GOD, COSMOLOGY, and CREATION | Nov-Feb, 2019

The Free School of the New Message

God, Cosmology, and Creation

November 2018 - February 2019

Welcome to this two-part session on God, Cosmology and Creation, where we will step back and take a look at the bigger picture: the greater reality of God and how the New Message has given us a new perspective of God and our relationship with God. We will also devote time examining the Messenger’s role to coincide with the 2019 Messenger’s Vigil at the end of January, along with exploring the concept of the soul’s journey on Earth.

There must be a new experience of God in the world, an experience of God that is not bound by strict belief or admonition, an experience that is not defined by religious authorities or traditions, for no tradition could define an experience of God, as no religion could define God’s Will, purpose and activity in the world. There must be a new experience of God, a New God experience: pure, refreshing, uplifting, empowering."


The Messenger is attempting to build an environment of insight, wisdom and determination. All who participate together with him in the processes and practices found in this four-month Study Plan are helping to build an environment of concentration with the Messenger, The Society and the Worldwide Community of the New Message.

It is up to you to determine how deeply you want to engage with the Study Plan. The deeper you go, the greater the benefit derived, along with all those who practice with you in the Worldwide Community. In order to stay connected to this session on God, Cosmology and Creation, we recommend that you study and review the Study Plan once a week if possible.

As you more deeply engage with the revelation of the New Message, you begin to realize that your study is not only about you and your life. It is directing your awareness to the greater needs of others and of the whole world. Allow your study to go beyond the confines of your own life and interests, and turn your attention to the needs of the larger world and the reality of the Greater Community, and to the overarching intention of the New Message from God.

PART ONE | The New God Experience

In Part One of this session, November and December 2018, we will step back and take a look at the bigger picture: the greater reality of God and how the New Message has given us a new perspective of God and our relationship with God.

We will spend some time with the theme ‘The New God Experience’ and the important revelation of the same name, received by the Messenger in early 2017.

In these first two months, we will take a look at our relationship with God from many perspectives, such as how our God Connection is experienced, how we come to ‘lose’ God, what God needs from us, what God does not need from us and how our greater purpose for being here is related to this new God Experience. In addition, we will examine why existing religions cannot prepare humanity for what is to come.

The session highlights what our experience of God is actually for, along with emphasizing the correction needed around our understanding of God from our past religious training, conditioning and assumptions, as it is time now to outgrow our old definition of God.

We learn that because humanity has reached a turning point, a great threshold, we especially need a new experience of God to help us through this challenging time and even to help us to see clearly what is right in front of us

People around the world are seeking a New God experience. Their religions have become dry and brittle, empty, formulaic, repetitive, but lacking the essence and the substance and the true relationship that must be emphasized, and that is emphasized in this new experience of God."

PART TWO | The Messenger & the Soul

In Part Two of this session, January and February 2019, we will have an opportunity to explore the reality of God’s Messengers, where they come from, the larger Divine mission they are a part of and how their mission connects to you and your life. In addition to studying new revelations this month and The New Messenger book itself, we will have the opportunity to participate in the 2019 Messenger’s Vigil, a 5-day Broadcast Event with the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers.

May this session of The Free School be an important time of relationship building with the Messenger and the Angelic Community that he represents, and may you take this time to see the vital new steps you need to take in the greater direction of your life.

Once again, we are truly fortunate to have the guidance of the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers while he is with us on Earth, along with the Teachers of the New Message, Patricia Summers and Reed Summers, in this Free School Session and on the Saturday Free School Campfire Chats, as we, in turn, learn how to support them on the most important mission on Earth.

You have an opportunity here of incredible importance. You are being given a gift of untold significance, unparalleled it is in human history. The Voices who spoke to Jesus—these are the Voices you are hearing here. You are not reading about what someone else said that Jesus did or described his life. You are hearing the original Message. The Messenger is in the world! You do not have to believe it, but it is important that you consider this and that you explore the New Message and that you understand what you are really dealing with here."


The New God Experience | Nov - Dec, 2018

Humanity is at a great threshold and needs a new experience of God, an experience that comes from God directly through a power of Knowledge that God has put within each person, a greater intelligence deep beneath the surface of your worldly mind, waiting to be discovered, the great endowment from God, a gift of unparalleled value to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to a greater life of service in the world."

