Out of the Cave of Revelation

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak live at the Encampment, Sep 10, 2016.
I’m very pleased to be with you, for I bring great blessing to you. I bring great strength to you. And I bring great challenge to you, for all these things must go together. God will comfort you and reassure you, but really to prepare you for a greater journey in life. For you did not come to the world merely to believe, or try to survive and eke out happiness in a difficult and uncertain world.
You were sent here for a purpose, which remains within you beneath the surface of your intellect, deep within you, in a place that cannot be contaminated by the world, changed by the world or even reached by the world.
It is this that I come to call forth from you. It is not merely belief or acceptance; it is an activation. For until you can find this within yourself, your life will be restless and haphazard. Even if you can be successful in the world’s terms—accumulate and acquire wealth or prestige—your soul is still restless, evermore restless, with your precious time running out, your opportunity in the world yet unrecognized and unfulfilled.
Heaven only considers these things to be of primary importance and to keep you alive, safe from yourself and the world around you, to such a time when this can be called forth from you.
For me now, it is time that I step forward as the Messenger, for I have been in the background for a very long time— in recent years, sending out the Message ahead of me. But now it is time for me to step forward.
There is no place to rest for very long on this mountain. You have your moments for rest and reprieve and recovery, but you must go on. You have a destiny to be here. I have a destiny to be here. And in the end, destiny is everything.
Seek no advantage apart from this, for it is a deception; it is a relinquishment of power and responsibility to others. Seek not happiness from this or your happiness will be fleeting, forever beyond your grasp. Seek not to call what you have sufficient, for in your heart and your soul you have not yet found and followed that which must be found and followed.
So today I come forward to you to present the New Message teaching on the Messenger. So I must step forward now, so the world can see me and hear me, judge me as it may. I ask you to hear me.
It’s easy to be judgmental or sceptical, or to protect one’s religious views or ideology. That’s easy. It’s easy to hide behind a wall of scripture, or embed yourself in a fortress of belief in a temple, or a church or a mosque. I only ask you to hear me and to come to The Revelation to see for yourself if it has a calling and a meaning to you. For I tell you that God does not care what your religious beliefs are, only that you can respond to the deeper Knowledge and calling that God has placed within you in your time here on earth.
God does not care what religion you belong to, for in the universe there are billions and billions of religions, more or less aligned to the Greater Reality. Certainly one cannot be predominant amongst the others. God only cares that you come to the Knowledge and the calling that God has placed within you.
Fight against this. Argue against this. Contend against this. Dispute! the Message and the Messenger. But I tell you another Messenger will not come for a very long time. And those who came before stand with me now in making this declaration to you. You can only know this with your heart and your soul. Your mind will want to argue, doubt, dispute or go away somewhere else to be more comfortable.
But I’m not speaking to your mind because who you are is not your mind. Your intellect is an aggregate of what the world has taught you to think and believe. And you have thought these things and believed these things to survive in an alien and foreign world to your true nature. Accept this. It’s part of being in the world; you cannot fully avoid it.
But there must come a time in your life when the need of your soul becomes more important than satisfying the simple pleasures of your body or to have intellectual resonance with others. Something deeper within you must generate so much discomfort—restlessness—that it propels you into a deeper search. And I honor you, those of you gathered here, those of you who are maybe hearing me, if you can hear me. I honor this deeper search.
It may not lead you to me, but it has to lead you to something greater than what you have found before.
I offer to you now the Teachings in The New Messenger, which will reveal to you my origin, my purpose, my lineage and my mission that I must accomplish here in a world about to face the greatest change that humanity has ever known. These are things that the Revelations of the past were not designed to speak of for it was not the time for such things to be addressed. But now is the time.
And if you are honest you can feel within yourself this restlessness, this anxiety about the future, the sense of impending darkness, change, profound uncertainty. Oh sure, you can think we’re about to emerge into the era of Enlightenment, but we’ll have to go through hell to get there.
(Lightly chuckles) I pray that through this new set of revelations you may come to know me, to understand me. I am not a god. I do not allow people to worship me, for that is only reserved for the Assembly and for the Creator. But it is important for you to know who I am here because your relationship with the Message has to be with someone of the Message: me, perhaps, or someone else in this body who represents it.
As I said to you last evening, you cannot be committed merely to an idea, a belief or a tradition, for this commitment is incomplete. It will never take you out of separation. It will never answer the calling of your soul. You can only be committed to that which is alive, living, purposeful, meaningful.
With this new revelation, you have an opportunity to learn about my connection to the past Messengers, and why every great tradition that is given perhaps once in a millennium is a building block for humanity, preparing humanity for the next great stage of its life, evolution and development.
