Knowledge and the Greater Community

Watch Marshall Vian Summers during the Broadcast of Night 19 of the 2019 Steps Vigil, June 13, 2019.
I’m going to speak about Knowledge in the Greater Community, and I’d like to begin by saying what I mean by Knowledge and what I mean by Greater Community.
Knowledge represents a greater Intelligence that lives within us, the Intelligence that we had before we came into the world, the Intelligence we’ll have after we leave this place—very different than our intellect, our worldly mind, which we’ve been developing since the day we were born, shaped by the world and all the influences within it, our decisions and the decisions of others.
Knowledge lives within us, waiting for the time when we would seek its counsel and guidance earnestly with humility, without ambition, without designs to use it to advance ourselves in the world. It knows when we are ready. It holds for us our greater purpose for being here, which we could not ascertain on our own. It holds for us the recognition of the great relationships that would need to be established to bring this greater purpose into being and to fulfill it in life, things that we could not do without Knowledge. It represents what is great within us, what is permanent, what is strong, what is fearless, what is uncorrupted and unshaped by the world, who we were before we came, who we will be after we depart and return. This is the center and source of our spirituality, but it is also the guiding power in our lives, once we learn to receive it and to follow it in a true understanding. And the Greater Community represents the vast universe of intelligent life into which humanity is now emerging, emerging not from our slight journeys beyond this world, but from the presence of those who have come for their own purposes and designs, come on their own without our invitation or permission. This is our initiation into a Greater Community reality—the reality of life beyond our world—the greatest event in human history, an event that will change how we view ourselves and each other, alter our religions, alter our understanding of destiny, purpose and meaning on so many levels. We who have grown and lived for centuries and millennia in isolation, now have to contend with the universe in which we have always lived, and which we now must face and understand. How is this possible? A non-human universe? How would we understand that? Why is it here? Who has come? For what reason? For what purpose? How would we understand that? What does this mean? What must we do? How would we understand that—if we were even willing to understand it, if we were willing to face it—we who have come into the world at this great turning point, a great turning point where we will experience a declining world and humanity’s encounter with part of this Greater Community? We have come not by accident, but for a greater purpose, which lives within Knowledge within us. It’s not the purpose we invented for ourselves because we watch movies or we had dreams or ambitions or fantasies about who we are in life. This greater purpose is kept for us safely—beyond human corruption, beyond our own confusion, beyond the persuasions of others and our degradation of life. We carry this now. The time for its emergence has come. For we did not come into the world to work out our past or to please God or to perfect ourselves according to our own designs and understanding, but to fulfill a purpose in light of the condition of the world now facing its greatest challenges ever. Who are we? That’s determined by why we have come and what we will do when we’re here. Who we are beyond this life is beyond definition. It is defined perhaps when we’re there, but our intellect is not big enough to hold what that really means as we live here on Earth as individuals in physical reality. In a way, Knowledge is our connection to the infinite universe, connection within us. The Greater Community is the finite universe, though quite vast, beyond us, outside of us. It meets within us at this time, this place, this moment in history. Those who have come to the world have come here to seek what they need. We live in a beautiful, abundant, lush world in a universe full of barren planets, a world that we’re despoiling and altering, degrading at a phenomenal rate. We hope whoever would come would come to give us the things that they have, but that’s not how life works. That’s not what life means. We’re not quite that important in the universe. So this is a tremendous challenge—practically, emotionally, psychologically—and we don’t know what to do in the face of all these things. Our emergence into the Greater Community is because of who is here and why they’re here and what this means. They did not come with our invitation. They came at a time of great opportunity. Living in a declining world, humanity will become ever more unstable, divisive within itself, facing now deprivation of its fundamental resources brought on by the change it has created here itself. Within this growing instability and upheaval, those coming to seek their own fulfillment here have arrived. With increasing frequency over the last 80 years, they have arrived, unlike any visitation before to this world, which was very infrequent and for other purposes. Why now? Why are they here now? As I have said, because humanity’s becoming more unstable, more fractured, at a time when it really must unite. They have come because we have built an infrastructure they can use. It would never happen for a primitive people; never be possible in an earlier time. But we have created the foundation structure they could use. They come not with military strength. They come not to destroy us or the world, for they want the world and they want us as a resource of the world, completely unlike our movies and our fanciful notions of power and empires and things of this nature. They come with great influence, so their numbers are small—the power to persuade, the power to influence, the power to be hidden, the power to control at that level. And this encounter is affecting us increasingly in different ways. But the most powerful part of this is the effect on our minds, our emotions, our ideas, our inclinations. Advanced nations in the universe have learned that persuasion is more powerful than force and preserves vital resources, particularly with worlds such as