Living at a Time of High Consequence
Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Live Broadcast, Mar 21, 2020.
Well, thank you all for being with us this morning. It is such an important time that we gather and that we stay connected. We are really in the midst of something of great magnitude for the world and something that the New Message from God has been preparing us for for many, many years.
And certainly for those of you who are coming to the Revelation for the first time, you have an opportunity to experience this preparation and this reality that we’re facing. It is part of nature. It is not a human invention, though we invent how we will respond to it. It is something that has occurred infrequently, but very significantly, in history over time.
And so I’d like to begin by really talking about what this is so we’re all on the same page to see because how you begin with something so determines how you will proceed and what will happen as a result.
So first of all, what is happening? Well, two big things are happening that are connected with each other. We’re facing a growing pandemic, a crisis on a global scale now affecting almost 80 countries. We’re at the beginning of this. And so it is quite uncertain how it will continue, how vast it will become, how much damage it could produce, how humanity will respond to it—both in the level of individuals and in the level of societies and nations as well.
And along with the pandemic crisis, there’s an economic crisis because the economies of the developed world have certain fragilities and underlying fault lines that now are coming to fore, coming to a crisis point. And certainly if people can’t go to work and nations have to produce tremendous economic aid and support for their populations, then we’re at a very different kind of threshold economically. And that may affect more people than the pandemic itself. So we’ll have to wait and see.
So first of all, what is a pandemic? It’s a big word. For some people, it doesn’t mean anything; for other people, it means a great deal. The World Health Organization defines it as “a worldwide spread of a new disease.” And that means that it’s something we haven’t experienced before. It’s something we have no immunity to. And we have no frontline medical response to. We have no vaccine for it. It is something that we are unprepared for, both mentally, socially and even physiologically. It is an unknown, dangerous and highly destructive event, and uncontrollable, especially at the outset.
I want to emphasize here that a pandemic is a rare but extreme expression of nature. It is a consequence of our engagement with nature. And how we experience it and how it moves through the world will be largely a consequence of how we as individuals and societies and nations will respond.
Now what is the pandemic not? It is not an act of God. It is not a punishment for our sins. It’s not a product of our consciousness; we didn’t create it because of our consciousness. It is not a global conspiracy to seize power and reduce the human population, either by human forces or even forces from beyond the world. It is an event that is happening in our midst, emerging very suddenly, moving very rapidly. And we are trying to catch up to understand it, to prepare for it and hopefully to control it in the future.
As Reedy mentioned, this is one of the Great Waves of change. The Great Waves of change in general are very slow moving, but ultimately very consequential. They exert their influence in the form of violent whether, human economic recessions, droughts, floods—all kinds of things that are happening in the world all the time. But as a whole, they are a slowly moving set of realities that we also need to prepare for.
At the beginning of this year on New Year’s Eve, a very important revelation [The Great Turning Point for Humanity] was given to prepare us for the decade ahead, saying that this decade will be tremendously important in what it reveals about these Great Waves of change and our opportunity to prepare for them. Because beyond this decade, beyond the year 2030, our ability to prepare will diminish because the consequence of these Great Waves of change will begin to overtake us in many ways.
So we’re living at a time of high consequence, a time of great meaning, and at a deeper level within each one of us, a time of great calling. But this is why we have come into the world, you see, not to languish living in Separation, but to engage in a larger set of forces in the world, given our unique talents and our unique designs as individuals.
It is really only something of this magnitude that can call out of us the greater spiritual Intelligence which the New Message from God calls Knowledge.
So while we regret this and resist this and lament over what is occurring in the world today, particularly regarding this pandemic and its consequences, it is one of the great things that can call out of us the greatness within us—our higher purpose for being in the world, the greater meaning of our existence here and the real purpose that underlies all the other plans, goals and schemes that we invent for ourselves, or that society events for us.
So why is this pandemic happening? In this case, the pandemic is a result of human contact with dangerous hidden elements of nature. It’s estimated that a million and a half different diseases—viruses—exist in nature, and most of them, we’ve never really encountered them. They’re hidden in the deepest recesses of the world—the jungles and the swamps and the remote regions of the world. Some of them are embedded in the soils of the world, the permafrost that is now melting, which in the future can release some of these things into the atmosphere and into our domain.
And in the case of the coronavirus, which is now called COVID-19, it’s the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus—a corona virus meaning a virus with a corona or a sphere around it that defines its structure and its mechanism. So this is a real first time event for us now.