Now we stand on the brink of a universe full of intelligent life. Intervention in the world has already begun by exploitive forces who will seek to take advantage of our disunity, our weakness and our false association. Therefore, God must speak again for the welfare and the protection of humanity, but also for our advancement. For we must become able to comprehend this great threshold and lay the foundation for future people to survive and to prosper within this larger arena of life.
Therefore, your greater purpose is not really about you. It is about foundation for others and for the future. My life now is not really about me as a man, even though I am still a man. It is about laying the foundation for others and for the future of humanity, which now faces unknown, unrecognized risks on a level never seen before.
What else would bring God’s Revelation to the world but a great crisis and a great need? What else but a new Revelation could bring harmony and balance between the world’s religions and bring an end to their escalating conflict and violence with one another, for they were all initiated by God and they have all been changed by man?
With these three books, God Has Spoken Again, The One God, and now, The New Messenger, I am setting forth on the next and final stage of my work and mission here in the world to reach as many people as I can with God’s New Revelation, to provide as much wisdom and counsel as I can for those who are responding to it, and to speak to as many things in the world, within the Revelation and beyond, that people need to know to begin to bring their lives into balance, and to restore their integrity, their dignity and their true strength.
Yet I will need great assistance to do this, for no one, even someone sent from the Angelic Presence, cannot accomplish these things on their own. It will take a greater coordination of people, become part of the Greater Coordination of Heaven and Earth that seeks to guide, protect and prepare humanity for its present and future life.
It is time for me now to come out of the cave of Revelation, for almost the entire New Message has been received. Almost. (nods) Part of the Revelation is within me, beyond Word; it must come forth. For this I will be condemned, dismissed, denied. And there may even be those who seek to destroy me. But I am spreading the net very wide, very far so that people around the world can respond to the Revelation.
So should something happen to me, prematurely, the Revelation will still be moving. And those who I have assigned to caretake it and to continue it and to prepare it as a pure Revelation, the Society, will continue under true guidance and strength.
All this foundation had to be laid before I could come forth. And for the first time in history, it is the Messenger who is preparing and presenting the entire Revelation; not to be left up to people a century from now, or in later centuries, to construct a religion out of the sayings of the Teachings of one of the Messengers. That has led to the world we see today.
Great care, then, has been brought to make sure these mistakes and problems of the past do not now corrupt the purity of this Revelation. So for the first time in history the Messenger is presenting the entire Teaching—every word of it.
The Voice of Revelation for the first time in history for obvious reasons, is now being made available so that you can hear what I heard. It’s never happened before. The revelation about Life In The Universe has never happened before. Spirituality at the level of Knowledge has never happened before at this level, this completely. The preparation for a radically changing world, a declining world, has never happened before.
So as part of this, my history now becomes historical, which I never thought would happen, of course. My strength, my weaknesses—everything—becomes part of your study, your encouragement.
I want you to know that in the eyes of Heaven, the Message is always more important than the Messenger, a truth that even today is not understood by very many people. You can obsess over the Messenger, positively or negatively, but that just means you do not have the strength or the humility to take on the Revelation itself, which is sufficiently challenging to break the icy dam of your former life and to bring you into a greater realm of coordination, responsibility and relationship.
God is not merely here to add seasoning to the bitter taste of your life or to provide you a desirable sweetener, but to literally give you the foundation for a whole new existence here, in service to the world. From my eyes everything prior to that is a side journey of great expense and very limited fulfillment.
(Soft chuckle) Therefore I ask you to stay close to the Revelation. You do not fully understand it yet because its wisdom far exceeds what you’re capable, or anyone on earth is capable, of plumbing or understanding. It is meant to be that way.
When people hear of New Revelation, they want, or hope, that it will confirm their ideas and beliefs. But whenever God has spoken again, it has always been to take the people of that time beyond their assumptions and beliefs. And that is why the Revelations have been denounced, crushed, avoided.
People want to be comfortable, but they can’t be comfortable. Go ahead! Try something new. I’m telling you here today that to really come to terms with who you are and why you’re here, which only Knowledge within you really knows, you will not be comfortable. And you will not find that sense of relationship or fulfillment that I know is in the minds and hearts of every person, no matter how repressed or damaged they may be.
I want you to know also that there are people in this room who have given their lives, and are giving their lives, so that you could have this great opportunity. If you want to know the value and validity of something of this nature, you must look at those who have adopted it and live it.
This is not an intellectual proposition. This is a re-engagement with those who sent you and with your greater reality and destiny in the world. In this the intellect must follow, learn and be reshaped by the Power and Presence that lives within you and all around you.
So then let it be known as I present The New Messenger to you today, that I am bringing God’s New Word and Revelation into the world. This is the time and the moment. The prayers of people around the world are now being answered. The question remains: Who can receive the answer and patiently receive it and follow it, experience it and express it?
May the presence be with you.