Afterglow: Receiving “The New God Experience”

Read Patricia Summers’ account of the Messenger receiving The New God Experience, Jan 3, 2017.
Important News:
In the early hours of Tuesday, January 3, 2017, Marshall Vian Summers was called again.
He received the latest revelation, The New God Experience.
January 5, 2017
A Message to the Worldwide Community of the New Message:
Dear All,
The New Message from God is the largest body of Revelation ever to be received in recorded human history. Amazingly, it is happening in our lifetimes. We are the first to know of it. We are the first to respond.
Thank you all for stopping in the middle of your busy lives to read this message and to be among the first to learn that the process of Revelation—which began over 33 years ago for the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers—is continuing to this very day.
No matter what, no matter how, this man continues on, ever responsive to the Angelic Assembly, his Source Community beyond this level of reality. The Voice of Revelation continues to communicate through Marshall as ‘the one and the many, and the many as one.’ In this remarkable state of connection, they are delivering through him the New Message from God to be given to all of humanity. And the entire Revelation is being recorded in its pure and original form. This has never happened before.
The New Message from God is an enormous Revelation and it has been a long journey for Marshall in order for him to receive it. It has required the dedication of his entire life. He is truly a demonstration of commitment, service and endurance to us all. May we continue to draw real inspiration from him, but at the same time find ways to help him take the Revelation further into the world, to bring it to others who are struggling in life and can benefit from its inspiration and support. And, above all, may we learn to allow Knowledge and the New Message to find expression through our lives.
Included here:
- The initial message I sent to The Society of this important event.
- The “Afterglow” recordings of Marshall’s first words following his experience of receiving The New God Experience, including the transcripts of these recordings.
- Select passages from The New God Experience for you to read.
1. My message sent to The Society describing the first moments after the Voice of Revelation ceased:
“Writing to you all now just as Marshall is emerging from having received the Revelation, The New God Experience: (34:18 minutes). He was awoken at 5:15 am. Spent an hour before the revelation began, just convening and being with his Source Community…Then the pressure began to build as ‘a canopy formed above me and then slowly descended to envelop me.’
Almost immediately ‘the One and the Many’ began to speak. Here are some excerpts:
There must be a new experience of God in the world…A New God Experience…Pure…Empowering…Uplifting. You must experience God clearly, openly.
There must be a clearing away…
The journey begins…
People around the world are seeking a new God Experience…
Where will the power come from?
It must come from the well that We speak of.
You must return to that which God has placed within you…
This is the New God Experience…”
After the Voice ceased, there was a long silence. Then Marshall leaned back to stretch, arching over the back of his chair, and letting out a big sigh. He looked at me and said, “They must be listening to us.” In saying this, Marshall was referring to a dinner table conversation we had had the night before about the importance of speaking on the New God experience to people of different religious backgrounds.
Soon after, as I write this, he is out shoveling snow and moving wood…
The miracle of the Message and its Messenger continues…
May this revelation flow across the world with our help, to refresh, replenish and to call people everywhere to their experience of God, because God’s calling…literally calling, to us all again this day…”
2. The Messenger’s Afterglow Recording #1 (recorded right after receiving the revelation)…
“This is January 3, 2017. I was awoken at 5:15 this morning, not just awoken but urged to get up—a powerful urge. It’s as if a light had been shone upon me, but the light was shone upon me on the inside, shining from within somewhere in the vastness of Creation. It woke me up, urged me to get up, urged me to wake my son and my wife to be with me as I began to realize that I was being called. And even when I awoke, looking out into the dark room of my bedroom, the atmosphere was electric, as if infinitesimal little points of light were vibrating, having been activated by a greater force and power.
I got up and sat for about an hour to be with the Presence, and as I did so, I could feel the weight upon my head, the pressure of Heaven that I have come to recognize over these years. Then a great canopy began to descend, high above, higher than I could see or even imagine, to envelop me, to prepare me. Slowly this took place.
And once the three of us were assembled and the recording equipment was set up and everything was ready, I prayed, I offered myself in submission, saying, ‘I will receive whatever must be received, whether I understand it or not, whether I believe it or not, whether it makes any sense to me or not. Whatever it is, I am here to receive.’
And so I submitted myself in this way. Things became very, very still, and yet I was deeply immersed in the Presence. Then finally I heard, deep within my mind, ‘Let Us begin.’ A message I have heard so many times before in receiving revelation: ‘Let us begin.’ And then it begins…and I am just a witness while this miracle happens through me.
Recalling, remembering very little, only tidbits here and there of what was said. And then it ends. And there is a benediction. And then the great enveloping Presence begins to ascend, slowly ascending, until I am left alone in a very quiet space. My mind is very quiet.
So I relish these moments of a quiet mind, a gift of revelation before I become re-engaged with the world. Only when I listen to the revelation will I really hear it for the first time.
God is with us. Let us be with God. For God is serving the world through a great Revelation. Let us be grateful that this is so and be responsive and responsible in receiving this great gift. I pray that many will do this.”
…and Afterglow Recording #2 (recorded later in the day):
“Today is January 3, 2017 and today I received a very important teaching, part of the New Message from God entitled The New God Experience.