Now what does it mean? It means we’re facing a great risk, uncertainty, destruction and change to people’s lives and to whole nations and even to the future of the world. And seen in a positive light, which right now may be a very small light, it offers us an opportunity to become stronger and more resilient as individuals, and more connected and cooperative as societies, groups and nations. Unfortunately, it seems to be only something of this magnitude that could bring humanity together in a purposeful and meaningful way.
So we come to the fourth question: How do we prepare?
So the first questions: What is happening? Why is it happening? What does it mean? And how do we prepare?
And the preparation here is the critical thing. To try to simply understand this or define it or create a solution for it in our own imagination, it is something we really need to prepare for. And to prepare involves understanding, recognition, the power of Knowledge and taking action.
So I’d like you to consider for a moment the huge events that are happening—and challenges and change—which are a confrontation for everyone. So how are you responding to this challenge now? Ask yourself objectively—not critically, just objectively: How are you responding to this challenge now?
Stop to feel how you are really doing with it. This is so important because this is not going to go away. And this is not what we want. But it is what is happening. And it’s very big. And it will affect probably everyone at one level or another in the world today.
This is one of the great events that the New Message from God has been preparing you for. So whatever wisdom, insight, skills, tools, strengths that it has given you thus far in your study in the Revelation and participation in the Revelation, this is what it’s meant for, ultimately. It will serve you everyday in navigating all the difficulties and opportunities of life. But when something like this comes along, it’s especially important.
So preparation has many elements. And today I’m going to speak on a set of them that are very important at the outset, and certainly very important at every stage of our development with this because a pandemic grows and changes. It often comes in stages. Historically, it has come in stages. And sometimes the second stage is worse than the first stage, sometimes less; we don’t know.
But preparation is for an evolving event, not just for a singular event. And though people try to give definition to this and think they understand what it means and how it can be resolved, it is something that’s much bigger than them. And that is why the man or woman of Knowledge, those who can follow the deeper Intelligence within themselves effectively, move with the reality. They don’t run away from it. They don’t dispute it. They don’t pretend it’s something else. They move with it. Because Knowledge within you is the deeper reality within you, and it is connected to the deeper reality of the world. So when the world moves, Knowledge tends to move.
So I’m going to focus on three things—seeing, knowing and taking action—to prepare for a sudden emerging Great Wave such as this.
So we’ll begin with seeing. Seeing here is pretty critical at the outset because your ability to see and understand will determine what follows, what course of action you will follow, and what things you will not follow. So can we see this as it really is, rather than as we want it to be, wish it could be, or how we think it’s going to resolve, or what the experts say, or what somebody in the internet says? Can we see this for what it is, to objectively face this as a pandemic? Because I assure you, this is not the seasonal flu we’re dealing with here. It’s mortality is far greater. Its spread is far more dangerous. And we have no immunity.
So in seeing something, particularly for the first time, but even ongoing, you have three different responses that are possible:
You can go towards it, which means you’re facing it. “I’m going to face this. I’m going to be with this. I’m going to learn from this.”
You can go away from it, which means: “I don’t want to deal with it. I’m not going to think about it. I want to do other things.” And you seek escape in hobbies, fantasies, other activities, or just close your mind in general.
And then the third is to go against it, perhaps in a state of denial. You’re just going to deny that this is happening, or you want to make it less than it really is.
And these are your choices at the beginning. And they will be your choices at every threshold because as things progress, there will be other challenges that arise. And you may find yourself really challenge and I know you will. And I know we all will. So we’re in this together.
This is not just a personal threshold. It is a threshold for humanity. And within that, we all have our own personal thresholds.
So the question is: Can you be with this and respond to it as it is? Can you be with this and respond to this as it is? Without requiring solutions, without trying to figure out what’s going to happen in the future, can you just be with it as it is? It’s an important question for any event in life, for any engagement with a person. But particularly here, it requires some real mental discipline because your mind will not want it. You will grasp and grope for solutions. Or you will think it is something else, like people think, “Oh, it’s just another flu; we’ll get through that. I can get the flu; it’s no problem.” But it is a problem.
[36:51 unclear] the patience to learn about it. People often just make an assumption or a belief and they stop looking. They don’t want look anymore. They just want to look in a way that reinforces their idea or their belief. But that’s not looking. That’s only seeking validation.
Can you watch this and see how it moves? And if it moves in big ways, do I need to move with that in any kind of way? It’s going to be tragic to watch. And I suggest you not look at it all the time, but to be with it pretty consistently. It’s going to be very…It’s going to be very tragic. In fact, a pandemic is the most destructive thing that can happen to humanity, short of an asteroid from space.
