Receive This Gift from God

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak, May 3, 2013.
God’s New Revelation speaks of the greater purpose that each person carries and how this purpose will be initiated and called forth from them—and how the revelation of this purpose, which is a personal Revelation, will bring balance, harmony and restitution into the lives of all who can receive it and who can experience this great transformation in life.
I bring this urgent Message to you with a gift of Love from the Creator, for the Creator is not done speaking to a struggling humanity, and a New Revelation has come into the world. It has taken me twenty-five years to receive it, for The Revelation itself is very great and speaks of all the things that concern humanity, and every aspect of our lives.
This great gift to humanity is meant to be received, to be studied, to be considered, and to be applied. Do not reject it out of hand. Do not dismiss it. Do not cast your doubts and fears and prejudices upon it, or you deny yourself the Grace and the power and wisdom that is a gift to all humanity at this time.
This is a time to be truly honest with yourself about the condition of your life and the condition of the world that you’re facing. It is not a time for fear or withdrawal. It is time for courage, preparation and engagement. And I call upon you to receive this great opportunity—an opportunity which will restore to you your life and return to you your greatest strength and inspiration, an opportunity that will make all the difference in what you will know and what you will be able to do.
This is the time to have great faith in the power of the human spirit, when our faith in so many other things will be challenged and will be denied. This is a time to receive the gift of The Creator, for The Creator has given us what we cannot give ourselves, a preparation we cannot give ourselves, an awareness of the future that we could not devise on our own, and a pathway to the Source of our strength that exists beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect.
Only God can do this and God is doing this and has done this, through the Revelation of The New Message. Come then, to receive in order that you may prepare to give and to become a true contributor to life, as you were meant to be and as you were designed to be.
This is my gift to you, as this will be your gift to the world. We are living now at a time of Revelation—a time when The Creator has spoken again, a time when God is present among us, and within us and between us. This is our time to awaken to our greater responsibilities and our greater purpose in participating at this true turning point for humanity.
Very powerful.
Nasi Novare Coram