Basic Profile


Lee Krenik

Last Name





Sacramento, CA, USA

What words, topics or interests were you searching for?

aligning with the quantum field…spiritual EVOLUTION…I like being the EYES of God…but we need to BE God in the world….not just be ambassadors. God as partner and co-creator WITH us is the formula…the recipe!!!! Knowledge is an interface to the Mind of God….the All-that-Is….

When did you begin studying the New Message?

10 yrs…..what kind of extraordinary power IS this that can …..consistently be right for you….with you…and IN you????????

Primary Language?


More about you

Your Story

The only thing that keeps you from knowing Knowledge is the mind….its a spell cast on you with many co-conspirators working against knowing who you are…a WAR on truth in some regard….and THOSE who act like they know all about you are EVEN more lost…its a big act to protect the false little self. 

The ego-run mind only knows what it does not like….so how strange that the media presents distressing situations that  make one feel powerless over and over…..Not a co-incident…..


The narrative I have been hearing about myself has NOT supported who and what I AM….it was all and only….. perception derived from ….perception. etc, etc. It had nothing to do with what I was. Knowledge tells me about what I really am. Its a shock really.

The design my MIND knew was frozen ….and much re-engineering had to be done to upgrade….a design that connected me to the cosmos came with studying STK.  God has provided the Steps to Knowledge to bring me to the Light Within. There is a way out of the matrix….

Knowledge is a GREAT dispensation from the Cosmos…..what can be greater than to receive Knowledge within? A true connection with Heaven Knowledge becomes for us….

A strange and wonderful regenerative dynamic moves forward with knowledge…..That which could truly restore  and redeem you is waiting for you to come to it….in the design of an engine, what starts or RE-STARTS an engine is vastly different than what RUNS an engine….

Knowledge from BEYOND ME comes to the rescue to re-start me…It is connected to the All-that-Is or God…..and with a fresh cosmic perspective….a Diamond Light to show me my OWN facets…

The cosmic weather is changing and affecting us deeply because the earth is going into an area of space its not been in with humans on it.  We are about to see what life in the universe, in our part of the universe, is really like….That should be enough by itself…..


When you don’t now what you are doing, the Matrix will work like QUICKSAND…pulling you down….Knowledge, however gives GREAT RELIEF. The Infinite now sustains….re-sets and re-frames everything… a COSMIC CONTEXT. How can the Infinite be so well hidden in the FINITE?

Knowledge comes to me in a very raw, pure and strong way very often….its most disruptive and intense and SO in my face…I get almost paralyzed and frozen sometimes…I just do not know what it is or where it comes from or when it will come again…just wish I could share what I go through with Knowledge….

The Great Spirit, the Whole Spirit shining within now penetrates even the densest of material realities……..the infinite is hidden so well WITHIN the finite…but one day we become CONDUCTORS of divinity…..and the eyes of God.

I now use GODS EYES to see with….and Gods love to feel with…

Relationship pull you down or…. lift you UP…..Always ask…how do/did relationships help to prepare to find and to express a greater purpose in my life?

Destiny seems to have a plan however as Knowledge seeks to share Itself…..which holds purpose. Even though there WAS none before!!!

Knowledge is the gift for you. This is how God restores you without overwhelming you.

This is how God connects with you without creating great confusion.

This is how God nourishes you 


–Quantum computing

    Quantum computing demonstrates OUR real consciousness. When your thoughts remain compassionate you have access to all the information that is in the quantum field. Form a question and the answer is present. OR….the answer exists before the QUESTION is ever asked….  

   Children who carry a high percentage of light find school easy, because all they do is access the quantum field for answers and awareness of what is true. They ask a good question and get a solid answer

                  Imagination, art, science and structure are synergistically blended in higher dimensions, which can be brought into physicality….there is excitement in following your passion…it leads you where you need to go…      __________________________________________________________

Visited the Center last year for a bit….I was told this is a solo journey… this basically tells me there is nothing outside ourselves….anything and everything just reflects back what we have become….

These books use very simple language to tell a very profound story…it often seems like repetition but its not. Each teaching is a GEM unto itself….

Glad to have this new site to share MY story and for the support….obviously its part of a plan much bigger than just our own selves….


Cintamari stones

Tachyon Healing Chamber Scottsburg OR–Wish-Fulfilling–gem-of-extraordinary-power.html?soid=1103359480214&aid=nPWfOlid1gk

Date of Birth

July 25, 1953

Favorite Books of the New Message

Steps to Knowledge, Greater Community Spirituality, Wisdom from the Greater Community Vol. 2