A Prayer: Follow This Invisible Light Within Me

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Closing Broadcast, January 28, 2017.

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I would like to conclude with a prayer. And my prayer is that you will walk with me, that you will follow this invisible light with me, not because you only believe in me, but because the Spirit within you guides you to do this.

I pray that you will help me bring this into the world. That is my effort.

I pray that you will help me find those people who are searching for this even at this moment, for they will not find resolution without this. And they suffer without it as you have suffered without it.

I pray that you will help me bring God’s Revelation about Life in the Universe into the world to help me prepare and warn humanity of the great challenge that is coming as we emerge into this great and fantastic arena of life.

The preparation has been given. I am burdened with it. It must pass from me to others.

I pray you will help me in my effort.

I pray that you will help me bring the awareness and the preparation for the new world that we are all facing, for there is no escape from it.

I pray that you will see this and know this.

I pray that you will help me keep Knowledge alive in the world by keeping Knowledge alive in yourself and in others, to hold that Fire in the face of all adversity and doubt and repudiation, tragedy and error that you and I might face. You must hold that Fire. Hold fast to that.

I pray that you will help me keep this Knowledge alive.

I pray that you will walk with me in the uncharted territory ahead. This is my prayer for you. It is my prayer for them. (looks up) They know I cannot carry this alone.

Nasi Novare Coram.

Remember me, no matter what happens.

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