Reed Summers’ Reality of Alien Contact Interview | Part 1 of 2

Reed Summers’ Studio Vista Interview, Part 1 of 2, June 19, 2018, in Boulder, Colorado, | The Reality of Alien Contact
Watch Part 2 of the Interview now.
Summary: Reed Summers on the revelation that humanity is experiencing: an alien intervention that is unlike anything from our ancient past – a 2-part interview conducted by Studio Vista for the forthcoming “Demons or Aliens” Documentary.
Reed: Looking at the reality of contact I feel it’s important to start with the questions: Who is visiting our world? Where do they come from? Why are they here? And what are they doing? And could it be that these are not angels or demons, but in fact aliens, physical beings from the universe around us visiting our world for certain purposes and with a certain agenda? And finally, if contact is happening: What does this mean for you and for me? What does it mean for the religions of the world, for the governments of the world, for the economies of the world? Because contact with intelligent life is a major shift into a new reality of awareness and understanding at nearly all levels of human society, religion and beyond. So these questions are very fundamental and they lead us into the mystery and the manifestation of this phenomenon.
And as we explore this phenomenon we find certain truths.
And I feel it’s very important to recognize these truths and to stay with them and to not dive into the minutiae of the phenomenon; to get addicted to more sightings, more reports, more wild explanations as to what this is and, you know, who these beings are and so forth. It’s essential to come back to the heart of what is happening.
The heart of what is happening, the truth of what is happening, is that contact is underway, our isolation in the universe is over. This contact does not represent a friendly visitation or a benevolent space exploration or science experiment. It represents an Intervention into our world—an intervention that is really here to gain access to the Earth, its resources and its people. This is an essential truth. And these truths are going to change life as we know it for our species. As our species comes in contact with other forms of intelligent life, everything in time slowly will begin to change for us like a tectonic shift happening beneath our feet that we can barely feel, but that year by year and decade by decade, is having a tremendous effect on the mental environment of the world, on the political landscape of the world, on the symbology of humanity and on the religious beliefs of humanity.
And it’s important—in fact critical, I feel—to step back and look at contact from that greater vantage point, taking the 100,000 foot view, or maybe the five mile view down upon the Earth; to really come to understand that if contact is happening, this is going to change everything for humanity at every level. And enough people need to prepare their mind, their life, their relationships, their work, their philosophies and religions to accommodate this new reality. Otherwise, we will all be caught off guard. We will be shocked and stunned. And we will project our fears and aspirations on to this phenomenon in a very wild way; making all sorts of crazy associations and clinging to all sorts of preferred beliefs about who the visitors are and what they represent. When in fact, who the visitors are and why they’re here is a very simple reality and a simple truth. And the truth is as clear as day for those who can prepare their mind and their life to look from this greater vantage point.
And I also want to say that there is a reason why people around the world are interested in the reality of contact, UFOs and these phenomena. There’s a reason we are drawn to this. And it’s because it is connected to the deeper spiritual mind within us that itself is connected to the evolutionary track of our world. We’ve all come into this world to serve the world at this time in our evolution. And yet, if we do not understand this time in our evolution or if we’re only preoccupied with ourselves and our personal life or, you know, the events of the day or the week, this deeper sense of awareness, this spiritual mind within us is not going to be activated; it’s going to be neglected. And that by and large I feel is what is happening around the globe.
There are people, millions of people, who are deeply interested in the phenomenon of contact; they want to know more. They feel there is something real happening behind this phenomenon, pervasive and that will impact them in their future and the future of life on Earth in ways that we can barely even explain at the moment. They know this to be true. This is a deeper sense of knowing that millions of people around the world have. And yet there’s almost nothing in the world to confirm that sense, to validate it. In fact, there’s a lot of ridicule around that sense of interest and inquiry into contact.
And so finally, there is a religious tradition in the world that is here to acknowledge the reality of contact and to prepare us for it. Not a religion of antiquity that has had millennia in the world and is now reacting to this new threshold that our race is facing—the threshold of contact; but a spiritual tradition that was born in the world to give us the tools to prepare for this greatest event in human history. Contact is the greatest event in human history and it is happening right before our eyes, right under our feet. And people around the world I think can feel and know this. They can sense that there is something happening beneath the radar, under-reported, that is moving our world in a very new and uncertain and unpredictable direction and that by and large we’re all just reacting to this. We’re just clinging at things in the world or trying to explain it in all sorts of different ways. But in essence something big is happening
And the New Message from God is a gift of Revelation to tell us what that big thing is, what it means for us, how we need to prepare for it and how we can contribute to the overall evolutionary track of our human species and not be in resistance to that; not be trying to, you know, reenact the beliefs of the era or the golden times in the past or of our forefathers or our fathers and mothers, but rather to be a contributor in the world making possible this next big leap for the human species.
