A Blessing of Steps to Knowledge

Watch Marshall Vian Summers give a blessing on Night 19 of the Steps Vigil, Jun 13, 2016.
Full Broadcast
I would like to offer this blessing of Steps to Knowledge, which was revealed under very mysterious circumstances. It certainly uprooted my life to be able to receive it. It took a long time to prepare to receive it.
It is so important that you understand that you must follow something from a Greater Power, that you cannot raise yourself up and if you only select things that appeal to you in this moment, it’s all for personal validation. These things cannot take you anywhere.
But Steps to Knowledge was designed to take you up this great mountain; it is your mountain to climb. And if it speaks to you and resonates with you, then you know you have found your way. This is where the journey now begins to really climb and not merely be considered, or dreamed of, or talked about.
This is a Gift of Heaven for you and for many others like you, who are waiting for The New Revelation to come—waiting for years, decades, maybe even most of your life. When it comes, it arrives and The Calling goes out.
Let us be so grateful we are living at a time of Revelation, that we have been found, that our names have been Called, that our Gift of preparation has been given to us—something not made by man, something not from another race in the universe, something from our Source, from The Angelic Assembly, who watches over our world, for only a Gift of this magnitude, could move your life so powerfully, so purposefully and so completely.
May we have the wisdom, then, and the humility and the perseverance to receive this Gift each day, to practice it in all circumstances to the best of our ability—to remember, to remember, to remember those who have sent us and who watch over us, even now.
Nasi Novare Coram