Reed Summers’ Veritas Radio Interview – Part 2

Reed Summers is interviewed Part 2 by Mel Fabregas on Veritas Radio on the Allies of Humanity: An Urgent Message About the ET Presence on February 1, 2018.
Go to Veritas Interview with Reed Summers Part 1
Mel Fabrigas: Welcome back to Veritas. I’m Mel Fabrigas and directly from Boulder, Colorado, my special guest tonight is Reed Summers. We’re discussing the Allies of Humanity, an urgent message about the extraterrestrial presence in the world today. And I was mentioning something before we took the break. I mentioned the stronger we are with Knowledge, the more we become a force that opposes Intervention and manipulation, and the more we become a force for freedom and integrity for our race. It seems to me that Knowledge and technology, and not physical strength, are their weapons. Am I right in that assumption?
Reed Summers: Well, I wouldn’t say that Knowledge is their strength. I think Knowledge is our strength, because the Allies talk about the Intervention and really reveal the workings of it as a force and what they’re doing and where they’re gaining strength from. And the Intervention is not strong in the capacity of spiritual awareness or they wouldn’t be here doing what they’re doing. They are here taking advantage of a native people. They are taking people from their homes, altering them; doing very dark things. This is not the activity of a race strong with Knowledge. But they are strong with technology. And they certainly are not using brute force, nor would they want to, because that’s, that would even deliver them to their end goal. And their end goal really is more integration than displacement.
MF: But they obviously know more about us, let me assume that, than we know about them. (RS: Oh yeah.) That’s why I said they have the Knowledge. They’re here. We’re not there they are, so they obviously more Knowledge than we have about them.
RS: Oh, gotcha, yeah. So the that we have two knowledge words here. We have knowledge, which is information or, you know, perspective. And then we have the spiritual Knowledge.
MF: Correct.
RS: Absolutely. The first knowledge, the lower-case knowledge? They have been observing us for decades. We have been sending all our communications out into space. We have no border to space. They have been able to watch us and everything we do—how we think, our religions, our emotions. And they have taken people and experimented on them and extracted a tremendous amount of perspective about how humans do everything that humans do. And so they have a tremendous advantage there.
MF: So let’s begin with the questions now. Given the lack of hard evidence, why should people believe what you’re telling them about the Intervention?
RS: Well, I would say there is ample hard evidence. There are decades of documented cases of, certainly, unidentified craft in our skies, of collaboration and even collusion with governments. There is not firm hard evidence, but tremendous witness evidence of human/alien abduction, certainly undertaken by David Jacobs and others in his field—very admirably. There’s the reality of animal mutilation which has been thoroughly documented; implants and other things placed in people’s bodies. That, that’s a lot of evidence.
And, you know, here I would say, well, how much evidence do you need to convince you of something? And also, what kind of evidence would convince you of something? I would ask the listener this. Because, you know, there is only so much evidence you do need to come to a conclusion yourself. You don’t need infinite forms of, infinite amounts of evidence. And I would say, we have enough—we have enough to know what is happening and to respond to it.
And then next, well, what would constitute evidence? Certainly for, you know, objects from a craft or so forth, but we don’t have those as citizens. We don’t have access to that. And I can’t present that from the Allies of Humanity; you know, I don’t an object from their craft to present to people. But often I feel like what would be evidence to people is a demonstration. And yet demonstrations can be created, you know? People want the ETs to appear in their sky, or to visit them. And they can do that. Now what is that evidence of, though?
And so, that, that I would put out there that there is enough evidence to know that contact is happening and that it is an Intervention. Absolutely. It’s clear as day. The question really is: Do we want to know the truth, and take action on it and resolve the ongoing mysteries of this phenomenon? Set aside the initial questions of what is happening, and come to the other questions: Why? What does it mean? What must we do? This I really feel is behind, you know, the statement, “Well, there’s no evidence of the Intervention.” There is evidence, but I’m not sure we want to know. And, uh, that’s a question for the listener.
MF: What I wrestle with the most here—and I’m not playing Devil’s advocate here, folks—is, let’s say that there’s truly a race of beings that’s coming with the best intention. They want to see the planet evolve into what we could potentially be. At the same time, we have heard the words, “We come in peace,” throughout millennia. And also to that you add that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and you have a formula for disaster here. Because most people would believe it. So this is why… how do I know what side to take?
