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  1. “The Mystery continues to exist.
    I am here at the request of the same Instructor.
    I have grown with my Instructor.
    She has become greater as I follow her.
    I became greater as I followed her.
    There was no personal ambition in the matter.
    It was a matter of wise decision.
    The severity of the circumstances, .. only gave it more credibility. ”

    (WGC1.1 The Greater Religion)

    “Your Revelation is coordinated with events in the world and with the development of others and with the needs of the human family this occurs beyond the realm of comprehension on your part you cannot even imagine it, it is so large.
    That is why the preparation is so essential you see, for if your hour comes and you are not ready, well, you have missed the most important time of your life, the greatest opportunity of your life, the greatest turning point of your life. It will come it will reside with you and it will pass, and it may not come again for a very long time.
    When all of the conditions of your Revelation are set, when those who are there to support you are activated, when the opportunity for your unique contribution to be given is ready and in view and can be discerned beyond this time of recognition, well,…. all these things fade, …. go out of focus, and you cannot get them back until some future point where the conditions are realigned and the calling can sound again for you.
    But this may be years and decades away and if you are older in life it may not come again for you.
    Many people have passed their one or two thresholds of awakening, all they can do now to affirm the power of spirit and their greater purpose is to contribute, to share of their resources, their wealth their time and their energy to support the emergence of Knowledge in others.
    People do not realize how precious these times are, they assume the opportunity is always there, always awaiting them, always available to them, so they take their time they are casual. Their spiritual practice, if they have one at all, is half hearted and intermittent. They do not see that they have been selected and the time for their Revelation is calling, for their sake it is always available and they do not realize it will come and it will pass and it may never again arise in this life. ”

    (The Threshold of Personal Revelation )

    “It is not by accident that you happened to come across or even hear about the New Revelation. All the forces of Heaven that support you have been trying to get you to this point of recognition and to keep you from destroying your life in the process, to limit the damage you have already done and the waste you have already created so that you would be available, … and be able to respond.”

    (The Initiation)

    Nasi Novare Coram
    … .. .

  2. The sound was very choppy but the message was great. Thank you, Patricia, for the encouragement to go out and meet those challenges that are beckoning us to engage with them–with KN–so that we may pass through on our way up the mountain. These thresholds are so mysterious. Am I in one, am I just beginning, approaching the end? I will not know until I have come out the other end and look back. But the calling feels very clear. I am called to engage with KN something that has my name on it and the time is now. This opportunity will not always be there. It has an urgency about it.