The Deeper Intelligence Within You | Revelation Broadcast Event

Watch Reed Summers speak during the Revelation Broadcast Event, May 23, 2022.

The Deeper Intelligence Within You
Revelation Broadcast Events

Full Session Transcript

All right, thank you all for joining me. My name is Reed Summers, and it’s my honor to host once again the next revelation from the New Message from God to be released to you and to the world through the Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. So welcome. Thank you again for joining us.

Tonight we’re going to be listening and reading the newest revelation of the New Message which is entitled The Deeper Intelligence Within You. This revelation was chosen by Marshall, my father, who has been receiving this New Message for over four decades now. And he wanted to bring this into the world to you tonight. So thank you for being here to receive it. We really appreciate that a lot.

And tonight’s revelation is a big one. It’s almost an hour long. It’s going to be a big listen. It has a lot in it, so hang tight and take out your notebook because there’s a lot to be jotting down over the next hour and a half.

We’re going to listen to the revelation, and then after that I’ve a couple questions for you. And I’d like to invite you to be with those and share your response to them back to me and to all those listening.

If you have questions, I’ll also take a few questions at the end. So feel free to post those in the live chat or with the comments section where you’re watching. And that’s how we’ll do it.

Tonight’s revelation really hinges on this turning point that we are all at right now. We are all at a turning point individually and as a world. And perhaps you can feel that, perhaps you can feel that there’s where you’ve been and then there’s where you need to go and they are not the same. It’s not a straight line where the future will be like the past. The future cannot be like the past. And this is something perhaps you feel deeply. In fact, you even know it to be true. And this word, to know, or Knowledge, you will be hearing a lot tonight. It is a major word in the New Message from God.

And your experience of knowing things deeply will be really at the heart of what this message has to offer you and what you may do with it in your life. And so stay connected to that. Feel that. What is that sense of knowing that you have about your life or the world? It’s deep; it’s innate; it’s unique to you, and yet it is shared by all of us. And as the New Message reveals, this Knowledge is truly what unites us and what gives all of our lives purpose and direction in alignment with the future evolution of our world, of the human race.

So this Knowledge within us is the key. It is the missing ingredient that’s going to make everything else possible in the world. It is our last hope, you could even say.

And I know a lot of us are feeling kind of hopeless looking out onto the world to see what is happening there now. And it is really in Knowledge within the individual, within you and all of us, where the hope does remain, where the decisions can be made, where the energy can be found, the inspiration to be discovered to overcome the enormous challenges facing our world and even us personally at this time. 

And so Knowledge holds that key. And it knows what you need. It can give you that energy. It can give you that push. It can give you that reassurance. I don’t know what you need, but it does. And so I think it is very important now that we dive deeper into what this Knowledge within us is like, how it speaks to us, how it has guided us already and what it is revealing to you and to each of us as our next step to take in life. 

And so to begin with, I’d like to share this question with you. And this is a question those of us at the center of the New Message have been asking for a long time:

Are you living the life you know you need to live? Am I living the life I know I need to live?

This question is so essential. And in an instant we can deeply feel the response that we are having at the level of Knowledge. It is either a yes or a no. And if it is a no, there’s no cause for condemnation or guilt. It’s simply there’s a dynamic tension between where we are now and have been, and where we are called to go with our lives. And it is moving productively in that tension, holding it and also resolving it by taking important actions in our lives that we can simply make that progress so that in a year from now the answer to that question might be, Yes, I am living the life I know I need to live. Or at least, I am taking the steps to living that life that I know I need to live. And that experience will bring a great deal of relief of anxiety and depression and frustration that many of us, I’m sure, are feeling and have felt.

So there’s where we’ve been and there’s where we need to go. And now I’m sure like you, I and all of us have tried many, many different strategies to go where we need to go—or we think we need to go. We’ve had many different experiences in the world, relationships. We’ve owned things, we’ve gone places, we’ve tasted the fruits and the flavors of the world, probably quite a lot. And I think we all know that that’s not enough, that’s not going to do it. And that indeed is what this message is going to share with you tonight, which is that any and all attempts at stimulating ourselves here in the world of Separation and of form are not going to meet the deeper needs of our soul that exist beyond Separation and beyond form.