RS: Oh. Yeah. Perfectly said. I mean the combination of the two is a potential disaster. What I would say is show me evidence of beneficial intent. Because I can show you evidence of negative intent. And those who claim, who make really the biggest claim, which is not, “Let’s be cautious. Let’s ask questions. Let’s ask for disclosure from the ETs. Let’s ask them to ask us for consent.” That’s all reason, that’s just reasonable to me. Those who say that these beings come to enlighten us, have transcended all conflict, or that they have a right to abduct us, that our soul made a contract with them that they would abduct us—this is what you hear.
MF: I’ve heard that many times, yeah.
RS: Or that it–. And it’s sickening. It really is. It’s justifying violation of the deepest kind. And, y’know, these are the statements to question. That…I would demand evidence of that. Or that ET has “authored” humanity, that they are the origin of our religions or our prophets and messengers, that they own this world. OK. Show me evidence of that.
So the Intervention emerges from the base of evidence surrounding this phenomenon. But the claims of enlightened races and salvation do not emerge from that base of evidence. And I would ask those who believe it, “Show me evidence of that. Show me evidence that I should basically cast aside all caution, all questions and believe and basically follow an outside authority, a non-human entity.”
MF: Is there adequate evidence to verify that the Intervention is actually happening?
RS: Absolutely; I would say there is. I mean we have the evidence we have. And for those who have been in this, you know, looking at this phenomenon for some time, it’s quite clear. It’s unambiguous. Contact is certainly underway. There are non-human entities in this world, right now. That is clear. Why are they here? I can’t fully say, myself. I have the Allies of Humanity Briefings to fill in that gap.
But, basically the Allies are calling for us to use reason and caution and our understanding of nature; that’s it. They’re not asking us to believe in a Federation that we need to join or that has rights to this world or that, without them, we can’t survive. They’re not making any claims like that. And so, you know, this is where how can I prove the Allies Briefings are real? How can I prove the Intervention?
Well, first off, I can say, is it verified by observable phenomenon? The answer is yes. The Allies Briefings are verified by observable phenomenon.
Second: Is it plausible? Are their claims extravagant? Or are their claims plausible? Their claims are 100% plausible. Sure, there are some things they say that are out there, that are things we otherwise could never know. But that’s not the essence of their message. The essence of their message is encouraging human response to observable phenomenon.
And then third, a third test of the message, you could say, is: What does it call for? What are the Allies Briefings actually asking for? That’s always suspect, you know? You know, where does the power go? Well, the power goes right into our hands. That’s the whole point of the Briefings and of the New Message is that we become powerful and we determine our future.
The Allies are not saying, “Rely on us. Engage with us. We have what you need. Your future lies in our association.” They, they are calling for the native peoples simply to open their eyes and realize this world is ours. And before we step out into the larger universe, we need to defend that world. That’s what they’re calling for.
And so, you know, we have observable phenomena. We have plausibility. And we have an empowerment of us. And that, to me, verifies the Allies of Humanity Briefings.
MF: How can people know that the Allies of Humanity are real?
RS: Well that, you know, that’s a good question. And I honestly would never expect anyone to believe me, right off the bat. So, you know, it really does come down to your, as you said, Mel, discernment. Can you discern the truth from what is not the truth? And this is a base human ability. And really what I call that and what the Allies call it is Knowledge. It’s your ability to know the truth beyond all forms of deception. Even beyond your own personal wishes and desires, can you see something for what it is? Can you look at a phenomenon and say, “It’s this,” when the phenomenon is saying back to you, “I’m this”?
And so it’s a basic ability to know. And there’s no replacement for that. You know, I could –. This is where people want evidence and the Intervention will produce it. The Intervention will generate whatever they want to see, potentially through technology, as you said. And it’ll appear magical. It’ll appear 100% evidence. But it was generated. And so they can still be duped, even with evidence. And so, I don’t know if we need more evidence or if we need more knowing, more clarity, more perspective.
So for me, you know as Marshall’s son, I grew up in the midst of a remarkable life being lived. My family and everything we went through: remarkable and special and confounding and confusing, mysterious. And I didn’t believe this when I was a teenager. I actually quite resisted it for a time. And my father didn’t expect me to. You know, he expected I would go out into the world and live a life of my choosing. And yet the awareness in me grew as I became aware of the phenomenon and as I read the Briefings and saw what Marshall had brought into the world. And the feeling of knowing grew, of me, what I knew to be true. And that’s what I followed and that’s why I’m working with my father and helping him to this day is because within myself, this is true. And I know it.
And I can’t create that for anyone listening. It’s a question for them: can you see something and know what it is? Because, again, evidence can be generated to confirm something as real that isn’t. And there can be something that’s real that doesn’t have hard, physical evidence that is real and that can be known.
