Crossing the Line to an Inspired and Determined Life

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Steps Vigil, Closing Broadcast, Jun 14, 2020.
You know, in my view, there’s a kind of a critical waterline. And you’re either living a self-possessed life, struggling to survive, struggling to be happy, struggling to get what you want, struggling not to lose what you have, struggling to make sure you get what you want—that’s kind of below the waterline. And you may have moments of prescience or self-awareness in that reality, but they’re only moments. They’re not decisive.
But at some point, if you develop, you will cross over this kind of invisible line where you are now beginning to live the inspired and determined life. And your commitment to Knowledge…maybe it’s 51 percent over 49 percent—very slight at this point of juncture—your commitment to Knowledge is stronger than your commitment to everything else. And if you will stay with that…and that’s kind of…and many of you may be at that juncture or approaching it, or at it, or just past it. It’s very confusing because you still have all the desires, the potential desires. So much is still there driving you to try to seek personal fulfillment in Separation. But it’s almost like you can’t leave that part of you that knows, “No, I’m really here for something bigger.” And if you nurture that…And this is where Steps to Knowledge—you do it first two or three, four or five times—begins to build, build, build that connection to Knowledge. You become stronger with Knowledge and you…other things begin to fall away or you just lose interest in them; or you see that they’re limiting you, harming you and are never going to give you what you want, so you consciously voluntarily relinquish them. I don’t know what to call this line of demarcation, but…It’s not like you have an experience of Knowledge and you’ve arrived. No, you just crossed the line. And if that experience is big enough to move you to begin to reshape your life to whatever extent is needed, then you have to continue to feed that so it becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. It can’t just be a high moment in your life. It’s got to be something that actually changed your life, and is changing your life, so you can be in a position to know what to serve and to have the right approach and attitude toward service, which is a real internal shift away from personal fulfillment and ideology to one of being part of a Great Coordination, of which you’re already a part.
To dive down and search the sea bed for Fulfillment, for Treasure, and for Personal Glory seems like a perfect Adventure. The deep dive into the Abyss seems magical at first. But slowly, the energy here fades, and a crisis of Breathing approaches. At first, it seems like one could always hold their breath for longer, but slowly and predictably the limbs ache, the chest aches, and the mind reels. This doesn’t mean the Seabed holds no wonders, as it certainly does. But eventually one looks up at the waterline and says “I must come up for air, or I cannot continue”. We are reminded by the beauty of the Light of the Sun when bursting through the waterline, the first breaths are ragged and laboured, but soon we find a level. We are in our natural state. Thank you Marshall.