In history, pandemics have done more damage and harm to the human population than anything else. And we don’t know how big this one will be, but it’s certainly looking like it’s going to go everywhere. So this is something that we really have to step up to.
And this requires that we have the mental strength to live with questions and not answers. And it amazes me—I’m still amazed; I shouldn’t be amazed, I guess—at how few people can do this, how people just want to define it, explain it, imagine the solution, complain about why their solution isn’t being used, or vent their anger and frustration against authority figures or other people or other countries. I mean, you’re seeing this all over the place.
And this is the weak-minded responding to a greater reality. The weak-minded. You need to get the right information as you go along, and we’ve been accumulating some really good resources for that. But you’re going to have to watch and see how it unfolds, but not passively because you’re going to have to take action all the way, and we’ll get to that in a minute.
And this ability to learn about it is also the patience to stay with it. In a way, this has the world’s attention right now, which is a pretty awesome thing. How many things that happen ever have the world’s attention consistently, not just for a few days, but consistently?
So you have to have this patience and this determination. And what this evokes beyond seeing is knowing. If you can stay with this and see this objectively, it will evoke certain deeper responses within you. And these are practical responses. They’re not ideological. They’re not having a belief or just assuming a spiritual truth. It’s what you must see, know and do.
And the doing confirms the seeing and the knowing. Without the doing, the seeing and the knowing are not fulfilled, and therefore, cannot really be of great value to you.
The deeper Intelligence within you will show you what to focus on, even right now, if you can know how to ask the right questions and how to proceed step by step. Knowledge doesn’t tell you what everything is going to happen. It doesn’t give you the steps, ten steps in a row. It’s going to give you it step by step by step. In this way, you’re able to move with Knowledge in a very effective way.
But you have to do this without having your questions answered, setting your curiosity aside. This takes real…some mental discipline to do this. Otherwise, you’ll join the crowds of people who panic. Either they go from denial to panic because they can’t find any center line within themselves. And recently in our teaching, we’ve been talking about the importance of the center line, which is the center line of Knowledge within you, which can hold you on a very steady and productive course.
But of course, we go off course and off course and off course. We do that even with their own deeper experience. We just wander far away from it. But we wander; we go back and forth with the center line in the middle.
Knowledge was given to you partly to prepare you for this event, these times. I want to emphasize that. It’s not like you’re lost and overwhelmed. In your personal mind, you can certainly feel that way, and I understand that. But you have a deeper mind within, you the mind you had before you came into the world, the mind you will have when you leave. It’s this part of you that is connected to your Source. It is this part of you that is not afraid. It is not threatened by the world. It will guide you step by step, if you can move step by step.
Now it’s important to realize here—and particularly for those of you who’ve been studying for a while, you know this—not everything that comes into your mind is Knowledge, most certainly. So how do you distinguish Knowledge from fervent belief or emotion or compulsion?
Well, one of the ways that you can determine and distinguish Knowledge is that Knowledge has a kind of consistency that doesn’t change with your mood and feelings, and may not even change with circumstances. When you really know something, it stays with you. It doesn’t come and go. Maybe you you lose touch with it, it goes in and out of your sight or experience, but it’s always kind of there.
Here, listen to yourself when you say I know I need to do whatever it is. Sometimes that statement is a statement about Knowledge and what you know you need to do, rather than “I should. I should,” you know? “I should lose weight,” or “I should do this thing or that thing or meet this person.”
But sometimes that “I know I need to…” is a real message from deep within you to be heeded.
So facing a pandemic creates shock and awe for everyone. And I think we all have to honor that we’re going to go through shock and awe and disamy, maybe even trepidation, great fear.
But you must learn to settle down within yourself, knowing that this is very scary and very big, once you can face it for what it is. Steps to Knowledge, the great teaching given through the New Message from God to connect your worldly, thinking mind with the deeper mind of Knowledge within you, will help teach you how to settle down. You don’t settle down by accident.
You settle down because you’re doing some things that enable you to do that. And you’re going to need to settle down. If you watch the news all the time, you will not settle down. If this is dominating your thoughts every minute of the day, you will not settle down. You need to settle down.
Here’s some questions that you can ask of Knowledge. You might want to write these down.
What must I know about this pandemic? What must I know about this pandemic, like right now, not the future, just right now?
Second: What precautions should I take, now? Not in the future, but right now?
