End of Conference Q & A, Santos, Brazil
Watch Marshall Vian Summers answer questions after the Conference in Santos, Brazil, July 21, 2019.
Note: Translation to and from Portuguese provided by Levy Carneiro.
Marshall: [in progress] This is not entertainment. This is not a spiritual journey. This is not something we can be fascinated with only. History has taught us the meaning of intervention. We must not forget this, for we are now the native peoples of our whole world facing intervention from races that we know nothing about. For this reason, the Source of all life has sent the Allies to us to teach us about life in our local universe and to warn us of what is occurring in the world today, given those races are interfering in human affairs.
Here we need to become educated about life in the universe, but there’s no university in the world that can do this. There’s no one in the world who can do this. We need help from beyond.
The Allies cannot interfere in human affairs. They do not influence our governments, the leaders of our religions or various people in our commerce. They bring their message directly to you as a conscientious person. They come only to inform, for the decision is up to us as to how we’re going to regard this and how we wish to respond.
They’re telling us what life is like in our local universe. We can understand this. It is not a mystery. We just have never had the opportunity to live out there to see enough to know enough. It will take us centuries to do that, but Intervention is now. This is what we are facing.
So I come to speak at this conference not to be negative, but to ask people to be careful and to be responsible and not merely be seduced by offers of wealth, power or technology.
Not everyone can hear this message, but those people who already have a connection to life in the universe such as yourselves, are the first who should hear this message. This is a message of hope and promise for humanity because Humanity has the power to stop Intervention.
The Intervention is made up of small groups of resource explorers and economic collectives. They are not great powers. Don’t be fascinated by their technology, and never think that higher technology represents higher consciousness. The wisest people in the world are people of very low technology. You’re saints and your sages, your real spiritual teachers, these people are not reliant on high technology. And do not take any technology from the visitors, for that is only to plant the seed of dependence so we will need what they have.
This happened all over the world at the time of exploration where native peoples were offered little items of power, things they did not have and had never seen before. Let us learn from this.
I recommend that you do not make any conclusions about those who are visiting our world until you have read the Allies of Humanity briefings. Every one of you has to make your own decision, but this is not an easy task. The answers are not simple, but nothing that’s important is simple. And it can make you uncomfortable. But anything that’s real and important can make you uncomfortable.
We cannot merely be onlookers here. We are participants. We’re the people most able to respond. People out in the world are not ready to respond. But those who have seen intervention, those who have experienced this, those who feel a natural connection to life in the universe are the ones most able to respond. And that is why I’ve come to speak with you.
So I mentioned that the beginning is awareness. We’re not alone in our own world. Others are here operating in secrecy. While they’re trying to portray themselves as saviors of humanity, they’re taking people against their will for experimentation. They’re recruiting people to be their representatives. And many people are being seduced by this.
Let us be aware. We now have a way to understand more about who is here and why they’re here, which we did not have before. We need to become educated about life in the universe, which I call the Greater Community. Our destiny is there. Our evolution is taking us there. But if we’re to be a free people in this universe, if we’re to be self-determined in this universe, we must become much more aware and united than we are today.
The other great important thing for preparation is the deeper Intelligence that lives within each of us, a part of us that cannot be seduced, a part of us that cannot be manipulated by any worldly power or any force from beyond. God has given us this strength—the people of all religions, the people who have no religion—given us to guide us as we enter into a new world reality, a world of changing climate, a world facing visitation and Intervention.
Knowledge within us is the source of our strength and courage. Only Knowledge within us can tell us what we must follow and what we must not follow. The stronger you are with Knowledge, the more certain you will be in everything you do.
Everyone has experienced Knowledge at times of intuition, but Knowledge is greater than intuition. It is who you really are. It is who you were before you came into this world. It will be who you are after you leave, the part of you this eternal and without conflict. This is the most powerful force in the universe. And any person or nation of people who could develop Knowledge has the promise of being free in the universe, for freedom is rare.
When I speak of Knowledge, I’m speaking about your real spirituality, not religion—pure spirituality, the part of you is eternal. In the universe, this is what spirituality really means. In a galaxy of billions of races, the one thing common to them all is this Knowledge.
We do not have a technological answer for those who are here. But we can resist their persuasion and their influence, to see and know what to do and to protect our minds and our lives from the influence they could cast upon us.
Some of you will think this is not enough. But our visitors represent very small groups whose main power is the power of persuasion. We are still in control of the world, and let no one tell you otherwise.
So I’ll stop here and invite your questions. If you have a question, please make it simple.
Q: Our soul, the human soul, does it have any value to ETs? Can it be stolen? Or does it have any value to them?