The New Message from God reveals that our world is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. It actually tells us the history of our planet and our species as it relates to this larger universe of life. It tells the story of how we went from a world of pre-language and pre-society to a world of tribes, to a world where tribes became nations and nations became global coalition’s and unions, both economic and political, all focused in the final direction the final endpoint of becoming one world, one humanity; and the birthing of a new sense of identity that you and I are humans more than we are Americans or Christians, more than we are Russians or Catholics, more than we are, you know, Chinese or Tibetan or so forth. We are human beings and we have a great commonality that we need to embrace and contribute in a larger community of life.
This is the story that the New Message from God reveals to us. And with this, it shows that it is the threshold of contact with other forms of intelligent life that finally trigger the next stage, the next chapter of the human experience beyond what we could ever achieve on our own through any philosophy or noble ideology. It is contact with other forms of intelligent life that will force us to unite, to end our ceaseless conflicts in the world and to become one people in a larger community of life in the universe. This is the biggest evolutionary step a world could take. It is inevitable. It was always waiting to happen. It was waiting to happen 2,000 years ago when Jesus walked the world. It was waiting to happen a 100 years ago when the colonial powers and the nations of our world were clashing in the great World Wars. Our contact with intelligent life was an inevitability. It is an evolutionary step that was always there waiting for us to take. And now that visitation is occurring and now that humanity is becoming increasingly global, that huge step is underway—literally the foot has raised off the ground. It has not yet fallen, you know. The shoe has not fallen and we are in the middle of open air, uncertainty and a new frontier.
We are emerging into this universe of intelligent life. And the New Message from God reveals what life is like out there, which is immensely important for us to understand. Because if we don’t understand anything about what exists over the frontier, the boundary of what we can see and detect using science, then we’re not going to be very effective in understanding and interpreting visitation by those from beyond that boundary of the known world, the known universe. So we need to know and understand some things about the universe in which we live.
And the New Message from God lays this out very clearly for every person to read and to understand. And some very important things it says is that the universe is an expression of nature. It is not a universe that has violated and gone beyond all the laws of science and nature that we understand in the world. It is a place of natural phenomenon. So as we see life in the world here where the strong dominate the weak, where there is a great struggle to survive and to gain resources needed for survival, where there is competition for environments and space, so it is in the universe in which we live. And to me that is the most reasonable starting point.
Why believe that the universe is a spiritual realm of transcendent beings and enlightened masters and altruistic space explorers whizzing around doing science experiments for, you know, one another? Why would you start there when you can start with the obvious starting point—that the universe is nature? And out in the vastness of space survival may not be that easy. Resources may not be that common. Earth-like worlds might be rare. These are all the starting points.
And looking at these starting points we come to realize that the universe is a challenging place. It’s a place of interaction; trade, potentially, and also great influence. Forms of intelligent life influence one another, and this is one of the big thresholds ahead for us as a world and individually as well. What is it like to be in the room with another form of intelligent life who has a psychology that does not match ours in any way shape or form?
Two intelligences in the same space generate influence on one another. And this is a very important truth about life in the universe that the New Message presents. And the reason this is very important is that we are all dealing with the influence being cast upon our world by other forms of intelligent life right now. Every day you walk out the door, step out into the world and you are walking into a mental environment—an environment not of what is seen and touched but what is felt and experienced within the mind as thought forms influence one another, as different minds project their thinking and emotions onto one another. So we can understand this in our own history, you know, the history of advertising, the history of nations influencing each other’s perception and thought. This is kind of the small level mental environment influence.
Now we’re dealing with other forms of intelligent life, far older, far more technologically advanced, far more powerful than we are. And the New Message from God reveals that they have developed tremendous power in the mental environment. So out in our world today the mental environment is changing and people feel this whether they can acknowledge it or not. There is a change in the feel, the tone and the tenor of the world and we are all immersed in that like a fish in the sea. But we don’t understand that it is a sea, you know. We don’t have that perspective and that context, yet we are living in a sea of influence.
