A Pivotal Year for Humanity and the New Message


The Messenger concludes the Monday Huddle Meeting with a prayer on January 7, 2019.

I would like to say a blessing for the New Year.

We stand at the beginning of a pivotal year for humanity and for the New Message, a year that will call from us a greater service, a greater wisdom and cooperation with one another in our sacred rendezvous and endeavor to bring the New Message into the world. The blessing is with us and through us. Let us then be as stable as we can be, as strong as we can be. Let us take care of our health, our physical existence so that we can participate at this higher level. For the blessing is with us and calls upon us to be responsible in all these things. Let us step forward then into a great world reality with the love of humanity driving us, with the commitment of Knowledge moving us, and with our destiny calling us.

Nasi Novare Coram

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  1. Thank you for your blessing and inspiration, Marshall. May we all grow in vitality, strength, and endurance with the guidance of you, the Unseen Ones and each other’s example. May we support each other knowing that we are not alone and that alone we can do nothing. May you draw strength through us as we support you and the mission of the New Message. Nasi Novare Coram.

  2. Thank you, Marshall. In the mid 90s I was introduced to a concept of our world moving into antimatter, which rocked me to the core and I found myself weeping for the world – our planet. That spontaneous reaction taught me that I love it so, deep within me. Even though the antimatter story turned out to be a ruse, I felt the importance of my life and this Reality. Yes, I must take care of my health and wellbeing, and I join you in praying that we all stay safe and sane, driven by the love of humanity. Bless the New Year 2019.

  3. Nasi Novare Coram. I see the still info that is the background for the video states it was recorded January 7, 2018, and not 2019 as stated elsewhere. Just an fyi.