Only Knowledge, this deeper spiritual Mind within us, is going to meet those needs. And that is why the New Message is here, is to help you to make contact with Knowledge so that those deepest needs can be met. So that’s why we’re here tonight.

I’d like to share this passage from the revelation that we’ll be hearing:

Beneath the surface of your mind is a deeper Mind—a profound Mind, a Mind where you are connected to life, a Mind that has a greater purpose for being in the world, a Mind that is not afraid of change. It is not even afraid of death. It is quiet. It is watchful. It is the center and source of your integrity, your strength and your true direction in life.

So that is what Knowledge is. Knowledge is this deeper Mind within all of us that we brought into the world from what the New Message calls our Ancient Home, which is our permanent state of being outside of Separation and form into this world of Separation and form to make a contribution to those living here. And so this is the power of Knowledge within us.

So tonight we will listen to this revelation. The Voice you will be listening to is the Voice of an Angelic Presence that spoke this message through my father, Marshall Vian Summers, in a state of revelation. So it is using his body and voice to communicate, but this is not his voice. This is the Voice of an Angelic Presence speaking into the world a message for people of all religions and of no religion. And tonight’s revelation is entitled, The Deeper Intelligence Within Us [You].

And so with that, let’s listen to the revelation. And then afterwards, I’ve got a question for you and then I’ll take some myself. So thank you.

[The revelation plays.] 

So this was the revelation, The Deeper Intelligence Within You, chosen by Marshall Vian Summers to be released today. You’re the first to hear it, so thank you again for being here.

And so here we stand at this turning point in our lives with this opportunity to not go backward to an old life, to old ways, old habits, old pains, old sorrows, but to go forward into a new life and to have a new experience of being in the world. But which way will we go? What will we choose? The turning point is at the level of our whole life. It’s also at the level of our week and even our day, you know? What will we choose tomorrow? And why would we choose that? 

And so if you’re feeling the need to make a turn or if you’re feeling that there’s no going back, then these are the important questions to be asking. I’d like to share with you one of these questions posed in this revelation:

Ask yourself: “What is it that is really important to me in life?” Keep asking this question and keep writing down whatever comes to mind. Do this for a time, and then look at your relationships with people and places and things and say: “Does this really represent what is really important to me? Can this really support what is really important to me?”

What is really important to you that is more important than anything else? If you can only be, do or have three things in life, what would they be? Are you living a life based upon this? Are your standards high enough? Are you functioning and behaving according to your most fundamental needs?

So really sensing for yourself, what has the most value in your life? And are you with that right now? And if the answer is not no, don’t worry it will be. Throughout your life, you will veer away, you know, you will go sideways from what matters most. And so staying on course with your purpose for being in the world is very much a process of coming back. It’s coming back to what has value. It’s looking at your life because it’s not just one thing that has value, but it’s ordering the things that have value so that there is a value order in your life. Because without that value order, it is a disorder. And so much of what afflicts us can be said to be a disorder. You know, even if it seems to be an addiction or a mental health issue or financial issue or something very circumstantial or physical or emotional, it may come back down to a disordering of the values of our life. Something of low value is at the top of the pedestal and it’s taking all of our energy, all of our time, and we need to correct that. And so this vital reordering of our value in life, what has value, is really important here, especially if you feel like you’re at a turning point—a point of no return; you can’t go back. 

So, what an opportunity to ask big questions like that. And the New Message is a world in which to live and to think and to experience life according to big questions like that. It is the big picture life. So welcome to the New Message. 

I’d like to ask you all a question, and this is coming back to the reality of Knowledge because this revelation, I feel, is almost like a hard-hitting truth sayer at the fork in the road, you know? We’ve come this far, but what will we choose, right? And it speaks of many different paths you can take—reasons to go back, reasons to get distracted. And yet, it talks about this abiding need, this need to become reconnected to Knowledge within us. And I would like to ask you, you know,

How are you experiencing the need for Knowledge in your life? 