And what are my next steps to prepare—steps in front of me now?
Because Knowledge is not going to tell you what’s coming, even though it may well know. It’s going to give you steps to follow. And you’re either able to follow those steps or not. And to follow them, you have to be patient. You have to persevere. You have to exert some control over your thinking and feelings. You have to do things more consistently.
You have to develop all the skills and mental abilities you’re going to need to survive in a Great Waves world. And Steps to Knowledge teaches you how to do that through practice and experience. And to see and know, to see the truth of Knowledge within you, to know if it’s true—what you’re feeling—you have to follow it. You can’t sit in the sidelines and debate whether it’s true or not. That’s hopeless.
To have a deep inclination or deep sense to do something, you must follow through with it. And only then will you know if it is true. And as you proceed in doing this, that sense will become more true or less true. And there’s a great practice you can do, which Patricia taught me, about a “truer list” of things I might need, I know I need to do.
You make the list. And as you keep coming back to it, certain things become more true as you look at that, like even daily in this case, or less true. But as you follow through with something you feel you know you must do, it will become more true or less true. And that’s important to know.
So “truer list” it’s called. And certainly, get very methodical. Get things…I like to get things out of my mind. I like to write down a question and really look at it and see how I feel about it, and see if it evokes some kind of deeper response in me. To try to do this just internally, our minds are too awash with all the impressions and persuasions of the world and our own fears and preferences and so forth. So it’s good to externalize this so you can look at it, writing on a piece of paper or recording yourself speaking it to see if it sounds true to you. These are all ways of being able to engage with Knowledge within you in whatever way it expresses through you individually.
And one of the things I’ve been really emphasizing lately in my teaching is to review your own past experiences of Knowledge, particularly at critical decision points, facing challenges, things consequential happening your life, certainly relationships decisions are paramount here. And recall what you felt and knew at that time and whether you followed what you felt and knew or not, and then what happened as a consequence.
Our past is really the workshop to show us how Knowledge works within us, whether it communicates to us in images, ideas, feelings, a voice because it’s different with different people based on their nature. So to know how Knowledge speaks to you, you need to go back and see how it has spoken to you before because that’s the proving ground (excuse me).
Your past is the proving ground. And to make friends with your past and stop avoiding it or regretting it, and going back and looking at it objectively, looking for its wisdom, its messages, its teachings is really important, particularly for you right now.
So recall your past experiences of Knowledge and, again, write it out. This is really a beautiful writing exercise. The junction points in your decisions about relationships, for example, those are very poignant in your life and you can go back and look at it, look at your experience, look at what happened, decisions you made and what informed those decisions. So these are the kinds of things that give you a working platform about how Knowledge works in you. Good.
So going on to taking action. And a pandemic is a real world event. It’s not just a philosophical event or a psychological event or a spiritual event, even. You have to first treat it as a physical event that is happening whether you want it or not. No matter what you believe about it, it’s out of your control. You do not control it.
So beware of the illusions of control thinking you create what’s going to happen to you and if you have the right thoughts, it won’t happen to you. Set all that aside. That’s what I call the illusion of control. That’s when you assume you have control over something you don’t have control over.
Even creating your own reality only is meaningful within your own home, within your own mind because step outside the door and you’re dealing with the reality that everybody else is creating, or that nature is creating in this case. So beware of those illusions of control.
You hear them in other people, saying that, you know, “I chose my parents” or “I chose this life” or “I chose what’s going to happen to me.” All illusions of control.
The man and woman of Knowledge must face reality as it’s happening now without these kinds of assumptions. It’s like taking the training wheels off your bike, your bicycle. When you are a little kid, you have training wheels so you don’t fall all over. Well, eventually you have to take the training wheels off and learn how to balance the bike, and you have to make it balance. So spiritually speaking and practically speaking, let’s take the training wheels off of our spiritual understanding and rid ourselves of the illusion of control because they’re blinding and they ultimately lead us is to make very bad decisions.
So taking action. I think one of the first things you need to think about is food, water, medicine and energy. Restaurants will be closing. Things will start to disappear from the shelves of grocery stores. Even ordering online, certain things will become harder to get and already have become that way, just in the two months since this has arisen in the world.
So you have to build a supply of food, slowly, and you have to have enough water, resources for water, and medicine and energy. Energy is, you know, electricity and the things you might need if your lights go out or if there’s any disruptions in energy. All kinds of things can happen in a pandemic. So you don’t need to store for the rest of your life because you can’t do that anyway, but certainly build up a reservoir of extra supplies.
