Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Coordination”

Read Patricia Summers’ account of the Messenger receiving The The Great Coordination, Oct 25, 2016.

An Afterglow Account from Patricia Summers:

The Messenger Marshall Vian Summers receives

The Great Coordination

on October 25, 2016, in Boulder, CO

Marshall Vian Summers on Errors in Understanding the Great Coordination.

October 28, 2016

A Message to the Worldwide Community of the New Message:

Dear All,

First of all, special thanks to all of you who have found The New Message from God and who are reading this communication. We here at The Society for the New Message want you to be the first to know that a mere few days ago, Marshall Vian Summers, the man who has spent over 30 years of his life receiving the largest body of Divine Revelation ever, was called again.

On Tuesday, October 25, 2016, the expansive teaching, The Great Coordination, was received.

To bring you closer to this historic event, I would like to provide the following account. Here also you will be the first to read and consider some of the passages from this latest revelation, as well as hear Marshall’s first words upon emerging from his state of revelation.

It is late Autumn at the home of the New Message here in Boulder, Colorado in the United States. On Tuesday morning of this week, Marshall came to me asking that Reed, our son, and I join him.  “I am being called.” Marshall looked me and paused, “Can you help me?

Within a short time, all seemed ready. Marshall, in his place of revelation, sat profoundly still, eyes closed, arms supported and his hands and fingers arched over the small recording device on a firm pillow on his lap. Reed and I sat across from him, waiting for what might happen next. Marshall seemed to hardly know we were there. Already he was deep in the process of establishing his connection to the Angelic Assembly, the connection that has brought into the world every revelation of the New Message from God.

Just a few moments passed, then suddenly, as if a bolt of electricity struck and ran through him, his entire body jolted. He exclaimed, “Oh!” He settled back down and still with eyes closed and hands poised, a second shock went through him. “Oh, wow,” he said with a great sigh.

Within moments, the Voice of Revelation began to speak. The following select passages represent just a small portion of the revelation received over a 38-minute period that day.

Therefore, take a moment now before proceeding. Prepare yourself to experience the vision brought to us by this revelation: The Great Coordination.

Beyond what your senses can report, what your eyes can see and your ears can hear, there is a Greater Coordination in the world and in the universe at large—a Great Coordination, the Work of God in the universe, working through layers of servants and representatives.

It is something you must feel, deeply, this Presence, and this abiding sense that your life is really for something greater than what you have become accustomed to and what your culture promotes within you and what you have come to believe…a Greater Coordination that has brought you into the world for a higher purpose, a Greater Coordination that you cannot define and you can never fully understand…

… for you live two lives. You live a life in the mundane world that preoccupies you 99 percent of the time and you live as part of this Greater Coordination, which you may glimpse for moments here and there…But the Coordination lives within you at a deeper level, beneath the surface of your mind, beneath your social mind, your worldly mind that has been so conditioned and shaped by your experiences in the world, by the decisions and the conclusions you have made for yourself.

Deep within you is a sacred mind, a mind created by God, a mind we call Knowledge, a mind that is connected already to the Great Coordination. For Knowledge represents your connection to God. But it also represents your purpose for being here, a purpose you have not invented for yourself, a purpose that you do not yet understand…For Knowledge represents the part of you that is eternal. But it is here on a mission, you see. It has a greater purpose for being in the world, which represents your greater purpose. Beyond all your goals and plans, or what you think life requires of you, this greater purpose, this Greater Coordination, is within you.

While you seek union in relationships, so hopelessly, while you seek to fulfill yourself in the world, so hopelessly, while you seek to meet the deeper need of your soul by acquiring people, places, possessions, everything, or keeping yourself stimulated at all times, what will really satisfy you and fulfill you and return you to your true relationships in the universe is the Greater Coordination itself. It will always be mysterious, for you can only grasp your small part of it and how it might relate to certain important people you might be fortunate to meet in your journey here on Earth.

The Higher Powers are directing those individuals who at the highest levels represent the Networks of the Wise: unique individuals in small groups operating usually in secrecy in the Greater Community, for there are very few free worlds that would accept them and support them. The Network of the Wise, who respond to a greater directive from above, directing their activities, their skills—superseding their human nature, or the nature of whoever they are in the universe. And they have their supporters and their assistants, who protect them, who guard them, who carry out their directives in the world, who support their activities.

It is a perfect Plan, but it must function in a changing and unpredictable reality, ever adapting itself to changing circumstances, unexpected events. For the Wise in any world cannot foresee everything, nor understand the meaning of all things.

The Higher Powers need this Network of the Wise as their representatives down here on the ground. The Higher Powers must oversee many greater things and cannot be involved in the details of daily life.