And I’m going to put in the chat here, and maybe this can get shared around a little bit, a link to a Slido poll where you can share with me and everyone else viewing some words to reflect: How are you experiencing the need for Knowledge in your life? And I’ll put this up here and give you a moment to think about that. While you’re thinking, I’ll share two passages that speak about this: 

Here you begin to see in your own experience that there is a part of you that is wise and abiding, and there is a part of you that is unwise, that is foolish, that is gullible, that is easily persuaded and seduced. There is a part of you that will fall into the traps that are set around you, and there is a part of you that will not. There is a part of you that will give your life away for some pretty face or charming personality. And there is a part of you that will never do this.

It is connecting to Knowledge, it is identifying with Knowledge, it is following Knowledge in its motivations, its restraints and its indifference that liberates your mind and centers your experience of yourself at a deeper level, at a deeper and more profound foundation.

So how are you experiencing the need to become reconnected to Knowledge? We’re all in very different places in life, so I’m curious to hear. I know in my experience with everything happening in the world—a two and a half year long pandemic and global financial crisis unrolling in front of us and then so many different events taking place in my local area, environment, in my life and my Pillars—all of that stimulation can become, you can become highly adapted to that. And that amount of stimulation, that speed and pace of life simply outpaces the experience of Knowledge itself and of oneself. So you’re going a million miles a second and the wheel is spinning ever faster and your being is spinning a mile a second or a mile a minute—let’s go in minutes, not seconds—so, a million miles a minute or a mile a minute. And so it’s the disconnect there that can cause some real experience of internal separation, disassociation, and so you know…but this happens, right? 

We’re in life. We’re not going to be able to walk with Knowledge at all times consistently, you know, and never veer away. And so, what brings us back? Where, how do we experience the need to get back? That’s very important. That’s probably the most important thing. And so I’ll read some of your words here.

Discomfort. In all forms of relationship. Urgency. A feeling of something urgent. I’m experiencing this need by being confused lately on what to do next with my life; trying some things here and there to see if it feels right. The need for Knowledge in my life now: inner freedom, a deeper sense of direction and to finally come to terms with my need for Knowledge, to reclaim it as my primary relationship. In relationships. 

Most certainly.

Essential as food and water. I am at a turning point where I recognize that I will not be able to fulfill the purpose I came for unless Knowledge is my primary focus. I feel lost and I want direction. I know what I must do, but I need to do the work; I need to do it. Feeling the need for its direction for me, to listen to and follow it. Many times I recognize Knowledge when I feel uncomfortable or uneasy; this is when I know there’s something to know; there are other times when I feel a deep peace, a sense of rightness. 

Good, thank you. It’s good to see what calls us back. You know, it’s almost like that’s the internal safety mechanism. Life can get pretty out there and we can get pretty out there, but there’s something within us that won’t let us go. As long as we stay connected to that part of us that will not let us go enough so that when that circuit breaks, it really cuts the electricity, the lights come down and we come back to some sense of the center within us. 

So I’m available to answer a question or two if there are any out there. If not, feel free to keep contributing to the Slido here. 

As you’re writing and thinking, I just want to come back to this thing I’ve shared in recent weeks that just there is this major thread in the New Message on relationship, this kind of lens through which to see life, that everything is a relationship and it goes both ways: the objects in your home that I’m looking at here in my home, the people in our lives, the things that we spend our time and energy on and the things we think about that we spend our mental and emotional energy on. And so relationships are an amazing way to see, functionally, where your life is going and how you are also being influenced in return, because there is a give and a take. 

Instead of thinking that, you know, your life is like, you know, everything is a backdrop, you know, the people, the job, the possessions, it’s a backdrop. And you’re going where you think you’re going. In truth, it’s not quite like that, you know? It’s much more 3-D; it’s not a 2-D experience. And so, considering the relationships in our lives and whether those reflect what we most deeply value, reflect our need for Knowledge or not because those are what are taking the energy and the time and the emotional awareness that we have up.

