Building Stability Amidst World Change

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Broadcast, Apr 18, 2020.
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The first step is to become as stable as you can be under these circumstances, whatever that may be for you. You’re not going to figure things out. You’re not going to have a plan for the future. You’re not going to try to encompass a greater reality if you’re fundamentally unstable. So the first step, or the first focus, which may be very great for some of you, is to become as stable as possible. Stability comes in terms of financial stability, circumstantial stability, relationship stability, particularly if you’re home with a spouse or a family or any kind of important relationship.

There’s emotional stability. If you’re fearful and full of anxiety, you’re not going to see clearly. You’re not going to make good decisions. You’re not going to see a way for you to go forward, which is possible for you, certainly.

So stability really is the first order of business. And for some of you, stability may be the most…the only thing you can do right now because that is the first thing to do. You have to steady your own ship in these turbulent waters. And some things you’ll be able to do and some things you won’t be able to do. But whatever you can do to create not only practical stability, but also internal stability, like settle down within yourself. You have a deeper Intelligence called Knowledge within you. It has spoken to you before at times of great change, need or decision—and it’s still there. It is there for you.

I think Reed’s recommendation about turning off external input is very important, and particularly anything dealing with conspiracy theories or all the pseudo remedies that people have for this virus that’s obsessing them or taking them away from what they need to do for themselves. 

So the first order of business is to look to your life and to the well-being of those you’re responsible for. And decisions, conclusions, ideas, future plans—they can all follow as long as you can do that, but do look to your life. This is about you being in the world right now and the world is undergoing great change. And the people who can be with that will tend to see ways that they can go and ways that they can build their life and have success. And those who won’t see that or refuse to see that, or lost in other considerations, are…tend to be people that are going to suffer great losses as a consequence of what we’re going through. 

This is a perfect storm for either knocking you down or building you up. And we’re here to support you building yourself up because each one of you has come into the world for a greater purpose. That purpose cannot be figured out by your intellect. It’s something that lives deep within you.

This is an opportunity for you, perhaps a great opportunity, living in seclusion, living with restraint—your life is not taken up, it’s not busy, it’s not overwhelmed by external engagements—to really build this connection to who you really are because that holds the key for your ability to navigate the uncertain times ahead. So perhaps take stock of all areas of your life: financially, circumstantially, where you live, your relationships, your health—very important. You want to build as much strength into these arenas as you can because that makes you more resilient. It makes you stronger. It gives you greater courage and ability to weather uncertainty and change. 

You know, many people in the world can only live with answers because they don’t have enough internal strength to live with questions. They cannot abide with uncertainty; they’re too insecure. So we all suffer from that to a certain degree. So this is an opportunity to build that inner core strength and determination and decide for yourself, “I’m going to find a way to deal with this. I’m going to find a way through this. I’m going to get strong enough to deal with whatever may come up.” And this is a conversation you must have with yourself, perhaps many, many times. 

If you only look out in the world, you’re going to be confused, you could be deceived, you’re going to feel helpless and hopeless. Or you’ll put your faith in some political figure or some ideology that you think is going to explain everything and make this simple for you. But those things are not real; that is not where reality is. Human conjecture is not reality. It’s human conjecture. It’s human belief. 

So you have an opportunity to turn to the source of certainty within yourself and to strengthen those around you and your circumstances. And that really is the starting point here for building a new life in the midst of the chaos of these current times.

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