Some of that is human influence as people influence each other and some of it is influenced by other forms of intelligent life. And that comes in three kinds. First is the ambient influence upon our world simply by dwelling in a Greater Community of intelligent life. We, we live on the frontier of a vast community of life, of millions, potentially billions of worlds and that does influence us. It influences our creativity and curiosity. This is why, potentially, humans are so interested in space exploration, contact, what other life beyond our world would look like and how it would behave and how their civilizations would be structured. We have a natural curiosity because we live in a universe of intelligent life. This is not just human minds just imagining things. We are actually being ambiently influenced by the universe in which we live.
The second form of influence is the direct influence of the extraterrestrial forces in our world today who are actually seeking to affect human thought and emotion and belief to further their ends. And this is a very intentional and pervasive form of influence.
And the third form of influence is that of those free races in our local universe who value the individual, who value creative expression, who value egalitarian values and have cultivated them. They exert an influence as well. And some of them know of our world and have sent a set of briefings called the Allies of Humanity Briefings. And these Briefings really are a gift of perspective and awareness and understanding, both about the ET presence in our world today and the larger universe we are emerging into; given to help us preserve our freedom, our creative thought and our religious faith and attraction to the Divine in a universe where very powerful influences dominate weaker and less powerful influences.
So this is the reality of the mental environment. And around the world people are feeling this. And they’re feeling the innate draw and attraction to the phenomenon of contact. And there’s a real reason for that beyond the power of influence; it is that some of us in the world have a heritage in the universe. This is not the only world we’ve been in in our lifetimes in the past. Many religions believe in reincarnation—some do. And now we need to look at reincarnation in a broader sense. This is not just reincarnating in this world; it’s reincarnating in the entire universe, because the universe is Creation. This is the playing field of manifest life. And our soul is not bound to this one world alone. Some of us have had experience in other settings, in other civilizations and we’ve brought that into the world at this time. And that is a gift because we have an innate sense and an awareness of what life is like beyond the human realm and a desire to contribute that awareness into this human setting at this very time when our world faces its evolutionary leap out into that universe.
That’s a very powerful combination that people in the world today have an innate connection to life in the universe and perhaps a past history in the universe, and our world is facing the challenge of integrating the reality of contact and finding itself now a part of a vast community of worlds. That the individual can contribute to the world at that time is of critical importance. Otherwise we are all just people. We were raised in a certain tradition. We have a certain set of beliefs. We’ve only ever interacted with each other. We have a completely anthropocentric, human centered viewpoint of the universe, of God, of religion, of everything. And now we’re about to encounter powerful forces from beyond our world that have existed for tens of thousands of years. That is a challenge that needs a certain type of gift, a certain type of solution. And part of that solution is the New Message from God.
The New Message has been given to help empower our world to meet that threshold. But the other part of the gift is within each of us; it’s what we carry. It’s the deeper spiritual mind within us that knows this is happening, that is connected to the evolution of our world and wants to make a contribution to that evolution at this time. And so the coupling of these two—the New Revelation and the power of Knowledge within the individual—is an important contribution to our world.
And, you know, ask yourself: What if? What if there was a Revelation from the Creator of all life given to prepare our world for the next great step in its evolution? What if? Why not? Many people say that that is impossible, that the scripture of the past contains everything we need, we just need to enact it in human life and restrain ourselves and our negative tendencies and just live that scripture of antiquity. But I’m sorry. We are entering the next phase of our evolution. The human story is not over. The human story is getting bigger and more complex. And why would God not contribute something new into the world?
And when you look at the world and you look at the reality of climate change, runaway environmental destruction, religious violence, political factions vying over control over nations and regions, you come to realize that we’re not doing terribly well at this time in human history—we are struggling. And the problem there in the context of contact is that our struggles and our weaknesses and divisions, long-standing disputes, our unexamined belief systems, present a numerous amount of vulnerabilities that other forces may use for their own ends. Like little cracks in the wall that a force of water or air can, you know, pressurize over time, breaking it down, undermining the whole structure. Humanity has a number of these vulnerabilities. And as we step out into the universe, out into the city of life, you know, leaving our front yard that we’ve never really left ever. And here we are the seven-year-old stepping out into the city, we have to understand this is life, this is nature, this is a competitive environment. And we better have our eyes wide open and our best wisdom on board to navigate this new environment of life in which we’re emerging into. Otherwise we will be taken advantage of—there are powerful forces that would take advantage of humanity.
Do you think the Allies of Humanity could offer more practical guidance rather than inspired metaphysics?
Going around being a beacon of light won’t cut it in a world of enslavement.
I think there are many good advices in the briefings, but it often points to the Revelation for the preparation.
