Thoughts on Dependence, Independence and Interdependence

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during Night 2 of the 2020 Messenger’s Vigil, January 25, 2020.

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Marshall: The teaching in Wisdom [from the Greater Community Volume Two] about dependence, independence and interdependence has the three stages of development. [Thresholds] This is particularly important for young people who are here who may be still in the stage of independence. They may still be building. They have to establish something within themselves before they can become interdependent. And so this environment may be too constraining for them, and they may be not progressing because they are still in that stage. This is a natural stage; it happens for everyone. And if one can go through all three stages, that’s really something.

And some people never get out of dependence. And some people never can get out of independence. So there’s no assurance that someone’s going to go through all three of these stages. But they are important because for young people, I mean, if they’re in that stage of developing their own position in life, their own platform, some of that really is developmentally necessary. And being intertwined in a movement or something may be premature for them. It may certainly be their destiny, but it may not be the time that that can take place. 

And so I’m sensitive to that. Otherwise, you’re almost…they may be in the right place, but not at the right time. So time is important, time, where you are in your development.

I had the chance to become independent. I got through that—ultimately unfulfilling—but you kind of have to find that out on your own. And some people never really had a chance to do that. They were hemmed in by their family or their circumstances so completely that independence came later for them, but I think that’s a natural point of development, and certainly is apropos for young people who need to go out and do something in the world, whatever that may be. I don’t know what that is for each person.

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  1. Stage of independence is essential for maturation of a person. At each stage of life children, young adults and adults learn different things. This is the school life gives to us. But interdependence is the unfolding of spiritual part of our psyche. This is the completion of our development here on Earth.

  2. Here you can see that if your family life was unhappy, it propelled you out. It made you think for yourself. It required a certain kind of independence. It launched you. Unable to stay where you were, you were forced to move your life in a different direction, hopefully a good direction guided by Knowledge.
    Often people who grow up in extremely loving and inclusive families find themselves encased in their family and cannot escape. If they have something significant to do in their life, which would not include their family, then they are trapped. They are trapped by love. They are trapped by inclusion. They cannot disappoint their parents or their family, and so they are held in place—a kind of prisoner of their family.
    Many people are actually in this situation and are really trapped as a result. Had they been born into families that did not have this loving nature and inclusiveness, they may have been able to free themselves at an early time and begin a different kind of journey in life.

    ….. … .. . .. … ….

    You will honor your parents when you see they gave you what they could give you to the best of their ability, and whatever happened, it gave you an opportunity to develop your own strength, your own courage and your own self-determination. Perhaps your parents were very loving, and they encouraged this in you, and you were the beneficiary of their guidance and support. Perhaps your parents had no idea and no respect for the deeper movement of your life, and their rejection of this forced you to become self-determined. In either case, you were given the freedom to move with Knowledge.

    Excerpts from:
    Healing Relationships

    This accurately describes my experience with my biological family.(Dependence & Independence) Interdependence came much later in my life with those not of my biological family but of importance in my life and support me now in so far as the journey I am on.

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