ours, which are so rare. They come with the powers of persuasion. So we are facing a silent Intervention, not a visitation. No. They have come on their own, to do what they seek to do. That is not a visitation. They’ve come to alter our awareness and our tendencies to serve their purpose. This is how power is used in the universe around us, our local universe, at least. We live in a very inhabited part of the universe where there are many restraints and where competition is carried out in more subtle ways. We are now the natives of the New World. And our own history has taught us what happens to the natives of the New World if they do not recognize a challenge that they face when encountering beings and forces from beyond. This was inevitable; it had to happen. Every young race in the universe will have to face this sooner or later. And this is our time. Disturbing? Yes, but as I said, we came into the world with a purpose to be here now, so it’s appropriate. You have to be strong of heart to face these things, for in your heart you can know what I’m saying. You do know what I’m saying, even if it conflicts with hopes, desires, dreams…peace. This is what spirituality is about. It’s about serving the world in the way that the world needs that service—so different than what many people think. This power of influence is being directed upon us in what can be called the mental environment, the environment of influence—how minds influence each other invisibly. But all of us know all about this mental environment because we’ve been living it every day of our lives—the environment of our home, the environment of every place we visit, other people’s homes. Anywhere where people are gathered they create a mental environment that’s based upon the influences there, the degree of dissonance or harmony that might exist there. Those are mental environments. And the whole world is a mental environment. That’s why people love to go to nature because it’s a non-human mental environment, free of the distortions and distractions and errant qualities that are so present where we gather and congregate. So the mental environment is part of our life and has always has been part of our life. We live in a physical environment; we live in a mental environment. We don’t understand this mental environment very much, but we are sensitive to it. We try to control it, as every parent in every family tries to control their children through various kinds of persuasion or inducement or promises. We encounter this in our education—everywhere, in our relationships. Every relationship has its own mental environment, functioning with a great mental environment that is the world. So developing skill in the mental environment is a preoccupation amongst advanced races in the universe because technologically they tend to have parity or equality with each other. So the real power of influence becomes the powers of persuasion, the powers to see into others’ lives, minds, the power to comprehend things that can’t be seen. And there’s a profound teaching in this; it’s part of the New Message that I will speak of bit later, about how this works and why it works. So we’re at a beginning stage of understanding this mental environment, at least in the context of functioning in a larger arena of intelligent life. So we understand the mental environment persuasions. We know what persuasion is, we know what manipulation is—political persuasion, advertising, social pressure. These are all manifestations of pressure in the mental environment. They may or may not have physical manifestations. What people expect of each other is a power in the mental environment. What people disapprove of with each other is a power in the mental environment for us. We have just never operated in a larger arena of life. We only understand ourselves, somewhat. But now we’re dealing with forces who think very differently. But what’s amazing within all this is that life in the universe is just a vast demonstration of life here on Earth. All forms of intelligent life must survive, must compete to some degree. They all face the limitations of their life and circumstances. They must comprehend this Greater Community sooner or later. For sooner or later, it will arrive upon their shores. And now these Greater Community skills in the mental environment are being applied to us, for those who are here do not seek to destroy us but to make us useful to them. They do not consider us their equals. They cannot live here. They cannot breathe our atmosphere. They cannot face a world of biological hazard that we have. Living mostly in sterile environments, they need us. And they will say anything, offer anything or promise anything to gain our attention and our allegiance. But humanity is distracted, preoccupied with itself fundamentally, does not think of this in a larger world reality, doesn’t even think of a larger world reality. We are obsessed with ourselves and each other. Nations are obsessed with themselves and each other. Who is watching the skies and this vast boundary to space? It is undefended, beyond which we know almost nothing at all. But there are people here, perhaps amongst you, who have a natural affinity for life in the universe, have always been drawn to it scientifically, spiritually, romantically—just drawn to it from childhood. It’s always been there for you. That represents part of the purpose that you carry, this natural affinity or orientation. You’re like a Greater Community human being, living in a human-only environment. And those who have this inclination will be the first to respond to the meaning of visitation, intervention. However they respond, they must respond. It’s part of who they are and why they’re here. Interventions such as this are carried on by small groups, often from competing worlds. Think of the Intervention of the European powers in the New World—small groups representing competing powers, far, far away. We have to be very sober about this. So the first requirement for us in facing this is to not want anything from this Intervention—not wanting technology, power, spiritual fulfillment, escape, anything—because only then will you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Only then can you look at this and know what you’re looking at. You won’t know the details of it, but you’ll know what you’re looking at. This is the clarity of Knowledge