Proving Yourself to Those Who Sent You

Watch the Messenger speak during the 2020 Steps Vigil, May 26, 2020.

Full Broadcast

Marshall: Because you have a destiny doesn’t mean you’re gonna make it. I mean, I had to prove myself to those who set me on this track. I had to prove my consistency, my determination. I had to prove that I wouldn’t fail. I wouldn’t give up. I wouldn’t be subdued by someone else. I wouldn’t be talked out of it. I had to face real difficult, even painful, kinds of changes. I had to drag my very young family—my infant son and my newlywed wife—through some very strange adventures in very strange places. I had to do things without being able to account for anybody about why I was doing them. “No reasonable person would be doing what you’re doing. Why are you doing this?” And you can look a little crazy to yourself and other people in this regard.

And I had my doubts. I can never say it didn’t have doubts. But I will say, we have to prove ourselves to those who are trying to take us somewhere important for an important purpose, and you really won’t know that purpose until you get down that road and you find those landing places that you need to be. So we have to prove our own fidelity. Otherwise, we’re not going to be entrusted with greater things. Makes sense, doesn’t it? 

The Greater Powers can’t control what we decide to do. We could just drop off and go off on a side journey or fall back into the shadows or go out and marry some person for some reason. So they have to wait and see what we do. In time, you have to do that. Even they have to do that. 

But there is a certain confidence I think—and Patricia can speak to this, too, and Reed, and many of you, probably—I think they know that you’re not going to fail. You’re not going to give up. You may stumble, you may do foolish things, you may really get stalled, but you’re not going to stop. So I think they had faith in that in me. And that’s staying power. But we have to prove that to ourselves.

But it takes you somewhere you never could have imagined going before. And that’s the miracle that is in the mysterious gift. And the gift has to give you strength and wisdom and determination. It’s not just you’re just gonna follow blindly some invisible light. You have to become the strong person, the discerning person, the careful person, the trustworthy person.

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