And so you know, Knowledge is really what we need now. Can a person see this for what it is, feel the confirmation within themselves that this has to do with me. I’m connected to this reality, and that a purely human life, purely human goals and aspirations is not enough and that I must prepare for this. I must be a part of this in some way. That’s knowing.
And so, and I know everyone has had moments of knowing. They can look back on their life and remember a moment when they just knew something. It was just so clear to them. It was an inexplicable sense of certainty, and it ended up panning out and being real. You know, that’s Knowledge.
MF: Well this is what I tell people when they write to me and they say, “Do you believe this abductee or contactee or experiencer that you just interviewed?” And the question is it’s either I know or I don’t. I don’t know that what they’re telling me is truth. They’re sharing their truth; that is what they know. It is up to you to discern, once again. But what do you have to say to those who view the Intervention as a positive thing? And I think a lot of religious people either would say this is the devil or this is the Second Coming.
RS: Yeah. Yeah. Well, a few things I would say, you know: it’s natural to want things from the universe. But when we’re facing real contact with real beings from beyond our world, it’s important to not want something from them. It’s important to not have an automatic preference, you know, unconsidered, driving us unconsciously. We have to step back and, as you’re saying, attempt to discern. And discerning isn’t easy. People, some people, want to lay their life down and have religion decide it all and do what their family says and done, you know? And they don’t have to think very hard.
But unfortunately that’s not what life in the universe is really like. Life in the universe is a challenge and it’s consequential. And if you get it wrong and you may be on the wrong side of reality, and it may be quite grave.
So, this is a call for discernment. And for those who believe that contact is beneficial, I would ask them first, Are you basing that opinion on observable phenomena? Or are you wanting that? If you’re wanting it, that’s OK. It’s just important that you know that, that you actually have a preferred outcome and that you might be vulnerable in projecting that onto the unknown—projecting what you want.
I would ask those that believe that contact is beneficial to start with nature. Start from the position that this is nature we’re facing. What do we know about nature? What is our starting point? And I think our starting point is caution. Our starting point is discernment. You have to know what motivates you as you face the unknown.
So there is a process of honesty here. And I think a lot of us are running wild, hoping and wishing and, you know, freely associating contact with whatever we want. And we have to get serious and sober in facing it.
And, you know, for those who believe that contact is beneficial, I would urge their sense of commitment to the human family. I would urge them to not give up on human authority. I would urge them to know that contact, as it is occurring now, is a form of intrusion into our home. And, you know, if you want to open up the door and put a blindfold on and shake the hand of whoever walks in, that’s your choice. But if you want to be the responsible steward of the planet Earth and be a participant in that, you have got to open your front door and look in the eye of who is standing there. And if they say they want in, you need to mediate that situation.
This is basic responsibility. This is, this is our basic and human and native discernment. And this is what the Intervention is disabling. They’re actually teaching people to be all-loving, all-accepting; that any fearful thought in them is a sign that whatever they’re facing is fear-based. People are probably having fearful thoughts hearing me. And they might say, “He’s fear-based.” And I would say, “No. You’re experiencing fear.” Very different, OK? Sometimes when you face reality, it’s scary. Anyone who’s gone to college would know that. Anyone who’s taken a final exam would know that. That doesn’t mean the final exam is fear-based. It means you’re facing something new. You don’t feel prepared for it. It’s not want you want—totally understandable.
But, are we facing reality here? Or are we facing our own fantasies? And I, I really have to call this out. Are we reality-based, we who are looking at this phenomenon. Are we based in reality or are we based in fantasy? And there’s a lot of thinking out there that you create your own reality; that you attract whatever you think. Uh, no. Sorry. The universe is an expression of nature. Nature does what nature does. You’re either prepared for it or not. You’re not going to influence the universe through what you want or believe. You have to respond to the universe and adjust your thinking and belief to survive and succeed in the universe. To me this is basic reason. And I call people back to it, I really do because, I mean, if you’re not based in reality and you’re facing a natural phenomenon that has the power to potentially affect the future of life on Earth, and you’re not willing to start with the first questions, you’re not willing to take into account nature, then you are unfortunately playing into what could potentially lead to the enslavement of our world.
MF: You know, as someone who reads history books, science books with a high degree of skepticism, we’re always told by the mainstream that humans have only been around for a few thousand years. At the same time, studying ancient history, archeology and so on, we see all these items that are probably millions of years old and that display technology from back thousands, if not millions, of years ago. Something tells me that either humans were here and we evolved more technologically than spiritually and something happened that we had to start all over again, or perhaps a cataclysm. But the point is, if we have been the children who found the matches and we do this again and again—the latest incarnation would be nuclear weapons, for example—if this Intervention is so well underway, why didn’t they come sooner?