The second consideration is work, money and housing. Many people will lose their employment temporarily or even permanently in a pandemic environment, and that’s already beginning to happen.
And your work: Are you going to be able to work? If not, are you prepared for not working—financially, personally, circumstantially?
Housing: Are you secure where you live? If you live paycheck to paycheck, then you’re going to have to really look at what kind of community services may be available to you, or family members that could help you through this ordeal because it’s going to be like an ordeal.
And the third consideration is relationships because who you’re with will determine what you can know and your ability to follow what you know. Relationships are…we don’t realize the impact of relationships on our thinking, our emotions and our decisions. Who we’re with has such a great influence. In fact, who you choose to be with in a primary relationship or marriage is going to be your chief influence in life, until you can become strong with Knowledge within yourself. But even then, who you’re with will determine what you can know and your ability to follow what you know.
So make sure you surround yourself with people who can respond appropriately and face what is coming and prepare for it adequately. Because many people around you will be frozen in fear or be in denial or just unable to function. So you have to be with people who are strong. Eventually, you can serve people who are not strong, but you need strong relationships in your life.
Within the Worldwide Community, though we’re spread out all over the world, we have these kinds of relationships available to us. In fact from my point of view, you have more relationships than you could ever imagine available to you, now—purposefully, meaningfully and significantly.
And the fourth consideration here is: How can I build my connection to Knowledge? And this is why this teaching and training in Steps to Knowledge is so important. The book, The Power of Knowledge, which you can read free online at the New Message From God website, will begin to orient you to what Knowledge really is—how it functions, why it exists within you, what it means and how you can gain access to it.
When we talk about Knowledge, we’re not just talking about intuition. Intuition is maybe the snowflakes before a storm. But Knowledge is really who you are. It represents your deeper identity, your immortal identity, the you that existed before you came into the world, the you that will exist after you leave this world. It represents your Spiritual Family, those relationships that are key to your evolution in a larger sense. And it represents your connection to God, and to the Greater Spiritual powers in the universe.
So in a way, nothing is more important to gain access to in life than Knowledge. And Knowledge will guide you through this pandemic and all future great crises, step-by-step with intention, power and purpose—things you as a person, or you in your personal mind, do not have.
So first consideration: Food, water, medicine, energy.
Second consideration: Work, money and housing.
Third consideration: Relationships—who you are going to be with, who are going to be your trusted allies?
Fourth consideration: How can I build my connection to Knowledge?
So of course all of these things I am speaking of here today require making decisions. And again, it’s good to make a history of your decisions because, important decisions, and map them out, write them out like a map. If you’re visual, you can create a map with junction points. At this point in my life, I had to make this decision. At this point, I had to make other decisions. Other people just write it out and deal with it—however it makes it real for you.
Because what happens is people run away from their past, and therefore, gain no wisdom from it. When in fact, your past is your reservoir of training. It is the record-keeping of what you have done and not done in life. It’s very important for motivating you now and into the future because you certainly do not want to repeat the mistakes you’ve made, and you want to avoid the future ones, if they can be avoided. .
Decisions. Don’t sit on the fence. Don’t be paralyzed by fear or uncertainty. See, know and take some action, step-by-step. Getting good information will help you see what a pandemic is and how it’s evolving.
Knowing is…There’s all your thoughts and fears about it, but what do you really feel most deeply. And you can invoke Knowledge through asking the kind of questions that I just recommended. Don’t wait around forever for more information before you act. You really have to get moving now in the face of something like this, or you could find yourself in very dire circumstances.
See what you need; get what you need. But don’t seek for easy answers to big questions. So many people waste all their critical preparation time trying to seek answers for big questions. Answers are not going to help you if you can’t move. And a pandemic requires you to have movement in your life. It’s not about just personal realization or self-validation. You have to move with reality when it’s moving in this way.
Practice seeing, knowing and taking action, step-by-step.
Here within yourself, you only have two choices for what to follow. You have Knowledge, which you are learning to discover. And you have your worldly thoughts—your thoughts or other people’s thoughts.
It’s amazing when I look out into the world how unoriginal people’s personal thoughts are. Ninety-nine percent of their thoughts have just been adopted along the way from persuasive people or to adapt to certain situations. People have just established a platform of thinking that’s completely commensurate with their influences. And that’s true of rebels as well. Rebels join the rebel group of influences so they all think alike and talk alike.