Basic Study

The Core Revelation: The New God Experience | Other Revelations

Additional Resources:

Read and Listen to the Core Revelation:

Read the Core Revelation for Month One and Two, The New God Experience. Also read the Afterglow account of the Messenger  Receiving “The New God Experience”.

Consider reading this revelation out in the world in a state of visioning where you can take in the words of the revelation and see their greater meaning and implications, not only now but in the future times to come.

Write down or highlight any important passages in The New God Experience that you find speak to you specifically, or for which you have questions, issues or concerns.

Several times a week, re-read these passages and be with these statements.

Engage with the Core Revelation:

While reading The New God Experience, is there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you most powerfully and that you feel you must stay with, begin to practice or apply directly in your life at this time? If so, begin to engage with this on a daily basis. See where this takes you. Bring your experience of engaging with this to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.

Contribute to The Campfire Chat and The Free School Forum:

Contribute your thoughts, questions, issues or concerns to The Free School Campfire Chat and The Free School Study Group in order to share with others and with The Society.


Deep Reading of the revelation ‘The New God Experience’:

Create a Mapping Methodology to study the revelation. (See Table of Contents)

Contemplation: Knowing Your History of How You Relate to God

The Messenger has said:

To know where you are, you have to know where you have been.

Each of us comes to the New Message with an existing set of experiences, ideas and possible difficulties with God and things associated with God. Whether we have grown up in a religious tradition or not, we have been conditioned through childhood exposure, religious education, the media or personal past trauma concerning what has been taught about our relationship with God and the meaning of religion. For some, God has been reinforced in a negative way.

Throughout history, people have been traumatized and great violence has been committed in the name of God’s Will. This is one of the reasons that God has now spoken again.

It is with these experiences, ideas and associations that you stand at the threshold of a New Revelation about God. These things can make your approach confusing and difficult and for some, not possible. Before you can enter this ‘New God’ experience more fully, it is necessary at the outset to look at what God means to you based upon your past experience. Here you will begin to focus on the actual content of your experience and position regarding God, knowing where you are today and how you got to where you are.

Spend some dedicated time contemplating the following questions about your present and past understanding:

  1. What have you thought or believed God to be?
  2. What kind of feelings and associations do you have regarding God?
  3. How has your past experience in the world shaped your attitude and feelings concerning God?
  4. How do you feel about the way God has been portrayed to you in the past?

What do you need to do now to reframe and rebuild your experience and relationship with God?

To comprehend the true meaning and purpose of relationship, We must begin with your most primary relationship of all. It is the one that provides the context for all other relationships at all levels. It is the one that is your beginning and your destiny.

It is the relationship that is most essential to your well-being and comprehension of yourself and your world. And yet it is a relationship to which you will give the least attention. It is the relationship that you will concern yourself with to the least degree. In fact, it may not be a relationship you have thought of at all seriously. We are speaking of your relationship with God.”

Your Most Primary Relationship,  CH. 1, Relationships and Higher Purpose

The Messenger and the Soul | Jan - Feb, 2019

You must assist the Messenger with all your heart if you recognize the truth of his purpose and existence. His role is unique, and no one else can claim it. And when you see the reality of his existence in the world at this time, it will cast a light on the importance of your role. And you will see the contrast between your greater purpose in the world and the life you have assumed for yourself. This will be most revealing and important for you."

Basic Study

Read and Listen to the Core Revelation:

Read and listen to the Core Revelation for Month 3: Your Relationship with the Messenger.

Consider reading this revelation out in the world in a state of visioning where you can take in the words of the revelation and see their greater meaning and implications not only now but in the future times to come.

Write down or highlight any important passages in Your Relationship with the Messenger that you find speak to you specifically, or about which you have questions, issues or concerns.

Several times a week, re-read these passages and be with these statements.

Engage with the Core Revelation:

In reading Your Relationship with the Messenger, was there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you most powerfully and that you feel you must stay with, begin to practice or apply directly in your life at this time? If so, begin to engage with this on a daily basis. See where this takes you. Bring your experience of engaging with this to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.