RS: Oh, sure. Well, first off, without the infrastructure developed to run a global economy, the…we didn’t have what they needed, OK? They couldn’t plug-in. They couldn’t tap into the supply lines to access what this world contains. Again, they can’t live here. They can’t breathe our atmosphere. They need us. And so humanity had to reach a level of technological achievement, a level of globalization that they could actually engage with this world in a realistic fashion. So, that had to wait.
In addition, they had to wait until the openness was there, as a people. I mean if we’re all, you know, back in the stone ages in our own minds, we’re not going to be very helpful participants in their collective. Again, they want us as participants—important to know. They don’t want to just take over. In part, the reason for that, as the Allies reveal, is that they can’t. There are actually rules of engagement that dictate how worlds engage in our local region of space and conquest is not allowed. They need our submission, our willful submission.
And so we stand at a time with the internet and mass media and the yearning for a global, more unified and equitable order—all of which they can play into.
So, in addition to that it really was the degradation of our environment and the development of nuclear weapons—the potential to eradicate life—that really called them to our world. And it really brought their participation into the next level. Before that, they were waiting. They were waiting until the right time to engage.
And so we have these precipitating events. We do have…the Allies do speak about this, and the New Message as well, that contact did occur in the ancient world and has occurred intermittently throughout human history, but nothing like we’re seeing now; nothing like an attempt to gain control of the world and integrate it into an interstellar—meaning a beyond-this-solar-system— collective, economically. That is a present day reality. In the past samples were taken to stimulate and provide for the development of life elsewhere. I’m sure a study was undertaken of the native peoples. But again we weren’t useful. We were running around in the jungle shooting bows and arrows. We were not participants.
And so, we have to understand that, that they are here to integrate with us, not just to take. And that really explains certainly why they haven’t destroyed us or just taken over the world. So I think that’s important to know.
And you know, the Allies do say that certain establishments were made in ancient times; an attempt to influence the natives positively was made, but that those attempts did fail, though they did have their effect. They did have their effect on the development of modern man. But those, those are events in ancient times.
And one mistake people often make is saying, “Well, those who were here then are here again. They’re back.” You know, “They’re back to take what was theirs.” Or, “They authored us and here they come to claim authority or to guide us into the next golden era.” And this is not the case; this is not the case at all. And the Allies make that very clear. Those forces who were in our world in times past are not those representing the Intervention today.
MF: You mentioned rules of engagement. That denotes a sort of United Nations of worlds in a way. If that’s the case, why can’t our Allies stop the Intervention?
RS: Good question. So, the new Message presents a whole teaching on Life in the Universe. Now this is something that had to come, really, from a Divine source because God knows what’s going on in the universe and we don’t. God knows what’s going on everywhere. And so a revelation about what is going on out there has been given to allow us to have some picture, however, you know, essential about what the universe really is like. And this is, this will help answer this question.
How the universe is like is as follows. It basically, it’s a vast expression of nature. Survival is challenging and resources are of chief concern and, therefore, trade is of chief concern. Worlds do not just, you know, people do not just visit each other’s world and there are no worlds that are like, you know, vacation worlds where you go to just relax with other ET beings.
No, it’s much more quarantined than that. Beings can’t just go to each others’ worlds for a variety of reasons. They, instead, trade. And trade associations are created and even larger overseeing bodies that dictate how trade happens and control the rules of engagement. And the Allies of Humanity and the New Message paint this picture very clearly, that there is a governing body in our local region that determines how nations interact at the level of trade, and trade only, OK? This is not like the U.N. really where political decisions are mediated by an overseeing power. It really is economic. It really is the trade of precious goods and commodities in worlds whose environments are much more barren than ours and in technological societies who have huge needs for tech–, for resource inputs.
So, this overseeing body basically dictates what can and cannot happen with an emerging world like Earth. And part of what that is is that outright conquest is not allowed. The native peoples have to vocally state their acceptance of those economic forces in their world. They have to say that they want them there. And if they don’t or if they were to express that this is actually an Intervention, the Intervention would have to stop, and that there are actually powers watching this play out. There are local neighbors in space who do not want us to fall under the persuasion of the Intervention. They don’t want a failed state next door. They don’t want a client state who’s basically underneath the authority of a large and powerful collective. Our local neighbors don’t want that.