So Knowledge doesn’t conform to any of these things. So take note of your thoughts and your feelings and write them down. It is helpful to do that, actually. Just look at them objectively. And then look for Knowledge, which is deeper and beneath them. And listen for Knowledge while you’re taking action.
In fact, the man and woman of Knowledge are listening for Knowledge just about all the time. Whether acting, whether they’re moving with it or still, they’re always listening. You know, it’s like the animals in the field in nature. They’re always watching, always listening for hazards or change of the environment, depending on their species, the weather, the climate—everything.
And that is why the great tsunami in Indonesia, you know, all the animals headed for the hills, the jungle. The elephants broke their chains while people were sleeping on the beach or collecting shells, watching the tide go way, way out. Really makes you wonder what is intelligence.
So I’m talking about the intelligence that’s going to save and preserve your life and is going to be of ultimate service to others, not the thing that makes you bright and witty and clever and makes people like you. I’m talking about the intelligence that is about getting yourself grounded in what’s real, purposeful, meaningful and taking action.
Gain the strength here to live without questions or answers. You can live with questions; that’s important, and I do that. So facing a great uncertainty, you only need to know the next step.
So I’m just gonna review a few things now based on what I’ve said so far, then we can open up to discussion.
Facing this pandemic and facing anything important in life is not about having answers or solutions. You don’t have a solution for the pandemic. You don’t even know what it is yet. You don’t even know what it’s going to do. You don’t even know if you’re going to be affected by it, or in what way you will be affected by it.
So taking steps to improvise, adapt and be of service to others is what’s important in a rapidly changing situation. You do not have an answer or solution for the pandemic. You only have a path to follow and steps to take to prepare. If you don’t prepare, then you can’t blame anybody for the failures that you will face in the future.
It’s what you can see, know and do that really matters here. I’m not interested in your ideas, really, because these things will determine—what you see, know and do—how far you will be able to go, what you will do and your ability to help others.
You know, a pandemic is such a great equalizer. Rich or poor, we are all facing a colossal event. And so, you know, it’s an opportunity for us to snap out of our personal realm of a self-obsession and idea dominance to come into view of life as it’s really happening. It’s not a good situation, but it can bring good things out of us if we use it purposely.
You have experienced this power of Knowledge before. Begin to take note of how it has moved your life in the past. And do this very practically, very objectively in whatever format—mapping it, writing it out—whatever works for you. Get it out of your head. Your head is full of too much stuff to be able to see things clearly. So get things out of your mind, put it in front of you in a way that you can see it and recognize it. Try to look without preference, without fear, to the best of your ability.
I’m going to walk with you through this. We’re going through this together. You may feel alone, but you are not alone. Knowledge is with you, even your Teachers are with you, though you may never see them or hear them.
And you’re not alone now because you’re part of a greater Knowledge network that is beginning in the world.
So let us lock arms and know that we are not alone as we go through this. Wherever we are, I know we’re all over the planet dealing with different circumstances, but we’re all dealing with some of the same circumstances. And as human beings, we have the same weaknesses and strengths.
Socially, there’s distinctions. But again, who can respond to a great event? Who can see, know and take action, constructively? Who can be of service to others? Wherever you live, whatever nation, whatever religion, whatever your circumstances, it really comes down to these things.
So realize that Knowledge is the center of your strength, and most powerfully will emerge in the very circumstances we are facing now. These are circumstances nobody wants. It’s a damn thing. But, Knowledge will really emerge in the situation like this.
And you know, we all have the possibility of being a stabilizing presence for others, both practically, circumstantially, but also engaging them at this level of Knowledge, teaching that this great power lives within them that can guide them through almost anything.
Let us become a stabilizing force. But to do that we have to get stable first, and to know where we’re not stable and to see the next steps we have to take to become stable—practically, emotionally, circumstantially. This is what we have to do now. You’ve got to fasten your own seat belt first in this situation.
So I call you go forth and serve and be present to what is happening. And amidst this, take special note of children who will be living in families who are undergoing great stress and distress. Children are often more noetic because they have not created the complex mental platforms that adults create and rely upon, for better or worse.
Children particularly need to be really cared for because this is an overwhelming situation and they’re so dependent upon the people, the big people who themselves may panic or go out of control.
Learn to live with questions not answers because the real answers will come to the important questions of life after you have gone high enough up the mountain to be able to see them clearly.
The New Message is there for you, but you cannot learn it all on your own. I call you to this as I have been called to this. Let us walk together, for this is our great time to be together. Thank you.