In the New Message, its explained that the solution isnt an answer, its a journey.
From ‘building your Ark’ :
” So when you realize there is no place to run and hide, either physically or psychologically, then you can stand firm. And you ask of Knowledge within yourself, “What must I do?” Knowledge will begin to give you steps to take. Instead of answers or solutions, it gives you steps to take. You begin with what you have to do right now. You begin to resolve the problems that are robbing you of focus, energy and time right now. Perhaps there are a hundred steps that you must take, but you can only take them one at a time.”
“People want solutions. They want answers. They want reassurances because they are too afraid to realize that they must prepare and that the responsibility is upon them as well as upon leaders of nations and institutions. If you do not claim your own responsibility here, you will find that you have no power in the matter, and you will feel impotent and helpless in the face of the Great Waves of change.”
I can see where one might see it that way. It can seem like an overwhelming amount of esoterica. What is it’s relevance? How about some practical advice?
I spent two years on just the briefings. The first three books are very densely packed. I once thought I knew a lot, lol. From these books, I learned a lot more. Even the fifth and sixth time around I was finding new things.
They do tell us what we need to do. They tell us to study the message to get educated, to learn what it tells us and advises us to do. And they tell us to educate other people. They also point us to the preparation, the Steps. This is all specific advice.
We need many more people doing the Steps. Soon. Why? This is from step 62, “Remember, you are developing a faculty of mind that will be necessary for you to be able to give and to receive the greatness of Knowledge.”
By doing this training, we develop our innate but mostly dormant clairvoyance, out telepathic abilities. We reawaken our connection to spirit. And we can break free of the programming that limits us. We can then develop relationships with others anywhere in spacetime. Then we can communicate, we can KNOW what to do, or not do, KNOW where to go or where not to be, and we KNOW who to be with and who not.
This is the only possible way can we save our planet and stay free. If we don’t want see our children’s children farmed, we must be trained. We must reconnect with spirit, reclaim our relationships with each other. We need many more people deprogrammed and reconnected, soon.
“ The Allies’ message is very simple and very short, and in many ways very general because it is here to arouse awareness and to correct misunderstanding. That is its purpose. Beyond this awareness, there must be a development in spiritual understanding, an awareness of the mental environment and the willingness to establish greater cooperation between nations and cultures.”
Based on the revelation “Understanding the Intervention”, the Allies message is limited in information in order to protect the allies from the intervention and also to encourage humanity to find the solutions on its own.
It is strange that it is not obvious. We can look in the animal kingdom at the behaviour of primates, the plant kingdom at the behavior of weeds, of parasites, of cats and dogs…etc.. The weak are always overwhelmed by the strong, unless they learn how not to be overwhelmed and develop some capacity to avoid it. That requires awareness, understanding, judiciousness and knowledge. Is it not arrogance to deny such overwhelming may have extra terrestrial origins? The ancient historical, archeological, theological and religious all point to the same. Indeed, if we can put a Rover on Mars and have had the capacity to send probes out of our solar system [with our calling cards with disks of gold], then it is logically certain others can do likewise straight back to our planet. Moreover, the ancient astronaut thesis supports this activity going on for thousands of years, and is likely to be going on right now.
It seems consistent with the notion of Intervention that THAT knowledge is publicly avoided and not disseminated. Focus instead is given to China, Venezuela, Iran and local conditions that perpetuate the exposed and ignorant condition ripe for exploitation, in the past and probably present.
Personally, I feel that without unified governance, properly mediated through some sort of direct democracy and human sovereignty, we will be exploited by humans that have taken ETs coin. I think plenty have.
Yes, indeed, “we better have our eyes wide open and our best wisdom on board to navigate this new environment of life in which we’re emerging into.” Very clear! Thank you, Reed.
Wise words
Thank you for this Call and Must put here Reed:
“otherwise we will all be caught off guard.”
Thank you Reed, very clear exactly what we need to hear as a student and as humanity as a whole.
Thank you Reed.
Thank you Reed!
Dear Reed I was delighted with this interview and consider it brilliant in the way you have crafted it, gently introducing so many vital and salient aspects of mankind’s dilemma and opportunity as it now faces the tremendous impact and influence of contact with its older neighbours in the universe.
I liked your confirmation of humanity’s ability to sense the deep signifi cance of situations as well as mentally assess them but too the potency of our neighbour’s highly developed mental influence on us.
Thank you for your clarity and so able leadership.
Thank you Reed, it’s clear comprehensive, definitely going to make people curious to explore further. Thank you for all you do.