Part of my experience of preparing for this, because I was awoken very early in the morning and I spent over an hour being with this very powerful Presence that was just amazing, and it made me think that if someone was exposed to something like this, this Great Ray from Heaven, they could lose their mind because they wouldn’t know what it was. They wouldn’t know how to stop it. They wouldn’t know how to deal with it. Even though it’s gracious and it’s non-threatening, it’s just something so immensely strong that it completely alters your experience.
And I had this thought that our personality, and even our body, is like a façade. If you can imagine a movie set where [in] an old town the buildings are all façades, and they’re backed up by posts that hold them up, but behind them is open space, I had this thought that our minds and personalities are like façades that we keep reinforcing all the time, but behind us is this immense open space. It’s like timeless reality. We think of going inside ourselves as just going inside your body somewhere, but if we really go inside who we are, it’s like entering timeless reality.
And I had this experience this morning because the Great Ray was not coming from the outside in, as if someone was shining a powerful flood light upon me. It was coming from the inside out…that my connection with the Angelic Assembly exists in this vast empty space that’s behind the personality and the character to which we give a name [to] ourselves, in the world. And behind that it begins to open up, almost endlessly.
But you’re still anchored in who you are in the world, so you’re not going to get lost in this vastness of space. It’s not like you’re going to get thrown out of a spacecraft and drift endlessly. You’re actually still anchored in who you are in this world, but it’s like the doors of perception open behind you, and there is timeless reality. And everything that’s important about your life exists in this timeless reality. And those who sent you into the world are there within this timeless reality.
So I had this experience that I am being reached from the inside, not from the outside. Because the outside is all physical manifestation, physical reality, Earth, space, planets. I’m not being reached from this outer reality. I’m being reached from the inner reality.
And I think that the New Message from God emphasizes stillness practice and inner listening so that we can begin to get a sense of this opening, the doors of perception are opening within us, that we’re really not alone, that there’s tremendous assistance available to us if we can get in the right position in life and that there are forces working on our behalf to free us from our internal restraints, and our external restraints, if possible. And they’re all emanating from this timeless reality within us.
It’s so amazing to think that no matter how vast the physical universe may be, the inner universe is much larger and in the end is more important because it will never pass away.
That was a gift that I received this morning before I was able to receive this immense gift for the world. I’m very grateful for that.”
3. Select Passages from The New God Experience:
There must be a new experience of God, a New God experience: pure, refreshing, uplifting, empowering.
This is the aim of all true religions that have been initiated by God, but in the hands of the separated, in the hands of people here on Earth living apart from Creation, these things are turned into scripture, admonition, control, definition and resistance to others whose definitions are different…
What is pure and holy becomes separated and diffracted in this world, and so God must speak again at this great turning point where humanity faces a world in decline…
Humanity is at a great threshold and needs a new experience of God, an experience that comes from God directly through a power of Knowledge that God has put within each person…
What is this experience We speak of here today? It is a deep experience of purpose and meaning and direction in life.
It is not something that happens all at once. It is not an idea. It is not a concept. It is not an insight. It is a growing revolution and revelation within you that God has set in motion when you are ready.
There must be a clearing away first, an opening, gradually, so that you can come to understand the greater truth of your life and transition your life into this greater truth, which is a process that requires many steps and certain thresholds.
The journey begins with dissatisfaction. The journey begins with recognizing that you are not living the life you know you are meant to live…
People around the world are seeking a New God experience. Their religions have become dry and brittle, empty, formulaic, repetitive…
In a way, it is not a new experience. It is an ancient experience.
This is the New God experience. It is not about having a big insight or a moment of prescience alone. It is a reality emerging in your life, simply at first…
The world needs a new experience of God, beyond religious edicts and beliefs, beyond the controlling forces of religion or public opinion that guide, sway and control so many people.
This is part of God’s great gift to you, which is waiting to be discovered, which is so close at hand…
This is going forwards and backwards all at once. You go forward because you reach further than others have ever gone. But you go back because you go back to what is essential within you—what is permanent, what is true, what is unchanging…
This is the beginning of the New God experience. But you must come to terms with your life. You cannot be traveling in many directions at once.
God has put this power within you. And in the world today God is calling for this power through a greater Revelation for the world.
Come back. Be still. Stop your vain pursuits. Hold yourself back from where everyone else seems to be going and you will have a chance to experience this power, this presence, this inner resonance.
Do not be afraid to step beyond your ideas and beliefs, for there is freedom there.
This ship is taking on water. It is in danger. Human civilization is taking on water. It is in danger…
Where will the power come from? Where will the inspiration come from? Where will the inner strength and integrity come from to face such a world…
It must come from this well that We speak of…
At that level, there is no confusion.
It is the core of your strength. It is the core of your power. It is the core of your inspiration. It is leading you back to the life you were meant to live.”
Nasi Novare Coram (The Presence of the Unseen Ones is with us),
Patricia Summers
Early morning photo taken just moments after The New God Experience revelation was received
“I will receive whatever must be received, whether I understand it or not, whether I believe it or not, whether it makes sense to me or not. Whatever it is, I am here to receive.”
– Prayer of Submission from Marshall Vian Summers
The world needs a new experience of God, beyond religious edicts and beliefs, beyond the controlling forces of religion or public opinion that guide, sway and control so many people.
– The New God Experience, January 3, 2017
Patricia Summers’ Afterglow Notes on the Process of Revelation