• Heather MacKenzie

    November 16, 2021 at 6:11 am

    “It is because of the Heart of God that this is being given to you now, that We are speaking to you now and that the Messenger is here now. Understand this, and your life will come into focus. And your heart will grow. Your strength will grow. And the love within you will be released out into the world.”
    I am moved so very much by this beautiful revelation. Its conclusion keeps me going through a difficult turning point in my journey. I am on the right path, resonant with the New Message. Thank you.

  • Nathan

    November 16, 2021 at 7:19 am

    Greetings! Earlier in the week I commented on the magnificent “Heart of God” chapter (still visible on my timeline I believe, for anyone interested) and am now dropping in to post more briefly on “The New God Experience”.

    In my view, the “modern” world (particularly the young-to-middle-aged populations) are now well and truly ready, desperate in some cases perhaps, for a “new God experience”. The ‘traditional’ religions of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism–particularly the culturally inspired sects and doctrines and other “modifiers” that accompany them are simply out of touch, unpopular, in some cases irrelevant and are not catering to the modern needs of people or the current situation on the planet.

    “People around the world are seeking a New God experience. Their religions have become dry and brittle, empty, formulaic, repetitive, but lacking the essence and the substance and the true relationship that must be emphasized, and that is emphasized in this new experience of God.”

    This is of course not to say that there is no value in the traditional religions, but as the New Message points out in the book and chapter of the same name, “The Pure Religion”; “Do not demean religious traditions and ceremonies and teachings and practices, for they are for people at the outset. Though they may be misused and misunderstood, they are providing structure at the outset, which can be very helpful for many people. But unfortunately these things become religion itself.”

    In the process of trying to point out a few particular noteworthy parts of a chapter, one inevitably finds they are all noteworthy! But here are three that align with my angle of comment here;

    “God has the answer. But you must experience God clearly, openly, without the confines of belief, without demanding intellectual understanding, without assuming you know things you do not know, without believing things that are not based upon the deeper Knowledge within you.”
    “There must be a clearing away first, an opening, gradually, so that you can come to understand the greater truth of your life and transition your life into this greater truth, which is a process that requires many steps and certain thresholds.”
    “In a way, it is not a new experience. It is an ancient experience. But it is an experience that so few have had that it must be brought anew, where all that impedes it and holds it back and covers it up must be cleared away.”

    Humanity needs, it would seem, and I hesitate to use the term, a “Great Reset” of religion and mentality towards God. My feeling reading through the New Message is that access to God (is no longer, and never was) restricted by religious traditions and authorities, or individuals within those hierarchies.
    Access to Knowledge and through that, connection to God is free and available anywhere and at any time (though not even exclusively) via the Steps to Knowledge.

    “This is part of God’s great gift to you, which is waiting to be discovered, which is so close at hand. But you are looking out away from it. It is standing with you and behind you, but you are looking elsewhere—captivated by the world, afraid of the world, trying to be happy in this world.

    The New God experience is within you, but you are not searching for it yet.Yet God is with you, but you are not with God. It is not an intellectual enterprise. It is a deep reckoning within yourself, into the greater part of you that you know very little about, the great well of wisdom of Knowledge within you that you experience perhaps only momentarily here and there or [when] you feel its power to restrain you in certain things or to compel you in other things.”


  • Mary

    November 16, 2021 at 10:13 pm

    @nazz I do appreciate your posts and how The Heart of God strikes a chord in your experience. When we started this School session with the question, what struck us on reading The New God Experience, I found on review that the passage I was contemplating was from some other revelation, not from The New God Experience, for I looked for it again and could not find it. That happens often enough.

    It was a passage that said new revelations make corrections for the previous. What I thought I understood about progressive revelation (from the last chapter of GCS) took on a new direction for me. Is it really like the pendulum swing of politics as we experience it in the Western hemisphere (previously much more dramatically in Latin America, I used to think)? First the lean toward conservatism as a reaction to the perceived excess of the left, and then back again, very costly to stability.

    The passage made me think of the pendulum that Reed uses to illustrate “the center line” that we aim to adhere to and inevitably drift off or veer in tangents, only to return, hopefully the sooner the better, Reed advises. In terms of that passage, I envisioned the hand of God holding the pendulum and the adherents of movements as little, fragile entities trying to hold on to a ball in motion, creating spin. It seemed to me at Times of Revelation the movement speed up, implacably, with all the momentum of the weight and trajectory of the correction. Now you make me think even the gnats floating around the ball contribute to its arc.

    Where I reside, there’s only a cliché to express my deepest feelings about what you are saying. The cliché sums up deep and inexpressible feeling that the correction this time seems censorious and severe, and it could be misleading if heartless and mind-controlled. The cliché says blithely, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.” The Heart of all religion has not left any religion, only great houses have been built up all around it, and with our eyes most people can’t see the difference. From within the house, where the baby is fed and warm and nurtured, its beloveds can’t see the problem that the people who want to tear down the house are having.

  • Unknown Member

    November 26, 2021 at 4:45 am

    The New God chapter is the chapter I first read and that is my turning point. Then I started to explore more about the new message from God. The New God is a very powerful chapter to me.

  • Carol

    November 29, 2021 at 10:34 am

    Thanks so much, Michael, for sharing the many opportunities for stillness that you have experienced. Our stillness is a powerful gift for a very troubled world. I have to recall this when I am feeling frustrated or discouraged by world events and conditions. I have to remember that this is the world I/we have come to serve, and what a glorious world it is! I am visiting in California right now, near the coast, and I am reminded of what a breathtakingly beautiful planet we are living on, in our current lives, attempting to fulfill our purpose and destiny. And what beautiful souls we share this world and engage with day to day…Much gratitude.

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