So they’re watching. They’re watching to see what humanity does and presumably they would sound the alarm if humanity were to vocalize its resistance. This is actually precisely what needs to happen. It is the great weakness of the Intervention. They need our willful submission. And if we don’t give it and if we vocalize our resistance, they have to depart for a time or at least regroup.
There are also multiple collectives in our world. This is not just one economic force; there’s several competing. And their competition could potentially open up a benefit for us. So there are some unknowns here. And often when people learn about the Intervention they feel very discouraged and overwhelmed, and it’s not what they wanted. I even, I put a word to it. I call it, “astrodepression.” You wanted the universe to be just so much better than Earth and it’s not really that much better, at least not initially, even though, you know, there are definitely new realms of experience and connection to be had there.
It is prosaic. And so people get discouraged and think that it’s, it’s just too much; there’s nothing we can do. You know, the Deep State controls everything. And it’s not true. That’s exactly what the Intervention wants us to think.
MF: You see you said something very, very critical there. If, say, the observers, the Allies or even the ones who are intervening, they come from places that are not even close to the beauty that we have on this planet. If we were to know that, I think we wouldn’t take it for granted. I mean we treat this planet as if we had another one to, to go to.
RS: Yeah, exactly. See, this is, this is the painful truth about lacking perspective and why the Allies of Humanity Briefings and the New Message is such a gift, just as you said, because, simply by knowing what life is like out there, how rare our world is and the opportunity that humanity has being a relatively free world, a world of great individual freedom. We would have so much more to compare ourselves to than we do now. And I think we are running with such a painful lack of perspective that we get into very incorrect systems of belief.
For example, we think earth is a prison state. It’s controlled by a global elite. And, you know, we in this country, the United States, are basically living in a dictatorship. My gosh, if people had any idea what life is like out there where you have essentially prison states across multiple star systems whose people are, you know, slotted, even genetically manipulated and altered to perform a specific function; and where individual thought is either rare or nonexistent. Wow. You would have quite the perspective to understand, you know, what life is and should be here on Earth.
So you’re so right. I mean the gift here is that through a Divine revelation and a gift of perspective, we are finally able to know and to benchmark ourselves against what life is really like.
MF: Well even here in the United States we have plenty of people who think that we have the worst life anywhere. And I tell ‘em, “Go to Cuba. Go to Venezuela. Go to a country that’s under a dictatorship.” And that gives you perspective.
Now what are some realistic goals for us to set at? What is the bottom line with regard to saving humanity from losing its self-determination?
RS: Sure, well, the bottom line is we are an emerging world. And as the record of Intervention in the past shows that our first encounters will be with economic forces who are here for their own purposes. We need to see that. We need to get a basic education about life in the universe. And we need to turn our attention both to ending that Intervention, which I can talk about, and addressing the environmental crisis in the world. Because the environmental crisis that we predominantly have created through the misuse and overuse of the world’s resources has the power, like it or not, to deliver us to a state of complete powerlessness and dependency in the universe. These are the two big issues of our time: the Intervention and the reality of environmental degradation in our world.
And they’re moving slowly. You know, people are so focused on the news cycle of this week or this year that they cannot see this slow, but powerfully moving, tectonic force that is literally reshaping our world and will do so over the course of several generations.
The Allies say that, well actually the New Message has said that we have 20 years to address the Intervention before its program of integration is so advanced that resisting it will become very difficult. They said that in 2009, OK? So, time is of the essence. You know, we are burning through our precious years of responding to the ET presence. Especially after all the decades of research, I really do feel it is time now: 2018, -19 and -20. It is time to go beyond the mystery and the wonder of the ET phenomenon and to move into the next question: What does this mean? What must we do?
So, moving into those two questions is, is, would come next and certainly there’s a lot of active and activism work that has to go on about the Intervention. A basic education needs to go back onto Main Street, not the dark street—Main Street—about who is visiting our world and why and what it means.
And so I’m dismayed when I see people who are aware of UFO phenomenon basically disavowing the rest of human society, saying that, “They’re controlled. They’re brainwashed. They’re unresponsive. I’m the one who’s aligning to reality and they’re lost.” Its…no. No, no, no, no, no. No. The rest of humanity’s unaware, yet, at present. They can be made aware of the essence of this phenomenon. And they need to be.
And so there is a public education effort underway and I’m certainly engaged in it. And we need to present this basic and essential picture to as many people as possible. And with that, in time, we need to speak out against the Intervention. And they’re so many ways to do it. There’s so many languages in which it has to happen. And they’re so few, few, few people doing it today. It’s very concerning.