that lives within us that gives us this power. But we cannot want anything from those who are here for their own purposes, or we will surely be deceived. So I’d like to speak about the power of Knowledge in this context. For Knowledge within you, being the greater part of you, is not merely here to guide and organize your life, once you’re willing and ready to follow it. It’s also to prepare you for the realities of the world you have come in to serve, to prepare you for the Greater Community, to prepare you for living in a world of declining resources and greater upheaval—preparing you. It knows that you must know of these things to truly understand where the world is and where it’s going, and become big enough within yourself to be able to think in these terms and to deal with larger realities, not just your personal needs or the moments of the day. And for those who have this ability and this sensitivity, a great calling has gone out into the world, by the Source of all life, to prepare humanity for these two great events, which are connected to each other. When you can see this, it’s clear as day. But to see this, you cannot have fantasies or desires or be in avoidance or pretend that it’s going to be the way you want it to be, like the universe is your great resource to explore and to have for yourself. It’s very, very different. Why is Knowledge so critical? Because it’s the only part of you that cannot be persuaded or dominated, cannot be discouraged, cannot be seduced. You can’t say that about any other aspect of yourself honestly. If the power of inducement is the main power of the Intervention, then Knowledge is the one antidote that it cannot overcome. It’s depending upon human acquiescence to fulfill its mission here. It has no power to take the world by control, by force. That is not its strength. That is not its mission. Knowledge is the only part of you that holds your true purpose and mission in life, why you came. Why now? Why this? Why a Greater Community? Why must I deal with things of this nature? Why me? This is about destiny. This is not about what we want or what we hope to choose for ourselves or how we want to be secure in life. This is destiny. This is who you are and why you’re here. You can run away and hide, but it doesn’t change that truth. Everyone in the world will have to deal with the coming of the Greater Community. Some will deal with it more directly than others because contribution in the world has to happen on so many different levels. But there must be people in the world who understand what humanity’s emergence into this Greater Community of life really means and how it’s taking place, without fantasy or delusion, without trying to profit from it, without trying to use it for personal gain or personal self-glory. These are things I want you to know. I want you to feel this because if you can feel this, you’ll begin to feel something in yourself that’s so deep within you, something that you really need to feel. At first, it may seem fearful, but then the fear will fade away and the sense of reality will begin to emerge. God must reveal these things to us because we cannot find them on our own. God has given a New Message for the world and in so doing has thrown open the doors to the reality and spirituality of life in our local universe, something we would never understand otherwise—not in the time that we have now. It’s all to prepare us to emerge into this universe as a free and self-determined race, which will be a great challenge given where we stand today. You know the world has changed; you can feel it. Things look the same in many places, but something’s really changed. We have another presence in our midst. The mental environment is shifting. We don’t know what to make of it. We assign its meaning to things we are aware of and familiar with. So Knowledge stands at the center of our preparation for encountering a universe of intelligent life; we’re not going to encounter the whole universe, but one very small part of it. There are other things that require preparation, too, in our understanding, our thinking, our spiritual awareness and understanding, our realization of where we are and our evolution as a race, the meaning of our impact on the world. So many different things, but at the very center is this Mystery called Knowledge. For if you’re not strong enough with Knowledge, you probably won’t have the power to overcome the forces of persuasion that can be focused upon you. For some of you, they’re already being focused upon you. Humanity has this great strength. Those who are in the world do not know of Knowledge; it is not their power. It’s the greatest power in the universe. It is still alive in this world. It has not been lost here. Not yet. It lives within us. It lives within us who respond, who seek a greater meaning in life and a greater purpose. So do not think here that Knowledge is intuition. This is not intuition I’m talking about. This is who you are, why you’re here and, eventually, what you’re here to do. So the Source of all life has given us a preparation for discovering this Knowledge. It’s called Steps to Knowledge. It’s a preparation that rarely even mentions life in the universe. It does mention it here and there, but it’s all about regaining your connection between your personal worldly mind and the deeper Intelligence within you—what is great, what is small within you—that they may become united, powerful in the world. For Knowledge will not only protect you from Intervention and its persuasions, it will also make you strong as a force to counteract it. A humanity that cannot be turned will not be turned by such persuasions. So Steps to Knowledge has been given as a training and preparation for us. It’s actually older than humanity itself, given as a practice and initiation—almost never whole worlds at once such as happening now—so that individuals could become strong and play a part in the greater work of life in the universe and in their own worlds. Knowledge has been kept alive for us here by those who have been inspired to live a determined and inspired life. In all fields of endeavor, Knowledge is still alive in the world. If we could see this in contrast to most other technological nations, we would see what a gift it is and how precious it is. We have Steps to Knowledge being given to the whole world now. It’s such a rare thing