MVS: No. They want to take us away from our soul. They want to take us away from our native wisdom and to replace it with their agenda. And they’ll promise us anything to do this even though they cannot really deliver on that promise.
They know not of freedom. They know not of wisdom. They’re here for practical reasons. Let us not think they’re gods or angels if you knew what they were really doing in the world, you would not make a romance with them. It is our soul that will save us because our soul is Knowledge. God will save us because of who we are.
Okay. Thank you for staying. I’ll take just a few minutes more together with you. The native peoples of the world did not understand who was coming to their shores. And those who allowed that intervention to take place lost everything.
We’re entering the greater arena of intelligent life. It’s a bigger reality. We can prepare for this. A gift from Heaven and from the Allies both have been given the preparation, speaking to our ability to know the truth beyond our own fears and preferences.
This is our threshold. Never underestimate what an individual can do in this world. Myself and those few people who are helping me have already brought the Allies Briefings to people in 92 countries. We have an open Internet. It won’t always be open. While it is, we have an opportunity to speak. Question?
Q: How to distinguish the Allies’ message from the other messages?
MVS: That’s a very good question: how to distinguish the Allies’ message from other messages. Because the Allies give us power and responsibility and tell us it is we, but not them, who will save this world. And tell us no one should be trying to intervene in our world at this time. That is the difference.
Who gives you power? Who takes power from you? Those people who have been taken against their will or have become the representatives of an intervention do not have their own power. Their conscience has been replaced under a very powerful persuasion. This is why I teach the way of Knowledge so people will know how to resist temptation, not just temptation from beyond, but temptation from the world itself. This gives us great freedom and strength.
They’re taking our chairs away.
What I’d like to ask you to do is to begin to study these briefings that have been given to the world, and to hold yourself back from coming to conclusions about what this really means. Each one of us has to really think about this.
I encourage each of you to begin the journey towards the deeper Knowledge within you. A great preparation has been provided for us for this purpose. We’re in the process of translating it into Portuguese. I’m making it free to everyone in the world.
I think the first part of the Steps to Knowledge program has been translated already, and it is a place to start. And what this training does, it connects your worldly mind with the deeper Mind within you. Our worldly mind is very easily influenced. Our deeper Mind cannot be influenced except by God and the greater spiritual powers in the universe, who are not aliens.
God saves us from the inside out. The people of the world will never share the same beliefs. It has to be bigger than belief. It has to be a conscience that we’re born with and that will protect us and guide us as we learn to recognize it in our own experience.
Those who are visiting in our world are not guided by Knowledge or they would not be here with doing what they’re doing. Question.
Q: If you unified religions, would that be necessary as a force against Intervention?
MVS: “Unifying our religions as a force against invention.” We’re not going to unify our religions. The force of resistance has to come from within people as individuals. The force from beyond is trying to turn us against each other, to turn us against our leaders and our institutions. You can see this happening already.
I’m happy to see that UFO research is still happening in Brazil because it barely exists in the United States. It’s all been turned towards conspiracy theories, turning people against each other. In this way, we all have to become Allies of humanity because humanity is under siege from beyond, a siege that goes unnoticed, but that you can feel within your heart.
Q: Who are those leaders the Intervention is speaking with?
MVS: Most leaders in the world are telling us not to trust our own governments, our own institutions. Our governments are corrupt. Our institutions often don’t work very well. So people are often anxious to focus on that.
But if we lose faith in who we are, if we lose faith in what we have, we will be lost. What happened to the native populations in many parts of the world, like them, we may disappear. We’ll become something different than we ever were meant to be.
This is powerful stuff. It requires strength and courage just to think about it. You may feel weak all of a sudden, like, “What can I do?”
I’m giving you now the steps to take to regain the strength of your own life and the natural direction that lives within you at a deeper level.
It’s not only about the Intervention. It’s about doing what you came here to do in this world. There’s a blueprint for that already deep within you and the Steps the Knowledge is meant to take you there.
But the world is endangered from within and from without. Great Waves of change are coming to the planet, and we’re facing Intervention from beyond. So we don’t have all the time in the world to explore ourselves.
So I tell people, remember the times you really knew something that you had a strong intuition about something, and think about whether you followed that or you didn’t follow that. This is the record of Knowledge expressing itself in your life.
Knowledge has a true direction for you as an individual. But if we’re wandering around letting the world tell us what we should do, that we don’t know where we’re meant to go… is this working? [mic issue]
Q: For people who have already been interfered with by the Intervention, is there anything we can do?
