You Gain Access to Knowledge Through Experience Excerpt

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak on Night 9 of the Steps Vigil, Jun 3, 2016.
I’d like to share a passage from a Teaching that was kind of forgotten; it was a Teaching given in November of 2007 called “Freedom,” and it was a Teaching I listened to a great, very often during that time.
But it so happened that around this time I was coming to the end of a very long period of illness, about five-and-a-half years, actually, where I was not able to receive The Assembly. And in the fall of 2007, I gained enough health and wellness to be able to do that, which precipitated a flood of Revelation for me.
I think in 2008 I received a hundred and fifteen special Teachings and during that summer, after a trip to Iran and Sweden, I received three books, including: The Great Waves of Change, Life in the Universe, and The Third Set of Briefings from the Allies of Humanity.
So somehow all of that took the place of this beautiful Teaching that I just discovered recently and Patricia pointed out a passage that I think is very important for us at this moment, so I’d like to read that to you now:
“… You gain access to Knowledge through experience, not idealization. You experience the reality of Knowledge by following what it gives you to do and not to do. This validates its reality and proves to you beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is not a creation of your intellect; it is not a phantom; it is not an illusion.
“It will show you that it is not born out of your ambitions, your desires, your preferences, your attachments, your phobias, because it acts independently of all these things.
“For many people, the true validation that Knowledge is real will come when they have an experience of knowing something and not wanting to know what they know…”
I want to read that again for you.
“…For many people, the true validation that Knowledge is real will come when they have an experience of knowing something and not wanting to know what they know.
“This experience, which can be so difficult and which people avoid, is in itself a real proving ground, an essential kind of experience to have, for it demonstrates to you that there is a greater reality within you and it is intelligent and it has purpose and it is not deceived by what deceives you intellectually.”
It’s ironic that the thing that we may be most afraid of, the fear of what Knowledge or God may ask of us, is the one thing that proves the reality of our true nature, our destiny, our purpose and the reality of those who have sent you into the world.
So I pray that you will allow Knowledge to prove itself to you, if appropriate, by giving you something to do that you really don’t want to do. For when this happens, you will know, as it says here, “beyond a shadow of a doubt,” that there is something greater living within you that holds your purpose and destiny.
Nasi Novare Coram
Poignant and so true. Gratitude for this Marshall and for all you have gone through as a man to bring this wisdom to us.
Retreana Carvedon Celton Ly
Nasi Novare Coram