Step 191 and The Greater Reality

Patricia Summers speaks after the public broadcast on Night 8  of the 2018 Steps Vigil, June 2, 2018 | Step 191 and The Greater Reality

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Last night we were considering, you know, the dedication of your life for bringing an entirely new and Greater Reality to the world and, uhm, a reality comprised of many realities as Carol cited tonight, right? And one of the Steps that was included in this day’s sequence of Steps that was received 29 years ago, was Step 191: My Knowledge is greater than my humanity. And it’s amazing. I know, I know I’m sure you’ve encountered these, oh God, buried treasuries within the Steps, you know, buried treasures.

And, this, this Greater Reality contemplation has been with me for some time, ever since the New Message began to speak of this; especially because I’ve been so close, um, to Marshall and witnessing this happening. And I’m struggling in my own right to comprehend the magnitude of what this Revelation is bringing here through this man and, and seeing the considerable  burden this has been for Marshall to do this; and with good reason, right?, with good reason.

And um, one of the things I’m contemplating—and I’ll continue to contemplate and won’t say much about now, right now—is something that, for me, is the compressive power of the Revelation. And perhaps maybe later in the Vigil I, I might be able to contribute more regarding this concept, but that seems to be swimming around in my experience. I’m sure things of this nature present themselves to you, too, you know.

However, in Step 191: My Knowledge is greater than my humanity, it says, “Your Knowledge is greater than your humanity. Thus, your humanity can have meaning, for it has something to serve. Without service, your humanity is merely a restraint, that which confines you and imprisons you. But your humanity is meant to serve a Greater Reality which you carry within you today. This Reality is in you, but you do not own it. You cannot use it for your personal fulfillment. You can only receive it and allow it to express itself. It will express itself through your humanity, and it will give you a greater experience of yourself.”

And Greater Reality is capitalized in this Step. It’s just buried, buried in Step 191, you know. So much, so anyway….an expansive power resides within the Revelation and, um…so that’s all I’ll say for now.

It’s wonderful that Marshall’s here.


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