Steps to Knowledge | The Messenger’s Preparation to Receive

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Steps Vigil, Night 2, May 27, 2016.

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Part of my preparation for Steps was I had to become entrained with the Assembly, which I could only do for brief periods of time, like minutes, and then have to recover from that, because it was such a completely different state of mind and consciousness and the power of their influence is so strong that it’s very disorienting. And those minutes would have to turn into hours and, eventually, days of contact.

So it was during 1985 to 1988 that a period of time where I did, we called them Group Readings, in various cities in this country. And the transcripts to those are what make up Wisdom Volume One. I actually did about forty of these, in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, Dallas, New York—that’s it. On specific subjects. And it was really for my training that I did this. So you can read the transcripts of those in Wisdom One.

But I also had to do things that required much longer engagements that really pushed me to the limits, which made it really hard for me to sleep at night, afterward, made it hard to digest food. I was putting my body through an extraordinary experience that it really wasn’t designed for, physiologically, and my mind as well…so in order to have the intensity of having Steps to Knowledge come to me and everything that would follow after that, immediately afterward and from then on, in periods of time.

So when Steps was finally delivered… It was actually 1988. We were back in San Francisco, after our second voyage away, that I realized the time was nearing; we’d have to leave once again. And this also required us to search the country for a place to live, because it couldn’t simply be told to me, I had to actually go there, find it and know it and be responsible for choosing it.

So we put everything in storage. We bought a big RV and drove to Seattle to do one of these readings. We drove to Chicago to do one of these readings. And we ended up in upstate New York. And we were there for almost two years. And within that time, Steps to Knowledge was received, 1989. Actually, it was pretty much in the middle of that and I could feel it approaching weeks ahead, days ahead and then the day arrived; that would be it.

And the next day it would be even bigger. And that’s the day we’re commemorating today in our Vigil. And there would be days of rest and then another big download would happen. And it would continue until Step 365 and then it would end.

Relationships and Higher Purpose was received not long after this. And then the upper levels of Steps to Knowledge, which you all haven’t seen. And each one of those was received in hours. So the flood began and continued, but for me, Steps to Knowledge is the hub of this wheel.

That the preparation was given first, before the Teaching that it would embody is very important, because should anything have happened to me after that, or to us, you would have the preparation. Whereas in times past in times of Revelation, the preparation was created after the Messenger was gone, often by people who had no knowledge of this person. So, in this matter, it was decided that the preparation would be given first, or near the very beginning, so people would have that no matter what might happen subsequently.

This was 1989 and I would have to prove my fidelity and strength over and over again. And it wasn’t ‘til eleven years later that I was told that this was a New Message from God, that I had reached a place where I could bear that responsibility.

So great things don’t happen all at once; they happen in increments. And the people who are destined or required to receive them must really be ready, even more so, if it’s a matter of consequence for other people. And certainly, Steps to Knowledge is a book of great consequence for many, many people.

So I became the first student of it. And Patricia and Darlene—Darlene was with me in upstate New York. We began to study it. And I would go through Steps many times after this.

So this is a little bit of the history leading up to Steps to Knowledge. And it would be many years later when I would be told that this book is actually really old and has been given to individuals, and to worlds in great need much more rarely, for longer than humanity has existed, translated by the Higher Powers.

So the beauty and the simplicity of Steps and the mystery of how it works, with you and on you, is really something because if you will continue, you will start to see your life and values changing. You will start to see things you didn’t see before, understand things you didn’t understand before, and that which is unnecessary or is an impediment to your life will begin to be recognized and, if you’re willing, to be set aside.

It’s taking you somewhere because Knowledge within you is taking you somewhere that you could not take yourself and that you probably would not take yourself had you not had this gift from Heaven to inspire you and to ignite your life.

But as in the case with me, to receive something of this magnitude, the first stage is relinquishment. Many people, when they begin something of this nature, this mysterious and powerful nature, they want it to add on to their existence, validate their existence, give them more and more and more because that’s what the mind does. But really, the first stage is one of relinquishment, because you cannot put a new life on top of an old life.

You have to open that old life up and then greater things can happen for you.

May the Presence of Knowledge and The Teachers be with us.

Nasi Novare Coram

Great. OK.

I’d like to say a Blessing now for our gathering.

Let us be grateful that someone remembered us, that our name was not forgotten beyond this world. Let us remember that we truly do have a purpose in being here, unknown to us beyond our own goals and aspirations, perhaps. Let us be grateful that Knowledge lives within us and we can never lose it.

Let us be grateful, despite the difficulties of life at this time, that a greater promise lives within us, between us and through us, for others.

Nasi Novare Coram

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