Doing What You Need To Be Doing

Patricia Summers speaks after the public broadcast on Night 16 of the 2018 Steps Vigil, June 10, 2018 | Doing What You Need To Be Doing

It seems that finding the right people, place and purpose is an incredibly exceptional circumstance. And I wonder for how many people in the world does this apply? And it’s unbelievably, incredibly exceptional, right? Wouldn’t you think? My goodness…

And, you know, you look at the prevailing…you know… forces, cultural forces at work, that, y’know, supercede this kind of honing in on where one needs to be, potentially with whom and for what reasons, you know.

And, my God, through the storms of everything going on culturally and at the level of just stimulation and input and with the huge weight of history in all of that, you know, this is like some kind of how, you know, we’re all part of the opportunity to emit this calling and also to demonstrate this, you know, to be a living demonstration of this because it is so exceptional and uncommon. It’s uncommon.

Um, and I wonder, you know, how much of our condition, as an emerging race is as a result of just the chaos factor of all these forces colliding. And, um, where is the consonance? I don’t know if you know what the word, consonance, means. I hope I do. But it seems to be a prominent word. It presents itself periodically to me. I don’t know if you have that, ever had that experience where—ah, you know—a word, a th–, or something will present itself. Well, consonance does. And consonance, you know, harmony, um…I’m trying to think of other synonyms for this word. Alignment, thank you. Any other, similar words…? (“Entrainment”) Entrainment. Alignment. Yeah…

So, my goodness, I mean, talk about holding a Golden Thread in the middle of a storm are we.

And we have the opportunity to even query people along the way, that you may meet or encounter; even just have you ever thought about where you really need to be? Is there a place that really, you know, or situation that really seems to call to you? I mean these are the kinds of evocative questions that we’re in a position to pose here and there, you know, just to bring this to the surface, you know…

So, for how many people in the world is it true that they are en route, or have found, where they need to be, potentially? With whom they need to be? And are they collectively and together doing what they need to be doing?


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  1. Thank you, Patricia for bringing this up. In my student hood , this question has recently presented itself on a couple of occasions. Are there people in the world that have found that “place” where they need to be on that journey up the mountain. That have found the people they need to be with and what are they doing …

  2. Consonance = Agreement; harmony; accord. Another similar word that has come to me is: Correspondence (perhaps due to the influence of Swedenborg, but I may have adhered to it prior to awareness of him), which also occurs in the NMG: “There is a correspondence between you and the Creator of all life but it is happening at a deeper level within you and the New Message from God reveals how you can experience this correspondence, and receive the power and the strength and the vision that God is presenting for the benefit all of humanity now.” Supporting God’s New Revelation. It’s also in CT: “If you are keeping a journal, which we recommend, read through what has happened to you on those days so that you see how each step corresponds to your experience and your activities at that particular time.” Step 21. Thank you, Patricia, for your words.

  3. This book includes an attempt to express in mathematical terms the high improbability that Patricia refers to at the beginning as “an incredibly exceptional circumstance.”

    This high, high improbability, it should only testify to the Great Coordination and to the Power of Knowledge, and instead I find it has caused me a lot of doubt, fear and confusion.

  4. I just saw a powerful example of someone who had an important awareness arise around “doing what needs to be done.” He is not a student (yet) but is searching. His story: He was very depressed and felt like he was trying to do the best job he could but nothing seemed to be working. He would go out onto his patio and sit in his swinging chair.and ponder what he was doing wrong. Each day he would find straw and debris in his chair. After several days of just sweeping this away, it occurred to him to look up. He realized that birds were trying to build a nest where his swing was attached. Every time he sat in his chair, he’d disturb the nest and the birds had to start over. The light bulb went off in his head. He made the connection. He wasn’t doing the wrong thing. He saw that he was like the birds who knew how to build a perfect nest, but the problem was that they were building it in the wrong place.

  5. Thank you Patricia for helping us to become aware…more aware of this alignment and what it is I/We need to be doing, not thinking about but actually doing in our lives with the time we have.

  6. “Holding a golden thread in the middle of a storm” resonates to me as part of the extraordinary journey of seeking people and place. Thank you, Patricia. This is a reality of living in a world set by motion by God rather than micromanaged by God. We have so much responsibility to find our way, and can come up against culture, family, complete accidents, our own wants and fears, great waves events. The Vigil time allowed us to witness some of this in others. How did we become ready for that one time the New Message crossed our paths?

    1. Thank you Patricia. And Alison Yes, “We have so much responsibility to find our way..” we truly do hold the responsibility of taking control of our own lives and making the difficult decisions along the way. This really resonates with me as the “ground work” and asking what this means for me as an individual. After the Vigil this year I find myself asking internally about this balance, or even seeming contradiction between surrendering to a greater power, and then simultaneously taking control of my life and exercising a greater authority.. Essentially, “what does the “ground work” mean for me?”