to call this forth from people who are ready, willing and able to respond, to prepare them to serve in a declining world, and to prepare to try to assure humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community as a free and self-determined race, amongst the presence of their formidable powers that have other plans for us. The mystery that lives within us is the greatest answer. Without it, that freedom and that sovereignty in the future will not be ours. We do not have the strength or the willpower to overcome these things. We don’t even have the strength and willpower to overcome most of our tendencies personally. How are we going to deal with a declining world and Intervention from beyond? If you’re really honest with yourself, you have to admit you don’t know. And that’s important to recognize because when you admit that, you have the opportunity to turn to a greater power within yourself, which is what is being offered to us here through the gift of Steps to Knowledge, in the training in The Way of Knowledge, The Greater Community Way of Knowledge. So let us understand, then, that this Intervention in the world is part of nature. Nature is full of competition at every level. Go into your backyard and see how the plants are competing with each other for earth and sky and water. It’s everywhere. This level of reality, it’s everywhere. You don’t escape it because you become technological or because you become spiritually inclined. It’s just part of existence here. If we are to be the future stewards of this world, we have to earn the strength to do that, for it is desired by others. Human harmony is possible within a competitive reality, but it must be governed by Knowledge, you see. The chaotic world we live in is because Knowledge is only known by a few people; it’s only exercised by very few people. And that in itself can determine the condition of the world that we live in and have lived in. We must also understand that attempts at Intervention will continue, even if the current one is thwarted or kept back. Other attempts will be made to persuade us, to prey upon our weaknesses and our insecurities and our divisions with each other. There’s so many examples of this. For the Intervention seeks that our eyes will not be fixed upon it, but upon each other. It’ll turn us against each other to weaken us further. So we may lose faith in ourselves, lose faith in each other. We may lose faith in our leaders and our institutions, as corrupt or misguided as they may be. Even today, those courageous individuals who are trying to study the foreign presence in the world, have been persuaded to turn against each other, humanity against humanity. So the real conspiracy theory in the world today is the Intervention itself. And very few people in the world understand it clearly, but it is understandable. In fact, it’s obvious…if you can see. In a way, our encounter with the universe now is such a great gift to humanity, despite its tremendous threat to our well-being and freedom, for it’s the one thing that can unite a fractured humanity in its own defense. Nothing else will unite us, that I can see. Good intentions unite people one to one or perhaps in small groups, but not a world of people. A declining world may set us against each other even more fiercely. There’s no guarantee we will collaborate successfully around that, though it would be a good thing if it could be so. But a threat from the universe? Oh. Oh, yes. This is a gift in disguise to lift us up to become the wise stewards of this world, to protect its freedom and its boundaries to space and to learn what freedom means in the universe, which is so very different than what we understand today. It’s the most important thing in the world today. But this is not merely a simple understanding. This is a doorway to go through. This is a journey to take to get educated about life in the universe, what it means when others come here for their own purposes, where we stand, what we have, what we have to lose, what we have to gain, who we are to each other, the importance of our relationships with each other, the future interdependence of humanity. Only something of this magnitude could reveal these things to us, clearly, powerfully. And for many who have come into the world at this time, this will fulfill their purpose in being here as nothing else can. For everyone else, Knowledge and Steps to Knowledge will give them strength, stability, courage and determination, for those are part of its gifts as well. There’s nothing else like this in the world because of where it comes from and what it serves. So what I want you to do, I want you to learn about this Greater Community of life. And I want you to learn about what Knowledge is through your own experience because you’ve experienced this before. It lives within you. I encourage you to take these Steps to Knowledge. It’s being translated around the world right now. It’s free and available to people. I want people to have this and understand what it really means. This will do more to ignite your spirituality than any ceremony or invocation or petition to higher powers could possibly do. This is where your spirituality becomes alive and vital, through Knowledge within you. It’s the great education we now have before us, which we never had before, given now at a time when it is needed in the world as never before, as we enter a New World reality and as we cross that boundary into a universe of intelligent life in which we’ve always lived. May the Blessing be with you. Nasi Novare Coram.
Due to recent events I have found myself caught up in the world again. Reading and listening to this has brought me back to reality and away from the enormous conflicts in the world. Thank you Marshall for the powerful grounding effect this teaching provides. Now back to my practice and focusing on the work that needs to be done.
Rahn Ekan Novay Trenansa, Misu Veda Maya Toom, … Nasi Novare Coram
After watching the entire Vigil for 20 nights straight, this was the one teaching that we immediately went back to watch again. Very powerful, indeed. Thanks for the excellent transcription, as well. Can’t wait to watch and read all of them. 2019 was the best Steps Vigil ever and so glad we were a part of it even from afar. Special thanks to Will and the entire AV crew. Amazing work capturing The Messenger’s wisdom for all time.