We need to essentially say, “This is an Intervention and we do not want it in our world.” And make that clear and known on the internet and off the internet and every other way we can. And we don’t have to go to war. We don’t have to become militant. It’s simply a clear vocalization of our rights as a native people and our will to remain free and to not be intervened with. That is what needs to go out far and wide. And, you know, I feel there are millions of people who could hear this, who could hear this basic truth: contact is happening and it’s not of a beneficial form and yet our destiny is in the universe and we are now taking that step. That is a message that millions of people need to hear.
So I hope that can happen and with it, it’s very important that enough people prepare within their own lives, to prepare mentally and emotionally, practically and spiritually for what really is the next chapter of the human experience. And it’s not “now” for the most, for the bulk of humanity. But it needs to be “now” for enough people, the forerunners of really a future time that’s dawning.
And so the Steps to Knowledge are available in the world. And I really hope that people can go download them and begin those Steps, because those are the Steps the Allies of Humanity are calling for us to take individually.
With that I also want to highlight a very important document called The Declaration of Human Sovereignty. And Marshall participated in drafting this document, and, uh, yeah… It’s at and it’s a really important document declaring our rights as a sovereign and native people of Earth. And it’s available for all people to go and read and to share and to print and to spread.
MF: So when it comes to the Greater Community, of course our biggest weapon to obstruct the visitors’ agenda is education.
RS: That’s right.
MF: This education you’re referring to, is this what you’re referring to where people can download the Steps?
RS: Yeah. Awareness, education and the power of Knowledge—those are the three components that hold the key to our successful navigation of this threshold and our evolution. And the education, it’s multi-factoral. It’s contact. It’s understanding the reality of contact. It’s education about life in the universe. And it’s an education about the Intervention.
And so, Marshall has spent, you know, the last 34 years bringing this education into the world. And it is many hundreds and thousands of pages in length. The New Message from God. And it’s up online, free for people to read and to hear. And it really is a complete new education for humanity. It’s not born out of an old tradition. It’s not the result of one man’s, you know, thinking or association with other traditions or beliefs. It is a Revelation to inform and empower and awaken our world to respond to this great evolutionary step that we are now taking.
MF: So once people are equipped with the Knowledge, how do we convey the Message to others?
RS: Well, I think once, once you become a student of Knowledge and you realize that who you are is not your mind or your body; who you are is a spiritual being that chose to come into this world at this time, potentially one of the biggest times and thresholds in human history. That awareness, as it takes root naturally, it changes how you see yourself and what you’re doing and how you relate to others. And there’s a natural healing here because there’s a part of us that is bigger than our humanity. There’s a part of us that is bigger than this one lifetime, you know, what we do and what we achieve here in this one lifetime. There’s a bigness that we are yearning to discover. And a lot of the mental, the lack of mental health, struggle and pain and deprivation in the world, some of it is a result of being disconnected from that sense of self beyond this one life.
And as we take the Steps to Knowledge and as we come back into contact with that part of ourselves that goes beyond this one world and one life, a lot of the anger and resentment and distrust that we have felt in the past begins to just melt away. And we become more essential. We become more inspired, more tolerant. All those qualities that humanity so desperately needs, where do they come from? You know, do they come from a philosophy or a code of ethics? Do they come because people are going to get something in return? Kinda like, be nice and, you know, you get fulfillment? I don’t think so. I think they arise naturally as people come in contact with Knowledge.
And so as that happens and, you know, as you’re asking, how do we reach others with that? Well, it’s very natural. Once you come in contact with this greater awareness of your life and of the universe and of humanity and its place in that universe, you want to extend that to others. And there are hundreds and hundreds of people studying Steps to Knowledge and the New Message who are sharing this all around the world.
We have translators translating the New Message actively in 22 languages. Every week I think, ah, gosh, every week probably 60, 70 pages of the New Message are translated by our translators, working in all these different languages. It’s natural. And they’ve all, they’re all volunteers. They just realize this has got to get into their language to reach people of their part of the world.
So in short, there’s a mission underway. There’s a mission and Marshall Vian Summers is spearheading this mission to reach the world with a preparation for contact for our future in a universe of intelligent life. And there are, there’re so many ways for people to be a part of that.
MF: Where do humanity’s strengths lie in opposing the adversary, if you want to call it, or the Interventionists?
RS: Yeah, we have numerous strengths, more than we know. Here’s one: our numbers. There’s a lot of us, and there’s not very many of them. Seven billion unhappy, unruly humans is unmanageable for an Intervention of several thousand engineers and technicians, which is more or less what they are, no matter how powerful they are in the mental environment.