I have a question here from Ana: 

I want Knowledge to emerge inside me and to be my foundation, but I don’t know how and when?

Well, Ana, I can resonate with that. And I would say, keep on wanting and connecting with what you most deeply want. I think the conviction to want what we know is something that builds slowly and it can even become a crisis, and it can even erupt or grow most in times of disappointment. And that’s why those times are the biggest opportunities, is because finally your thinking mind is wanting what your knowing mind is going to do or wants to do through your life. And so when those two sync up, it seems like movement happens in ways it hasn’t, and life changes quickly.

And yet, it’s not scary, you know, or terrifying. It feels quite familiar. And so, keep wanting what you feel you know. But lay the foundation and take the Steps to Knowledge and look at your life and put it up in front of you, all the elements of your life, like slices of the pie, you know? What are the slices that make up the whole pie of your life? And consider how big those slices are. Are they too big? Consider where they are relative to each other. 

And Knowledge will slowly shift you in a way that will reshape those pieces of your life and open up new capacity, and then new experience can come. 

But yeah, it’s a process. It’s a process of making way, making space, allowing for some emptiness. It’s a process of feeling out your own inner experience, which may seem or feel foreign in some ways. And then it is a matter of time and coordination with others. I mean, there are others in the world who are coordinated with you. And so not everything happens on our own timeline. 

From someone else, we have a question: 

Any thoughts on how to approach the resistance to Knowledge when you are afraid at certain times regarding what it will reveal, what it will ask of you?

Oh yes, I have some thoughts on that because I’ve been at that point of resistance many times, where a decision needs to be made; something is not right, and you’re asking the question, “Should I do x, or should I go here, or should I do something with this person?”

And yet, the moment you ask it, a storm cloud erupts over the desert landscape and the winds thrash and the rain falls and the thunder rolls and you cower under the rocks, you know, of the intensity of either the fear of doing something that you need to do but don’t want to do, or the fear of not having something that you feel you really want. 

So what I like to do in those moments when it’s really difficult to come to clarity, is to pull back and to inventory, What is it that I want in this situation? What is it that I fear, in this situation? Wants and fears, that’s one way to do it. And then…so come to understand where you really stand. Instead of trying to cast a Hail Mary throw to Knowledge and hope it gets caught, it’s like, hold on, you’re a mile from the receiver, so you got to get a little closer; you got to get a little closer to a throw that you can make. 

And so inventory where you stand with this decision. And if there’s fear, go into the fear, what’s behind the fear. Because often emotions of a very different quality stand behind each other. And so fear can and sometimes becomes anger, can sometimes become grief, shame, you know, and it goes and it goes. And so there is some depth to get with where you really stand.

And then, open yourself to the possibility, of a yes or no, of Knowledge saying, Do this or Knowledge saying, Do that. How would you be with either? And then if you can get to a place where you’re okay with either result, you have neutralized the personal charge, then you can ask the question. And in a split second you will know, and you will be able to do it without it provoking a crisis, or a, you know, a return to the courtroom, where you call everyone back in and we go over this all over again, right?

It’s like, no, you can know, and you can do, and then you have to follow through with what you know. And that’s kind of a different stage in the process. But big decisions in life can require this inventory process and can require this mental preparation for multiple outcomes, and getting down to the heart of the fear, or the anxiety, or the desire…because, sometimes that, what’s behind it is you wanting what you know, actually. It all comes home, comes full circle.

But that broken circle, if it doesn’t come full circle, can provoke just tons of ambivalence and anxiety for a long time. But often what we most deeply want is what we know. It’s just we’re seeing it, we’re projecting it onto someone or something in the world that’s not going to give it to us.

And isn’t that so the story of being a human in the world, you know, of projecting a deeper need onto something of lesser value that just cannot deliver?