Contribute to The Campfire Chat and The Free School Forum:

Contribute your thoughts, questions, issues or concerns to The Free School Campfire Chat and The Free School Study Group in order to share with others and with The Society.

Further Study and Contemplation

Study The New Messenger Book:

During this month of study, read as much of The New Messenger book as you can, taking notes of your questions and what you feel is most important as you go. This is an opportunity to delve deeper into this book of the New Message from God and really come to understand the Messenger, his mission and what he is setting out to achieve.

Understand more about your mission of being in the world:

In the revelation Walking with the Messenger, the Source says:

When a Messenger comes into the world, you see, it sets the direction of the destiny of many, many people, either directly or indirectly. To think apart from this is to miss one of the critical ingredients to your self-revelation. For this is what draws you out of Separation, you see: to realize that the sacred relationships of your life create the context and the meaning of your life and that these relationships were destined before you came. How you will find them, and if you will find them, is dependent upon many circumstances here on Earth.”

Take time this month to consider how the Messenger’s mission and presence in the world is helping set the direction for your life, either directly or indirectly.

Feel Responsibility:

The Revelation calls us to consider our responsibility as recipients and students of the New Message. Consider what you feel is your responsibility in light of the New Message and the Messenger. What kind of response are you called on to make and how would you go about this?

Your soul is lost, but your soul cannot be completely lost because it is tethered to God through Knowledge, through that part of you that never left God. Knowledge, which travels with you every moment, is with you every day in every situation, counseling you and guiding you.”

The Soul

February – The Soul’s Journey

In February, we will be focusing on the soul and its journey on Earth.

The Core Revelation:

Your Relationship with the Messenger | The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message

The Soul | CH. 6 | The One God

The Soul’s Journey on Earth | Other Revelations

Additional Resource:

How to Regard the Messenger | The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message

Basic Study

Read and Listen to the Core Revelations:

Read and listen to the Core Revelations for Month 4: The Soul and  The Soul’s Journey on Earth .

Consider reading these revelations out in the world in a state of visioning where you can take in the words of the revelations and see their greater meaning and implications, not only now but in the future times to come.

Write down or highlight any important passages in The Soul and The Soul’s Journey on Earth that you find speak to you specifically, or about which you have questions, issues or concerns.

Several times a week, re-read these passages and be with these statements.

Consider doing a deep reading of either of these revelations, mapping the message in a way that makes sense to you or illustrating its message in words, images, art or music.

Engage with the Core Revelations:

In reading The Soul and The Soul’s Journey on Earth, was there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you most powerfully and that you feel you must stay with, begin to practice or apply directly in your life at this time? If so, begin to engage with this on a daily basis. See where this takes you. Bring your experience of engaging with this to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.


Contribute to The Campfire Chat and The Free School Forum:

Contribute your thoughts, questions, issues or concerns to The Free School Campfire Chat and The Free School Study Group in order to share with others and with The Society.

Religion is a pathway to an intellectual dead end, or it is a pathway to the discovery of the soul, and the great need of the soul to fulfill its mission and destiny in the world, in service to humanity and in service to the world. Everyone was sent into the world to serve the world. But, of course, this initial and fundamental intention has been lost and confused, twisted and corrupted, leading to the world you experience today."

Further Study and Contemplation

Understand the reality of the Separation:

Alongside the revelations on the Soul, consider reading the New Message teachings: The Separation and What Is Creation? Together, these revelations present the framework for understanding what the world is, why we are here and what success in this life really means.

Read How to Regard the Messenger:

Spend time with How to Regard the Messenger.

Begin a Life Review:

Consider beginning a review of the major events of your life, especially in light of the New Message teaching that your soul is on a journey through Separation. What has your journey through Separation in this life been like? What have you been through? What have you learned? Where has this journey delivered you today?

Do not be afraid to step beyond your ideas and beliefs, for there is freedom there. Do not be afraid to go beyond what you have been taught, for there is freedom and reprieve there. Do not be afraid to explore what lives within you, for beyond the shadows of fear, doubt and regret there is the presence of Knowledge."

Table of Contents





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