Maintaining a List of Questions for Knowledge

Marshall speaks after the public Broadcast on Night 10 of the 2018 Steps Vigil, June 4, 2018 | Maintaining a List of Questions for Knowledge

The New Message recommends that each one of us keep a list of questions; questions that are important to us personally, individually. They’re questions that can only be answered by a Yes or No; not questions that require interpretation or explanations. These things must be of great importance to you, so you must approach this quite earnestly.

It can be just a few questions. And you live with them until you feel that they have been resolved for you. These aren’t questions where you just get answers. These are questions that evoke a deeper response.

But in this early questioning, they must be questions that can only be answered with an affirmative or a negative—a Yes or a No.

In the interim, you may have many thoughts, many assumptions, many hopeful expectations. But that’s not the response we’re really looking for here…something deeper within you.

So consider what these questions might be and do not change them until you feel they have really been resolved. And keep their numbers small.

If they’re the real questions of your life now, at this time, Knowledge will respond—if you will be available.

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  1. Thank you Marshall. Your words validate my experiences up til now, although in my past I did not have the Knowledge framework around them. I was waiting for an answer, deep answer, and it was always provided in important situations.