Are You Gaining or Losing Energy?

Watch Marshall Vian Summers during the Steps Vigil, Night 3, Jun 1, 2020.
You know, we lose energy I think the most in our primary relationships—our energy with who we are with intimately or closely associated. We’re gaining energy, losing energy because there’s no neutral relationships. I mean, you’re either getting stronger or weaker being with people in close proximity on a regular basis. Where you live is very important. I mean, if you’re meant to be somewhere else but you’re not there, then that’s an energy loss. So it’s not just the unresolved or unfulfilled or incompleted things of your life. It’s also where you stand, where Knowledge is trying to take you somewhere, but you can’t go. This also produces an energy problem, too. So we lose a lot of energy to relationships and people, places and things that aren’t really meant for us.
And you can move to the most beautiful place in the world, but if that’s not where your destiny is, you’re gonna be losing energy living there. It can be beautiful. You could be impressed every day and “so happy I get to live in this lovely place.” But if that’s not where you really need to be, then your spirit is restless. You have a restless spirit; your soul is unfulfilled. You’re losing energy. So this is a really big thing. And you can look at other people and see their energy condition can be very apparent. And to look not critically, but just look objectively to see: Does this person have good energy? Are they enthusiastic? Are they…do they move with enthusiasm? Do they speak with enthusiasm? See, you can just see this is a terrible dilemma and it afflicts the wealthiest as well as the poor. It’s the miscast life. It’s the life that never became what it was really meant to become, which is a huge problem. But that huge problem is built upon other problems that would have to be resolved in order to solve the greater one. So some people think you just have to solve the greater problem and the little ones will disappear. Mm, sometimes…but often you have to take care of the foundational problems first because they are the most immediate and you’re losing energy to them. They’re costing you time, enthusiasm, inspiration, well-being. So the problem-solving product of Steps to Knowledge is just very, very important. And the more you become sensitized to your own feelings and experience—because Knowledge is operating in a deeper level of your experience, the core of your experience if you will—you will begin to see things that you didn’t see before. You will recognize problems you may not have recognized before, that you interpreted perhaps incorrectly, now become very apparent and very clear and noticeable.
I just saw this Marshall at a very timely point. I have found that my journey and experience of energy loss has always coincided with a health crisis telling me I need to move. The movement for me has been places. I lose the energy, become ill, then a decision to relocate comes, I relocate and get the energy back whilst I serve as I need to in that location. Once the service there is completed. I get ill and lose energy and must move again. A friend today said to me ” its places for you” . A light bulb moment after a weekend of intense study too.
As ever your words of wisdom speak to the heart. Thank you Marshall. Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you Marshall. This has born out in my experience a great deal. Our “experience”, which includes the thoughts, feelings and even reactions of our personal side, as well as the movement of Knowledge within—contains valuable indications, signs and sometimes warnings we need to heed. Overriding those signs and looking for Knowledge only can lead to mistakes made and opportunities overlooked. What is the evidence contained in our experience today that we may need to stop and recognize and act upon? Doing so may help us stop loosing our limited energy and make needed adjustments that will save us headache or heartache down the road.
“… the more you become sensitized to your own feelings and experience…you will begin to see things that you didn’t see before. You will recognize problems you may not have recognized before, that you interpreted perhaps incorrectly, now become very apparent and very clear and noticeable.“