some other thoughts I needed to add to be post dated 12/12/17….so I added them just now…see below:

      I now begin to look at people, some of whom are just walking past me, or with whom I interact, and I wonder whether they will find that golden thread within their experience of life, that has to do with the intention for their existence? Will they ever come to ask the question, “Why am I here. Who or what must I serve?”

      1. Thank you Patricia, such a depth in this statement. Will they find this golden thread weaven in the fabric of their lives? When they find the golden thread, will they be moved to the next stage of their lives, to start the process of exploring and following the intention of their lives? Then will they carry on between the hill, the valleys, and the deserts? When home, will they have the Knowledge that they have accomplished what they came here to do in the world?

      2. Hi Patricia, this is very powerful and many will not ask the question. I am new to the NMG and only in the baby steps, yet I do come with some inner knowing already and have found that there are people who want to know and people who do not. As I read The Greater Community Way of Knowledge, it speaks of this. In an old book I read by James Twyman, there was a line that said ” You are being asked to go into the depths of the ocean where most will not want to, they will only be content to walk at the waters edge or dip their toes”. Those of us here with the NMG and The Messenger are those who will go into the depths to know and to serve the greater purpose and their destiny. The rest will fall by the wayside and that is their destiny too. The NMG is clear in this.

  8. ”No one can reveal to you the intention for your existence.”

    I’ve been having an intermittent, internal conversation about this experience and message ever since….

    Over the course of time I’ve thought things like:

    “RHP’s (relationships of higher purpose) aside for the moment, it must be between me, Knowledge, whoever sent me, and the service I was sent here to render.”

    And the question, ”So then, it’s the triangulation between me, a point of reality beyond me in this life, and a point of contribution within this life…?”

    Other thoughts and questions here and there that have come to mind:

    “This statement is calling for alignment and but also self assessment regarding our alignment at any given time.”

    “We need to do a “self-check” periodically and ask, “What is the degree of my alignment…?” Am I on course? Off course? Impeded? Moving? Am I on time? Behind time? Ahead of time?”

    And then I recalled the worldly wisdom,
    “Do it anyway…It was always between you and God anyway…”

    In restating the message to myself: “No one (in this world) can reveal to you the intention for you existence.” the momentary realization came to mind,
    “This directive, then, is no-nonsense conferral of responsibility. (Pause) “Oh, yes.”

    “Time to grow up. No comparing. No sidestepping, foot dragging. No deferring. No hedging. Stop looking around for someone else’s brilliant work to applaud. No waiting for some distant, higher wisdom.

    And then I’ve flashed forward to a conversation beyond this time that may take place about “What really mattered”. And when flashing back to the present, thinking,
    “This message is a terse directive, much like, “Just do what we asked you to do. Make it be so. And we’ll talk when it’s all over.”

    Recently all these meanderings of mind came together for me very powerfully when Marshall asked that I type into our Hourly Stillness and Meditation Chat this request,

    “Take this moment to think of those who sent you into the world, and what they may need of you.”

    And then there is what the NMFG and all of its wisdom has to say:

    From: Vol 1, Book 1, GHSA, Chapter 3, The Engagement.

    “When you return to your Spiritual Family after you leave this world, they will look at you to see if you have accomplished your task, if you made the deeper connection. And you will know if you have or you have not.

    There is no judgment and condemnation, only recognition here. Here what was mysterious before becomes reality itself and your priorities are clear. There are no distractions. There is no resistance.

    And you will want to return, saying to yourself, “This time I will remember. I know now. I can see now. I will remember.”

    But you must remember while you are here. That makes all the difference. That is the beginning of everything important. That is the turning point of your life.”

    1. Patricia, I will need to come back to what you wrote again to go deeper with it, but what comes up for me and has been with me a great deal as I contemplate relationships of higher purpose and relationships in general, is related to what you say here…

      “RHP’s (relationships of higher purpose) aside for the moment, it must be between me, Knowledge, whoever sent me, and the service I was sent here to render.” Yes. So true.

      And what you say here… “Time to grow up. No comparing. No sidestepping, foot dragging. No deferring. No hedging. Stop looking around for someone else’s brilliant work to applaud. No waiting for some distant, higher wisdom.”

      As someone who has deferred to others, this commitment to Knowledge, this alignment, and allegiance to Knowledge, is primary to decisions, inputs, and actions before me. Knowledge must be the center point. The guide. The council. The experience.

      Because I live in a state of separation from my Source and have a mind and a body, I must contend with this reality. The world and my past and the patterns that I have developed and were really not effective must become known to me and if not eliminated, must at least be well managed now.

      So, “No one can reveal to you the intention of your life.” My participation is related to an internal/destiny/Knowledge experience that I really don’t understand fully nor am I able to sense or see into too deeply – but I am given enough to keep me moving in a certain direction.

      Thank you for sharing The Engagement, Patricia, which I haven’t read or listened to in some time. I will be revisiting this revelation again over the next few days.

  9. Thank you, Patricia, for sharing this communication. It seems a fundamental byproduct of living in separation is looking for something we know we must find in the wrong places.
    Reminds me of the parable of the drunk man looking for his keys:
    “A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, “this is where the light is”

    “No one can reveal to you the intention for your existence” what a powerful redirection for where we are to look. A piece of shrapnel from the separation is a lack of trust in oneself. So we look at others, at people we deem wise, smart, kind, powerful… to define who we are and direct us where to go. We also do this with teachings, religions, and wise philosophies- holding these words as the definition and direction we so desperately seek. We look where it’s convenient, under the streetlight, though what we look for was not misplaced there. To look where we are truly lost is to look into the dark, to look within oneself at all the stuff that stands in the way of finding the true intention for our existence.

    Here the wise teachers, the respected elders, the religious text, the profound philosophies… become a means of resonance; not the actual answer but a finger pointing to the place of answer. An intention is not only a definition but an intimately personal experience is an intention with the power and force to move.
    Oh, how important this distinction is as we ingest the teachings of the New Message, to remain aware of the resonance beyond the words and understanding, the finger pointing to Knowledge.

  10. Thank you for sharing this wisdom Patricia. I revel in the mystery that is intention in my existence. This intention makes life guided by Knowledge intriguing and safe.

  11. Thank you, Patricia, for reminding me that whatever great demonstration of KN is presented to me, it all comes back to, “What does KN say?” It is my very personal and primary relationship and I cannot defer to any other model. It is between KN and me.