It is God’s Plan to keep Knowledge alive in this world in enough individuals to guide humanity through the dangerous events to come, through the great decline of your world, through your contact and dangerous encounter with forces from the universe who are here to take advantage of humanity. God’s Plan is to ignite Knowledge in enough people here in the world through God’s New Revelation for the world, to steer humanity in a positive direction and to keep Knowledge alive, a light that has gone out in so many places in the universe…

It is an education you are only now beginning to have because God is throwing open the doors of the universe to teach you about life in the universe and the work of God in the universe. Never before has this been revealed to humanity…

You are preoccupied with yourself, with your needs, your issues, your fears, your desires, your predicaments, and this keeps you from experiencing the power of the Greater Coordination within your life. And indeed, you cannot simply believe that it is going to take care of everything for you, as if you are a witless person who must be directed in all things. This will hardly be the case. You must become strong and determined, competent and responsible in all things, or the Greater Coordination will remain in the background and your haphazard life will continue…

What we are presenting here today requires a great preparation…and that is why through God’s Revelation for the world, the Steps to Knowledge have been given, the ancient preparation in the restoration of individuals…It is a miracle of untold significance that you have such a preparation now…

Do not think that your faith in the Divine is sufficient if you will not prepare, if you will not take these Steps to Knowledge, if you will not reform your life and allow it to be shaped by the Great Coordination that lives within you…

This is the Revelation that you have been waiting for, but you are uncertain if you will take it on, to accept its challenge and its gift and its promise.

This is your ambivalence, which weakens you and keeps you from clearly seeing the path you must follow and the work you must do and the decisions you must make.

The Great Coordination, which extends far beyond this world…reaches all the way down inside of you to the most sacred and essential part of you.  You are already wired in to this great assistance, you see. It is created by God. It is overseen by the Higher Powers. It is carried out through the Networks of the Wise and all of their many assistants and supporters….You cannot account for it all. You cannot account for all the work of the Great Coordination. You cannot yet account for it even within yourself. You are just beginning that journey.

You must face your condition very squarely, very objectively, very honestly to see the need for Knowledge within your life. It is a great reckoning.

Here your suffering can serve you, if you can face it honestly, without self-condemnation. Here it brings you to your need for God, your need for Knowledge, your need for purpose and real meaning in life, your need for a Greater Coordination. Heaven is waiting for you to reach out honestly, deeply. You must send the sign to the Higher Powers that you are ready to have your true life restored.

But Heaven is waiting for you to reach the point of great sobriety where you realize that you are not really living the life you are meant to live…a great turning point in your life where you can begin the return to your true relationships and true purpose for being here.

The prayer for you is: Let me be of service so that I may give, for in the end, it is all about simple service.

God is aware of your world, but the greater Network of the Wise and the Higher Powers are at work everywhere, in ways far beyond human understanding…

Hear Our words. Listen to them again and again. Comprehension will come in time with repetition.

Your heart will know if you can follow this. Deep within you there are greater powers and forces at work. This is what you must discover. This is the great challenge and meaning of your life.”

After the Voice of Revelation ceased, Marshall sat motionless.

Some moments later, still enveloped, he began to speak of his experience.

Reed recorded Marshall in these first moments after Revelation in a state I call the “Afterglow”—or as the Messenger puts it, “As the embers of the light of Revelation recede ever upward.

Watch the Messenger’s Afterglow recording in the first moments after receiving the Voice of Revelation. 

Later that day, the following text message went out to the members of The Society:

“To all,

Today was a day of revelation.

I am writing here to let you know that this morning Marshall received a stunning revelation entitled, ‘The Great Coordination.

Since then we have spent the rest of the day just being with what happened.

Over the last few days, a question came up between Marshall, myself and Reed that may have prompted this important teaching and its vast perspective.

Thus the pressure has been growing over the last several days, a process of ‘build up.’ 

After the revelation this morning, we secluded ourselves for a bit to be with what the revelation stimulated for us.

Marshall spent the rest of the morning recovering, and then we enjoyed a splendid midday meal consisting of our garden’s October harvest. Yet really our celebration was in gratitude for the revelation itself and for its news of the existence of the ‘Network of the Wise,’ who serve throughout the universe. This is in part what ‘The Great Coordination’ has spoken of and described.

We capped the day with a rejuvenating hike up the Foothills Trail to the ridgeline above it. The farsighted perspective from up there was fitting, given the view that this important revelation provided us this day and the thought that all the revelations that comprise the New Message from God will be here for hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of years to come guiding humanity… 

Thank you all for everything you are doing and for everything you have done these many years to support Marshall as he has received and now gives this Revelation to the world.



Below are images of our October breakfast prepared by myself and Reed, following the Revelation. Marshall greatly appreciates wholesome food, time with others and contact with nature after these powerful enveloping experiences of union with his Source.

October Harvest

Afterglow Meal

Afterglow Meal

The experience of what Marshall has described as the “empty concert hall” is often with him in the hours after revelation, part of the stark transition for him to make as he re-enters the world. After so many years of the Messenger receiving the Revelation alone—while I was gone long hours at work—it is so wonderful now that he is no longer alone as this is happening.

Thank you all for sharing in this important moment in time with Marshall, as the New Message from God continues to flow through him.

Nasi Novare Coram (The Presence of the Unseen Ones is with us.),

— Patricia Summers

“I don’t just understand the New Message. I live with it. I breathe it. I think of it every day. I consider it. I listen to it. I read it. I watch it out in the world to see its application.” 

– Marshall Vian Summers’ Afterglow, October 25, 2016

“The Great Coordination, which extends far beyond this world…reaches all the way down inside of you to the most sacred and essential part of you. You are already wired in to this great assistance, you see. It is created by God. It is overseen by the Higher Powers. It is carried out through the Networks of the Wise and all of their many assistants and supporters….You cannot account for it all. You cannot account for all the work of the Great Coordination. You cannot yet account for it even within yourself. You are just beginning that journey.”

– The Great Coordination, October 25, 2016

Patricia Summers’ Afterglow Notes on the Process of Revelation

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