MVS: That’s a very good question: Is there anything we could do for people who have already been interfered with? Teach them about Knowledge. Teach them how to come back to who they are within themselves. Teach them that they must become the guides of their own life because God has put that guidance within each of us. Without this, we believe whatever we want to believe, or whatever somebody tells us we have, and we become lost in the world, and our lives become haphazard.
So what I’m sharing with you today is really for your whole life. It is not only to deal with an intervention in the world. It is to give you life and promise that lives within you now. Question? Yes, question? Yeah, go ahead.
Q: Two questions. First one is, for how long has this battle been happening? First question.
MVS: About the inner or outer battle?
Levy: The Intervention.
MVS: Oh.
Levy: For how long has this been happening? Second question: how are we able to access this Knowledge in this way that [?] …?
MVS: Mmm. Good questions. The Intervention began it’s more mature phase probably sometime in the ’60s, 1960s, and has gained strength ever since. It wants to keep secret. [to Levy:] it wants to stay secret. It does not want to be studied. So people dismiss what they have seen, or have no one to share it with.
When I see people at night, they’re always looking down; they’re never looking up. So things can happen in the sky and very few people will notice.
I was prepared through mysterious means. It’s my design and purpose in the world to be a Messenger. But I had to go through decades of preparation to make this possible.
My teaching was held back. I had to study and prepare for a long time to receive a great Revelation for the world and also the Allies of Humanity Briefings, which began in the 1990s.
The Allies have given three sets of Briefings that are all free online in English, and are being translated in over 30 countries currently. And the fourth set of Briefings was given more recently, and that will be produced this fall.
So I would like to thank Levy and his other people working with him to translate this into Portuguese so this access you have access to this. It’s a gift of service. We have about 70 translators around the world who are donating their time and their effort to do this. This is a beautiful service. Thank you
Q: Are there any Allies incarnated on Earth, as human beings incarnated?
MVS: That’s a good question. I couldn’t say. I don’t think anybody could say. But I think we’re encouraged to become allies of humanity to protect ourselves and our world. If we can do that, at some point we will be ready for contact, and we’ll be safe from giving away our freedom to other powers. Gonna take one more question, yes?
Q: What makes us as a species any different than the Intervention because you have said two times that [unclear] …our governments and institutions, and we continue to do things like that? So what makes us different than alien species that are doing this Intervention?
MVS: Okay, that’s a good question: What makes us different from those who are doing the Intervention? According to the Allies Briefings, every advanced nation in the universe is looking for resources because advanced technologies need lots of resources. So those who are here are looking for resources. And we happen to be part of the resource.
They are different in their…how they live and what governs them, and they do not have a human conscience. But Knowledge does live within them as a potential because all sentient life in the universe has Knowledge. But because freedom is rare, this Knowledge remains undiscovered by many races.
All free races in the universe have to have Knowledge at their source and center.
Okay, I’ve given you a lot to think about. We have many things on our table that will help you. The Allies of Humanity Briefings will be very helpful. I suggest you take this within yourself and not talk about it with other people too much. This is something for you to consider within yourself, not just in your thoughts, but in your heart. And that’s where you begin to make the connection with Knowledge within yourself.
So thank you again for being with me and hearing me today. Thank you for Levy and everyone else who has made it possible for me to be with you. May the blessing be with you. [applause]
Oh yes
Previous questioner: Could I continue my question, please? I feel that if humans had the chance to go out into space if we had that kind of technology, I feel like we would be doing the same thing.
MVS: Probably, probably.
Q: Right, yeah, I mean, how are we any better is my question.
MVS: It’s not about being better than them. It’s really about the nature of what governs our life. Intervention…these are not free races. And we’re much freer than they are. You have no idea. If your mind was completely controlled, if you’re directed to do whatever was told you to do, you had no choice, no freedom, no conscience—that’s what we’re dealing with.
Cute little aliens hide the fact of what’s really governing these societies. This is what the Allies talk about. They’re here for only for one purpose. They want what we have because we live in a world that’s remarkably beautiful and abundant. Most technological races have stripped their worlds of their natural resources. [to her companion:] You understand English?
And so they’re looking for these things. We have a world of immense wealth.
Q: And they don’t?
MVS: No! Probably, originally, maybe, who knows how long ago, okay? And we’re the restless, warring natives down here on the ground, not realizing that we’re sitting on a world highly valued by others.
I’ll come back and sign for you. Yeah, thank you, okay. But I’d like the Allies to really speak for themselves because they know far more than I do and they communicate beautifully, very simply. And it’s amazing that we have this.
Q: Thank you so much for coming.
MVS: I’ll come back and sign your book.