We have numbers. We are the natives. This is our world. We know this world. They don’t. We are close to home. They are not.
There are powers that prevent the Intervention from functioning here. In fact, all we need to do is reveal what they’re doing, very clearly, out in the open. And those powers that oversee and control them may, or we hope, would put an end to their activities in the world at this time. We are not under those rules and regulations ourselves.
Also, we are spiritual people. We are people who know what Knowledge is and can be moved by it. And the Intervention really is a, a very rigid and brittle force. They are not creative thinkers. They are not adaptive. They have a well-laid plan that they’ve been preparing for many years, that they have enacted in other worlds. They are not expecting any resistance. That’s what the Allies say. They’re not expecting humanity to resist. They are not anticipating any real vocal resistance, except maybe by a few people on the sidelines.
And so if we were to generate that, even at a small level, even if 3% or 1% of the world were to become aware of this and get vocal, the Intervention literally does not have a game plan for that, OK?
So, you know there are numerous benefits and strengths we have. And the reason I bring up Knowledge and our spiritual connection is that it’s not easy for the Intervention to influence people in predictable ways when they have a spiritual orientation, because who knows what that spirit would guide them to do?
You know, the Intervention works in commerce and governance, but religion is somewhat foreign to them. It’s not foreign to us. And as people begin to respond to a Divine revelation that calls for them to see this clearly, I don’t think the Intervention has that in their game plan. And I don’t think they would be able to adapt to that.
So those are a few of our strengths. And there are many. There are many.
MF: Before I ask you the next question, one other question just popped in my mind. What is the concept of Creator or God to the Allies?
RS: To the Allies? Well, it’s quite inspiring actually. If you go read the Briefings, you will see the Allies refer to the Creator of all life and that they acknowledge that we live in a physical universe. This physical universe originated because part of the timeless state of Creation before the universe wanted to be separate. And so we had a Separation, which gave birth to the physical universe in which we live, and that basically the universe is that environment of Separation slowly working through it, coming back into relationship; and that there is a process of redemption underway in this universe, individuals and even whole worlds coming into relatedness and contributing to one another and healing the divide of Separation. That’s what’s going out there, too. It’s not just planets and galaxies, exopolitics and trade and travel. There is a process of redemption underway. There is a force for good which extends, you know, beyond the boundaries of race, religion, form and thought; and that the Allies of Humanity are a part of that, you know, that they acknowledge that that is real. And they acknowledge that humanity has gifts in this regard. We have an awareness of this that other races don’t; and that, in time, if we can maintain our freedom, if we can repel the Intervention and prepare to wisely engage in future forms of contact, we have a gift to give. We have a contribution to make to keep this Knowledge, this spiritual awareness alive in the universe where it has died out in some places.
So there is this network of good moving between individuals, between worlds, moving under, you know, behind the scenes and under the radar. And the Allies of Humanity are very much a part of that.
MF: Is the Intervention going to become a military invasion?
RS: Well, the Allies do say that there are some scenarios that might precipitate military invasion if we become too aggressive as a race and threaten worlds beyond our vicinity, which is not going to happen anytime soon since we can’t really travel very far beyond our vicinity. That might be a scenario.
Also, if humanity were to destroy the environment to such a degree that it couldn’t be reclaimed, that might precipitate a more overt form of invasion, because the Allies reveal that environments are cherished in the Greater Community. Worlds where the evolutionary process has brought into being so many forms of life, so many useful forms of life—those worlds are cherished and valued beyond the value the race that inhabits them.
OK? So if humanity goes too far, if we degrade the world too far, it is possible that more overt forms of invasion could occur. But that’s not where we are now.
MF: How extensive is their influence, the infiltration of humanity and how much time do we have?
RS: Yeah, great question. Well you know, the four activities of the Intervention, which I can just tell you what those are in brief: influencing leaders in positions of political and commercial power; manipulating our religious and spiritual beliefs; establishing bases from which to exert a pacification program; and lastly, the hybridization program to create a human leadership that is aligned to the Intervention, and that carries their, some of their extraordinary abilities but is fundamentally not human.
These four activities have been underway for decades now. And the resistance and empowerment in response to them really has not taken into form yet. And that’s why any who feel stirred by this, who somehow—even though they don’t want this to be true—know that this is true. I urge them to undertake this process of education and awareness building and to become a part of an effort to reach the world with this awareness because year by year, decade by decade Intervention proceeds, you know. And here I think back, as you have tonight, Mel, about, you know, the natives of the New World and I think back to North America, even back in the 17-, 1800s, or maybe even a little bit before then. And you know, here, you know, the Western powers and their colonies were exerting influence across the center of this continent and yet they still thought they had time. You know, they thought they could mediate this. They could even gain advantages from these new powers: horses, weapons, and so forth.
