Step 306 – I will rest in Knowledge today.

  • Step 306 – I will rest in Knowledge today.

    Posted by jeanine-butler on November 24, 2017 at 9:48 pm

    IN KNOWLEDGE YOU WILL FIND REST AND REPRIEVE from the world. In Knowledge you will find comfort and assurance. In Knowledge all that is truest in life will abide with you, for in Knowledge the Christ and the Buddha are one. In Knowledge all the great achievements of the great Spiritual Emissaries unite and become revealed to you. In this, their promise is fulfilled, for they have given themselves for this purpose. Thus, the Knowledge that you receive today is the fruit of their giving, for Knowledge has been kept alive in the world for you. It has been kept alive by those who have received and contributed it. Thus, their lives provide the foundation for yours. Their giving provides the foundation for your giving. Their acceptance of Knowledge strengthens your acceptance of Knowledge.

    THE PURPOSE OF ALL TRUE SPIRITUAL TEACHING is the experience and the manifestation of Knowledge. This can imbue the simplest gift and the greatest gift, the most mundane action and the most extraordinary action. You are in great company, you who practice Knowledge. You receive the gift of the Christ and the Buddha. You receive the gift of all true Spiritual Emissaries who realized their Knowledge. Thus it is that your participation today is given strength and foundation as you carry on the great purpose of keeping Knowledge alive in the world.

    TODAY UPON THE HOUR and in your two deep meditation practices, rest in Knowledge, which is living within you now.

    Practice 306: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

    Dave replied 4 months, 1 week ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    November 1, 2020 at 8:33 pm

    March 15, 2014 Round One: This is the first and last time the Christ and the Buddha are mentioned in Steps. I am still not sure how I feel about that. If anything, I feel daunted. It feels like too great an honor to receive this gift, it feels too overwhelming.

    “You are in great company, you who practice Knowledge. You receive the gift of the Christ and the Buddha. You receive the gift of all true Spiritual Emissaries who realized their Knowledge.”

    In my meditation practices, however, I did feel the powerful presence of what I will call my Teachers. Something in me baulks at counting the Christ and the Buddha among these Teachers, but I am only a beginning student and perhaps as I continue to take the Steps I will be able to receive this gift.

    All I can say at this point is that I am ready to rest in Knowledge, I am ready for Knowledge to guide me where I can make the greatest contribution. I wish to participate in keeping Knowledge alive in the world.

    June 12, 2015 Round Two: This Step so resonates with what another Steps student spoke about yesterday during the Steps Vigil when she shared her experience about the strength of Knowledge spreading beyond one person to the rest of the world and beyond this world and the strength we gain from all those reclaiming Knowledge with us.

    Tom C (a long-term Steps student who shares his journey consistently in his own blog ) says: “Earth spell suggests that it can’t be done easily. GCW – suggests it isn’t any single person’s responsibility to bridge this gap. In fact, it looks like the universal student/teacher path. If, as spirits, one can be in the world, but not of the world, then we’ve learned enough to move on to the next level.”

    This too resonates so well with me in the context of this Step.

    Day 18 of the 2015 Steps Vigil hosted by Lynette Marie with testimonials by Joseph in Germany and Adria in Poland. Marshall speaks at around the 45-min mark I joined the live broadcast just in time for that. He talks about Knowledge being the ancient part of us, the constant, eternal part that ever abides, and how miraculous it is that a spirit in a physical body is able to respond to this. And I look at the number of people attending the Vigil live every day (between 60-70) and I look at the number of views of the daily broadcasts after the fact – the opening broadcast has the most (647) with a declining number the subsequent days (Day 17 has 173 views so far). There are almost 2,000 people signed up for the Free School of the New Message. What does this say? To me it says there is a dedicated core of no more than 100 students around the world. And what does this mean? I have my own thoughts, but I doubt they are constructive, so I will keep them to myself.

    All I know is that Knowledge rings deep and true for me, so I keep going, for I must.

    May 10, 2019 Round Three: Again a perfect Step for me today. I was wondering whether we needed such a deep foundation, such a solid structure. I believe we do. It represents the foundation of our future life, it needs to be strong and deep. And this Step talks about the Spiritual Emissaries of the past, Christ and Buddha, providing the foundation for my life in Knowledge. They realized their Knowledge and are passing on their gift. My participation today is given strength and foundation as I carry on the great purpose of keeping Knowledge alive in the world. Our house foundation is a manifest example of my life foundation in the world. I went out early, around 5 am, to take pictures of it. In Knowledge (my foundation) I find comfort and assurance.

  • Dave

    November 2, 2024 at 11:11 am


    I will rest in Knowledge today.

    The first question that I ask upon reading this is:
    How do I do this? Functionally speaking, seriously, how does one rest in Knowledge? And if I cannot answer the question then how do I find the answer?

    The statement points directly to the fact that to rest in Knowledge is experiential. Of course it is and whether we have had the experience or not, I can know and understand that it is an experience I need.

    The experience of Knowledge and / or resting in Knowledge is what is needed for understanding and appreciation. This experience is what promotes our Faith, Confidence and Trust in the process that we undertake.

    I have often found that to come to the understanding of an idea, i.e. to rest in Knowledge, I can often use my understanding of what it is not.

    It always comes back to the same thing, and that is that you are of two minds: The personal mind (ego) and the Spirit mind (Knowledge). My experience in the world depends upon where I place my Faith. Faith is the absolute power of Mind. And it is Absolute! Where you place your Faith determines the experience that you will have; the experience that you have is determined by your choice to perceive through your personal mind (ego) or the Spirit Mind.

    The first Axiom of The Way of Mastery: You are the Cause.
    A Course in Miracles: You are NOT the victim of the world you see; you are the cause of the world you see.

    So if I am to rest in Knowledge, it would mean that my focus and attention is placed in the Spirit mind, the Right mind (ACIM), or the Holy Spirit. To do this I am consciously aware and not taken away by ego. To rest in Knowledge is to not be in the egoic system of thought— the personal mind, your imaginings.

    The Step here makes it sound a little mystical and magical. Perhaps it is. But in this example maybe that mystical, magical state isn’t quite what our personal mind would make of it with Spiritual Emissaries and the like. Perhaps it is more simple and plain. It is just YOU. But you FREE from the nonsense of egoic projection.

    So…. I am not attempting to bring the mountain top down to the people here, that would be a mistake. I just want to reframe this a bit.

    As I said, to rest in Knowledge is just YOU, but free from the egoic system of thought. Being free from the ego is to REST. Resting in Knowledge is a place within. And to rest is to be free.

    Resting in Knowledge is something that the aspirant can reflect upon. You can imagine it; just imagine it a little more low key; a little more normal human; you, but free of the egoic nonsense that has plagued you. And it is HERE, this place, this is where we rest. A Course in Miracles would say that this is where we “Rest in God.” Resting in Knowledge is the same thing.

    And with that idea I take a few slow breaths. Nasi Novare Coram —-
    The presence of the Teachers of God is with me.
    I place the focus of my mind into the silent stillness. I enter stillness simply because I want to enter stillness.
    And here in this place, I rest in Knowledge——For just as long as makes me happy.
    Good day to all.

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