Anniversary of Receiving ‘Protecting the Message and the Messenger’

An Afterglow Account from Patricia Summers
The Messenger Marshall Vian Summers receives

Protecting the Message and the Messenger

on November 26, 2014, in Boulder, CO
Approximately 32 minutes


November 26, 2018

Anniversary of Receiving:

Protecting the Message and the Messenger

on November 26, 2014, in Boulder, CO

Four years ago today on November 26, 2014, Marshall received the revelation, Protecting the Message and the Messenger. It was one of 20 revelations that were given in 2014.

Protecting the Message and the Messenger has not yet been published, but Marshall has included it in a future book, alongside The Pilgrimage and other revelations that speak to the reality and need for a Worldwide Community of God’s New Message.

Here are a few verses from this revelation:

“God’s New Revelation for the world could have a remarkable impact on the world’s religions, opening them up to a greater panorama of life, making them more universal and complete. But who within these traditions can accept that there is a New Message from God and that a Messenger has been sent into the world, a member of the Angelic Assembly, who is charged with overseeing this world and its development and progress? Who has the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to know?”

“This is why the Message and the Messenger must be protected—to keep this sacred, to keep this pure—as much as possible. This protection must happen within your own mind and heart…”

“You must keep the pathway pure within yourself first. That is where the protection begins, you see.”

To read and experience again this day of revelation, scroll down on this page.

Gratitude to the Voice of the New Message and to Marshall for these “guidepost” revelations which show us a way forward to a New World Reality.

Patricia Summers

November 29, 2014

Alert – to the Worldwide Community of the New Message:

Important News: On Wednesday of this week, November 26th, in the pre-dawn hours, the Messenger was called by the Angelic Assembly again to receive a calling and a request for the present and the future.

On that day, the day before Thanksgiving here in the United States, Marshall Vian Summers received an important revelation—a special message that will stand through time as a request to us from the Divine to recognize, to practice, to support, to protect and to advocate for The New Message from God, the largest body of spoken word Revelation ever given to the human family in known history.

At 8:52 am, I urgently texted the following to the Members and Core Assistants of The Society for the New Message:

“To all, Marshall is about to receive. Pre-dawn I found him sitting in the adjacent room…gazing…He said, ‘The air is all sparkly. I feel a weight, the weight. They are nearby…’

We waited until now for the house to be all quiet. He is in his place…ready, open…”

And in moments The Society’s replies came in even as we moved quickly to prepare:

“Patricia sending my love to you and Marshall. May he find the strength to endure – we are with him and you…”
“I am with you Dad.”
“We send our love from around the corner.”
“I send my heartfelt gratitude and surround you both with love.”
“Ever with you with all my heart.”
“Love and strength…I am with you both.”
“And with the Angelic Presence that continues to bless us through their Messenger, our Messenger.”

Shortly after, all lines of live communications (phone, text, email) to the outside world were closed down, while another other-worldly line of communication was being built between the Messenger and his Source. Mere moments passed before the Voice of a Thousand Voices began to speak.

“God has spoken again.  A great revelation for humanity is now in the world, more comprehensive than anything that has been presented here before, given at a time of great change, a great threshold for the human family…The greatest threshold as a whole that the human family has ever encountered and for which it must prepare…God must speak again because humanity faces its greatest trial and its greatest opportunity…”

At 10:30 am, I sent this message to The Society:

“Finished now. Oh…greatly emphatic…!

Protecting the Message and the Messenger, 32:41 minutes.

This revelation felt like a direct communication to the students, advocates, and supporters of the New Message. This Voice sounding for today, yet calling throughout these days, months and years of the Messenger’s life, but also resounding with a message of enormous intention to those very people, and others as well, forward, through, and into the years, decades and centuries to come.”

“Be a wayshower…”
“Ask yourself, Are you living the life you know you must live?…”
“You must have the wisdom of the universe to guide you…”
“Keep this pure.  Support it.  Stand by it…”

“Just now and after finishing, he just said, ‘I feel as if I have just done a full day’s work.’

As I watched this man, this servant of God in the act of receiving, I witnessed in present time that part of the Messenger’s life is being laid down with each revelation received for humanity. In so doing, the Angels, Messengers, Prophets and Saints bless him as one of their own, and they stay with him…and will ‘…walk with him…the entire way Home.'”

Within minutes, responses from The Society came through:

“Thank you Patricia. We are truly blessed to be serving in these times. May Marshall rest for now and regain his strength.”
“I’m speechless…May we protect him and serve him as well as he protects his message and serves those who trust him so completely. Rest now, Dear Marshall.”
“Thank you for these cherishable moments.”
“Thanks so much, Patricia. Very Beautiful…Very Holy image of all of those walking with him – The entire way home.”
“Thank you for letting us into the cave.”
“The holy family honors their own Messenger for this time and stands with him ‘all the way home!’ How moving that is! We also walk beside him all the way.”

Therefore, so that we can place this day of revelation in context, Protecting the Message and the Messenger, was received 12 days after the last revelation, The Buddha and the New Message from God, which was received on Friday, November 14th. And then 12 days before that on November 2nd, the revelation Religious Violence, was given.

For your reference, an email message notifying you of these stirring and historic revelations was sent to you on November 15, 2014 entitled, “The Messenger Receives Two New Messages – Alert by Patricia Summers.”

For now, however, know that another day of revelation, November 26, 2014, was consecrated. Great Angelic Forces touched Earth again and delivered a message for all times through their humble Messenger, and called and conferred upon us the Divine request to protect him and their timelessly delivered Revelation from God.

There is so much more to convey regarding what happened to the Messenger around this important experience. May I be able to do this soon, but for now, you all know what has been happening with the Messenger…and this is so very important.

Nasi Novare Coram,


“As I watched this man, this servant of God in the act of receiving, I witnessed in present time that part of the Messenger’s life is being laid down with each revelation received for humanity. In so doing, the Angels, Messengers, Prophets and Saints bless him as one of their own, and they stay with him…and will ‘…walk with him…the entire way Home.'”

 Patricia Summers, from the Afterglow for ‘Protecting the Message and the Messenger’

Patricia Summers notes on witnessing Marshall Vian Summer's receiving the revelation the great coordination

Patricia Summers’ Afterglow Notes on the Process of Revelation

Call for Support

Your donation helps the Messenger and The Society carry forward this great burden and responsibility of reaching the world with the New Message.

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  1. Thank you Patricia.. these views into the heart of revelation are invaluable. Thank you so much for taking the care to communicate them, they are food for devotion truly. May Marshall know these accounts add fuel to our desire to stand with him.Nasi Novare Coram.

  2. Thank you, Patricia and Marshall for your endurance and giving. May God bless you, and may we, the WWC be able to protect you and the New Message. This will be a great challenge. No former message remained pure, often the disciples were not able to understand their messenger fully. NNC