And yet the truth was simple: these forces would take control of everything. They would take the entire continent, everything that the natives had. There wouldn’t be much of anything left. That was the essential truth. And yet I’m sure if we transported ourselves back to a, you know, a Congress of native tribes on the plains or in the mountains that there would be, you know, varying points of view. “Well, we have time. We can trade with them. We can allow them to come a little closer and get something in return.”
In truth, it was a slippery slope in one direction. And the further they waited and the more they tried to play it to their advantage and the more they remained in conflict with each other, their opportunity to truly reclaim their land, their culture was disappearing out from under their feet. And you know, there’s a concept out there: slowly and then suddenly. You know, something happens slowly, just slight degrees and then all of a sudden. And that “all of a sudden” is something you can’t reverse. And I feel the Intervention will be the same way.
MF: One last question before you give us your conclusion, with all these distractions globally, how can we focus on this Intervention given the immensity of other global problems which are occurring right now?
RS: Yeah, well, there are many important causes in the world, and as I said earlier, chief most is the environmental crisis in our world. But just know we can solve all of those and we can still fall prey to the Intervention in time. And given how few people are aware of this, let alone doing anything about it, every single person who can is precious. And unfortunately there won’t be a lot of consensus around this. You’re going to be a forerunner. You’re going to be somewhat alone with this reality. But there is a community in the world, people responding to this and preparing for it.
There is something to be a part of; it is underway, week by week. And I urge people to look into that at The New Message [dot] org website. I urge people to keep this big picture in view, to not become absorbed and sidelined by, you know, all the controversies of human corruption and all of that. And I really do call people who are aware of the UFO phenomenon, it is time to get back to Main Street. It is time to reach the rest of humanity that doesn’t know about this with the essence of what we have learned over 60 or 70 years of research.
We have learned that contact is underway. It is an Intervention. And we know what it is doing and more or less why. And that essential message, not laden with conspiracies and names, places, groups, races, worlds—all of this—that simple message is something hundreds of millions of people are going to need to hear in the next 20 years. So, who’s going to do it?
And this is a calling. I mean this fundamentally comes down to you who is listening. Does this have to do with you? Is this a problem with your name on it? And if so, do not discount the importance of your participation, because we all came into this world. We wanted to be here at this time. And here we are at one of the most important junctures in the history of humanity. And if we’re just sitting at home reading about this for our own edification or entertainment, even, then we have not yet engaged with what this really is and what it means for us.
And there’s a journey to take. There’s a preparation to undertake. And there’s a community of people to become a part of who have acknowledged this is happening, have acknowledged this has to do with me and that the time is now to take action regarding it.
MF: I hope this is all true, that we can prevail and that we can metamorphose into something that allows us to rediscover our true potential. I think it’s been subdued for quite a long time. Reed and Marshall Vian Summers, thank you so much for this message, for the information. How can people, again, become more exposed to this information and get involved, Reed?
RS: Oh certainly. Well, again, the New Message from God is a Revelation received over a 34 year period, which really is the preparation for contact. It is our preparation to emerge into the universe of life in which we live. And it’s up online. It’s free for everyone to go read and download at NewMessage dot o.r.g.
The Allies of Humanity Briefings are free online at AlliesofHumanity dot o.r.g. There’s a Worldwide Community at Community dot NewMessage dot o.r.g.
And, in essence, I just want people to know that that sense of calling and deep interest that has always been with them regarding this phenomenon, it signals something very real about their deeper nature and their destiny in life. This is not an interest only. This is a calling to be involved in one of the lost important transitions underway in the world at this time. And if you feel if that is true for you, it’s time to go beyond the phenomenon itself and begin the preparation and to begin to take action regarding it.
MF: Reed Summers, thank you for your work and for joining us today on Veritas. All the best with your work.
RS: Pleasure to be with you, Mel. Thank you so much.
MF: And that was Reed Summers discussing the Allies of Humanity.
As always I want to thank you, Veritas member, for paving our truth journey another week. […] And this week I leave you with a very appropriate quote: “Discernment is the ability to see things for what they really but not for what you want them to be.” […]
Go to Veritas Interview with Reed Summers Part 1
Thank you so much Reed. I am so grateful that the second part has been published here at the Community website and it is very useful to have the transcription as well.