And so the New Message is nursing us back to a more healthy relationship with life where we put the full weight of our deepest needs on Knowledge, which can provide, and we put less weight on other people and things in pursuits that simply cannot. David asks,

Can you share an example where you have veered off, or a story or tale? 

It’s story time around the campfire. You know, David, I can think of plenty of personal ones that I don’t think I’ll share. But gosh, there’s so many moments where we lose contact with this sense of knowing what to do next. And so I will tell you, when you do find that sense of knowing what to do next, you will have that experience of calm, of confirmation; and you will lose it. So just FYI, you’re going to hit that wall and you’re going to find yourself in the wilderness again. And what you may find yourself doing is filling in the slowly growing emptiness within you with other things, other people, other pursuits, other identities, you know? And you can find yourself kind of going backward, becoming someone you were perhaps, or becoming someone you’re not, someone who’s very foreign to yourself. And of course, that produces conflict in relationships. And so…

And then you can try to resolve those conflicts when really the conflict is within yourself. It’s you’re not connected with yourself and you’re projecting that state of dissonance onto other relationships when really it’s this relationship. And so, I don’t have a story, a specific one, I can pull up right now. But that basic experience of losing touch with oneself—and there are many ways we do; we can talk about that all night long—and then entering into some state of dissonance or conflict that we then project out, it becomes the state of other relationships we have, other disorders; and the realization that this is what I need to reorder, this is the relationship I need to restore, and then to see that affect your relationships; and then a natural order occurs, a natural restoration occurs. I think that’s a beautiful thing to witness in your studenthood. 

And so you can see, though, how much compassion and patience it takes with yourself, right? Because if you freak out at the negative side of being a student of Knowledge, then you’re not going to complete that circle and build the skill and the understanding of how to make the turn back, how to make the turn back and back. It’s like an engine kicking over again and again. 

And so the wonderful thing in the New Message is it helps us along that entire process. So much of the New Message is about losing touch with Knowledge. So much of the New Message is about regaining contact with Knowledge. Some of the New Message is about staying in contact with Knowledge. But a hefty amount is about the process of going sideways, you know, departing that center line within us and then getting back to that center line within us. So the New Message is a huge resource in this way. 

But I invite you to consider that there is a need for Knowledge in your life. You may be expressing it in ways, other parts of your life where it’s not going to be met. And I know that’s been my experience, for sure. And so the simple beautiful moment that’s available to you right now of realizing, “Knowledge is the only thing that’s going to give me the deep feeling of___” You fill in the word. The deep feeling of___ that you are needing and seeking. And there is a way back to Knowledge and it can start today. Today can be the turning point where my life turned. So that is the beauty of this moment and of this revelation we just received. So thank you so much for being with me to receive it. 

And this revelation is available online now. And last week…I need to make a habit of reminding everyone what the revelation that was released two weeks prior: Freedom from Manipulation—I also encourage you to go listen to and to read. It actually is a very powerful addendum to this revelation, talking about the influence cast back upon us by all the relationships that we have out there, and possibly one of the reasons it is so difficult to come back to Knowledge in our lives. So understanding the nature of relationship and influence is very important here, and choosing the influence and the relationship with Knowledge, knowing that it will bring what we most deeply want and need.

There are other books of the New Message that are available, that are up online for you to read: The Journey to a New Life, Living The Way Of Knowledge. And then three forthcoming books partially published online: The Bridge to a New Life, Love and Relationships and Building the Foundation for a New Life

And I also invite you to join me for upcoming revelation releases. Next up in two weeks we have Freedom from Addiction on June 6th, which of course will be deeply connected to today’s revelation which talks about Knowledge and the internal disconnect that we can experience from Knowledge. 

So thank you so much for being here again. And we will gather once more to receive the next revelation of the New Message in two weeks’ time. And until then, be well and consider how you can make the return to Knowledge within your day, your week and even a broader step to take in life. So this is the need I think we are all feeling. So, and I will follow it with you. So thank you all. Good to see you on the chat here, and we’ll see you next time.

Open Session Transcript

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